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what do you think of this ^@ shog
The correct way of pinging is @Shog9
this is quiet, I assume everyone is drinking
I'm at work ._.
On the other hand, everyone else comes in on an hour later and all I have is some web page editing (until half past 12 at the other other building...) so I'll be slacking off unless needed
annnnd done
Nov 1 '14 at 0:13, by cVplZ
@Frank there's no need to ever ping Shog, he sees all
Hello people.
4 hours later…
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2 hours later…
@SmokeDetector why?
the last answer seems legit. probably one-time case
20K save meta.stackexchange.com/questions/297025/ios-save-button needs one more so either @Bart or @sha
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off-topic meta.stackexchange.com/questions/297030/… needs 2 more votes and then delete votes.
Should have tried my canned comment first, sorry ...
I am getting this on tavern page, why?
@Telkitty something is busy ... try IE6 as that breaks all scripts
chrome ...
I'm on chrome and I have no repro ...
Can you try running chat over https?
@Telkitty does this always happen even after refreshing? no repro on Chrome, even with other userscripts running
though jQuery is quite old already, sometimes need to rest
quite old from 2011 ... I must be what? Pre-historic?
doesn't happen any more
hey, jQuery was from 2006. it is quite old... like, remember the original Friendster?
1 hour later…
wrong room @BhargavRao? ... ;)
err nope.
welcome back then ...
Been lurking here for a few days :p
I felt a disturbance in the force
Looks like this is going to be a regular Saturday: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/297033/…
We'll meet our targets ...
Myeah, hammered.
grab popcorn
I've used Datanet-1 long before the internet even existed. How is that relevant?
2 hours later…
@Telkitty isn't it obvious? The Anti Telkitty code was too busy.
@rene sounds dangerous, like Skynet-10
@Bart nice hammer you got there!
Given how the comment thread progressed after that ... I'm glad I used it.
throws popcorn away
Throw it in the direction of me pls
Of course, he's not an elephant :P
It's the popcorn that matters ...
And not where it is coming from ...
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@TheDarkSide That gif is giving me the inexplicable urge to pick things out of my teeth.
@JasonC We are together on that.
On our respective teeth, that is. :P
I guess we can delete this: meta.stackexchange.com/a/297039/158100
If SE implemented anonymous close-vote and delete-vote just like anonymous voting (which doesn't seem to be useful in daily use), I wonder what would the result be.
More drama on Meta I guess
> Thanks, in advance
What is that comma doing there?
@Elephant Perhaps I used wrong term... not about anonymity, but that feature when you can "up/downvote" a post without logging in.
@rene it's his signature, "in advance"
@Elephant ah, yes. Well, it is now gone
@Elephant Hmm, that would be interesting. I don't think that should be binding but ... i don't recall that has ever been proposed. How do you think it will help in driving quality up?
Dunno, probably will only emphasize controversial posts where users want to censor it.
In the end, "more drama on Meta I guess"
take away bugs and drama... and what's left?
Heh, I (ab)use my "about me" to keep my "what to ask" questions by HTML commenting them. Perhaps, it can act as multiple drafts.
You'll also notice that account hasn't been used for over a year. That seems to be an archived account at this point. We're not gonna continue updating something that never gets used. — animuson ♦ 33 mins ago
So, it's okay for SE to have an abandoned account just sitting around, but when this happens to a site, it's taken offline...
not a reply
@rene @hichris123 don't move any smokey messages today i'm testing auto move scripts
@SmokeDetector @Guero Ignore. Testing. Sorry. Multiple replies.
Prepares for complete transcript to be gone due to broken RegEx
Sometimes I wonder what the uploader think when they uploads music with still image to video sharing and appends the title with "1080p HD"...
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@JasonC just a friendly advice, but you may consider the sandbox first :)
(oh, and the topbar chat room browser works)
I could move some smokey messages to the sandbox I suppose. Except, I'm inconsiderate. So, ha ha ha.
Oh sweet
Thanks for your testing help and bug reports btw
sure, no sweat
That overscrolling thing is stupid. I kinda feel like the option to not scroll parents should actually be an official css overflow style or something.
Like the option to disable zooming on mobile? Yeah, that's my favorite :-|
Blame the programmer, not the option.
Oh, I do. Bitterly.
At least chrome lets me disable it.
Disabling zoom disabling .... next, a CSS option to disable that
How about overflow-x: reboot-computer;
Other options include overheat-battery or call-911, for mobile views.
4 hours later…
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Not really.
First auto move test success
@JasonC interesting
@hichris123 @rene ^^^ Also feel free to start moving messages again. This script works but it's fugly, I'll send it your way after I clean it up.
> enhance
Nothing much has happened since I was gone.
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Heh... Eh, @Jason, y'know that big chunk of code you wrote to make scroll-to-message work properly? Turns out chat already has functionality for a fixed top-bar built in - to enable it you just gotta add a special class to <html> before chat initializes.
@Shog9 Lol... you know, I saw some header offset stuff in the code but couldn't figure out how to tap into it.
Not much help now that you've already fixed it, but... For future reference...
Well I'll gladly simplify it to that, I don't like reinventing wheels.
What's the class?
To make it work, you gotta do three things:
1. Add `document.documentElement.classList.add("fixed-header");` to the userscript (should be like one of the first things that runs, and NOT part of the code that's injected into the page.
2. Add `// @run-at document-start` to the script metadata, so that we get a shot at modifying the DOM before chat initializes
3. Re-add that bit of logic to listen for the "load" event before injecting the script. This'll now be needed by both Firefox *and* Chrome, since otherwise we'll be running before chat is ready.
Ah, sweet. And changing it to document-start should theoretically prevent it from missing window load events?
@JasonC right, so it can be as simple as the one-liner I sent you originally
How do you set the height of the fixed header?
You don't; it's always assumed to be 44px
That's kinda funny.
44, or 34?
44; no idea why
Lol... awesome, thanks. I'll test it out as soon as I'm done rewriting this smokey message move thing, which might be one of the worst chunks code I've written this millenium.
I have a sneaking suspicion someone already tried to make this header-in-chat thing work once upon a time, and gave up.
Maybe it's really hard to get the right parts of master.js into master-chat.js.
I'm kinda curious now
Github's blame is hanging Chrome :-|
4 3.3Ghz cores & I'm waiting on a damn webpage to load user images.
...gave up & used git blame, which was almost instant
Some days I really hate programmers
I can't reasonably understand why I ever have to wait for my computer to do anything, to be honest. I mean, we're in the freakin' future.
And I still have problems setting up printers.
ah! This is for the new mobile theme!
Makes sense; that too has a fixed top-bar.
And it is indeed 44px.
@JasonC Yeah, and it's almost always the software that's the problem; printers themselves are fairly reliable... But printer mfgs can't write software to save their lives.
Which makes no sense, they've been doing it for longer than I've been alive.
The less software you install to support a printer, the better the printer works. If you see it installing the .NET framework, just save yourself time and burn the computer.
Cloud Print is pretty great. Printer lives in a spare room, and I can send stuff to it from anywhere I can get a data connection. And no mfg software save for one little driver on one little machine that I never print from directly.
I like how my printer drivers are bigger than my first hard drive.
Yeah, I've tried Cloud print, I like it, but Brother has a similar service so I just use that.
They've got a decent android app too.
I'd probably get more value out of cloud print if I used other computers more, but I just carry my laptop around.
@Shog9 Don't say that SE developers are in this room.

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