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11:23 PM
gimmeh-teh-code is a tag???
ok no. Good.
bah, I wanted to make, as a code golf, a password generator in Python for tweeting purposes.
I didn't think Python would make it that easy though.
Now I'm 34 chars short from a full tweet. A waste not to use them.
what do you have so far?
import string as s,random;print ''.join(random.choice(s.letters+s.digits+s.punctuation)for x in range(16))
see? too short, it's a waste! :P
random.sample(s.letters+s.digits+s.punctuation,16) would only be marginally shorter and reduce entropy.
using the as s trick on random saves 0 chars.
0 chars? oh because of spaces ...
so I tried and made
echo -e "#!/usr/bin/python\nimport string as s,random;print ''.join(random.choice(s.letters+s.digits+s.punctuation)for x in range(16))">pw;chmod +x pw
that's 9 too long :(
11:37 PM
check me:
echo -e "#!/usr/bin/python\nimport string as s,random as r;print ''.join(r.sample(s.letters+s.digits+s.punctuation,16)">pw;chmod +x pw;./pw
again, random as r doesn't actually save anything :)
that particular post is 139 characters long
and I'd have preferred not using random.sample as I said, but it's okay I guess :)
and it should execute the file as well
well I guess you get to tweet it now :)
11:39 PM
echo -e "#!/usr/bin/python\nimport string as s,random as r;print ''.join(r.sample(s.letters+s.digits+s.punctuation,16)">pw;
chmod +x pw;
oh I don't care, I was helping you figure it out mate
you post it
obviously bash gagged when it saw that exclamation point
I wouldn't doubt it
can you escape it with a \ ?
yeah, it worked, there's something wrong though
11:41 PM
holy crap stupid markdown, one day you hate spaces, the next you like 'em
did I?
so you need to escape?
badp@delta:~/Desktop$ echo -e "#\!/usr/bin/python\nimport string as s,random as r;print ''.join(r.sample(s.letters+s.digits+s.punctuation,16))">pw;chmod +x pw;./pw
./pw: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./pw: line 2: `import string as s,random as r;print ''.join(r.sample(s.letters+s.digits+s.punctuation,16))'
anyways, adding the ) gives you 140
if you need to escape the bang then ...
badp@delta:~/Desktop$ cat pw
import string as s,random as r;print ''.join(r.sample(s.letters+s.digits+s.punctuation,16))
try -E
but that shouldn't matter either
11:43 PM
badp@delta:~/Desktop$ echo -e "#\x21/usr/bin/python\nimport string as s,random as r;print ''.join(r.sample(s.letters+s.digits+s.punctuation,16))">pw;chmod +x pw;./pw
gonna have to do a cat aren't you?
looks like there's another Google CR-48 laptop headed for my zip code... maybe mine :)
@radp too long by 3
by 1
echofon says by 3 ???
11:44 PM
In [1]: len("""echo -e "#\x21/usr/bin/python\nimport string as s,random as r;print ''.join(r.sample(s.letters+s.digits+s.punctuation,16))">pw;chmod +x pw;./pw")""")
Out[2]: 141
is it consuming the \n?
In [1]: len("""echo -e "#\x21/usr/bin/pythonaaimport string as s,random as r;print
''.join(r.sample(s.letters+s.digits+s.punctuation,16))">pw;chmod +x pw;./pw")""")
what does that give?
try this: echo -e $"#!/usr/bin/python\nimport string as s,random as r;print \'\'.join(r.sample(s.letters+s.digits+s.punctuation,16))">p;chmod +x p;./p (I don't have a unixy box handy)
I gotta make sure to use my laptop tomorrow.. Chrome 4 Cause :)

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