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Rep comes from activity though
and being able to talk well matters on meta
I think it matters in most places.
Sep 13 '16 at 21:38, by Shog9
@rene I hold that one of the big advantages of Stack Overflow's format is that it doesn't require knowledgeable people to also be talented writers, diplomats, or even particularly well-adjusted people. Of course, this advantage doesn't necessarily translate to meta.
An advantage that SO is working hard to lose.
Eh, I disagree that it's an advantage, that we have it, or that we're trying to get rid of it ;)
I’m not sure about SO specifically. All of the sites I’ve participated on here on SE generally are better served by being able to write effectively.
I’m not actually sure that I agree with Shog there, though. You don’t have to be a diplomat but you still need to avoid talking down to the asker.
@JourneymanGeek Wait, there's supposed to be a difference? Oop.
@Mithrandir they don't let us use the imbroglio any more
@410 uhm. Well, and also not lose those people earlier on in their lifecycle.
@Mithrandir that's kinda the whole joke ....
You do not remake perfection
Yeah. That seems like an extremely bad idea.
I'd feel almost as skeptical about a sequel
unless Deadpool Ryan Reynolds was involved
Golding didn't write a sequel, and I didn't get the impression he was going to.
@Mithrandir that's also the joke ._.
I'm clearly hitting over people's heads, rather than out of the park today.
Actually, wait. He did want to write a sequel.
@JourneymanGeek Better than hitting on their heads.
@Alex Oh, they would feel it ;p
@JourneymanGeek It might also be that it's 4AM here... I'm not likely to pick up on most jokes.
@Mithrandir How ironic.
...fair enough.
Its a bit like Prachett's hanging by the figgins...
which is apparently a pastry...
That involves figs?
Knowing British food, it wouldn’t.
I don't remember off the top of my head
raisins, naturally
> (Contrary to the above definition, the recipe given in this book contains no raisins.)
.... I might have that book
I can’t find the recipe on the interwebz.
figs dates and currents
@JourneymanGeek "currants"
Pratchett wrote a cookbook?
That's the food
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog she gets what I mean.
Just saying what the correct spelling is.
No... I thought you meant that a river was involved. 🤣
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog eh, its chat.
@Alex of sorts. Someone else wrote a cookbook inspired by his books
uhm 2 of the first 3 google hits I get are pirated copies of the book ._.
@JourneymanGeek I don't recall too many recipes in the ones I read.
I’m on my phone and being lazy because I’m trying to get small people to sleep.
also, nanny ogg?
and of course, peppermint and arsenic humbugs
I’m guessing it’s not recipes so much as it’s food that gets mentioned generally.
Hmm, maybe I need to do some rereads...
Is there a substitution for the arsenic?
I started reading them when I lived in the UK so all of my copies are the British covers.
@Catija for figgins... https://books.google.com.hk/books?id=wsq-HWopsZ8C&lpg=PA91&ots=WYJTerXX9c&dq=figgins%20nanny%20ogg's%20cookbook&pg=PA91#v=onepage&q=figgins%20nanny%20ogg's%20cookbook&f=false
> The Guild of Lawyers would like us to point out that putting arsenic in food can result in health problems , such as death. Do bear in mind the name of the Guild Lord Downey belongs to , and forget the arsenic.
I would say, its highly highly optional.
I would also say that the recipe suggests many places not to add arsenic
Probably for the best.
The recipie for dried frog pills also contains 0 frogs
They’re pills for frogs, obviously.
@Catija oh those had the good covers :/
(IIRC the artist died, and I probably own every single discworld book)
@Catija Looks a lot more exciting than my version.
> Kirby worked slowly and meticulously. It would take him four to eight weeks to complete a single painting because his process included reading each novel before illustrating it. He would then draw a rough sketch in pencil to be approved by the art editor at the publisher, except in the case where Kirby would discuss the concept over the phone directly with Pratchett – unusual in the publishing world where the convention is to deal with the publisher's art director.
Kirby's art was the best
Yeah. I’m glad to have them.
@Alex not on SFF much lol
Sometimes liking something isn't enough. SFF is a very... intense community. It can be difficult to participate there if you're not an ultimate fan who knows all the things and reads all of the behind the scenes stuff... It's a great community but it can be kinda scary to have your deficiencies as a fan pointed out by seeing people writing answers and citing content you didn't even know existed.
and I only have so much time
2 hours later…
@MetaAndrewT. Morning
heh, finally he got the hint and didn't create new account for that... meta.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/66910 :)
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog only MSE and SO, it's easy to handle for the ordinary mods, so personally I don't report those to our Supreme Spam Hunter. ;)
Works for me I guess
@ShadowTheDragonWizard There was one on only SU and MSE that I pinged Journeyman Geek instead of JNat
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog yup, that works. Chris is dual mod, but he's not here. Still, SO has enough mods to handle spammers, no?
batch of two: power shell, checking input @rene @Bart @Sonic
@ShadowTheDragonWizard the parrot got them ...
@rene Hey, I need to eat something for breakfast :P
@Tinkeringbell I didn't realize parrots eat off topic posts
seems a bit papery, no?
Why should someone spam martian arts in Ubuntu?
@Magisch Sometimes. But fibers are good for you!
Martian arts. :-)
@MetaAndrewT. Since I happend to notice you here, I'll ask about this Mathematics Meta answer: Can we have a feed of watched tags. Perhaps it would be reasonable to update it and mention that custom filters already exist network-wide...?
@Catija fits many other SE sites, changing the word fan
I suppose it would be nice if the OP unaccepted my answer and accepted yours - since the introduction of the custom filters, they are the simplest solution. However, it seems that the OP hasn't been on the site for some time.
@Martin thanks for the heads-up
looks like a duplicate to your answer, I can delete it if you want :)
@MetaAndrewT. I'd prefer if you wouldn't do that.
If you notice, I have only recently added info about the custom filters - and I have included a link to your answer.
Moreover, you're answer is much more detailed.
Thanks for the edit!
No prob~
1 hour later…
@Sonic is a fun hater. There I said it.
2 hours later…
@M.A.R. or crappily
walks to the kitchen quietly to not wake the wild boars
finding @M.A.R. in front of the fridge
@M.A.R. Mad Hatter is worse
Lets move on from that discussion
you deserve an upvote
String interpolation in the morning:
My precious numbersss...
Apparently "There should be more {}s in your list".format(str) is not a reliable way of pluralization.
Then again, maybe this is how pluralization should work, and the overcomplications of current English usage are going to die out.
@410 I have a funnier one.
I made some code, basically: if X isnt unset andif X meets other condition then go do stuff.
Running a simple test shows with numbers shows that andif only is supposed to evaluate the first, and if that's not true, don't evaluate the second.
Somehow, the code I wrote is evaluating the second anyways and complaining X is unset.
what the language?
I have no relations to that language
I have asked the superbrain ;)
The superbrain says our test environment is just stupid.
And our tester a tiny bit too
@Tinkeringbell basically short circuit vs guaranteed evaluation?
I can see the future. Newbie gets a downvote and rants about it. Veteran user post a comment "read [link to this discussion] section X.Y and you'll know why you got the downvote. Thanks and have a great day!". Newbie is even more frustrated because very few people like to read such guides when they're in bad mood. Don't get me wrong, it's awesome! But.... most likely won't help in the long run. :( — Shadow The Dragon Wizard 2 hours ago
@Sha hey, don't feel down
I do hope people link to it, it's nothing more than up-to-date guidance and a chance to understand the meta consensus better.
I do this often if (isset($_REQUEST['something'] && is_dir($_REQUEST['something'])) e.g
I wrote it as neutrally as possible, I think.
@Magisch Yep. It's supposed to short circuit. But if your test environment uses patches to which you manually have to copy code from version management... and your tester forgets to copy-paste the first if...
Somehow they managed to mess up and blame me :P
in Language Overflow on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Jul 9 at 19:33, by M.A.R. ಠ_ಠ
When you're assuming who your audience is, you can't aim for the lowest common denominator.
Well, I know now that andif does short circuit, like it's supposed to do :P
It is such a relief to know disaster works properly.
@M.A.R. disaster? nah, disaster is the code I'm working on now :P
I have my own disaster here
apparently the electronic data interchange guidelines are really just guidelines, and companies deviate at will
Ah, yeah. That's because they're guidelines ;)
I found this: frupic.frubar.net/38609, only by making the window bigger I can see it full: frupic.frubar.net/38610 - that particular footage is beloved Chromium 47, but I was able to reproduce in contemporary Opera
Dunno if chat glitches qualify for main site questions.
I guess they do, but dunno for sure
It qualifies for MSE questions, but....
@Magisch We get the same with out input. In theory, there's rules and everything should be perfect. In practice, things aren't. How bad is it over there?
hmm looks like a responsive related glitch
Chromium is not officially supported by SE, moreover Chromium 47 (2015)...
haha yup but I see it in contemporary Opera too
Well, you might give it a chance, but make sure about the latest 2 versions of Opera...
@Tinkeringbell 5 companies sending us delfor orders, 5 completly different order formats
Opera isn't really supported either
my mistake, version 63, auto updates
including 2 which don't adhere to any known standard, including the one the customer gave us and claimed it adhered to
sounds like users
checked, it's recent.
If you run non mainstream browsers you're on your own. Usually though, they run on blink and you're kinda ok
But there's no 'guarantee' (well more so than usual) that someone in the company actually runs the browser and can replicate/fix the error
I'll make sure I include Firefox and Safari if I see it there too.
@Magisch Oof. That's a disaster, yeah.
and also the impact to the user, because pluralization bugss
mails @MetaAndrewT a tiny sheets of tiny ss
this whole EDI crap makes me want to punch something
but at least we got the office dog, which is nice and brings much joy
@Magisch office dogs make everything better
@JourneymanGeek electronic data interchange
basically sending and recieving delivery notes, invoices, etc.
ah ok
for a tech company we're still mostly in the stone age
I wrote a quick thing, I need some q&d reputation to fuel this fireball I tossed before.
Fortunately enough, it seems no other person on earth browses this site at the sizes I do.
@john the trick might be not to toss fireballs
I'm almost finished learning to use MSE. :D
that means that you have not yet begun ;p
"Holding down shift and then c key on my keyboard is not working" was posted on SO in 2014, but closed only last month. Did not have the tag, this is probably why.
@M.A.R. "I can see the future" was the most interesting part of that comment.
Since I'm at work, and this seems something I want to chew over through the weekend...
It seems kinda similar though bigger to the idea of having a sort of ombudsman (which is something I know folks within SE have mooted a few times)
Not something I am a particular fan of, at this point - but its interesting to see a somewhat different approach to "Community management "
which seemed to be to outsource it
26 messages moved to Chimney
It does seem like a relatively small group of people (though it seems they have staff - so its probably pretty well respoueced, which is good
er, resourced
that was way off ;)
but it was an odd enough misteak to leave in ;p
does seemed focused on content I guess and I suppose broader policy
Both _[Link_] and [_Link_] works as expected. The order isn't checked properly... (Bug or feature 🤔)
@OptimusPrime It's markdown
It builds off a parser that makes assumptions
@Olivia assumptions? a feature then
Also, <i><a href="https://example.com">Test</i></a> is perfectly valid HTML
Typing anything after the i but before the a results in it being linked, but not italic
@OptimusPrime It has to. It needs to deal with proper formatting, weird formatting, and abusive formatting (i.e. mixing brackets inside a markdown link, using * and mixing multi-level formatting (how's the parser supposed to know what *test *test** is intended to be?))
test *test*
Could also be interpreted as <i>test <i>test</i></i>, <i>test <b>test</b></i>, really depends on what parser
Main actually fails to parse *test *test**
GitHub (gist) wraps both words in its own <em>
There're lots of md parsers available but none of them are perfect
@OptimusPrime there's no real definition of perfect - the markdown spec is deliberately vague
Deleted author of this answer is designated as "user11703325". I think this string is supposed to contain the actual userID of the former user? Surely Meta doesn't have 11703325 accounts.
The newest one currently is 612569, and that user was not new at all.
migration is fun
@Aibobot I was misteak with hot sauce
Yes it is. Like having ancient posts re-affiliated with a new account because they were once migrated.
or being able to vote for things twice
Also comment notifications get delivered even if the post is unowned (though not if it's unowned when it was migrated). All sorts of surprises
Hey, this finally works ...
@M.A.R. sure, just don't want you and others build high hopes. People just don't read, even when it's pushed in front of their face. 😔
going to make supper
@ShadowTheDragonWizard Most people don't read. FTFY.
And it's not just for people that do, it's also for us.
@ShadowTheDragonWizard I'll only have a starter if you don't mind ...
I've discovered that eating five bowl of vegetable soup broth in a row is not the best idea when you're under the weather.
@Mithrandir But if you're in a space shuttle
Nope, still don't do it
Space weather.
It'd just be some gooey gross goo floating around.
Alien 4.
Or was that Alien vs. The Winter Soldier?
Methinks you need a spin in the unblender.
@Mithrandir So why are you under the atmosphere?
Global air pressuring?
Do you need me to juggle things? Cause I'd do.
I'd also serially upvote you. For free.
Can you juggle hot bowls of soup?
Or packs of tissues. Or both.
@Mithrandir Sure. If neither the bowls nor the soup means anything to anybody.
@Mithrandir Ooh. Are you watching Titanic?
Well, the trick would be not giving yourself third degree burns.
I don't know why I even bring that one up. There are much better tearjerkers that haunt you for a week.
@M.A.R. No, I'm watching my nose try to make off with the spoon. Or something.
@Mithrandir Oh, whoops, sorry. If you're foreshadowing, that is.
It's night. Everything is in shadow. They move in the darkness, rippling and weaving.... oh wait. Got sidetracked.
If they look like 80's effects better stay away from them.
If it's a Shyamalan movie, don't worry. Your fate is random.
If it's a Fincher movie, um, let's just forget about that one.
Shyamalan is so underrated!
it's the unsung hero of film makers
A man is holding a knife. He creeps towards the house. Inside, nobody is awake. Silently, he enters, his footsteps making no noise, the knife clutched in his large hand. Noiselessly, he cracks open a door.

"Ugh, out of butter? Darn it."
Sure, he gets more flak than he deserves.
@Mithrandir Ugh, literature mods.
Bored overtired literature mods, to be precise
@john When you blow a balloon too much, it's more likely to explode.
who definitely haven't been consuming too much Neil Gaiman material
I did some research when I grew up enough to care, and apparently then he was really, REALLY overhyped.
A victim of his own success, he is.
@M.A.R. yeah, but when it explodes, is it small or big?!
@john When he already has.
Split was a short comeback. A bit awkward in a few scenes (way too few to spoil the enjoyment).
He focuses too much on what message he wants to send and the characters are sacrificed for that.
Aye, I think Glass could be so great if it hadn't feature the spoiler alert twist in the end.
exact same for the "the following" show
Exactly. Sacrificing characters for the script. For the message. For the philosophobabble.
I think the best movie that illustrates what I mean is Signs.
(Rewatched it recently)
Idiotic alien species whose weaknesses are the very two things common on the surface of Earth.
Phoenix is enjoyable, I give him that.
philosophobabble. I should write that one in paper
do you like film right?
oh there's a movies SE
@john Sure do!
Though it's a pretty random. Sometimes a long discussion pops out of the blue and sometimes it's quiet for three days.
chat SE is beyond I can handle
I'm here temporarily
and the other rooms don't fit my workflow
my slackflow
It's not that busy. I think the busiest rooms aside, no room really is.
Busiest rooms being SU's, SciFi's, PPCG's (probably), and Arqade's.
RPG's? I joined and I was saluted
Just a really nice place for long-winded articulate monologues
@M.A.R. This one is among the busiest.
fits description of what kills meta
@john I dunno, I don't frequent those much. I frequent Chem's (too quiet), ELL's (too quiet), ELU's (active enough but really fast-paced if you catch regulars talking), IPS's (active) and M&TV's (sporadic bursts of activity)
By frequent, I mean I just have the tabs open until someone comes along with an interesting thing to say.
Or when I have a lame joke.
my tabs are for the sites, can't afford tabs for chatrooms
can't more - can't anymore actually
ordered a pomodoro clock in order to have slacking under control
Now I want tomatoes.
Tomatoes are yum.
YMMV but I found that focusing more on doing more is better than focusing on what stops me from doing
joined to upvote - I would never had asked, not even myself, but wondered why for maybe the first five minutes of first watch
yeah, focusing on doing more is good, as long as all of that more adds value
That's actually an accurate description of a lot of questions.
My theory is everyone zones out when watching a movie.
Or maybe the brain packs up and leaves.
That'd explain Michael Bay watchers. And China
what's with China?
@john They watch everything. Bad, terrible, eye-jarring. But also good things too; some great movies would have flopped a bit if it wasn't for China.
"International Box Office" roughly translates to China
. . . They also beat up people who spoil movies. True story.
the sound when you are @'ed is sexy
Well, people usually describe it positively
Just don't freak out when you're pinged on a chat.SE room
It's a boing but more like a P̸̧̡̛͍̬͈̗͎̊̃ͥ̓̆̉ͦͧ̕O̸̢̨͖̱͕̬̰̬͔͈̅ͬ̄̏̏̇ͥ̚͘ͅI̡̜̘̻̦̖̹͈̊ͩ̌̅ͣ͑ͬ͑̌ͩ̒ͬ̒ͪ͝N̷̵̜̜̗̦̘̺̤͕̝̮͍͓͔̗͔͌̇ͪ̾͑͛̽ͧ̂̾̎̍͑́̚͡ͅG̸̨͙̯̘͌̎ͪͦͤ̅̄̍͟͞ͅ
Ausgezeichnet! That'd make a magnificent ping sound.
There is a script on StackApps that lets you choose the ping sound IIRC.
@M.A.R. SU's busy, I can tell...
I mean the site.
I'll end up answering even when I'm not answering.
1 hour later…
are those commands?

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