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12:41 AM
So this is what Experts Exchange has been planning since then!
In light of the unpinning and the votes on the chosen answer I think it would make a better candidate for a historical lock than deletion: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/92683/…
1 hour later…
1:49 AM
@Ollie I don't know if its still true, but SE lore from the early days is that said prolific editor actually has semi automated tooling for some things like "Stackoverflow -> Stack Overflow"
2:21 AM
It was probably their first activity since joining: meta.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/79515 meta.stackexchange.com/users/1075179/… - the two prolific editors are other persons.
2:35 AM
@JourneymanGeek If you're talking about an editor who uses "Active reading" in many of their edit descriptions, yes they do still maintain and use said tooling: it's open-source on GitHub, linked from the homepage linked on their profile, and the last commit (adding more substitutions) was within the last 24 hours.
@RyanM yup
Haven't checked but... Iirc it's been the case for over a decade 😁
6 hours later…
8:20 AM
@RyanM really wondered what "active reading" means. And even more curious, what about "passive reading"? :D
Q: Current Tag included under Related Tags

KazOnly seems to be for the "Top Users" page of a tag. Confirmed for multiple sites and tags.

Until proven otherwise, a , yeah.
Welcome to Meta . I'm not sure which search brought you here but the problem you describe will not be answered on this specific site. To get an answer from users that have the expertise about the topic of your question you'll have to find and then re-post on the proper site. Check "How do I ask a good question" and "What is on topic" (in the help center) on the target site to make sure your post is in good shape. Your question is definitely off-topic on Meta and is better deleted here. Also, state what the question is. — A Rogue Ant. 1 min ago
Was the name omitted on purpose from the script generating this comment?
Used to be something like "Hello [name here] and welcome to Meta", etc.
Wild guess says that the text is stored in the database and dumped verbatim, no chance to apply templating parameters.
8:37 AM
@JohnDvorak ?
I don't have it, but from what I know it's a userscript people are using, and with single button click it generates the comment. (without posting? Not sure.)
Anyway, should I be upset that my coworkers didn't notice my new glasses? I changed glasses after 15 years with same pair, to something very different. :P
2 hours later…
10:24 AM
@ShadowWizardIsVaccinatedV3 NVM them, we noticed:
@ShadowWizardIsVaccinatedV3 If there are no women on the team, no need to be upset :P
He's married ;)
@Rob actually the new glasses are very much like this!!! lol
@Tinkeringbell one woman, the secretary. She's arriving only once a week, but still... knows me for almost 20 years. cries
@Rob I just don't expect men to notice such things... It makes for a pleasant surprise when they do but avoids a lot of disappointment if they don't :P
@ShadowWizardIsVaccinatedV3 Nooo, then you should be very upset :P
10:50 AM
@ShadowWizardIsVaccinatedV3 it is my old stock comment. Only the script does the Welcome {username}.
@Tinkeringbell :( :( :(
@rene ohh, I see
11:12 AM
Here are the actual new glasses:
@Rob work your magic on them! :D
11:22 AM
Next time iron your shirt before taking a selfie.
@ShadowWizardIsVaccinatedV3 Ah, well... no wonder nobody noticed, they're barely visible :P
@rene and wear a tie? ;)
@Tinkeringbell put glasses and you'll see... :D
@ShadowWizardIsVaccinatedV3 yes! I'm going to propose an SE dress-code.
12:12 PM
1 hour later…
1:19 PM
@ShadowWizardIsVaccinatedV3 Huh, that's for me, Chrome 93, no userscripts
1 hour later…
2:49 PM
@ShadowWizardIsVaccinatedV3 Keep an eye out for you:
these things still exist? :O
3:07 PM
@JohnDvorak yup
@Rob thanks!
@cairdcoinheringaahing screenshot?
@ShadowWizardIsVaccinatedV3 Hang on, I may be looking at a different area. I don't see the "10 questions tagged ..." bit on top of the related tags
....oh right, it's in the Top Users section
Goes to show my level of reading comprehension then :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah
@cairdcoinheringaahing Happens to the best! :D
@Rob now a test: what's written on the big wall plaque behind me? ;)
3:46 PM
@ShadowWizardIsVaccinatedV3 I tried a half dozen online OCR tools, can't read it.
I put far less effort into OCRing it but also did not succeed in getting anything sensible out of it
4:18 PM
It says ואהבת לרעך כמוך but the picture is mirrored.
4:49 PM
I figured it was probably reversed, and from ancient text; but none of that helped with online OCR.
@ShadowWizardIsVaccinatedV3 This:
Note that the text is a little stylized.
5:15 PM
@ShadowWizardIsVaccinatedV3 Nice.
I started to wear glasses from 3 months. :(
1 hour later…
6:24 PM
38 messages moved to Chimney
7:04 PM
@ShadowWizardIsVaccinatedV3 looking good :)
@JourneymanGeek PMort IMO is an upstanding guy and a lot of his edits if looked at closely have manual intervention (I doubt there are bots doing semantic rephrasing). I've also never seen him be anything but consistently courteous, something that at times seems like a rare commodity.
@RyanM if you carefully read up no the MSO posts about editing (which I did, methodically), the corpus is on average full of misinformation. If you were to believe half those opinion posts you'd end up with nothing but reason to not edit, or reject suggested edits.
Which kind of explains why 6 figure rep users are in the habit of rejecting valid edits all across the network for no valid reason. Try registering a 1 rep account (or make you network profile invisible) and you'll see the amount of invalid rejects you get.
My experience as an editor is simple: the amount of busybodies that give you a hard time about editing is inversely proportional to your rep. Even if you're doing everything right there's an unreasonable amount of people who take it upon themselves to give you a hard time when it's obvious they haven't done much editing and don't know what they're talking about.
2 hours later…
8:51 PM
Can anyone else verify if they can Remove an Application from their profile settings page? I have the feeling the Remove button does nothing but maybe it is me.
9:09 PM
filed a bug

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