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@Tinkeringbell if your nausea is not caused by some serious medical condition, a simple pill can help
Drink a lot of water, and avoid fatty or spicy food for a while
If you have heartburn, you could try fixing that first.
Some oral infections, or even something so simple as forgetting to brush teeth for a day, has personally sometimes made me nauseous
As for the pill, domperidone should be pretty safe
Some allergies, not just food allergy, may induce nausea
@ThomasMarkov vaguely a little more this week
4 hours later…
@Feeds How to get more engineers entangled with oneboxing
1 hour later…
@M.A.R. It probably was the spicy food that started it. But I've slept it off now :) As for pills, those are nice if you have them on hand, I didn't ;)
@Luuklag government?! So it means IE6 only. Have fun! ;)
Banks in Israel still using IE6 for their internal apps. And will use it also in 1000 years due to a very simple fact, it costs too much to upgrade their systems.
Also useful for COBOL programmers, they'll always have jobs in banks due to this simple fact. :D
@ShadowTheKidWizard ah, my last job managed to shed IE6... but insisted on edge, which was fun cause we had HTTPS with self signed certs that edge goes "Nope" on
@JourneymanGeek lol well, governments and banks are like mountains, they can't be moved.
@ShadowTheKidWizard banks are the worst place to trust your money with ...
@rene pity, but if you're using alternatives, you trust thieves to not break into your house. ;)
I'm in fort Knox
Or, you can go Ye style and buy social networks with your money. :P
I go meta
Yay! Give yourself flower shaped diamond once you buy it. :D
@rene Is the "K" silent?
Not when I pronounce it
Knock Knock on Knox Doors
What benefit did I now receive from downvoting this unclear question? — Luuklag 12 mins ago
Good feeling, of course! @Luuk ^
And now going to finally play FF14 for my own good feeling, hopefully there isn't a new patch, that can take full hour to install. :/
!!/play FF14
@ShadowTheKidWizard No such command 'play'.
@ShadowTheKidWizard I'm kinda confused at the user since most of the downvotes he's gotten is complaining about downvotes
and there's no obvious activity elsewhere
@ShadowTheKidWizard Good vibrations ...
@JourneymanGeek probably sock, yeah.
@rene Good Old Times
@ShadowTheKidWizard true!
@ShadowTheKidWizard well see, but I think their systems are pretty up to date.
@JourneymanGeek sock?
@Luuklag no idea
there's nothing obvious
I think we'll just deal with the problems in front of us than dig deeper :D
If you want to dig into history you should consult a licensed archeologist.
Found nothing either :P But they dug their own hole by question repetition ;)
@Luuklag Luckily, we have @Tink here.
No luck was involved there.
Love the race condition on that last smokey post.
It got deleted between me loading the page and loading the flag dialogue
So I could only flag for mod attention
@JNat stackexchange.com/users/26588223/eco-nour?tab=accounts and stackexchange.com/users/26608127/simranjain123?tab=accounts for the backlog - the latter has only one surviving account but Its hard to mug a SF mod
@Luuklag the steel bar one? :D
@JourneymanGeek The SU one that was posted here
@Luuklag ah
that got mod attention
Nicolas being busy changing Juan into Juan
Wonder why their so aggresively editing out every Guarza part and replacing with M? Even went as far as deleting this perfectly fine question: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/363188/…
Also fun that google indexes things like this: stackmod.blog/2018/07/july-2018-newsletter-ii
@Luuklag Probably just a 'don't have your full name on the internet' kinda thing.
I just opened the company mailbox (do that once/twice a week as the important mail goes to the client mailbox anyways). Had an email that I didn't submit 'you're weeky timesheet'.

And since the English in company mails is always so bad, it still had me double-check that I did just copy my timesheet from the one from last week, and as such I did submit a weeky timesheet last weeky ;)
@Luuklag no? He's changing the last name, though it's still trivial to get to their real name.
@Tinkeringbell why bother with English when all (?) employees speak a different language? Here only fancy startups doing that, but at least pay nicely. :D
@ShadowTheKidWizard Because expats, for one thing.
@Tinkeringbell ugh contractor life
though I did once not file one of my timesheets for a year
@Luuklag HR wierdness?
@Tinkeringbell well type in his full name + Stack Exchange and you get a gazillion hits
Don't omit the SE part, he has a nefarious name buddy
I flagged one of Nicolas' post to link him to a blogpost announcing Juan's start on SE, wonder if their going to redact that too
@Luuklag including the blog
@Luuklag we generally see those flags tho
so.. we'll likely have to re-kick it up
@JourneymanGeek i know, but he wasn't pingable in chat so that was the next best thing
@Luuklag yeah. sigh it would be so nice to have a headsup about these things
@JourneymanGeek headsup coming your way, after the fact though ;)
Then its too late :D
@Luuklag I've kicked it up (formally) for attention. Give it 6-8 units of time
Yeah no worries, they can do as they see fit. I don't expect anything from it.
@Luuklag They're aware and its by request/under review
considering the cirumstances uhhh I'm gonna do some creative editing
@Tinkeringbell I'll avoid spicy food for a couple of weeks at least. That might be easy or difficult, I'm not familiar with Dutch cuisine besides food that would make thick honey hide in shame
Complex carbs (bread etc.) can help nausea
@M.A.R. Well Dutch cuisine is generally... salty and bland :P
I was just starting to enjoy sometimes cooking more spicy food :(
Got some good recipes and recipe books...
Probably not going to avoid spicy spices for weeks. I'll get used to it :P
@Tinkeringbell stop adding salt then ....
@rene Not just salt... think about spekjes in stamppot! :P
Yeah, can't have stamppot without spekjes ...
@Tinkeringbell you need to build up to it
I do... I mean I don't think half a teaspoon of sambal is dangerously spicy even for Dutch people XD
Depends on how hot the sambal is
I understand that we're not an easy platform when it comes to on-boarding new users or guiding and coaching users but there is one USP that should not be neglected, ever: We're different from the rest of the internet. That is key in why the community that wants to share their knowledge are here and not somewhere else. Being (more) different then anything else should be the driving force behind change, not blending in with the chaos found elsewhere. — rene 2 mins ago
@rene - what's a USP?
@JourneymanGeek I have no idea. Just 'plain old regular' sambal ulek XD
@JourneymanGeek unique selling point
too late to edit ... feel free to make that change
Unique selling point
Pretty common abbreviation
Oeh quite buggy connection going on
Being late to the party by almost 15 min
1 hour later…
@Tinkeringbell oh, so that's the case in your company? You have people from more countries?
@ShadowTheKidWizard Yep. Expats, migrants, refugees... it's a pretty big company too, so...
@Luuklag lol no, they don't touch old blogs. Pretty sure even Adam is still Anna in the original welcome. If there is any? Let me check...
Feels good to be correct sometimes! :D
Alison Sperling on January 26, 2012
Anna Lear is joining the Stack Exchange Team as a Community Manager working remotely from Ontario Canada. Many of you may know or recognize her from her role as a Programmers moderator, and – most recently – Stack Overflow moderator. Anna is a software developer and a longtime SO user. In her spare time she…
They don't rewrite history, just keeping relevant Q&A posts up to date with names.
I prefer to not mention any names to begin with when e.g. mentioning other posts in a post, just write "As written in this other post", but there's no policy and many people write "As written by [name here] in this other post..."
@Tinkeringbell oh, interesting mix.
@Luuklag hmm? What party did I miss? :(
@JourneymanGeek huh! It's about time you'll ask about abbreviation, usually you're the one using abbreviations others (well, me ;)) aren't familiar with. :P
Question: if a user hits the ratelimit too many times will they be auto-muted or something similar? having some problems with a bot
@Ginger nope
Assuming you mean chat (not API) at least.
In chat, you'll just have to wait more time.
I do mean chat
@Ginger there's a omnibus post on rate limits I think
There's no auto mute.
guess it's a problem on my end then
@ShadowTheKidWizard Its above my non-pay paygrade
That said, when something is suspicious, the account might get auto logged out. @Gin
I kicked it up to the community team and they can deal witj it
@JourneymanGeek changing Juan's name? I really don't see any point in this.
@ShadowTheKidWizard can't tell if that happened here, will investigate further
@ShadowTheKidWizard \o/
There was a big issue with bot in Den, I'll check if the developer shared details when fixing it.
Found some.
in Shadow's Den, Sep 4, 2020 at 14:25, by ProgramFOX
@ShadowWizardWearingMask No, it wasn't, but the restarts caused a high number of logins over a very short time period. SE probably started blocking the login because of that (which has to be a relatively "new" feature).
@Ginger ^
So turns out login itself can be blocked.
ok, well that's not my issue but thanks anyway
Oh wait there's more:
in Shadow's Den, Jan 1, 2021 at 18:18, by ProgramFOX
The preventive solution: restart less
The remedy: wait hours until SE decides to not serve you a captcha anymore
Captcha was blocking the bot login.
my bot uses cookies to fix that issue so that's not what's wrong but I appreciate the help
@Ginger well, ProgramFOX might be available, if you want his help let me know and I'll ping him in Den.
He's used to me pinging after months and even years, and usually turns out in a day or two. ;)
which reminds me
@M.A.R. ping
@JourneymanGeek Shog?
oh lol
First time I see @Journeyman doing nonsense ping, that's my realm! :D
@ShadowTheKidWizard nah, it's fine
@Ginger oh, OK. Good luck!
@Ginger In chat?
The rate limit will increase in time if you keep hitting it while you're rate limited.
So the more you run into it, the longer you'll have to wait each time.
my bot lib implements exponential delay
If you're looking for bot help, I'd advise asking around SOBotics, if you can find a human.
ok, thx
@Mithical beep
For years I thought that chat is named SOBiotics i.e. Antibiotics, related to biology or medicine.
@ShadowTheKidWizard 01100101 01111000 01110100 01100101 01110010 01101101 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110100 01100101
. _ .
@Ginger no worry Smokey doing that a lot, it's not illness. :D
Time to place online order. Cya!
ok good just wanted to make sure it hadn't suddenly become sentient :p
@Ginger See the chat profile :)
@ShadowTheKidWizard \o
Apr 13, 2015 at 19:37, by SmokeDetector
@xkcdBot I'm more sentient.
hate it when my bots decide to revolt against me, always ruins my morning
added to "Great Quotes: Keep for Later Use"
you've got a list of those? where can I find it, I need to add it to my SO fortune database :p
@Feeds Stack Overflow without oneboxes
@ShadowTheKidWizard I hope the list also contains good old classics like "Needs to be 20% cooler", "Believe in ME who believes in you!" and “When flattered, even a pig will climb a tree.”
and I think this no one here will recognize.
Probably too old and specific
@SPArcheon nay
@Ginger well it's in my head, good luck finding it. :D
It's a big, dark, place.
and very empty
how to really scare @curious.
@SPArcheon you haven't scared me! I've just been super overwhelmed haha Haven't even touched SD in weeks
1 hour later…
@curious Something something Apple Bloom.
and finally the thing @Tinkeringbell feared most.
Endless diffusion generated ponies.
(as a watercolor painting because RNG god)
@SPArcheon nah... try green parrot instead
yep, it can be done.
welp, 2 green parrots staring at the viewer, that's scary...
@MetaAndrewT. yep, I didn't post the third one
@SPArcheon but can you make a knitting parrot?
So did this parrot knit himself?
that'd make it recursive, in which case you'd have to be careful to not have too many parrots and cause a parroty error
4 hours later…
@Ginger "Pieces of nine! Pieces of nine!"
@Ginger Here's one you might enjoy:
in Python on Stack Overflow Chat, Jul 17, 2015 at 12:55, by PM 2Ring
In accordance with the ancient programmer proverb: Never test for an error condition that you don't know how to handle.
*laughs in except Exception as e*
good one, will add

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