Walk left of road, good. Walk right of road, good. Walk middle of road, get squished like grape. If you don't yet have enough rep to comment, try to engage with the site for a while. The site frowns on posting comments in answers. That said, welcome. — Mindwin Remember Monica17 hours ago
Best NAA comment ever.
@Feeds making chat more humane with Tavern Onebox
@PetLinux a new apprentice!
Join me, and together we shall correct the galaxy!
Personally I went the opposite way, used to have decent self control (regarding what I eat), but since being in hospital, losing lots of weight, and having to regain it, I've kind of lost it. Now that I gained the weight back, can't really stop eating. Halp! :D
@JourneymanGeekOnStrike my NAA flag and del vote? Yeah, that "answer" is really annoying.
On SU there's the Deposit User which is suspended for quite some time. And I also know that it is used for spammers, but how does it work? Does the account of the spammer get 'linked' to Deposit? Do the answers get moved there?
@PetLinux lol not in this case. @Journeyman means the troll kept being suspended by mods, but used to come back with different accounts and different IP address.