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1:53 AM
6 messages moved to Chimney
2:45 AM
3 messages moved to Chimney
16 messages moved to Chimney
1 hour later…
3:53 AM
TIL that you can use tilde characters for code fences in CommonMark spec.commonmark.org/0.30/#fenced-code-blocks
5:18 AM
@Feeds Let’s talk invisible onebox models
2 hours later…
7:39 AM
both visaenvoy spams immediately before are also still up
8:04 AM
12 messages moved to Chimney
8:24 AM
all gone now for the record
8:43 AM
7 messages moved to Chimney
2 hours later…
10:18 AM
Is this spam or just some confused user? electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/659118/…
(PCB layouts being on-topic at the EE site)
@Lundin looks like spam to me
10:38 AM
Yeah I suspect it is self-promotional. Why would they link a company which answers the question they are asking... I'll flag as spam.
11:09 AM
@SPArcheon for some reason, I have a suspicion of "moon" at the 3rd image (most-right) of "Types of the moon that are difficult to be recognized"
the cropped image reminds me of this
which is a photo that I took long time ago using a DSLR
of partial solar eclipse...
11:27 AM
@MetaAndrewT. start to worry if it suddenly starts to look like this.
or this...
looks like NaA to me
random junk posted for lulz
yeah, I don't think it qualifies as R/A, I put a NaA on it
@ShadowWizardChasingStars gone
@JourneymanGeek gone
@ShadowWizardChasingStars gone
12:34 PM
KEMONO_PANTSU_(number) is creating new accounts to evade their network-wide ban and continuing their spree; see metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/…
12:51 PM
@tripleee flag on the respective sites - I think there's a CM aware of the broader issue
1:01 PM
@SPArcheon speedrunning the apocalypse event
... wrong series orz
@Feeds Fear the Nobox
5 hours later…
6:46 PM
@JNat double thanks! :)
7:09 PM
> This account is temporarily suspended network-wide. The suspension period ends on Dec 29, 2296 at 12:41.

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