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1:32 AM
@RyanM IIRC public Q&A and teams have seperate TOSes
so presumably yes
6 hours later…
7:05 AM
@JNat stackexchange.com/users/19036030/beerdolls20 german sexdoll spammer ._.
Not sure if we need that amount of detail ...
Someimes one needs to share the horror
7:28 AM
Few would want a Plumbus
7 hours later…
2:50 PM
How can I send a long message on chat?
38 messages moved to Chimney
@Wolgwang .... how long exactly?

@JourneymanGeek 597 character
@Wolgwang uh... you can't?
github gist or pastebin, then share the link
NVM adding a blank line in the beginning and end does the job.
2:55 PM
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit dapibus porttitor habitasse metus, at magnis egestas tincidunt in nostra ridiculus cursus feugiat velit, finibus ligula justo sagittis est suspendisse vivamus nascetur litora pellentesque. Urna ligula suspendisse ultricies scelerisque proin pulvinar etiam rhoncus, efficitur suscipit commodo tincidunt at mus. Eleifend primis mattis magna feugiat elementum facilisi dictum vitae commodo enim, facilisis laoreet vehicula himenaeos lectus phasellus dolor ut fames mi, turpis iaculis sed ridiculus etiam molestie fermentum interdum congue. Lorem
@DavidPostill How did you do it without adding any blank line?
I wonder if the mathjaxy nature of it has anything to do with it
@Wolgwang <shift><enter> after each paragraph. I can't remember how many paras I added but I suspect it could have been more.
3:15 PM
@JourneymanGeek Nope.
@DavidPostill Ah! I am unable to send it if I remove the extra blanks.
3 hours later…
5:58 PM
Hey people!
Can somebody please inform me regarding how to create a Feeds bot for SE chat? Do we need to know programming to do this?
Iirc you have to be a RO, but I donā€™t remember more than that.
@RandomPerson you need an RSS feed and be a RO, then go Info -> Feeds and add the link to the feed. Example for Tavern: chat.meta.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/89/…
@MetaAndrewT. so how do we make a RSS feed?
by writing the content according to RSS format and hosting it somewhere, but perhaps that's not what you want?
@MetaAndrewT. I actually have no clue about RSS..
6:10 PM
On the top users section of , shows up in the ā€œrelated tagsā€ sidebar. Is this a ?
@MetaAndrewT. oh.. ok
So can each feed be assigned what kinda messages it will send?
@RandomPerson yes, HNQ chat room has 177 feeds to assign for each site
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica nice, but it behaves the same for all tags
6:39 PM
Been busy
4 hours later…
10:21 PM
@Rob I didn't even have sub-2K users in mind when I wrote that, but if 2K editing on that type of post sets a precedent, then maybe an MSE post is in order.
Like a small aside in the 2K page about when not to edit. Spam, off-topic, etc.
10:34 PM
I only support a polite reply (using "Other" reason) when the person has =< 500, though I've seen people with almost 3x demand a lengthy debate. Either way rejection is correct, not knowing isn't a license to run wild.
1 hour later…

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