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What conversation have I walked into?
Blech, them again.
Do you guys like eating chom choms? I sure do.
What the hell are they?
What? You haven't had one?
That's..... an unusual name
The rambutan (/ræmˈbuːtən/; taxonomic name: Nephelium lappaceum) is a medium-sized tropical tree in the family Sapindaceae. The name also refers to the fruit produced by this tree. The rambutan is native to Malay-Indonesian region, and other regions of tropical Southeast Asia. It is closely related to several other edible tropical fruits including the lychee, longan, and mamoncillo. == Etymology == The name 'rambutan' is derived from the Malay-Indonesian languages word for rambut or "hair", a reference to the numerous hairy protuberances of the fruit, together with the noun-building suffix -an...
> In Vietnam, it is called chôm chôm (meaning "messy hair") due to the spines covering the fruit's skin.
Ohhhh, no I've not had a Rambutan, but I've had the fruit of a prickly pear
Oh, for tuna!
The fruit of the prickly pear is called a tuna.
But I didn't know they'd invaded Oz.
The glochids are a pain.
Glochids or glochidia (singular "glochidium") are hair-like spines or short prickles, generally barbed, found on the areoles of cacti in the sub-family Opuntioideae. Cactus glochids easily detach from the plant and lodge in the skin, causing irritation upon contact. The tufts of glochids in the areoles nearly cover the stem surfaces of some cactus species, each tuft containing hundreds of glochids; this may be in addition to, or instead of, the larger, more conspicuous cactus spines, which do not readily detach and are not generally barbed. == Mechanical irritant dermatitis == === Reaction to... ===
Apparently we get them in speciality shops
I get them in my socks.
But I imagine they'd take to the arid desert environment ok
@tchrist O fortuna!
velut luna
@tchrist yum
must admit - tropical area has more tasty fruits
statu variabilis
semper crescis
aut decrescis;
vita detestabilis
nunc obdurat
et tunc curat
ludo mentis aciem,
dissolvit ut glaciem.
Dies Irae
dies illa
I'm singing that in choir right now :D
Me too!
1st or 2nd?
I was just typing that
you don't count :)
Are you asking if BJB sings 1st or 2nd soprano?
I bet you have the voice of an angel
Well, we all know he's a messasomthin.
sed ad ludum properamus
The problem with videos like that is it's hard to watch at work, because I can't focus on the tab
And they are mainly visual comedy
Y'ought to be doing productive things at work.
I'm waiting on someone to fix something they broke so I can actually be productive
Job description for CM/mods: herding dogs, fighting cats (when they are delinquent) and closely monitoring all other kinds of animals
That should probably be a Tavern-ignored reason.
I approve.
bjb approved.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Shortened URL in answer: Does the cost of long-term care insurace depend on your health? by Scott A. Olson on money.stackexchange.com
sd 2k
1. [:5216961] <processed without return value>
2. [:5216937] That message is not a report.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted username, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Nevertheless, an older-gazing face with deep wrinkles around the mouth by gher juriya on drupal.stackexchange.com
sd k
So.. Anime & Manga election has begun with 1 open position and 7 candidates.
@qwer Seven will enter; one will leave.
Sadly, that makes STV a bit overkill.
I guess so. A bit doubtful to vote for 2nd & 3rd position.
Every now and then we have need to add a new mod within a month or two of an election. In those cases, we rerun the election as if it had another slot. So those votes might matter.
@JonEricson If you're going to implement STV for StackExchange elections, take into considerations the problems that happened in Australia in the election before the last one, where labyrinthine preference deals meant that senators got elected on less that 0.51% of the primary vote.
But probably not.
Wait disregard
I must read blog posts before advising
Heh. Yeah, the elections have been pretty smooth so far, but that doesn't mean there won't ever be problems in the future.
that's because elections seem to be too boring to troll and too infrequent to spam
In other words, elections seem to attract rule abiding audience
A city of nerds >_<
also, maybe polling bias - the survey was conducted on the internet
I would be amazed to see which city has the highest concentrate of internet addicts
No idea
Probably not Perth, they are all too busy being on meth
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: How Does The Right Anti-Aging Facial Cream Work? by brenawsdda on superuser.com
sd k
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Exoslim is a fat reducing formula to emphasize by sohayfakey on drupal.stackexchange.com
sd k
⌘ 𝓣𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓷 𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓽𝓪 ⌘
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, pattern-matching website in body: great tip for anti-aging natual skin care by MaxSaathoff on gaming.stackexchange.com
sd k
sd 2k
sd k
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] No whitespace in answer, repeating characters in answer: Can "childs" ever be the plural of "child", in standard English? by hello on english.stackexchange.com
@ShadowWizard Your gold badge is both amusing and impressive.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: This is earnestly not a delude by Olts1957 on workplace.stackexchange.com
Let's keep an eye on Marc Gravell. He is going to investigate on Area51. Please stand-by for a rescue mission if he doesn't report back in 6 to 8 ...
@rene I almost feel like I should pin that just to be on the safe side, at least until he returns.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in answer: What is understood if I say "I'm an English teacher"? by Balaji JB on ell.stackexchange.com (@ShadowWizard)
@AaronHall Google processing hang for a while, but now... here you go.
@JasonC thanks, I guess! And I have two more on MSE.... ;)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in link text in body, pattern-matching website in body: Area Shifting isn't some sort of fear now! by subra on webapps.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector why?
@ShadowWizard Post - Bad keyword in India in link text
India? Really? ...
@SmokeDetector fpu
@ShadowWizard Registered answer as false positive and whitelisted user.
@Derpy Monet cat?
@SmokeDetector k
@Bart according to Google it's a flower.
I tremble at the thought that soon cars with AI will roam the streets, thinking that cats are flowers.
Does it mean they will not hesitate to run over cats, thinking they're only non living flowers?
@Telkitty as the cats queen, you must put a stop to it! :D
Telkitty is probably too busy running over flowers with her AI car
@ShadowWizard I think it means every once in a while they'll stop so you can smell the cats.
@ShadowWizard Probably they used a flower as the original "style" image.
I have made it with Google Dreams.
Or - to be more precise - Google Style, the new option they added to Google Dream
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, link at end of body: blogmium.com/exoslim-reviews/ by emileycalabale on workplace.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in body: charging and discharging car battery by crystal on mechanics.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector fp
@JasonC Registered question as false positive.
@JasonC haha, I hope!
@Derpy you mean Deep Dream?
DeepDream is a computer vision program created by Google which uses a convolutional neural network to find and enhance patterns in images via algorithmic pareidolia, thus creating a dreamlike hallucinogenic appearance in the deliberately over-processed images. Google's program popularized the term (deep) "dreaming" to refer to the generation of images that desired activations in a trained deep network, and the term now refers to a collection of related approaches. == Software == The DeepDream software, initially codenamed "Inception" after the film of the same name, was developed for the ImageNet...
Oh wait
@SmokeDetector tpu
@JasonC Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive.
@ShadowWizard yep, that one. But as I said now you have another option too -
Deep Style
> Algorithm which can paint any given photo as a famous painter. The technique is a much more advanced version of the original Deep Dream approach. It is capable of using it's own knowledge to interpret a painting style and transfer it to the uploaded image.
Which CM is the official spam warrior these days?
Cause there's a new kind of sneaky spam out.
Yeah, I noticed them. Same strategy everywhere
@Derpy well, looks like Google got lots of time and money to spare.... ;)
@JasonC @JNat is nuking cross site spammers.
@ShadowWizard A.I., but we are talking about artificially intelligence not artificial idiots right?
@JasonC Yup, if same IP he can probably put some block in the IP level. I think.
in Charcoal HQ on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 15 mins ago, by SmokeDetector
@JasonC: It seems this is your first time sending feedback to SmokeDetector. Make sure you've read the guidance on your privileges, the available commands, and what feedback to use in different situations.
@Telkitty not so sure... ;)
@ArtOfCode Lol.
Oh the glory of gamedev and version control
Glory of the non-existing kind?
Exactly. A wonderful mix of code and binary assets, which your tools intertwine in such a way that you can't version them separately.
@Bart what kind of version control is causing you to be so poetic?
We use Git in combination with LFS.
Anyway, maybe the combo is the problem...
Well, SE use Git so it can't be that bad... ;)
The combo is just fine. It's just very non-ideal for the specific application scenarios we have in gamedev.
@Bart by gamedev I assume you mean the company you work for, not the SE site, right?
Can be confusing.... ;)
hmm... gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/version-control @Bart any of those can help in your specific application scenarios?
Nah, we've got it figured out for the most part. Just some nasty history rewrites and format changes we've had to push through. Should now have a better setup, but we still have to see in practice.
Especially when merge-conflicts occur :D
@TimStone is this a bug in SQL Server?
@Bart yeah, conflicts are nasty...
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user: What are some ways to stop and prevent acne? by A.Bennet on health.stackexchange.com
@JasonC all gone
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer: Did a soldier fight off 40 train robbers? by Soha Singh on skeptics.stackexchange.com
@JNat nice! But that spammer will probably be back with new accounts.... :/
@ShadowWizard IP is blocked too
Oh. Awesome!
@JNat - the spammers' worst enemy! :D
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in answer, pattern-matching website in answer: Essay Writing Introduction Paragraph by Sam Rory on writers.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: in light of the way that androgenic hormone by Sciarger36 on workplace.stackexchange.com
sloooooooow day. So boring.
Better now, @Derpy?
@rene @Bart delete votes needed meta.stackexchange.com/questions/284036/…
I was going to link the Sonic Racing song from Sonic R... then realized you probably were expecting a MLP themed answer, so....
Anything else from you would have been disappointing
Oct 21 '15 at 11:38, by Bart
@Derpy that's ... not pony related ... are you okay?
Yup. No doubt @Derpy is now okay.
Nice to see @Bart is caring so much for @Derpy. Free love and friendship! :D
Which reminds me.... @James you had another HSP for dinner?
In a tavern full of cats, a lone pony ...
^ my current listenings
One of my favourite movies
mainly because it's romantic horror
I have seen that and nightmare before christmas more often than I can count
Then again I can only count to 3. So yeah ...
I see one unicorn in that pic
@Telkitty unicorn is just one type of pony.
yes, horny pony
That's like saying "bored orange".
Why is it a unicorn when it really should be a unihorn?
maybe who ever named it was hungry at the time
Unicorn on the cob?
@ShadowWizard done ...
@rene thanks!
@ShadowWizard hah
@ShadowWizard Congrats: you just won a "First question answered" ribbon. Now, for 5 more pony points, what is the name of the other pony race other than unicorns and (earth) ponies?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: Why is there a pregnancy test kit on the ISS? by Aaliya on space.stackexchange.com
Has any woman ever conceived in the space
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: Why is there a pregnancy test kit on the ISS? by Aaliya Bhatt on space.stackexchange.com
@Telkitty I'm pretty sure that at least one tried
I'm thinking to propose http://chat.site.stackexchange.com work as http://chat.stackexchange.com/?tab=site&host=site.stackexchange.com how about it?
Currently it does only work for http://chat.askubuntu.com and http://chat.superuser.com
How's that gonna work for meta sites?
Also... registering and maintaining all those domains... and that's before thinking about HTTPS.
Hey now, we think of the ideas, you worry about the implementation. Don't bother us with that. That's not why we pay ... hold on ... I'm getting in my ear that we're not paying you. As you were.
A: Do we need coordinated efforts to moderate the site?

CodeCasterI think the premise of this question is quite false. It's not "group effort or nothing". You see, if you compare Stack Overflow to a war (note: I hate bad analogies, but I wanted to use one), most of the actual mess-making action happens on the frontline. What you see here, left to right: ...

Hmm, interesting thoughts here.
@Oded so, currently we've registered and maintaining these two right?
@Pandya I believe so.
@Oded simple chat.**string**.stackexchange should be redirected to chat.stackexchange.com/?tab=site&host=**string**.stackexchange.com
@Pandya domains still need to be registered if a browser is to find that domain.
Or, at a minimum, the DNS needs to be maintained for these.
I am saying that there is little benefit here for something that requires a bunch of work.
Also, SO, SU, SF and Ask Ubuntu are just kinda "speshul"
@Bart SF?
Due to their history/original trilogy/whatnot
@Bart ok; FYI chat.SO is a different thing. (It is separate chat domain site)
A: chat.stackoverflow.com/ != chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/?tab=site&host=stackoverflow.com

animusonThat's because they are completely different servers. We have three distinct chat servers on our network: Stack Overflow Chat (serving stackoverflow.com) Meta Chat (serving meta.stackexchange.com) Stack Exchange Chat (serving the rest of stackexchange.com) Each of these chat servers is comple...

I'm aware of that
Also visit related question:
Q: Chat related privileges are not site specific

PandyaEvery site help center has the page for "View a full list of privileges you can earn". Example screen-shot for Unix & Linux: It says "Privileges control what you can do on <site> Stack Exchange". But I found that chat related privileges: talk in chat create chat rooms create gallery...

@Oded while you're here, did you see by any chance this bug?
Q: Answers disappear briefly then reload when I click them

Jason CFor some reason, when I click on either an answer, or any comment under an answer, the answer disappears briefly (on mouse up) (actually it looks like it reloads the answer). This seems relatively new. For example (the yellow circle indicates a mouse click): As a side note: When an answer is i...

I've been on vacation last week, so no, not really.
It also prevents one to close a question if it was edited
(until page reload - I'm afraid most users will just shrug it away and give up trying to flag or close)
Related to @ShadowWizard's message:
Q: Posts flickers if text is selected

JB NizetFor one or two days, I've noticed that questions on Stack Overflow are frequently flickering: disappearing for a short while and then reappearing. I first thought it did it when a new edit or comment was posted (which would already be annoying), but it seems to do it sometimes even when nothing...

Q: whole post acts as "click to refresh" button

Tadhg McDonald-Jensen I have been getting this quite annoying behaviour today where when a post is updated while I am on the same page instead of the usual "an edit was made, click to refresh" button at the top it seems the entire post functioned as that button. Where clicking anywhere on the post - including the ...

Yeah, same bug.
Stackoverflow cats vs Stackoverflow dogs:
@JNat Sweet. Also found a few more, same pattern: electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/246721/… (this one is copied text from e2e.ti.com/support/power_management/svs_and_sequencers/f/212/p/…), electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/253584/…, I'm keeping an eye out for more.
@Telkitty We need a Cats of Stack Exchange for the 404 pages like Amazon's dogs (keep refreshing).
Stack Exchange Cats calendar swag, what an awesome idea!
How you find them?
Is there a problem with wikipedia's security certificate?
.com is throwing an error for me. .org is not
googles question ... still has no idea
@AaronHall not for me. Green lock in Chrome.
@Andy huh! Right.
I'm behind a firewall. :(
@AaronHall but why browse .com in the first place? As far as I can see, all search results link to the .org domain which works fine.
I never ever said ".com" - that was Andy.
Can you post a sample link where it's not secure for you?
It's just wikipedia in general for me, I last tried: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DeepDream
Works fine here.
@ShadowWizard sede search for kynix in post histories
@AaronHall oh. So no repro. Only .com throws big red warnings about missing SSL, then redirects to the .org if I confirm.
@JasonC I see. Nice!
I checked mse, mechanics, diy, woodworking, lifehacks, hardwarerecs, and superuser, they're all kynix-free. Then I got distracted by youtube.
@JasonC why not cross site query? @rene can help you write one.
Because "rene can help you write one" sounds like it's waaaay beyond my attention span for this.
hrmph. @rene can you by any chance write a query that search post history for a keyword in all sites?
There's no way that wouldn't time out every time, anyways.
We'll see...
Society is getting progressively worse at coming up with names for software libraries.
On the topic of poor name choices, lmfao, just discovered this gem: gizmodo.com/293515/… (apparently Trekstor changed the name the very next day, lol)
@ShadowWizard sure, let me drive home first and I'll have a look tonight
@JasonC oh god, that's terrible and hilarious at the same time.
@ShadowWizard it is far from useful. Because we don't have a full text index enabled it isn't very effective in finding something that is not there. Also because posthistory is not the smallest table in the schema. You can only do a few databases at once :( (cc @JasonC)
So there's this guy in my class that I had to create a small python program with
one part of the program needed a loop
I suggested we use a for loop
He was like, "No, no, let's use a while-do loop! It's how I always do my loops in python"
He then proceeded to show me what a "while-do loop" looks like:
prepares to cringe
    #code here
    if condition:
...that's worse than I was expecting
just why
Luckily I managed to convince him that we should just use a regular for loop
Did the convincing involve any physical violence? If not, you're a better man than I am.
It did not, (un?)fortunately
@rene oh well so poor @Jas will have to look on every site...
@TheGuywithTheHat well, that is a valid loop.
It works fine, but it just seems like it's reinventing the wheel
@TheGuywithTheHat not really reinventing as misusing it. Proper usage will be to have while (condition) instead. :)
@shadowwizard @rene Fortunately, I'm totally not interested in pursuing that spam search any further, lol... y'all be so craaaazy!
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body, link following arrow in body: Many skin changes, such as skin cancer by Gine1945 on drupal.stackexchange.com
@JasonC So I have done all that work for nothing? I demand compensation @ShadowWizard
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: Some vs Little Water in specific cases by Exam Minds on ell.stackexchange.com (@ShadowWizard)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Messaging number in body, messaging number in title: (WWW.Carder007.sale) Buy CVV dumps fullz Banklogs Paypal & WU . ICQ: 688012700 by james benis on bitcoin.stackexchange.com
Compensation ice cream!
Q: Magento SE Swag #2

MariusBefore you read this, I want you to know that I have StackExchange's blessing to announce this, so this is not spam. The prize: A magento SE t-shirt size L courtesy of StackExchange: Where & When: Meet Magento Romania 2016 Cluj, Romania October 28th - 29th 2016 How can you get it. yo...

strange contest
That's not strange. That's a great way to encourage people to at least look at the conference.
Plus, who doesn't like swag?
@Quill commented ...
sd f
@Andy @Quill
Jul 21 at 10:58, by Quill
I don't have a craving for swag
only on the weekends
sending swag to @Quill
It's wednesday here <_<"
Too bad!
@Quill same!
good morning all
sd k
Yo Tropics
@Quill It's 6 a.m. there, right?
5:30, yeah
All-nighter, or early bird?
Half early birds make me sick and half early birds are really cool people.
Half all-nighters are miserable and half all-nighters are awesome.
5:30am here too
Do you guys really find the Tavern that entertaining?
An all-nighter not to miss Tavern conversations? I'm not that dedicated
You could just subscribe to Bart and be done with it.
I just woke up..lol
@Tropiks So this is like morning coffee?
Oh, Sha is taking over the star board.
Gotcha @Sha.
You can get starred, but you can't hide.
@DEAD morning coffee or enema, not sure yet
@DEAD what did you do? You can't ask a group to admit their group is biased
@rene I . . . nevermind
That was so helpful.
groupthink? that would be scary - if anyone groupthinked to my mind, they would go blind, mad and spontaneously combust (in that order)
I don't blame the guy.
The prolly spent hours thinking philosophically about it.
And they got two downvotes in eight minutes.
Which is much better than what many posts have seen, but he was expecting, hmm, 100 upvotes?
@rene. If only there was a way to get a twitter account....but since there is not, I guess you are out of the competition. — Marius ♦ 3 mins ago
I think I post an unfair post on their meta to finish me off ;)
@rene You LOL'd. I'm bringing this to SOCVR.
@DEAD I'll kick you from it ...
RO abuse posts on meta please
I have been called the mafia today, I can have some more
RO abuse.... what kind of spoiled child reports that kinda thing
@Quill a spoiled one?
@rene Noice, in a meta post?
No, not yet ... that is the next phase I guess
In chat?
And the messages are visible?
change of career soon
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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