@CodyGray-onstrike Jeremy Banks and Nicolas Chabanovsky, though Jeremy might have not asked to get one on purpose, i.e. stay below the radar. Nicolas signed recently and doesn't mind having the diamond, I asked mousetail but he didn't respond.
@RandomPerson fun times! Surely something to tell your grandchildren. ;-)
@Tinkeringbell well here one day holiday turns into three days off school or work, as people have to prepare before the holiday, and rest after the holiday. Sadly, it's actually true. lol
Best is Passover, there's whole week before the holiday even starts where there's no school at all, because "teachers need to clean their houses". So lame.
Passover itself it only one week, but holiday from schools is nearly a month. (think 20 days.)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack I think that was still present in Oblivion. Basically, craft potion -> drink -> craft stronger potion thanks to the previous potion buff -> drink new potion -> repeat
@Tinkeringbell nah, not related. The point is, they take days off way before the holiday, and after the holiday is already over. (Teachers, so parents also have to take days off work.)
I'm having 5 weeks of summer vacation (1 week in July, rest late August/early September) this year. And I had a few days off around Christmas, Easter, Ascension Day and King's Day XD
Luckily, no one with kids will be injured in the process :P
did preview a few current rules (like the age limit)
there's value in the council just its hard to keep something like that running unless the company/mod relationship is healthy, and moderator motivations are high
(some people use bots that ping periodically, or you can ask a mod to unfreeze the room. IF there's work on chat, then we might want/need to ask for a way to keep a room from freezing permanantly for mods)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack I appreciate SE increasing the CM team, that was a positive action. I think they should have made better progress with community hires and going past just 'stratergy' to on the ground community work... I think firing people for short term profitability is a net negative
and those speak more for the company than what the CEO or staff say
@JourneymanGeekOnStrike with 0 visibility into what's happening inside, I'm pretty sure that engineers are one of the groups that are more actively giving feedback in line of the community's requests
@KevinB I've well hit the comment limit, so elaborating in chat instead: I hesitate to elaborate too much, as regardless of your/mine/MSE's opinion, almost everything said there was said with an expectation of it being private. That said, some of the SG Team was simply bug reports, and there isn't much value in having tons of minor bug reports on MSO, especially if the bugs will never be seen by anyone outside the private beta.
There's can also be controversial topics (no, I'm not elaborating on that), and it's helpful to get feedback privately. Also, and while I know downvotes aren't (meant to be) personal, it's tough being on the receiving end of tons of downvotes. It's often helpful to be able to suggest something and get gentle and useful constructive feedback. It's also nice to get feedback first as (in some cases) changes can be made prior to announcements on Meta for general feedback.
While Meta is absolutely important and valuable, Meta can also be very harsh at times, and that isn't really ideal when trying to gently float a new idea. Sometimes that is justified harsh feedback, but... that isn't always desired or productive. In some cases (no, I can't elaborate here either), you're trying to get feedback from those that have personally used the tools (in private beta), and so it being public isn't always useful.
I see it as more a case of... SG is a big change, one that will have consequences when it's released. Waiting until everything is built and set in stone before getting community sentiment/feedback is why we're in the mess we're in.
iunno, maybe it just needs occational updates to be posted, here's what it is, here's what we've done, here's what we're looking at, we'll check back in in 6 months, thanks
I'm a non mod, and I fully agree with what you've said. One possible idea that could (maybe?) work is getting feedback in Stack Overflow for Teams and then asking publicly. That would allow for some constructive feedback first, but also gives the wider community a chance for input. IIRC the Moderator Council did that somewhat, but I wasn't on SE then and aren't sure about that
More progress updates and transparency would be good, I didn't mean to imply I like full-on secrecy for months. I just meant a private space for gentler feedback prior to all of Meta can be helpful
it's easy to just say we're doing X without sharing much, and then letting people on the outside just imagine it to be what they want it to be... only to be disappointed when it finally releases
happens all the time with AAA games
naturally, with SG there's already going to be a bit of skepticism around it due to how many perceive SO Docs being doomed due to the addition of rep
(we coulda had this discussion in the SG chat, i do i have access to it)
i just stopped hanging out there when i started to feel like the project was moving in an unfortunate direction