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12:44 AM
@Spevacus yeah uh, that was certainly up there on the weirdness scale...please call a doctor, do not get your medical advice from MSE
3 hours later…
3:18 AM
Who is XOXO?
The Stack Exchange Team
4:03 AM
They probably meant just XO
XOXO may refer to: Hugs and kisses, a way to express affection == Music == XOXO, Panda and the New Kid Revival, a 2008 album by Her Space Holiday "X.O.X.O.", a song by Miliyah Kato from the 2010 album Heaven "xoxo", a 2011 digital single from Humming Urban Stereo XOXO, a 2011 album by Casper XOXO (album), a 2013 album from the South Korean-Chinese boy band Exo "XOXO", a song by Ayumi Hamasaki from her 2014 album Colours "XOXO", a single by American rapper and singer Jumex feat. Lil Xan, released in 2020 XOXO (Jayhawks album) 2020 album from the alternative country band The Jayhawks == Other... ==
4:28 AM
@Shree hugs and kisses, kind of popular to end a conversation/letter
Thanks. Its all about culture difference and non native speaker. @MetaAndrewT / @Rob
It's actually derived from over a thousand years ago, middle ages, Latin, and Yiddish:
Hugs and kisses, abbreviated in North America as XO or XOXO, is an informal term used for expressing sincerity, faith, love, or good friendship at the end of a written letter, email or text message. In the United Kingdom, the phrase 'hugs and kisses' is widely used but XO or XOXO are not (though X, XX etc. for 'kisses' is). == Origins == The common custom of placing "X" on envelopes, notes and at the bottom of letters to mean kisses dates back to the Middle Ages, when a Christian cross was drawn on documents or letters to mean sincerity, faith, and honesty. A kiss was then placed upon the cross...
4:45 AM
Ohhh. Learn new thing.
Old people trying to be hip and cool, by pulling off a dad move.
5:27 AM
@Feeds It's Onebox world, we're just living in it.
4 hours later…
9:32 AM
@jnat another spammer for the backlog ;) : stackexchange.com/users/22518784/…
And another one for you @JNat: stackexchange.com/users/13632272/…
@Luuklag I've had 3 posts ranting about mods on other sites, then this...
@JourneymanGeek yeah its a fun day
10:11 AM
@Luuklag gone
@Luuklag gone
@Luuklag and gone
1 hour later…
11:20 AM
im so glad SO has overcome its unicorn obsession phase
23 hours ago, by Shadow Wizard Is Vaccinated V3
> Unicorn: grants its owner a pass from one task.
1 hour later…
12:22 PM
<--- whatever you said.
2 hours later…
2:33 PM
@Feeds No joke - you can buy our Free Oneboxes package right now... but it only lasts for a week.
2:53 PM
@Feeds It is autumn now, and the keyboard costs is the same of a 1kg Lint Lindor Maxi. Guess which will I choose...
i don't need more desk junk
1 hour later…
4:24 PM
@Shree An Elliott Smith album played twice. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XO_(Elliott_Smith_album)
Or just its "Waltz #2" track played twice. Which it deserves.
6:18 PM
@RyanM would “yes” be a valid answer? :P
6:34 PM
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica Certainly can seem that way sometimes...
6:58 PM

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