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3 hours later…
^ returning spammer, disguised via bit.ly
1 hour later…
@DavidPostill the other @david does, though. ;)
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
Guest Post on November 03, 2022
One test case, not one test assertion.
@Feeds one box, zero images.
@Feeds spam links included, for free. Nice.
Everyone: don't click the links to blog.ploeh.dk in the blog post! They redirect to some online course, they are NOT what they appear.
Pity we can't flag blog posts.
OK, only one. But still, one spam too much, to some online course.
@ShadowTheKidWizard meta post?
I can check it in the morning off a spare system
the blog post that is labeled sponsored?
@JourneymanGeek well, it's just one link, still didn't figure if broken or on purpose.
or that ne wone
It links to online course, given by the blog author, and cost $45.
(from quick look, didn't dwell there too much.)
@KevinB it's not labeled sponsored it's "code for living" series, whatever it means. ;)
Looks like they let programmers promote their private blogs, and don't consider this advertisement.
@ShadowTheKidWizard I assumed the link on "Imagine that this is the desired interaction. Using outside-in TDD you write the following test:"? The one that redirects to Plural Sight?
*redirects to the online course about outside-in TTD on Plural Sight
@MetaAndrewT. yep
Somehow that's the first link I tried, so at first got panicked and thought they're all spam links.
But the other links actually link to the author's private blog.
The trick of having URL of his blog, that redirects to a product is nasty, that's a fact.
all but 2 link to the their blog article. 2 exceptions: the online course on Plural Sight, and the book on Amazon
pluralsight has been hammering us recently, daily calls, emails, ads have been all over the place,
Q: Is it considered bad form to link to paid tutorial?

Mark HeathI've made a Pluralsight training course for users of my open source library, as a resource to help answer in detail lots of the most commonly asked questions. You do however need to be a Pluralsight subscriber to watch it which isn't free and I get a small royalty cut when people do watch it. If...

Jul 26 at 7:26, by Meta Andrew T.
Isn't one of the purposes of the blog to... spam legally?
2 hours later…
Hello, could somebody tell me how to handle this edit suggestion?
Since we're not going to your reviewing tasks for you, what are you thinking and why are you not sure?
(also, you might have more luck in a general Stack Overflow chatroom for SO specific things, the advice you may get here may apply but may also miss something specific to that site: it will be generic general advice)
@GrafiCode I can't tell you what to do, but I've voted to reject as "no improvement".
Seeking advise for suggested edits review is slippery, each reviewer has their own opinions, and that's fine. No written rules.
Anyway, in this specific case, it's doesn't really matter if it's from the CSS or not, the idea and the meaning are still exactly the same.
@Tinkeringbell well, we happen to have lots of people here with programming background, so guess it's fine. Of course not invite them all and flood, but once in a while like this one should be fine, and nice diversion from our usual discussions here. ;)
(or lack of discussions.... :]])
This reminds me, @M.A.R. what you think of Israel's election results?
@tripleee can we use Smokey to watch users without blacklist them? I mean notify me when a user post something, but not report it as spam.
Likely not, but worth asking. :)
This one posted a "question" advertising his iOS app, but self deleted before I could flag as spam.
Since it's iOS app for SE, meant to replace the official dead app, it's in the gray zone, but still, for me it's spam.
thanks for your feedback
@ShadowTheKidWizard Still think we shouldn't be doing other users reviews for them, but whatever.
It's really not that much of an effort to ask to learn how to get to the right answer yourself, instead of asking directly for the answer. And the former is way more useful, teach a man to fish and all that
@Tinkeringbell well the request wasn't worded very well, but hopefully there meant they want advise, not someone to actually do it for them.
Yet you gave an answer that still basically did...
Well I couldn't resist reviewing it myself. ;)
baking the fish for Tink
Don't. I can handle it myself.
3 hours later…
Is profile creation possible from the public API?
@ShadowTheKidWizard I uh.
I don't care beyond teasing you with them.
I come from a generation and people that find elections more and more a ridiculous masquerade
Western Europe or Chechnya, the representatives don't represent the wishes of the people. Sometimes a miss is as good as a mile.
@ShadowTheKidWizard some people actually need to do that? Well, I actually tend to take moderate care of my body, handle the leakages, reboot the systems, that sort of thing, and the living part takes care of itself
@JourneymanGeek now there's actually rigor mortis
@ShadowTheKidWizard flags as spam
@M.A.R. maybe even Regis Mortis

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