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@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog The 25th.
@Catija I don't remember when I'm coming, but if I'm not there in time, please accept my advance birthday wishes.
3 hours later…
@TimPost Any thoughts on this proposal?
It's gotten positive reception from the community
2 hours later…
5 messages moved to Chimney
1 hour later…
4 messages moved to Chimney
quiet & slow today
2 hours later…
@JNat to take a leaf out of Shadow's book... stackexchange.com/users/13865288/kajal-roy?tab=accounts
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, blacklisted user: copy the file and keep full path by Carson Vang on unix.SE
a lurking g3rv4
that's what I do
also a lurking catija
that's also what I do
and a lurking tim post
that's certainly what I do
I think tim has me on ignore
that's not what I do though
@rene here's my legal advice: never take my legal advice.
@Mithrandir all gone
@JNat lovely, thanks
1 hour later…
I wonder if this will get deleted... meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/371866/… It is a comment, after all.
Hmm... I'd say to learn from Tim Post for all the randomness fun he put on his meta posts. That's what I assume as "light-hearted" answer...
> What might really quack you up is [...]
> So, I'm not ducking this, we're birds of a feather here, but let's see how effort into something a little less jarring plays out after we iterate over it a few times or folks might cry fowl.
(yeah, joke is hard)
@SomewhatMemorableName Overthinking it, imo.
It should just be a chatbot that looks like a duck and never responds; it just receives messages.
and store them on SEDE...
> /dev/null
@TimPost all the time... after years of failure, my brain still hasn't learned that I can't do that.
received SO swag.
Contains T-shirt, pen, marker, water bottle, notebook and few stickers.
The book and bottle are of good quality
lol, my edit was rolled back
btw expected a Stack Overflow T-shirt but received a Stack Exchange one.
womp womp
Saw few hot meta posts on SO in which, the root cause is @Yve.
She want to help the site but people are criticizing her for some of her actions.
mainly for deleting contents and/or review banning
well, that's her prerogative...
@OptimusPrime :shrug: mod life?
@OptimusPrime Your T was off-topic? Down and close vote it!
@SomewhatMemorableName yes. You need clarification for that?
I'm thinking of "Do I need [clarification] for this tag?", but it's almost time for me to sleep...
and of course I'm one of the top answerers ....
luckily only one answer
@Shog9 Can you please undelete and clear the migration history of meta.stackexchange.com/questions/17016/…? While it's off-topic for MSE today, I don't think it should be deleted just because it was migrated from Stack Overflow. It has a positive score and lived happily for a long time.
(For context to <10k users: that question has a score of +31 and is only about SO, and was posted to SO back in 2008 when it was common to post meta questions on SO itself. Then, it was migrated to then-Meta.SO, now MSE. After the MSO-MSE split, older questions about SO have been closed as off-topic. As this was originally migrated, closing it rejected the migration, and it's since been automatically deleted as a rejected migration.)
@rene I wonder why you edited but didn't vote to reopen...
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog isn't all of that covered on one of the FAQ's/ canonicals on how to get reputation?
Q: Don't mark migrations as "rejected" if they were closed long after migration

Monica CellioA question was asked on Site A, where it collected answers before being migrated to Site B. On Site B it collected more answers and lived happily for a time. More than two years later, it was closed. Because it had been migrated originally, the closure was treated as a rejected migration. Thi...

@rene It's covered well here
And I posted clearing the migration history as a workaround until this gets implemented
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog because I want to know if the OP agrees with my edit and is still interested in the question. If not I rather delete vote ...
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog I meant the message you pinged shog for ....
sorry for the confusion
I should have stayed out of this
@rene If that's so: In my opinion, I think the question is still valuable. Shog has complained about us closing migrated questions and has cleared migration histories in similar circumstances.
sure, let's see
1 hour later…
oooooooooooooooooooooooh dramaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(time to sleep 💤)
@Tinkeringbell By the way, speaking of your most recent tweet (I don't have an active Twitter account): That type of ice cream is extremely popular in the U.S.
Did it just now come out in the Netherlands?
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog why did you close it?
@Shog9 It was in review and I didn't realize I was going to cast the final vote
ok, you're still closing it if you're vote 4/5
@Shog9 It's off-topic.
if I touch it at all, I'm going to reopen it - and presumably you had a reason for it not to be open
@Shog9 It's only applicable to Stack Overflow
@Shog9 Read it, it's pretty clear that it's only about Stack Overflow
nobody has technical questions on other sites, got it.
@Shog9 "My areas of expertise are J2EE and Spring Framework, and I'm starting to get a little frustrated because most of the questions are in categories where I don't have much expertise." … "For now I'll just keep monitoring the J2EE and Spring tags"
@Shog9 What do you think of migrating it to MSO after reopening it?
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog Nah, it's been around for years here too ;) very popular as well, just like magnum ice cream. Just the display drew my attention, I'd never seen ice cream marketed like that before (there were other sorts of ice cream just the same way ;) )
started composing a query to create a timeline of votes as they relate to the revision history of a post... I forgot about the SEDE data lag. :(
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog is the question in any way specific to J2EE and/or Spring?
Lots of answers delving deep into the unique challenges of Java programming?
Extensive commentary on how Stack Overflow works poorly for folks who've specialized in UI design?
Maybe... At least the top answer is wholly inapplicable to someone who, say, specializes in cider brewing on a homebrew site, or someone who only plays Magic The Gathering on a cardgames site?
Only Stack Overflow has an unanswered list perhaps?
@canon if you need help or moral support, we do have a SEDE Room as well.
Just give me the live data. I SWEAR I'LL BEHAVE!
@rene oh, I can't do what I wanted to do anyway. RIP
@canon sure, sure
@canon Okay, we rip you ...
@Shog9 Can't see the answers in the review queue item, but yes, that's why.
Just that not anyone thinks I'll be completely off during my holidays.
@πάνταῥεῖ "not anyone" literally?
I'll still attend as long WLAN is available
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog ok. Then clearly you didn't need to ping me about rescuing a question full of out of date Java information on MSE?
2 hours ago, by Sonic the Inclusive Hedgehog
@Shog9 What do you think of migrating it to MSO after reopening it?
I don't have 10k+. I could only see the question as I reviewed it in the Close Votes queue. As such, I can't see the answers.
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog Google cache. Wayback
Anyway @Shog9:
If (hypothetically) I encounter a question that I voted to close back before aged close votes were being tracked, and I still believe it should be closed, what should I do? Should I flag for moderator attention? Is this an acceptable use of a sock puppet to cast a recommend closure flag? After all, in spirit, I should be able to recast the vote and have it reviewed for closure again; the only hurdle is purely technical. — Sonic the Inclusive Hedgehog 15 hours ago
It is not an acceptable use of a sockpuppet, @Sonic. Also, the chances of you finding such a question are not high. Raising the matter on meta is always an option. — Shog9 ♦ 5 secs ago
You could flag for moderator attention, but... Finding a post that's both been around for > half a decade and is so blatantly inappropriate that it needs a moderator's attention is... It happens, but it's not something that's gonna happen every day.
1 hour later…
Needs another delete vote: meta.stackexchange.com/a/313678/377214
It seems two "Looks OK" reviewers were able to override five users who thought it should be deleted. Design flaw?

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