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I was never very fond of mathematics but was deep in love with physics and ended up as a engineer so how. Maybe I was never very good with abstraction ... or maybe I was more preoccupied with being pragmatic. Maths is a great tool, but more times people are more interested in what a great tools can make than how good you are with that tool ...
For example, I post an ad to rent a house, one of the webpages indicated that I had 31 views from 9pm yesterday - 11am this morning for the ad. 31 is a number, it means very little by itself, in order to make sense I could compare the number against what the ads for other houses in the suburb are doing.
I could also use metrics such as the amount of phone or email queries I have received.
I have seen old, cheap, rundown houses that had nearly 3000 views before it's rented out, and I have seen a brand new, upscale, relatively expensive apartment in the same area that rented out with just 36 views.
a number is only the abstraction of all the variables behind it at that point
I am only interested in the number because the variables behind the number is very close to the variables that I am interested in ...
> If I explain my views on non-black turtlenecks (grey is acceptable, but not white) odds are someone else will want to share their opinion too. meta.physics.stackexchange.com/a/9662
Dark non-grey colors here: navy or maroon.
I also have an opinion on outstay vs overstay but maybe that's one opinion too many.
@zaq I wanna hear it.
Mari-Lou A already expressed it better than I would, in To outstay vs. overstay one's welcome
My familiarity with the word comes from a slightly different context... "overstayed my visa" has over 10,000 Google hits; "outstayed my visa" is under 300.
(For the record, I've done neither, so there's no need to take a stand on my behalf.)
why.. would you expect me to support you overstaying a visa? Or am I misunderstanding?
@zaq Interesting read.
“Truth always rests with the minority, and the minority is always stronger than the majority, because the minority is generally formed by those who really have an opinion, while the strength of a majority is illusory, formed by the gangs who have no opinion"
no opinion of their own
@ɥʇǝS Perhaps not you, but supporting the folks who do such things in search of a better life is pretty common stand-taking material in some circles.
@Telkitty source for that quote? Very interesting.
@zaq hm.
How much is 'welcome' worth? Would it save me if I was about to drown in a river? </sarcasm>
Hi all! I have read some posts here on meta on this issue, still, I decided to bug you here in chat just to make sure. I have been doing some reviews (triage, first and late posts).
It looks that there is a trend, where when I flag as "too broad" or "unclear what you're asking", those tend to age away, while others such as "off topic" or "NaN" are quickly accepted. I mainly use too broad or unclear when people just ask for "teh codez", or very incomplete questions without a MCVE. Is this flagging incorrect?
@iled Not an answer is a different story: those flags go to a different queue and get processed in reasonable time. (Same for other flags cast on answers)
The Close queue habitually has more tasks in it than there are reviewers willing to look at them. So they tend to age away.
Oh, that makes sense. Is then reasonable to recast those flags again, right?
You may have had more success with off-topic if those are very straightforward cases so that the post gets several flags quickly.
You may recast the aged away flags, but... I wouldn't bother. If the question is so unclear that it can't be answered, it's the author's loss.
I would downvote and forget about it.
I understand that. I do not have access to those queues, I imagine that there is also the need for a unanimous vote among reviewers
I see your point, but it is not only the authors loss, it is also the cluttering of the site... so, in a way, its everyone loss (ok, I know this is somewhat exaggerated :P)
If a question has score <0 and no answer, it's automatically deleted in 30 days - even if it's not closed.
I see. I did not know, I thought it required more negative than -1.
Thank you for your input
Speaking of which, does anyone know the rationale for the clause "or a score of 1 in case of deleted owner"?
Grow the Pie is an expression used in Macroeconomics to refer to the assertion that growing the economy of a nation as a whole creates more availability of wealth and work opportunities than does redistribution of wealth. == Summary == Growing the Pie could be called "more for everyone." This is as opposed to centrally controlled economic theory, where some give up some of their slice of the pie, that others might have more. Growing the Pie refers to a theory that free market economics grow the size of every slice, and thus raises the standard of living for all participants. This theory proposes...
I am always in favour of growing the pie so there are more for everyone than allowing more people to access the same pie, so some people have to get less ...
Being nice != being ignorant or being weak
@zaq presumably one fewer person cares
Good point
Does the number of available flags per day change according to some metric (i.e., rep) or is it static?
@iled Yes, you get more if you have good flagging history and/or high rep.
Reference: stackoverflow.com/help/privileges/flag-posts the very bottom of the page
The Help Center does have a lot of such information.
To me, being a nice person means (s)he sees things are they truly are, is capable of being nasty but choose not to. But a lot of the times, a seemingly nice person is just either ignorant, weak or just pretend to be nice.
@zaq Thank you for the link. The other one about roomba was very informative as well. Sorry for making questions that already answered in the Help Center
Well, I didn't say it was easy to find there. :)
Help Center is great when you know exactly what you are looking for. Its search engine is weird.
I actually never came upon this page. E.g., I did not know it was possible to retract flags. Once I raised one spam flag by accident (wrong reason), obviously it was declined (even though that post was closed for some other reason) and it is ruining my count :p
@Telkitty thanks!
Let's say I'm on review and I edit a post from there. In the meanwhile, the same post receives an edit from a user that does not require peer-review. My edit adds a little bit on top of that other user added, i.e., my edit is relevant for improving the post, but the difference between his edit and mine may not be that relevant, even though it adds something. Is it reasonable that my edit gets rejected?
Usually this doesn't happen because that other user will be asked to review your edit prior to submitting his. But if the actions are nearly simultaneous, it happens. Yes, your edit may end up looking silly in the diff window, and be rejected.
One example: suggested edit corrects some typos, while a 2K user corrects the same typos and removes "thanks in advance" at the end. Then the reviewers will see a suggested edit that only adds "thanks in advance". 8-/
In this case, his edit went first. I got the warning that there was an edit just before I submitted mine; I open it, and decided to submit mine anyway since it added something (even if little)
Ahaha, yes, that is weird. In my example, it was more like the other way around, I adjusted more things than the >2K user
Still, I understand that it may look silly to reviewers, e.g., if the suggested edit just changes one or two characters
The simple solution is not to worry about on occasional rejection. I had a few perfectly reasonable edits rejected. :shrug: Needless to say, all of my edits are perfectly reasonable...
(Except for adding tag to a certain post.)
Can @bjb568 give an insight on Why does my cat not eat the hearts of its prey?
Would you eat a heart?
Cats aren't monsters.
> If you kill anyone, make sure to eat their heart, to gain their courage! Their rich, tasty courage... tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CannibalismSuperpower
Perhaps cats don't consider their prey courageous.
Also, people do eat hearts regularly... How should one prepare beef heart? for example.
shy creatures are usually not courageous, no
I like clumsy, daring & intelligent creatures, like Australian magpies
but judged by the size of local baby pies, they are probably someone else darling already
heads-up, I just changed the Hangul spam regexes on Stack Overflow to try & cut false-positives a bit... So, if I got that wrong, we might see either Hangul spam or folks complaining about a runaway regex making their attempt to post timeout.
There's always much fretting about a hypothetical wrongly-spam-nuked post; few consider how many legitimate posts are blocked by spam-preventing heuristics and are lost when the user gives up...
this pie often comes to the window next to me and stare at me from there, of course that's because I feed the magpies
that looks like a quite angry bird
or hungry, depends on the point of view
A bird that ends in GRY...
@Shog9 I just tried to make a post and it timed out. It kind of feels like a runaway regex or something. Any ideas?
has approved 345 edit suggestions and rejected 728 edit suggestions and improved 0 edit suggestions --> does this tell us that this user is in a reject-spree? Rejects so much and does not bother to improve any?
@JasonC probably your network. See what TWC says when you call.
Pfft. TWC is for the sheeple.
well, I've never heard of your real ISP; they might actually have good customer service
(Also, making a joke about 'em in public is probably irresponsible)
"Hello and thank you for calling Time-Warner. Please choose one of the following: Press 1 to repeat this menu. Otherwise press # to hang up."
About the sheeple, you mean?
That looks like Pulgasari
That plot summary looks spectacular.
23% on Rotten Tomatoes, sadly.
The problem with being friendly with local birdies is that, they will constantly coming to your window and trying begging for food. When you see a bird the size of 2 normal ones, you would have this struggle inside whenever it comes begging for food - should I feed it with meat or should I make it hunt for its own food?
Feed the smaller birds to it.
@JasonC Its really worth to see it. It is an old movie, with "special" effects that are jokes nowadays (people laughed at them in a recent screening). Some weird acting. Super low budget. Kidnapped filmmaker and wife. But the plot and storyline are very good.
I do actually intend to watch it. Annoyingly, Netflix doesn't even know it exists.
Survival of the friendliest
@Telkitty get a cat (don't worry, he will spare their hearts)
I don't think I will ever actually understand how SO's review queues work.
@JasonC don't bother with netflix, youtube is free
Hint: the "monster" is a metaphor for the dictator/king/govern -- the movie was actually censored for a couple of years
Heh... I haven't done much CV queue reviewing on SO in a while. These questions are absolute crap.
(Not necessarily by the same author)
> "Should I downvote, vote to close or flag? Should I do all of that?" - we need to make this much, much clearer. meta.stackexchange.com/q/285889
@zaq Navy I can live with. It could make a decent base layer for a pullover sweater or blazer. Maroon? The less said the better.
Also, I'm surprised I picked outstay. Huh.
The color reminds me of Texas A&M, those were good times. And of an album I like...
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: mirahealthgarciniablog.com/mylyfe-garcinia/ by user73105 on drupal.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: On the other hand, what exactly makes a Xtest more desirable than others? by nikaluabhinak on apple.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with a link in answer, blacklisted website in answer: How to apply a drop shadow on an object outer borders only? by user83940 on graphicdesign.SE
Speaking of Texas, some anonymous benefactor has been beefing up the migration FAQ
As in, FAQ on SO's position concerning migration to the United States?
Texas could bring a fresh perspective there for sure.
Of course. Hence, Texas.
Trapped in wikipedia, I found my self reading about Alvin and the Chipmunks
The starting point was being writing a function to blur an image.
Convolution with a Gaussian?
gaussian -> blur -> song2 -> damon albarn -> gorillaz ->virtual bands -> alvin and the chipmunks. I think Wikipedia should be renamed to Wickidpedia.
Texas always reminds me of taxes ...
Austin reminds me of autism
Weird.... can it be.... no... so unlikely.... Shog handling custom flags on MSE?!
Oh well, better late than never. Probably.
@ShadowWizard :( what makes you special?
@SmokeDetector apparently it's NAA and not porn
@qwer I tpu-ed it as spam
I also flagged it as spam too though shrug
@rene hmm? Why special? All flags are taking months to be handled.
I have already raised a custom mod flag asking exactly that, but it is pending since November 19th... Still, thanks for the bump. I guess the [status-norepro] was assigned because it's only reproducible on specific sites. — Glorfindel Dec 12 '16 at 18:48
I don't think I've ever had a custom flag on MSE handled in less than a week. Maybe I'll check the times.
@ShadowWizard yes, staff have better things to do. You are either special or Shog arrived on that particular q/a pair which made declining handling your flag a piece of cake. Having to click through the flag queue is just boring.
@ShadowWizard Post 1: Already recently reported
spam seed ^
@rene yeah, I didn't blame anyone, can totally understand, just saying it's pointless to flag, knowing the flag will be ignored. And those weren't my flags that got handled today. :)
(see homepage, several questions got status tags by Shog - those are result of flags asking to add those tags.)
@ShadowWizard Thursday is his status-* day
@rene hmm.... wonder why
Maybe Shog is in.... good mood?? :D
Good mood declining requests?
@M.A.R. Good mod approves requests
Dunnno how many he declined, just how many he approved....
@SmokeDetector K
Oh wait, I already feedbacked using FDSC
what's FDSC?
and yeah, it didn't record your feedback here metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/post/58445
@SmokeDetector k
@ShadowWizard Flag Dialog Smokey Controls, that is, a userscript that feeds back to metasmoke when we flag
@M.A.R. huh. Well, nothing like that for me. Nice that it detects duplicate feedback and blocks it.... :D
It didn't use to
But with Smokey getting official and all, such superfluous stuff seems necessary
@M.A.R. who fixed it?
Either Undo or Art
@M.A.R. You mean either @Undo or @Art, wonder who of them... ;)
Anyway, will the coffee and tea also be official?
@ShadowWizard brews coffee for @ShadowWizard
Ahh, both of them are now pingable here
Must be because of the meta post
Good thing they're not pingable in Den
Or maybe bad thing
@M.A.R. well, Undo came here few days ago in response to my ping, Art didn't post here for a while but visited the room yesterday or today without posting.
And now they're doomed
(he wasn't pingable yesterday morning)
We'll ping them everyday ....
nah, I will only ping @Bart every day.
It's fun.
lol actually @Art is pingable in Den.... so tempting..... :P
That reminds me: @bart did you check kamergotchi.nl you might like it ...
Zondag met Lubach is my Monday morning routine ;)
ah, good!
Then you're up to date ;)
throwing Zondag met Lubach back on @Bart
For shame!
in Shadow's Den, 15 secs ago, by FOX 9000
@ShadowWizard [Powered by Yandex Translate] Sunday is Well
Is this correct?? ^
Admittedly, for the first time ever, English sounds cooler than other European languages.
''Zondag'' sounds alien
@ShadowWizard Zondag = Sunday and Lubach is the Dutch Seth Meyers
He is the same person who opened the whitehouse petition to make The Netherlands second: petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/…
oh, lol
We got it in Israel too, let's see...
So looks like he's our local Lubach.... :P
I wonder if anyone is going to polish this turd... know it's tempting for many people. :/
@ShadowWizard I'm already sold, great stuff ;)
He got a satiric TV show every Saturday evening, best of its kind.
He's openly attacking politicians, especially right winged, and doing it with awesome skill.
He even brings them to the show itself for interview, and able to maintain serious discussion while still stinging them. (not alone, there are few others in the panel)
let's see if they got Wiki....
Gav Ha'Uma (formerly Matzav Ha'Uma) is an Israeli satire show hosted by Lior Schleien, Orna Banai, Guri Alfi and as of the fourth season also Einav Galili. The show was broadcast from January 4, 2010 until January 15, 2015 on Channel 2 (Reshet) as "Matzav Ha'Uma" ("מצב האומה", "State of the union") and from February 3, 2015 on Channel 10 as "Gav Ha'Uma" ("גב האומה", "Back of the union"). Guri Alfi, one of the show's regular panelists, appeared in only a handful of episodes of the 2nd season of "Gav Ha'Uma", and departed from the show in favor of hosting his own late-night talk show in Channel 2...
You got such TV shows? @rene @Bart
@ShadowWizard well, atm I only think Zondag met Lubach is getting at that level. There were some previous attempts but those kind-of failed. Maybe Kopspijkers and before that Keek op de week (only in Dutch sorry) are worth mentioning.
Dit was het nieuws
The original ones
Yeah. the original ones, sure. Still not as good as the BBC episodes of Have I got news for you
Oh, not even close
And even Lubach in the first season wasn't great. I'm glad they let him continue, because the first season was cringy
yeah, but you can see that the full-time writers group does pay-off now
in Belgium we have De Ideale Wereld, with a presenter we stole from the Netherlands
Meh, Eindhoven ... practically Belgium ... :p
is he as popular with you guys as he is over here?
Tavern on the Dutch
@Stijn I think I only know Jan-Jaap ...
@Stijn I had to look him up. Never heard of him.
Then again, I've left the country more than a decade ago, so who knows
@rene heh, we also got several failures, which are just bit funny but not satiric at all.
@M.A.R. עברית על הבר
@ShadowWizard עבריתהברעל
two delete votes needed here @Bart @rene
@M.A.R. why poison? :(
@ShadowWizard I dunno what I typed
@ShadowWizard completed
I just rearranged your ''Hebrew at the bar''
@M.A.R. it's all matter of a space...
בר is Tavern
על is On
So On Tavern is Poison?
ה is just "the" (when next to a word, if on its own, it's God)
So Hebrew has articles
And I actually wonder whether you're a native speaker of English, or Hebrew
@M.A.R. Hebrew, English I just learned since childhood :)
@M.A.R. lol.... no... Hebrew on the Tavern. ;)
rene k
@rene that question together with the website in their profile, I think it's spam yeah
yeah, I posted first before I visited the website ...
+ this answer
A: Is this really THE Bill Gates ? Or a Prank account?

Ravi SoniNo this is not Bill he is not free for this, Or he is not updated with latest technologies that people use today. He bill gates has lots of money to manage.

also spam
@rene Post 1: Already recently reported
forget it then ...
Oh, I did that myself by flagging it as spam ...
needs moar coffee
That's more low quality trolling ;p
@JourneymanGeek yup, don't think it was spam.
it had a link to the website in it, and the website was a webshop
@rene nope, maybe author edited during grace period
this isn't webshop
@ShadowWizard you are a spammer: i.sstatic.net/p36zs.png
heh, your ISP is poisoned
I mean the answer is crappy and website not in English, but not spam. :)
@ShadowWizard sure, XS4ALL has their roots in the hacker scene, so ...
how you explain different contents for same address?
oh, OK... spammer indeed. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/291435
Still weird how he manage to have a website which appears legit to some users, and not for others.
on a totally different matter... @Oded how was the conference? Your speech? :-)
@ShadowWizard was a good talk. Lots of questions by the audience.
One of two talks in English - all the others were in German.
@Oded nice... and they had drinks and waffles? :)
Q: Does someone loose reputation points for withdrawing/deleting a question?

Dave SOn stackoverflow if someone posts a question and then decides to withdrawal it, do they suffer a reputation penalty?

If your rep points are brown, maybe
@ShadowWizard lots of good food. Had a good lunch there :)
@Oded guess SE paid it all? :)
@ShadowWizard nope. Conference invited me. SE paid for my expenses (travel to/from airport and food).
Conference paid for flights & hotel.
was it one of those $1000+ per attendance conference?
@Oded oh, thought SE sent you. How they reach out to you?
also, is it considered a day off from work?
@ShadowWizard through our marketing department. And since it was through marketing, it was considered work.
We also get 3 speaker days from SE - for conferences we submit to.
That's on top of 3 conference days to go to as an attendee.
And none of these are taken out of our vacation time.
wow, cool!
What was the conference about? Missing a lot of context here
Any video of you there? Pictures? :)
@M.A.R. conference is trying to making money, SE is trying to sell its services of course - through the marketing department remember?
@Telkitty Yeah, but the how is more important than you think
@Telkitty Actually that looks more sleepy than cynical
@Telkitty not sure @Oded represented SE there, i.e. he wasn't introduced as "Stack Exchange developer". Or maybe I'm wrong? Oded?
Stack Exchange does consider him the best. So I'd say they're more than glad to have him introduced as such.
@M.A.R. Basta! conference, for .NET/Windows developers.
@ShadowWizard I was hoping they would record it, but no such luck.
@ShadowWizard I was there as a Stack Overflow developer, so... kinda representing SO.
@Oded oh, no big deal. Nice name.... any relation to בסטה as in שוק? ;)
@Bart Stack Exchange has many bests, he's obviously one of them :p
@Oded heh, so @Tel was right. :)
@Oded Oh, how many languages do you speak?
@Telkitty He is the official best. They said so on their own website, right @Oded?
I am thinking of setting TRAPPIST my avatar
@M.A.R. two - English and Hebrew. I gave the talk in English, most talks were in German, and I couldn't make sense of them...
@Bart once upon a time, yeah...
@Oded Aww, I wanted to ask whether the German for 'speak' is 'schpeak'
Nah, that doesn't sound nearly violent enough. It's "sprechen"
I approve of the above.
I make fun of German chemists over at our chat a lot
Should I feel guilty or something?
Not guilty ... just scared
scare is for those who care
I wonder, is "Shpitz" real word in German/Dutch? @Bart
In Hebrew it's שפיץ and it does have meaning. :D
@ShadowWizard It means 'spits'
hope not...
only 40 light years away ...
@ShadowWizard would be Spitz in German I guess.
Would mean something like a sharp point
And @M.A.R. was close, because that would be "Spits" in Dutch
Juno hit a top speed of about 165,000 mph (265,000 km/h) relative to Earth, making it the fastest human-made object ever (though New Horizons' initial speed was faster than Juno's speed after launch).

Even if Juno were constantly traveling that fast — not just getting a speed boost en route —  it would take the spacecraft 158,600 years to reach TRAPPIST-1.
@Bart M.A.R. is always close. Look behind your shoulder
I never knew you were a whiteboard
You didn't look closely enough
Your primitive glasses eyes can't see molecules
@Bart do you feel happy, if you do, M.A.R. is right in you, or at least the molecule of his avatar is ...
@Telkitty it's so sad when you realize that we'll never be able to get anywhere near such planets. Then again, humans still haven't been to Mars, so let's start there.
@Telkitty ... not sure if that makes me feel happy or violated
@Bart maybe both.
@Bart huh! Same meaning as in Hebrew...
@ShadowWizard not surprised
Plenty of Hebrew made it into German and Dutch
Mesjogge for example
And of course Yiddish has plenty of German origins
@Bart are you mesjogge?
Some will argue that
I will argue against it
You're saner than me prolly
I find you avatar(Serotonin) almost a pick up line 'lemme be in you and show you some happiness' ~_~
@Bart yup, but Hebrew itself is far more ancient
Just got tons of new words added to it over the years :)
Anyway, was going to say @Oded is a "Shpitz" - in Hebrew slang it's a good thing, meaning someone who is really good. ;-)
Aye. And it probably comes from Yiddish.
@Oded according to this, German. :)
@ShadowWizard looks like both: שפיץ (Spitze) – חוד, קצה (גם ביידיש).
@JeremyBanks but it wasn't migrated.... just closed as off topic at some point by 5 users. Why was it auto deleted? (which started the war with Community :))
@Oded yeah, but the source is German/Dutch. :)
anyway it's a cool word, I like it. e.g. השפיץ שמשפריץ is funny.... :P
@ShadowWizard It was migrated from SO: web.archive.org/web/20160604053919/http://…
Hence, being closed => rejected migration => deletion in 30 days no matter what the scores/answers.
That rule obviously wasn't intended for metas, but...
Jeremy cleared migration history to prevent this from repeating.
Ha, I'm the fourth answer there ...
I don't know what the closing of that post was supposed to achieve, anyway... If someone wants to close all meta posts where no more input is ever needed, there are thousands of status-complete bug reports, etc...
Yeah, I consider anything with status-* to be done, no closing needed
@zaq huh, by redacting the migration revision?
AFAIK clearing migration history is something that diamond users can do, they don't need to have employee privileges.
Oh, nice
> Useless fact of the day: The Stack Overflow Data centers have 1,240 Cores in all servers -- George Beech at 7:20 AM - 23 Feb 2017
Hm... do people normally put "Author, PhD" on book covers? amazon.com/Text-Mining-R-tidy-approach/dp/1491981652
First time I see it, at least.
Not that strange in the scientific community. And with an R book I'm not surprised
How do you recognize a PhD? ......... they'll tell you
This doesn't even tell me if the PhD is in German Literature or in Chemistry...
Now I'm worried that when our postgraduate student friend publishes their book, it will be overlooked for the lack of the letters...
2+2=4 is it right??? — Dominic Mondol 26 mins ago
^ how to deal with this user? Consider the post on which I'm commented.
Unfortunately it seems below the red-flagging zone.
I just have to share this rant I came across
> I know its not Rant Wednesday , but my rant yesterday was mediocre at best.
> Yesterday , i learned that there are people out there who swear by recruitment via Frenology. Frenology , for those that aren't aware , is the pseudo science of using cranial features to explain the behavioral patterns of a person. This dates back to the belief that humans are guided by 4 types of fluids and those have an affect on the fysiology.
> So to put this in perspective for you ; You go to a selection interview. You talk to the people , they take measurements of your skull and then tell you that you
@Stijn Morons type ''physiology'' as ''fysiology''
@M.A.R. it's a Dutch speaking community (mostly talking in English), so the mistake is acceptable here :p
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