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@hyper-neutrino Suggested edits are rate-limited to five at a time, so that limits over-bumping.
@Catija I voted it as a duplicate of a more modern one, an FAQ
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog ah, right, totally forgot about that, thanks for reminding me
@Rob hmm? the question was normally closed by 5 users, not OP
@MetaAndrewT. Who asked and is also listed as a closer of the question, rather than one of the closers being the Community user?:
It's not two users with an identical name, which could have been a possibility.
@Rob oh, the OP voted to close instead of pushing the shiny "Yes" button then :)
@Rob compare to this instance instead when I voted to close as dupe then confirming it.
@MetaAndrewT. I noticed that this question you linked to includes this answer (amongst the many answers) that suggests Franck could have chosen "No" and then proposed a different duplicate; but his choice was overridden by the majority on the other two reasons - so that's /dev/null for the OP's preferred answer.
@MetaAndrewT. That example lists you and the Community user as the closer. This search locates all duplicates, going in newest order, a few down, finds this question where the OP isn't named; instead the Community user is credited. --- That's the difference, my initial question ...
Here the OP is not listed, but here the OP is listed as one of the Close Voters.
2 hours later…
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard hmmm, this flies in the face of consensus over in SObotics, there are multiple problems with writing a regular post from a bot account
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard not very hard, all you need is a dictionary
@rene should I add this to the SObotics guidance?
@hyper-neutrino I have a request to thaw some roooms on Meta now too so I need to rack up enough rep on meta.chatexhchange.com too (done now, I think)
@tripleee i keep forgetting the networks are separate by rep *sigh*
association carries over but the rep itself on another network doesn't help. oops
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard the fix for that is to slightly overcommit and rack up enough rep that it doesn't matter if a few of those points are lost
or get enough rep on one site so association gives you guaranteed rep on MSE :D
@Catija I'll keep that in mind, thanks -- my current algorithm is to pick the highest-voted hits for the typo I am targetting, but I suppose it would be more respectful to target recent posts (though then who knows whether many of them will survive, and who should take care of the old posts?)
@hyper-neutrino yeah I have another project where that will be the approach which makes more sense
@tripleee well, if that gives us new / unique / original / non-plagiarized and high quality tag wikis and excerpts for so far pristine tags, then I prefer that yes. I admit that it might need some better language skills then just finding and fixing regular posts.
thanks, I'll try to incorporate this into the post on SOBotics Teams
when editing posts, spread it thin, specially on low traffic sites. I mean: we notice someone is on an edit-spree.
would three per batch be more palatable? or just one at a time?
from the outside it's not always easy to discern what qualifies as "low traffic"; do you mean anything except Stack Overflow, or anything except SO+triplet, or do you have some other guidance?
3 per day would be a nice number for MSE.
(sorry for the sloppy typing)
I try to compensate by going over the suggested edits queue from my main account (-:
(obviously skipping the edits of my own sock puppet)
low-traffic is: looking at the /questions active tab and count how many posts were active on the last (few) day(s). Stay way below that number.
@tripleee nobody doubts about your good intentions and it is appreciated. I'm sure within a few iterations we get both better content and better process guidance for the next puppeteer that needs rep for their sock. This process is a win / win if the outcome is captured in guidance going forward.
updated old SOBotics Teams answer
@tripleee looks okay, left two comments there. I hate it that we don't have a proper on site canonical for stackoverflow.blog/2011/03/24/redesigned-tags-page
or at least, I haven't found one
all are "plagiarized" / citing the blog
I'm sure we have learned a thing or two since 2011 about tag wikis and excerpts
@tripleee I can't see any problem with it, unless you mean the bot writes the post, if so sorry for not being clear. I meant the person who created the bot can log in to the bot account manually and post question or answer from that account. @rene did it, and nobody ever complained. SE doesn't care who writes a post and in what name.
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard absolutely, but then if you are not logging in manually to the account, you will not be notified if the post receives feedback etc. I have that experience myself and would like to avoid it
So the edits are actually made by the bot, automatically? That's nice.
it's not materially different from users who disappear but that doesn't mean it's attractive
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard no, these are manual edits while I was logged into the sock account
@tripleee easy enough to track it with your main account, especially now with the "follow" option.
I still can't help but think that bots should not be involved in questions or answers, just to keep the distinction clear between live human users and bots with a very limited mandate and agenda
@rene ohh your SEDE query is much better than mine (no surprise there)
@tripleee well it's worthy of meta discussion, to see what others think. I agree it may be under "legit, but doesn't smell very good", but better see other opinions as well. :)
though you have "and" where I have "or"
@rene I incorporated your comments into the answer; feel free to delete them
Anyway, against all odds, Israel does have a new Prime Minister and totally new and different government now.
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard It's not forbidden to use a second account to post, unless your main account is somehow post-banned/you're using a new account for every post with the intent to avoid post bans... stuff like that. It does come with the downsides tripleee mentioned: If you use different accounts, it becomes harder to track notifications and such.
But as long as your second account is doing anything your first account wouldn't be able to do... that's the rule for socks, you know that rule.
@Tinkeringbell sure, and there is a point in the fact the second account is a bot, but still... don't think it should cause you to avoid doing it.
Ideally, moderators will simply give explicit access to bot accounts that need access to chat.
Is the second account used to run a bot and still has a human writing the posts, or is the bot also the one writing the posts? :P
And well, just because something is allowed doesn't mean everyone has to do it! Skydiving isn't illegal here but you won't get me to do that for any amount of money.
@Tinkeringbell could you validate my latest custom flag, I saw Catija did the thing I requested, but the flag is still pending
@Luuklag Check again? I think I already did so half an hour ago?
Oh never mind
Yeah just noticed
@tripleee it is more effective to edit those that need both an excerpt and a wiki. It is easier and if done right both get accepted, earning you +4.
!!/coffee Ayo
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard brews a cup of Americano for @Ayo
And in the meantime, Peter keeps wasting his time... meta.stackexchange.com/posts/366472/revisions :(
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard we have awesome content, even the deleted stuff is top-notch spelling and grammar wise ...
Well, it could be undeleted at some point in time...
oh no my coffee scared Ayo away. :(
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard Well I could use another coffee ;)
I was selfish and made myself a cup of coffee
@Luuklag take Ayo's, it's now cold but still a coffee... ;)
@rene boo
*microwaves coffee
Heretic .-.
@JNat cross site spammer: stackexchange.com/users/21898685/… cc @Tinkeringbell & @JourneymanGeek nuke their MSE profile?
@Luuklag I did one better and wiped their profile
Good job! ;)
Now only their network profile is left spammy ;)
I'm out of here for the rest of the day :P vacation!
@Tinkeringbell Enjoy
@Tinkeringbell okay, see you tomorrow then!
@Luuklag eww it's like boiling an egg in microwave. :P
@Tinkeringbell You picked nice weather for taking a day off. Enjoy!
Oh wait, your in IT, then this is the worst day possible to be free, all this sun will burn you like a vampire ;)
@Luuklag Day?! I picked a whole week. Just waiting for the pool to fill now
@Luuklag no worries, I have a 'parasol'
Thanks everyone!
@Tinkeringbell Any plans for the coming week?
@JourneymanGeek cross site spammer for you! meta.stackexchange.com/users/1018937/allianze-bpo-services
Hey Ayo is back, lets see what happens if we give him coffee @ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard
sdc coffee ayo
@Luuklag brews a cup of jQuery for @ayo
@Luuklag gone
@JNat Cross-site spammer: stackexchange.com/users/21699292/pooja
If anyone wants to flag some spam, it'd be appreciated :)
some of them were funny
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard Yes, it doesn't help when the correction is incorrect; trading bad grammar for bad spelling.
These suggested edits are scoring me a lot of credit for reviewing: meta.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/stats - 6 so far today, for a total of 666 😈
your quick on the trigger @Rob
your = you're
Wait a few years and it will no longer be wrong ;)
@Luuklag I'm dreading that day.
Also when "its" and "it's" swap meanings.
Yeah, it's just something that doesn't come natural to people that are not native speakers
I don't think we use any ' in Dutch really
only for 's middags or 's ochtends
LOL, Rob "Quick on the Trigger" NoLastName of Stack Exchange
which most people just write as smiddags or sochtends anyways
You didn't write wich !
The most common native Dutch misspelling.
which witch is which?
Son of a wich!
That would be sand's wich.
Ima gonna trifle with a trifle trifle.
@Rob yay for me :) Yeah for us it is really strange to have a H after a W.
@DavidPostill Nope. "I'mma" and "gonna" don't work together. (:
Where translates to Waar. Whose to Wiens etc. etc.
@Luuklag Wy?
@DavidPostill Just not a combo that is present I think
We'd like to know what poor comes out as, pooer?
@Rob arm ;)
It's all they can afford.
Searching the dutch Wikipedia confirms that everything starting with WH is an english name.
or What
@Luuklag Whisky?
Well thats borrowed from English ofcourse
@Luuklag suspension? ;)
@Rob not sure what you mean? Peter's edits are fine, but made on wrong posts. He polish turds. On regular basis.
And he has over 2k rep, so doesn't need any review.
@Luuklag WHale
Upside is that it shows us the turds so we can delete them
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard Walvis
which funnily enough would translate back to shorefish
@Luuklag when they're old, but today he polished fresh turd.
That would make for some messy hands ;)
Ryan Donovan on June 14, 2021
Across alien epics and procedural crime dramas, detectives and truth seekers have repeated the mantra: zoom and enhance. It’s passed into popular culture as a much-beloved meme, but in recent years, machine learning has increasingly made this fiction trope into an accessible reality. And we’ve got the demo to prove it.
@Feeds Let's onebox
@MetaAndrewT. Could we use AI to determine whether or not to onebox?
Could we use AI to determine whether or not we could use AI to do something?
@hyper-neutrino Then answer will always be 42
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard You meant to hook the prior comment?, but if you don't see anything wrong with this you should neither review nor edit (from your linked example):
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard 4 // chosen by fair dice roll
@Luuklag Not if it's Tiger:
@Rob Looks more like an apple
Or am I missing some reference here?
You can have a bite!
@hyper-neutrino good! 4, 5, 6 mean onebox.
@Rob this is wrong, but surely he fixed it afterwards? Anyway, we can't reject his edits as they're not suggested.
@Luuklag No more than is below average for The Tavern:
@Luuklag might be Tiger's turd
imgur claims it's "Ball of dirt"
The only thing I dislike about our resident Editor in Chief's edits are that he'll edit in wikipedia articles on stuff that... Really doesn't need it.
Chicken dinner for @Shadow
However I'll take the bad with all the good he does.
After Resurrection he'll be a bumper in a pinball machine.
@Spevacus Well - I suspect a lot of the time its things he dosen't know about
@Spevacus you mean in edit descriptions?
We should host a party when he hits 10K revisions :)
@Luuklag Nah, in the actual post. I'll see if I can't find an example.
I do see them in his revision summary all the time though
Yeah I don't mind that at all. He's citing why his change is correct, which can be useful for folks unfamiliar.
No... Let me show you what I mean.
Also, how am I included in those pings?
@Ollie leave it for a bit. We want OP to see the response obviously before deleting it
@Luuklag OP can always see their own deleted posts
@JourneymanGeek but if they close the browser tab which had the question and come back later, their question is "lost", most won't bother to search how they can find it.
@Ollie I typically wait until it's been alive for >1hr and has a score of -8 or lower (so it's not on the front page and not as visible) before asking for others to vote.
@Spevacus yep, OK.
@Spevacus So you won't ask for others to vote for off topic questions asked 20 hours ago, with score of -7? ;)
I'll... Consider it ;)
Well for me it's "or", not "and". ;)
If an off topic question was posted more than hour ago, or has score of -8 or less (even if posted less than hour ago, since it's off the homepage) I'll ask for here. :P
Y'know what I should do instead of ironing out when to ask for delete votes? Get 20k :P
FR: (marquee) notification banner when your post got deleted not by yourself
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard It was his second attempt where he introduced the error; any fixing was done by the subsequent deletion.
1 hour later…
anyone else seeing a non-deleted answer here on a deleted question:stackoverflow.com/questions/67973282/… ?
@rene give me 5400 rep on SO :D
Okay, hold on
update users set reputation = reputation + 5400
try again?
Cool, now I see it... a blur flower :O
Does the flower become clear at 20k reputation?
Glad it works
on a bit more serious note, I think I have seen a meta post about a similar thing, but then, I have a bad record of meta memory...
@rene or... I can just test it on my site, and it's possible to undelete answers on deleted questions, so... yeah.
wow. Weird
Wonder if you could run a query against all answers where the parent Q is deleted.
All answers that are not deleted, that is.
> As part of our standard hourly process, we now force all answers of deleted questions to be deleted.
Well that ends that I guess.
Unless... That's no longer working? :O
@Spevacus seems to be working still: data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/1422262
If it is undeleted recently, then I think we need to wait another hour for the script to kick...
Let me do a science again...
huh, what, wth. That answer that I undeleted before. After deleting the question again, it's now deleted again with 1 pending undelete vote O_O
Ooh. Hit undelete and see who the mystery "voter" is.
The culprit is.... me ._.
there's no "deleted" entry for answers deleted automatically due to questions deleted
compare to the question
conclusion: don't play with undelete votes ._.
@Luuklag not many. I need to sort a few more boxes, do a big spring cleaning of my bedroom, visit grandparents and do chores in general... But most of my time will be spent sleeping, chilling in the pool, or gaming.
@Tinkeringbell no eating? :O
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard While that would probably be a good plan... I'm already snacking XD
@Tinkeringbell well if you're in vacation, can upgrade to restaurants and stuff, no? ;)
Great tagging:
I was in restaurant with wife last week for the first time after over a year. Went to super fancy place, cost thrice than the average place, lol. (about $200 )
Good thing they are studying genetics.
@Rob they covered all the options; It's rather a good thing. :D
Wonder how design got mixed up in there.
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard Technically yes, practically no ;)
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard well you had a whole year to save up!
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard That's crazy pricing! Texas Quail is U$22 and Alaskan Halibut is U$38 at Craft Los Angeles (the best restaurant in town): craftlosangeles.com/menu/dinner - even their best steak is %25 that price.
At those prices they'd charge you a hundred bucks to cook your own kidney.
@Tinkeringbell money? :/
@Tinkeringbell yup :)
@Rob well I talk about fancy chef restaurant
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard Nah ... Not fully vaccinated until Saturday and there's still restrictions (basically a lot of hassle like having to make a reservation and do health checks and stuff)
It can wait :)
My own cooking is far from perfect but passable enough
@Tinkeringbell oh... yeah we were there until very recently. :/
Interesting, the reviews are very diverse.
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard Here's one of the best restaurants in the world: restaurant-lecinq.com/en/menus/menu-uk - Similar pricing.
I would rate it four stars, only due to insane price. While food was perfect, such price is still too high.
@Rob not same, about double. We paid $200 for the two of us, not for each person.
Keno Ken certainly hates it.
Each cuisine cost around $40
@Rob yeah probably being there before and it was somehow better, or just different, or maybe COVID era had some effect on the memory, making all past events look bright.
I wouldn't say the food was mediocre. It was excellent.
Some people certainly love it, some hate it: tripadvisor.com/…
They charged you extra, for the covid sauce.
@Tinkeringbell How are things with your apartment coming along?
Anyone thinks this deserves a status-review? meta.stackexchange.com/questions/366481/…
> Indicates that the circumstances behind a bug report are set to be internally reviewed, or that the feature request contains merit to consider but the decision on its approval or decline requires more investigation.
i don't see any evidence it's set to be reviewed yet
@Luuklag due date shifted to be after the 'bouwvak', so late August now. The walls soaked up too much moisture and were too wet for stucco, so they had to delay. I did pick most of my furniture this weekend though!
@KevinB No, if mods here tag it as status-review it automagically gets added as a ticket to the devs backlog
@Tinkeringbell well at least progress is made
@Luuklag yeah, and I don't mind much... I can imagine it being annoying for those people that sold their own home/ended their rental agreements though
Wow your shopping looks an awfull lot like my brother in law's
@Tinkeringbell yeah that's true
@Luuklag is that good or bad :D
He just went to a showroom, and said, this, this, that, and was done within the hour
No visiting gazillion shops or websites
just one
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard Think the food is expensive, check out the pricing for a room, starts at €1250 and goes up to €25K per night - for small to large rooms: reservations.fourseasons.com/…
Oh... Well ehmmm... This was prefaced with visits to at least 15 other shops XD
@Tinkeringbell girls will be girls ;)
And to be fair, I only went to this one again to show mom the model of the couch and bookcase that I liked
But then I fell in love with it after seeing it with that teal fabric...
And then we saw the pillows
And the chair
And the table :P
So yeah... It was pretty much girly shopping, going for shoes but coming home with a whole new outfit :P
This also took at least three hours XD
@Luuklag @Tinkeringbell I did the same. Went to a 2nd hand furniture charity shop with a budget of 1000 UKP. Done in an hour max - all the furniture for a 1 bed flat. Went to another shop and bought pretty much everything else I needed for bedroom, bathroom and kitchen for another 1000 UKP, again in about an hour. So fitted out my flat in 2 hours :)
@DavidPostill I wouldn't get my wife to do that with any amount of bribe
@Luuklag I don't have a wife ;)
Well that would be the upside of that then ;)
When I moved into Florida for a temporary assignment, I had rented an unfurnished room. We (me and my father who flew back two days later) got there on a red-eye flight having been awake the full prior day and not slept on the flight. We literally had to complete all the required furniture shopping (bed and desk) before we could sleep
Why would you do that? Such a hassle. Especially in Florida there are plenty of companies that specialize in just renting you all furniture and other items you could need, like dishes, cutlery, pans, pots etc.
My inlaws also hired an unfurnished house from the owners directly, and then paid a company to furnish it for 2 years.
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard With a larger group it may cost you less to fly to India and dine at a fancy restaurant there than locally (assuming COVID weren't an issue)
Air India flights are cheaper as they have rights to travel over Saudi airspace saving tons of fuel
@Luuklag Yeah, we considered getting through Cort (furniture rental giant) but saw that it would cost the same to rent for two months than to buy in many cases, plus we weren't sure how long I'd be staying as I had an open return
Ah yeah, thats the downside then yeah.
My inlaws had a fixed deployment. And this way they didn't have to go through the hassle of shipping furniture internationally, and getting rid of unwanted items
It would be more flexible plus the same price in the end to buy and donate in the end (with a tax writeoff) than to rent
but ofcourse they bought stuff like an extra couch etc, that was eventually shipped back to NL by container
@Rob nope, those were the prices always.
@Rob well yes, that's a different story.
@DavidPostill Wow. That's some serious shopping!
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog indeed, lol. Reminds me of people who fly all the way from USA to Israel just to visit a dentist, and they save thousands of dollars this way, over few years. My aunt used to do that while she could.
From the U.S., it would be uneconomical. A round-trip ticket to India from here in SoCal costs around ~$1,500
But to be honest, when going to fancy restaurant in fancy location (right on the beach in my specific case, forgot to mention it), you pay extra for the luxury of just being there.
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard And prices are most likely inflated due to increased demand now that most covid restrictions have been lifted?
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard Ah, that makes perfect sense. Same thing goes for beachside areas like downtown San Diego as well as places like Solana Beach
@Tinkeringbell I did have an electronic shopping list with me. And the help of my sister to tick things of the list and keep a running total so I could stay in budget. I just had to choose stuff! But yeah I was very happy to do it in a couple of hours and stick to my budget :)
I came in just under by a few pounds ...
I was also happy that a charity got a good chunk of what I spent on furniture. Some of it was even new as it had been donated to the charity shop. Went to the British Heart Foundation.
@Luuklag nope, none that I know of.
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard Ofcourse they wouldn't tell you ;) But they must find a way to recoup their losses from being closed for a period of time, right
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog indeed.
@Luuklag well I didn't check personally but as far as I can tell, the prices are same to what they were before, in the restaurant I went to, and some other places I visited since, which were closed. Same goes for cinema, etc. Keep in mind great many people lost huge amount of money during COVID, so they can't afford higher prices, even if they want.
The businesses that were closed and survived simply had no expenses during COVID, and/or have large enough savings from before COVID to help them survive.
Here goverment really helped out buisnesses, by refunding a large chunk of their fixed costs, like for staff and rent.
@Luuklag here it was one big scandal, bottom line only few got anything even close to something helpful, most got funny amounts of money, if anything.
Yeah there were all sorts of controversies here as well. Why sector X, and not sector Y, and why condition C and not D etc.
but all in all, most things were reasonably fair
The PM (ex-PM now) threw billions on fat bonus that went to all the private people, not business sector, so people will like him more. It didn't work, lol.
On the contrary, those who oppose him saw that as one of his worst moves.
Here the government paid (initially at least 90%) of the employees salary and most business made up the difference. They gradually reduced the %age. I think that scheme is finally coming to an end.
There was a controversie surrounding booking.com though. They got 65 million in government money, but still paid out 28 million in bonusses to their management I think
@DavidPostill Yeah things are winding down here as well, as more and more restrictions are being lifted
@Luuklag nice, though some kept ranting how bad the financial situation is. Germany?
@Luuklag yeah, that's super annoying.
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard NL
@ShadowTheVaccinatedWizard In the end they caved under popular opinion and decided to refund the Dutch gov.
@Luuklag huh lol
@Luuklag hmm... glad to hear things went fair at least in some places. :)
The fourth wave has yet to fully permeate the shore, at least over here; some places it has a good hold.
had ~ 8 family members catch it this past weekend, all living on the same property
What is ꓸ? How do I find out what that glyph represents again?
the . or the ?, or the combination, what glyph?
All I see is a box.
Someone here linked a site before that provides PNGs of unicode, but I forget where it was.
"Lisu Letter Tone Mya Ti" wtf
Looking that up now.
fwiw just looks like a . to me
with slightly different spacing
Anyone able to repro this? meta.stackexchange.com/q/366504/622284
No, but i found a separate bug
after reloading, i can't undo the upvote
deja vu
no error, no nothing
ah, that's... not a bug?
Q: Unable to undo comment-upvote after page reload

0stone0Why can't I remove my comment-upvote after I've reloaded the page? I completely understand the reason to 'time-lock' removing your vote (or question-vote), but it seems like reloading the page should not stop me from removing my vote. This meta answer indicates the time-lock to be 1 minute, but r...

how is that a thing
At least popup an error
1 hour later…
@forestdistrustsStackExchange A fairly complete explanation is here: codepoints.net/U+A4F8?lang=en
@KevinB They cannot pop up an error, for the following reason: when one navigates away from the page and uses the browser's back-button to come back, the javascript that's responsible for the interactions on the comment upvote button does not get invoked. All the upvote-interactions are non-existing.
You need to reload the page to even see your previous upvote. Also, if you navigate away and come back with the back-button, even a comment that you had just made, does not show up. The entire page shows how it looked initially on the most recent previous page-load. You need to refresh the page with F5 to see the actual latest state of the interactive parts.
But even that fails to restore the upvote-revoking mechanism.
I suspect, the entire comment-upvote-revoking stuff is initialized exactly after upvoting a comment. It's available on the page only after upvoting the comment. If you navigated away, you had lost your opportunity to have an upvote-revoking mechanism.
And yes, I don't think it's intentional; rather something that was not tested, and forgotten about.

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