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Also, I need to start using the adjective 'bloody' a lot more
it makes me sound british...
that's bloody brilliant, chap.
@TylerChacha I try not to overuse it when I do it. Don't want to ruin the meme for those around you ;)
@TylerChacha tell me abou tit
@YiJiang I really really like this one. And because you're not doing anything commercial and because it's targeted at a narrow audience I think Mario is fine here. Of course IANAL applies to all of us, and we all know this.
Leave the easter eggs and be proud of them. If anybody's not familiar with the <kbd> castle then they'll just not get the joke. Doesn't hurt that they don't play on meta. They can still use the SE scripts
@drachenstern Yeah - a search for 'The Princess is in another castle' brings up a huge amount of images that definitely not approved by Nintendo
As an aside, @drachenstern, about that Apple.SE question I cross posted here yesterday
lol, is it a SFW query that I should run? ;) I have safesearch turned off in my global google settings for argumentative grounds (I don't want google to filter for me, I want to filter for myself damnit) so ... SFW only ;)
@YiJiang ja? link me again?
My friend I think isn't entirely convinced that the answers about 'you're iPhone is compromised, wipe it and start again' is correct
Q: iPhone sending a lot of packets addressed to weird destinations, draining battery quickly.

Louie TanI have a jailbroken iPhone. Recently, I have realized that its battery usage is abysmal. Suspecting that it has something to do with the radio, I downloaded Data Counter from Cydia to check real-time data usage and found that even with push notifications off and exchange set to manual, there is a...

(10:12:01 PM) Louie: none of these answers actually help
(10:12:08 PM) Louie: well, maybe the honeypot
(10:12:09 PM) Louie: crackpot
(10:12:27 PM) Louie: and we even have a guy scolding me about jailbreaking
(10:12:28 PM) Louie: ><
Of course, without ever having used a iPhone, I won't know anything about it, but still...
So I don't really intend to be this disparaging, but your friend is a complete idiot
@drachenstern Right, so how would you provide help to my erm... complete idiot friend?
By telling him to reformat his phone and be VERY careful about what he installs in the future
and to recommend him to get an android where this stuff is a little more vetted and doesn't require jailbreaking (which encourages people who are a little more devious)
it's all about the environment. It's like the Mos Eisley Cantina. Sure there are some good people in there (look at the musicians, and the ones who don't cause any trouble) but then there are thugs (my friend doesn't like you, I don't like you) and so Cydia encourages that sort of environment.
why are people so against re-formatting?! grr.
Anyone can argue what they want, but look, he jailbroke his phone. It got rerooted.
He probably never even changed the default ssh login huh?
Ask him that
@drachenstern Right, so no doubt that the iPhone is hacked and has been used for nefarious purposes? No chance that the activity comes from legit activity?
> alpine
That's step one. If he never changed that, he's a complete idiot who doesn't need to use a hacked iphone
@YiJiang No chance.
@YiJiang not on that particular vector, no
@Fosco Not usually, although I don't usually go back to questions that I reformat
The first rule of jailbreaking is to change the root password
The second rule of jailbreaking is to CHANGE the fracking password
@YiJiang o.O -- I was talking about formatting a computer or phone and starting fresh.
Is he still on chat by chance?
@Fosco Oh, that. Hmm... well, I reformatted my computer about three times already, and my lack of organizational skills are clearly showing
@drachenstern He's on IM with me, although right now he's non-responsive
@YiJiang keep everything in /home or /users/me/documents ... makes it much easier
@YiJiang figured so
I'm just curious if he changed his password, that tells me where the attack vector probably came from, and I'm curious
if he never changed it, then I have a bit of a game for him to play. Monitor daily to see when his computer starts doing that. Install one app per day. That will tell him if it's likely to be an app, or if it's from another phone on the network.
shhh, he's here now. Hi @MichaelMrozek
@RebeccaChernoff Saw that quite while ago. Very cute
wow, getting rid of two of my twitter folk gave me a much cleaner stream ... :( -> :) I can finally see last nights news without having to wade through their muck
@RebeccaChernoff gotta love Marvin (yes, I realize that's not totally Marvin, but it was indeed inspired by him in part)
Ah, I hadn't seen it before.
@drachenstern Totally sounds like him behind that server. Just need something like 'Here I am brain the size of a planet...'
@drachenstern, what'd ya do? Unfollow me? I do tweet so much after all. q:
@RebeccaChernoff lol, no, some random Heroes fans from before they cancelled the series
@YiJiang did you check the source?
> -- here I am, brain the size of the universe,
@drachenstern Ah, no. Hmmm... very readable :P
:D The SE userscripts have an ad now?
Storing each line in an array like that.
@MichaelMrozek Creating it for the next round of open source ad for SO
o: did you come up with an idea?
Although I have to disagree with the website's use of HTML2.0 elements
@RebeccaChernoff Yes, although the images were obviously sourced
It's an old concept
it's been around for quite some time
Q: What to know before setting up a new Web Dev Env?

John IsaacksSay you want to create a new environment for a team of developers to build a large website on a lamp stack. I am not interested in the knowledge needed for coding the website (php,js,html,css,etc.). This stuff I know. I am interested in what you need to know to setup a good environment and work...

^ Programmer.SE material - yay or nay?
So...do I get to see it? (:
Or are you gonna make me search through backlog?
@RebeccaChernoff It's the image with three stars
1 hour ago, by Yi Jiang
user image
save her a click ;)
because, ya know, one hour was a long time ago ;)
@YiJiang I say definitely not SO, either P.SE or SF
Hrm. IANAL...is there an issue with using Mario?
@RebeccaChernoff Already asked, and the answer is 'I really don't know'
36 mins ago, by drachenstern
@YiJiang I really really like this one. And because you're not doing anything commercial and because it's targeted at a narrow audience I think Mario is fine here. Of course IANAL applies to all of us, and we all know this.
35 mins ago, by drachenstern
Leave the easter eggs and be proud of them. If anybody's not familiar with the <kbd> castle then they'll just not get the joke. Doesn't hurt that they don't play on meta. They can still use the SE scripts
@drachenstern I do enjoy saving clicks after all.
Many other websites already use derivatives of Mario images
I like it. Awesome work @YiJiang!
For instance, this one:
But that doesn't make it legal here
Prince is the only mofo that can rock purple ruffles, mad bling, and stilettos and still make every woman want his babies.
missed that memo apparently (;
To anyone thinking they should skim the star list to catch up on the backlog -- not a great plan
So, I have just one question for you @MichaelMrozek.
When has that ever been a good idea in here?
@MichaelMrozek did someone recommend that to you? I wouldn't ever recommend that to anyone
@RebeccaChernoff I think possibly at the beginning stars were useful. It's hard to remember
> β€œThere are three boxes, one contains only apples, one contains only oranges, and one contains both apples and oranges. The boxes have been incorrectly labeled such that no label identifies the actual contents of the box it labels. Opening just one box, and without looking in the box, you take out one piece of fruit. By looking at the fruit, how can you immediately label all of the boxes correctly?”
Supposed interview question from Apple (but in reality just an old logic question)
no fair googling for answers on this one
This one is trickier, but it's not intended to be solvable like that one was:
> β€œHow many bottles of beer are drank in the city over the week?” – asked at The Nielsen Company.
thank you
@drachenstern I hate those "estimate a giant quantity to prove you're an awesome programmer" questions
@drachenstern - Can I smell the fruit to see if it smells like the other kind? Sounds like something Sherlock Holmes would do.
@Moshe no, you're thinking too much
[ box 1 labeled Apple ] <-- contains either oranges or both.
So take out a fruit, hopefully it's an apple
[ box 2 labeled Orange ] <-- contains either apples or both
@Moshe I'm pretty sure your answer is wrong if it contains "hopefully" :)
[ box 3 labeled both ] <-- either contains apples or oranges
so reach into the third box and take out one. rearrange the tags accordingly.
yes, there we go.
β€œHow do you weigh an elephant without using a weigh machine?”
status box labelled, both, oh yea
@drachenstern - no clue
@drachenstern Ask him how much he weighs
I say water displacement, but that's just me...
@drachenstern - Good luck getting an elephant into that much water
I universally give smartass answers to those questions. Which is probably why I'm not great at interviews
nonsense to both of you, on the one hand elephants love water, on the other hand most of these questions are about nonsensical answers, it's more about the process than the solution
Btw, you mentioned apple before
on that topic, I reached a development milestone with my app I'm developing
like finding which of 9 coins is the wrong weight, assuming the other 8 weigh the exact same
only takes two weighings
what app, what milestone?
I'm working on an app (I guess I can say here...) for synagogues
It shows various announcements, prayer times, local social information, sponsorships etc.
I successfully tested it while running 100 slides and it didn't flinch
It used to crash at 20 slides
I did some memory stuff and it's incredible now.
that app runs on the ipad
But to make things even cooler, i threw together a "mini" app for iPhone that allows users to download the info to their iphone and take the information with them for reference.
They can even share it with other people who have the "mini" app
I'm sensing that I'm almost done.
The app can technically be used elsewhere, btw. Any place that needs a custom slideshow running with specific information.
ok, gotta get rolling. cya all later.
congratulations on the milestone then ;)
@Moshe nice job!!
I'm looking to get into Android development in the first quarter of 2011.
Q: interesting icon on an avatar

Derek AdairSLaks has a very interesting logo over his avatar. What is it?

... i thought it was the VS ribbon.. it is. that op needs to get out more.
The TSA are such liars. There aren't any body scanners in this terminal.
On the way back though... shakes fist at ATL
Also, mobile chat needs the userscript, even though I'm not sure how much sense that makes...Let's hack the iPhone and make that happen. cough
I'm not sure that it'll help, I've been considering it. We really need some swipes in the chatroom, like swipe to edit and swipe to reference
@drachenstern Touch events for JavaScript are... weird
doesn't really change my opinion ;)
Well, I still demand that clicking a message let me reply to it.
It highlights right now and then foes nothing.
....edit would also be nice, heh.
Rather easier edit :p
Q: "asp.net*" as ignore tag doesn't work

sjngmI just wanted to add asp.net* to my list of ignore tags. However, that doesn't seem to do anything. So I tried asp.net and still no success. asp* then finally caused the matching questions to be greyed out. I assume that the dot causes that reaction. EDIT: this is my list of current ignore-tag...

Forgot about the menu option for a minute
@TimStone I generally do ;)
GAHH what am I doing ... /me smacks hand ... work ... focus on work ... been doing good all morning ...
he's got a pretty nice ignore list going there..
Still doesn't get rid of all the crap on the site..
I liked this one last night ...
Q: Can I use jQuery to run a PHP file on my server, without using POST or GET?

Michael NovelloThe information needed by my PHP script is already in the $_SESSION variable, so I don't need to pass anything along to the server. I just need the PHP file to run. Right now I'm using jQuery's POST method. I'm passing along a fake post variable (whatever: 'you want') to make the browser happy. ...

Clearly the problem is Opera ;)
> On the way back though... shakes fist at ATL
@TimStone you mean when you're leaving the plane?
@TimStone Have a Safe Flight!
Q: "Yay or nay": yea or nay?

mmyersIs "yay or nay" an acceptable alternative to "yea or nay"? I have seen it several times in recent weeks, enough to make me wonder whether it is an emerging usage or just a common typo.

@MichaelMyers Erm... yea?
9 upvotes for "Can regex answers include more detail in explanation?". I'm considering revising my stance on downvoting posts that have absurd scores
s/downvote/upvote/g ?
A: What is a bad feature of Stack Overflow?

EtherMeta questions describing clearly broken behaviour closed as "status-bydesign" when Jeff really means "closed-because-I-say-so".

A: Is Stack Overflow a type of game?

Tyler ChachaYes, StackOverflow is a type of game. And the person paying you to work is always the loser.

Interesting question
@TylerChacha +1 Tyler... lol
Sounds like we need RPG style player stats calculated from acquired badges.
Users can form guilds and invoke question wars for rep exchange.
@Fosco Thanks!
Users making poor questions/answers will get booted from the guild, promoting stronger guilds.
Hooray free wifi courtesy Google Chrome
I am planning to implement a level system in my next site..
@TimStone I didn't know Google Chrome gave out free wifi - might use it more if that's the case :P
@YiJiang On the plane, no less. :P
There's no reason why we can't build a fantasy MMORPG stackoverflow game from the data dumps.
Real money could be at stake.
Jon Skeet would be the end boss, a 40-man raid instance. Tomb of Skeetoria.
@Fosco Hahah, brilliant
I love editing chat messages.
@Fosco lol
I've actually contemplated a "Stack Wars", but then realized that I already have enough stuff I intend to do, but have not yet done.
@Fosco Yeah, me too. :)
Argh, the guy in front of me is reclined, so it's really hard to type with the laptop this close..
First class next time, right? ;)
@TimStone Are you in the air?
Q: Would you play a Stack Overflow board game?

Jon SkeetI've just been alerted to a company which produces board games - you design the game, artwork 'n all, and upload the assets to them. They produce the game and sell it in their store, taking half the profits. I'm a big board game fan (1), and would love to help design a board game around Stack Ov...

@Fosco Yeah, hahah
laughs insanely
@MichaelMrozek Looks like you've discovered a bug, better go report it. ;)
But, nice job :D
I'm waiting for work to die down a bit so that I can put in some more Stack face time, heh.
@TimStone Awesome... haven't been on a plane with internet access before.
@MichaelMrozek Congratulations... and may God bless us all.
Anyone here uses Ubiquity?
@Fosco I think that this is the first time I've actually been on one myself. I've flown a lot, but I haven't been overseas in a while, and US-based airlines have been a bit slow about picking up the technology.
Apparently not. Oh well...
Also, the whole paying for access bit is generally not worth it, but since it's free right now I figured I'd give it a shot.
@YiJiang Not me, sorry.
@MichaelMrozek It should be: laughs menacingly
@Pekka I meant on the return flight, by the way :P
@Tim yeah, I thought so! :)
This desktop notification thingy is really neat
A: Google Chrome Stack Exchange URL Escaper Extension?

Yi JiangI've built a simple Ubiquity (not Chrome, but it is useful to post it here I suppose) command to do this. Install - Source (Non-Ubiquity using users will just see a blank page) Name: encode or url encode The code is very simple, as JavaScript has it's own encodeURI function, but WMD...

Did I get all of the special characters right there?
The Audi billboard says: "Your move BMW"
lol, how stupid was that marketing plan...
shouldn't mention your competitor (especially in larger type) in your marketing.
They never mentioned their competitor
You mean Audi..
Funny entry.. Thanks.
I'm still laughing over this from yesterday: 27bslash6.com/missy.html
> You can now lend your Kindle books, as the feature, first reported back in October, has gone live today. …While the book is on loan, the owner can’t access it.
Needless to say, this won't go over well..
so lame.
@TylerChacha Nice.
Lending Kindle books, eh? Whatever could go wrong? ;)
Anyone familiar with UV light?
This person suggests a door knob that sterilizes germs on it via UV light
The idea being that there is a little button, and when the door knob is pushed down the UV light is off
but, technically you can have your hand on the door while the light is on
is that hazardous?
I guess what I'm asking is: Is UV light harmful in small doses?
not harmful imho, and it's a great idea.
its a bit overkill though, the idea that the light would be on all the time when the handle isn't being used
5-10 seconds after the handle is used should be enough
A lot of people now have water filtration systems that just exposes the water to UV light as it passes by, and it works very well even with minimal exposure time.
yeah. I was mainly concerned about interaction with humans, but there probably isn't
@TylerChacha Um. yah. There already exists a solution, it's called brass. :)
1 hour later…
Everyone wish me luck. The senior staff of my company all have a very important meeting which may influence my company's future. Here's hoping we get some great results!
Good Luck @TheUnhandledException !!
@TheUnhandledException Hope it's a good outcome
Thanks @Fosco and @ChrisF. I am optimistic that this may be the start of some new money for my company so I can increase (and maybe even double) our programming staff!
Awesome... hope it's great, and I'm ready to move to NC whenever :) j/k
hahaha. Almost all our programmers work remotely, no need to relocate ;-)
\o/ wfh
Anyone got a browser that supports WebGL? I don't want to install Chrome beta as SO are the main sites I visit....
Yeah, I was playing with it. (I've got Chrome dev installed)
Any good? Basically is it worth installing a beta browser for or should I just wait until Chrome 9 is released?
Tis pretty cool to play around with. But besides playing around with it, eh?
Not like it is something I'll frequent.
I'll wait then
Why is answers.onstartups.com giving me "Portal not found"?
Loads for me. o:
Also, this is taking way too freaking long to upload. >_<
75% done.
@RebeccaChernoff I figured it was my problem - but what does it mean?
What ip do you have for it?
Though portal not found doesn't sound like an ip issue, hrm
I had the problem before but it went away
that's not right
Hrm, that's the ip I get for onstartups.com, but answers.onstartups.com is
which is to be expected as that's the same as all other SE sites.
So is it my ISP's DNS server that's wrong?
are you sure you did a ping for answers.onstartups.com instead of onstartups.com?
(only asking because that's what I started to do hehe)
yes I'm sure
Sometimes twitter.com takes me to myspace.com and I have to do a flushdns but then I'm good, heh.
You'll have to humour me - where do I find flushdns?
I'm so rusty at this low level stuff it's unbelievable.
Ah - it's an option on ipconfig
Yeah, in Windows it is ipconfig /flushdns
That's better - now giving the correct IP
And I can get to the web site
Ah, video finally uploaded. screencast.com/t/OCBoTKDX2j @ChrisF
...my "big meeting" was supposed to have started over a half-hour ago. I think that's a bad sign...
trys to remain optimistic
@RebeccaChernoff - no wonder that video took a long time to upload - it was huge! What screen resolution are you running at?
@TheUnhandledException Are you in the meeting?
Wow, Google Body is fascinating
<3 this monitor.
I'm totally blown away by the Google woman's breasts, and I don't mean that way
Makes my 1600 x 1200 seem small (though I do have 2). Though I do find the modern trend for short wide monitors a bit off-putting. I like some height to my screens
So this is how the milk is made
@Pekka No, I was supposed to be...
@RebeccaChernoff My 22-inch monitor only goes to 1680x1050. What size is yours?
it was this big meeting, all our senior staff is standing by waiting for the conf. call to start...
@TheUnhandledException Ah, I see (I misread "start over")
@Pekka Most of the milk glands are in the tissue behind the breast. So in this case size really doesn't matter. (Though they do get bigger when a woman is breast-feeding).
@ChrisF yes, that is what I am referring to, I am looking at the X-Ray view that shows the glands
@Pekka Oh, haha, I see what you mean :-) No, it was scheduled for a while ago and hasn't started yet. Was supposed to be very important, possibly could have been great news for my company :-/
@Pekka Ah sorry - not actually looking myself - no WebGL browser at the moment.
@RebeccaChernoff Ah. Though I'm not sure how well that would mesh with the 1280x1024 19-incher next to it.
@Chris yeah. It's almost worth installing Chrome 9, it's really fascinating
You should just run the dev channel in the first place. (:
@TheUnhandledException So who are they waiting for? The mystery investor who calls the shots?
Darth Vader?
Pol Pot?
@Pekka The mystery (hopefully) investor / client / partner / not-sure-what-the-specific-relationship-would-be-but-it-will-mean-big-bucks :-)
The Spanish Inquisition?
I might need to replace my ageing Dell FP 2001's soon. I'm getting "burnin" around the edges of the displays.
I bought this monitor just over a year ago. Prior to that, I had the same 15" monitor for 7.5 years.
Holy crap was that an upgrade.
@TheUnhandledException it's Osama, I know it.
Those Desktop notifications are really nice but they tend to form piles
@ChrisF Burnin'!
And I did get this one specifically for the bump up to 2048x1152 rather than just 1920.
@Pekka Well if I could get his location, it would still be big bucks :-D
@MichaelMyers I might have to take a screen shot to show you what I mean.
@TheUnhandledException trip him up when he leaves and call it in.
Share the reward with us of course
@Pekka Or I could go on a safari XD
Anyone wanna loan me a gun? ;-)
@ChrisF No, I know what you mean. The plasma displays in the halls have some burn-in.
How long does it take for a plasma to develop burn-in?
@TheUnhandledException Don't be like that guy who took an assault rifle to Afghanistan on a "solo mission".
@MichaelMyers Yeah, don't worry, I won't be :-)
@MichaelMyers Though it doesn't show up in a screen shot of course! Would have to be a photo.
I joke, but in truth the last time I fired a gun I was probably 11. And all I was firing were BBs, LOL
Because he got arrested by the Pakistanis. When you go, try to stay hidden better.
@MichaelMyers or offer larger bribes...
@TheUnhandledException I don't know about plasma's but these screens are at least 6 or 7 years old. I got them when I was made redundant in 2006 and they were a couple of years old then.
I just bought a plasma TV for Christmas and I'm concerned about preventing burn-in, that's why I asked.
I don't know how old the ones in the halls are.
I've only noticed the burn-in in the last year or so.
@TheUnhandledException You should be OK with a TV as long as you don't leave a static image on it for any length of time. I used to think that LCD's were immune - but the evidence before me says otherwise
@ChrisF Yeah that's almost what the manual says. I'm curious as to what the length of time actually is. 10 minutes? 5? 1 minute?
@TheUnhandledException I would have thought 10 minutes would be OK. It's the hours that have done for my screens.
I want to protect my precious new toy after all :-) For now I've been turning it off if I think I'll be away for more than 30 seconds, LOL
The screen in the hall cycles through the same things every five or ten minutes. Except sometimes the computer that's running it freezes up; I think that's when the burn-in happens.
12 revisions in 12 minutes!
Pssh, that's nothing.
by 8 users :/
@MichaelMyers that would do it!
@marcog I actually raised that issue on Meta last spring:
Q: Quick edits force a badly-formatted post to wiki within minutes

Michael MyersScenario A new user posts a question quite innocently (but obviously without looking at the preview). It may be a fine question, but because of the user's use of < in the code sections (which of course are not formatted as code), most of the question is not visible. Because the question is i...

@MichaelMyers Yes, that's also a problem. Another problem is everyone rushes to fix it, while OP tries to add details at the same time and when everyone stops and realises wtf just happened nobody wants to jump in and fix it for real.
Fortunately OP got a good edit in that stuck
Any unix.SE users wanting fresh meat:
Q: Is there truth to the philosophy that you should sync; sync; sync; sync?

JoshWhen I was first introduced to Linux, working at Cisco Systems in 2000, I was taught the merits of the sync command, used to flush buffers to disk to prevent filesystem corruption / data loss. I was told not only by coworkers there, but by friends in college to always run sync "a few" or "a bunch...

@TheUnhandledException meh, I don't know. Not sure I like the OP's gravatar.
@Pekka LOL
That's my company's logo! Twit... ;-)
Uh oh he's back!
Hah! Caught in the act
The Desktop notification is a powerful tool
Oh it works even when you're not here?
@TheUnhandledException No, but I had the browser window minimized and would have overlooked it without
How's the meeting going?
@Pekka It never did :-(
I hope we reschedule for early 2011
Oh, too bad!
I know. No call or email or anything, either
it was... weird
Yeah, sounds strange! With all the big shots already awaiting it as well.....
yeah, we were all sent away disappointed
Too bad.

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