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A: How can I copy a block on one page to another page retaining css stylings?

bjb568http://jsfiddle.net/1ruvsqw1/ var e = document.getElementsByClassName('test')[0], div = e.cloneNode(true), styles = getComputedStyle(e); for (var i in styles) { console.log(i, styles[i]); div.style[i] = styles[i]; } document.body.appendChild(div); Just copy the computed styles ...

@bjb568 s/:p/😜/g
@bjb568 s/\bmeh\b/πŸ˜’/gi
@bjb568 s/\bno\b/πŸ™…/gi
my phone lets me replace "hmm" with πŸ˜’... I don't have my keyboard set up for that though
A: Get value from every textbox on page

bjb568$i = 1; $myarray = []; while ($_POST["questions_!".$i]) { $i++; array_push($myarray, $_POST["questions_!".$i]); } Loop thru them until it's null. This pushes them to an array, but you could use them in the loop.

:r!sudo makes-me-a-unicodez hmm
Somebody check my syntax.
I haven't PHPeed for years.
[] is the new php array right?
and before it was array()?
A: Is there a equivalence table to covert ASCII smileys to unicode emojis?

tchristNot everyone agrees on what is what, but here is one such possible table mapping input ASCII-art emoticons to Unicode emoji. Both data elements are single quoted, so backslashes and single quotes are escaped. 'o/' => 'πŸ‘‹', '</3' => 'πŸ’”', '<3' => 'πŸ’—', '8-D' => '😁'...

@tchrist xmodmap isn't fancy enough for that. Not sure how to do that sort of text replacing while typing
I can do <Compose Key> : ) → ☺ but that's about it
Compose+:+( also works and makes ☹
and compose - > = →
that's not a face :P
compose : p = nothing :-|
ctrl+shift+u1f632 is way too much typing just to get a 😲
Paste from xterm.
how is that going to help?
Keep a palette window open.
Don’t pretend you have to be able to "type" everything you want to input.
noooooooooo I will just buy 10 more keyboards
one keyboard will be devoted entirely to various cat faces
the creepiest of which is the Cheshire cat 😸
lead type for han characters?
and the size of one of my new keyboards
A Chinese typewriter is a typewriter that can type Chinese script. Early European typewriters began appearing in the early 19th century. However, as the Chinese languages use a common logographic writing system, fitting thousands of Chinese characters on the machine needed much more complex engineering than typewriters using a simple latin alphabet, or other non-logographic scripts. An ordinary Chinese printing office uses 6,000 Chinese characters. Chinese typewriters, and similar Japanese typewriters invented by Kyota Sugimoto, which use kanji adopted from the Chinese writing system, started to...
fix title pls
Q: finding the integral of the following

Roy1191191How do I find the following without finding the anti derivative $$ \int_{-\pi}^\pi \ln(x^2+1)e^{\sin \lvert x\rvert}\sin x dx $$ thanks!

upvote this answer to make it rise to top stackoverflow.com/a/29582604/2371861
has 1 selector instead of convoluted 2
@yellowantphil Yay for the 2015 Stack Overflow Moderator Election! Primaries begin in 1 day, 23 hours, 35 minutes and 23 seconds.
@bjb568 PHP tag.
@tchrist I'm tempted to add an !emoji command now...
plz .svg not crappy unicode
@Unihedro That’s a fonting issue.
Use code points, not images. The font renderer needs the exercise.
Well I'm on mobile.
And I can't do nuffin about the rendering of Android without rooting it.
@Unihedro get iOS
Can't afford an Apple ;-;
Work harder.
donate to my tech gear funds
where teh link?
Q: How can I improve my design with bootstrap?

simon I would like to work first on master page design for my web application, before starting the code behind part. I am having troubles doing a good design. I used some components of bootstrap, however, it is not quite good. Here is how it looks right now: I would like to have a better design that...

step 0: Don't use bootstrap
Actually, I have no idea how to create links for donations, which is why I don't have one yet.
<- noob at technology
Me neither
Make a kittehcoin account or something?
Is it a cryptocurrency?
@bjb568 Without checking, I'd give that 30% odds of actually being a thing.
@Unihedro yes
@JeremyBanks It is!
Wallets only for Windows and Mac, well guess what
I have an Ubuntu and an Android. Excuse me while I cry in a corner.
If one wants to accept BTC they can make an online BTC wallet at Coinbase or Blockchain without any validation, I think. I'm not sure what options exist for USD without validating a bank account.
Rapid SmokeDetector emails...
Is BTC good? I have very little of it, meant to sell them all lately
@AstroCB yeah...
@Unihedro Not as good as kittehcoin.
I'm not going to have a wallet though :( None of my machines supports it
@Unihedro IIRC BTC's value has been trending downwards for over a year, so I wouldn't suggest holding onto it as an investment. However, it's been declining slow enough that I'd say it's still stable enough to hold short-medium term if you intend to actually use it.
@Unihedro You need OS X to get OS X.
I had a few BTC on MtGox :d
I'm installing a VM for MEOW. This runs on Windows, so I'm totally game.
downloads adobe brackets
instantly starts complaining about jslint issues
"expected === saw =="
@AstroCB What's the y-axis a sum of?
label your axis properly, d00d
in Stack Overflow 2015 Moderator Election Chat on Stack Overflow Chat, 54 mins ago, by Jason C
3 hours ago, by Jason C
If anybody's interested, I've generated weekly activity histograms for all the current candidates, up to last Monday (I'll update this Monday after data dump). It includes reviews, but excludes votes and flags. No graphs, just data right now.
Election stats: (30 / 32 noms, 3 positions)
Ty221              3221 17/40
The Wobbuffet      4547 15/40
bjb568             4831 21/40
AstroCB            4840 21/40
hichris123         5039 22/40
Shree              5460 17/40
Unihedro           6639 24/40
Hemang             7211 22/40
Andy              11205 29/40
Undo              11410 30/40
Alexis King       11861 25/40
Michael Irigoyen  12173 29/40
Mooseman          12270 29/40
Ed Cottrell       14027 33/40
Sergey K.         15282 34/40
Jason C           18435 36/40
My candidate score should be 23.
1 point lost for caching, 1 point lost for account merge.
I wonder if withdrawing and unwithdrawing would bust the cache.
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in answer: USB host mode not working on Samsung Galaxy S using CyanogenMod by hmdkob on android.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@Doorknob Blacklisted user.
(NAA ^^^)
@JeremyBanks will try
@bjb568 Now you're at the top of the page for all to see.
[ SmokeDetector ] Nested quote blocks in body: Capturing image using getUserMedia and drawing it to canvas by Girish Kumar on stackoverflow.com
Why the upvotes?
Ooh, ahead of Astro again.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: need help :brand is not defined please by todo on stackoverflow.com
Q: 2015 Moderator Nominee Activity Profiles

Jason CI've generated weekly histograms of activity for each of the current 2015 election nominees. This data consists of the total counts, per week, of publicly available activity (reviews, revisions, comments, posts, accepts, suggests, badges) and is intended to represent any activity events on the si...

[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: need help :brands is not defined please by todo on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector fpu
@JasonC Registered question as false positive, whitelisted user and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in body: Where to buy Fresh Pistachio Seeds to Plant by NIkki Madrilejos on gardening.stackexchange.com
@bjb568 Maybe if you're lucky they'll reverse all your serial downvoters. (;÷}
probably not
Some mod or cm said it looked fishy but didn't do anything once.
I probably have over 40 serial dvs.
Wonder from how many people.
You can get on somebody's downside and everthing new you post they downvote. This isn't a serial downvote if it is in the normal course of looking at things: the user journey/al won't show a pattern of abuse. Eventually mods may notice but the script won't.
Which, really, is probably ok.
@tchrist It's made very obvious when somebody posts it to chat soon after posting and the score goes in a U shape
@AstroCB What is the Y-axis?
@tchrist is it just me or do all of these graphs have that problem?
@tchrist # of suggested edits
@bjb568 Mine always goes up.
When there are 8 voters, mine doesn't.
A: What is the least expensive way to annihilate humanity?

Journeyman GeekWait Eventually the sun will explode expand into a red giant, taking out most of the solar system with it. What remnants of humanity that have left the solar system would likely meet the same fate, or gradually evolve into something we wouldn't identify as human. Eventually? Perhaps the heat d...

@AstroCB Why are candidates suggesting edits?
@tchrist They aren't anymore.
Oh this is when they could not edit yet?
@AstroCB Yay for the 2015 Stack Overflow Moderator Election! Primaries begin in 1 day, 21 hours, 26 minutes and 2 seconds.
@tchrist Yes.
I wonder if some folks just wait till they don't need approvals.
A thing that annoys me: "It will work with [type of A] or any [A]. It'll even work with [type of A], [type of A], [type of A], or [type of A]!"
That is a crazy number of edit suggestions!
Is that all edits, or just on questions or just on answers or just on tag wikis? The last interests me.
> AstroCB had 308 edit suggestions approved, and 43 edit suggestions rejected
My edit suggestion history is very shoddy.
A lot of those rejections are from the OP, who apparently doesn't want a readable post.
Copy Editors very rare there, queerly enough.
Or maybe just the illegible posts are so common. On SO nobody seems to even try to generate actual written English: just public restroom grafitti. Why do people answer illegible questions w/o editing them? No Illuminators?
Cannot type with kitty helping.
Are there any candidates whose scores are unexpected for their rep?
Ya kant?
One didn't come back last night. First time ever. Thought a lion got him. He showed up towards noon and has been pasted to me most of the day.
U haz un kitteh!
Not counting lions.
Whom I have indeed chanced upon around my house. Wasn't paying attention so I was only about 8' away when the lioness growled at me. Nearly shat myself.
The most terrifying wild animal to encounter is a lion cub, followed close behind by a bear cub.
I was taking pictures and was too freaked out to remember to take her picture. Photograhy is not a high priority just right then.
@SmokeDetector tpu
@AstroCB Blacklisted user.
@tchrist discrimination!
@bjb568 Discrimination is all that separates the quick and the dead: she'd've been quick and I'd've been dead, and I was savvy enough to take discriminatory action -- very, very carefully.
Vote for javascript-library as a synonym to javascript! stackoverflow.com/tags/javascript/synonyms
This demonstrates a somewhat new way to ask questions on Mathematics
@bjb568 Apparently I have that privilege, so upvoted
@SmokeDetector flagged as spam
@bjb568 My goodness, it let me! I thought you needed like a tag badge or something.
Please don't tell me I have one. I'll be very disappointed in myself.
Just tag score
derp, it's right on that tag page
> Users with more than 2500 reputation and a total answer score of 5 or more on the tag, can suggest tag synonyms. Users with a total answer score (total upvotes minus total downvotes) of 5 or more on the tag, can vote for tag synonyms. Suggestions will be automatically approved when they reach a score of 4, and automatically deleted when they reach a score of -2.
I can definitely believe I have 5 points in Javascript
@bjb568 title fixed
It's already humiliating enough to have tag badges in java, python, and just shoot me php. I don't think I could have lived with myself with one in javascrippy.
@bjb568 I gave it the last vote.
@pizza !
@tchrist What's humiliating about knowing those languages?
@Ixrec Ruins my rep.
I can sorta get PHP but people don't normally hate Python (unless they've refused to ever try it because whitespace)
Python has some of the same mindbugs as Java.
"Hate" is too strong a word. Well, maybe not, especially in Java's case. PHP is simply a joke.
so, they tell me Daredevil is whatever Marvel should have done instead of Agents of Shield
@tchrist I just noticed the "Why doesn't Perl default to Unicode?" answer was you
that was one of my favorites before I even joined any of the sites
@Ixrec Oh, you know that one, eh? Definitely in high dudgeon that one.
yep, it turned up a few times when I was going through a "I should know how to do Unicode" phase
now I know enough to tell other people horror stories about it, and that's good enough for me
Well, you should. Everyone should. No excuse for not knowing it.
out of curiosity, if Java, Python, PHP and Javascript all rub you the wrong way, what languages do you like besides presumably Perl?
that explains everything
well at least we can agree on Go
Anybody who doesn't appreciate C deserves to do 3 years of hard labor in assembly language.
C's cool, but I'll always prefer C++
If that doesn't reorient them proper like, we'll follow it by 5 years of FORTRAN.
though my normal usage of C++ is "C with classes and the STL" so perhaps we could argue it's not that huge a leap
@Ixrec There are some things that are cool about C++ but far, far more that is uncool.
@Ixrec Yep.
That's what's cool about C++: It has EVERYTHING
Being bloated is uncool.
and you can ignore >60% of it, since no sane project will ever need all of it
Too damned complicated. Too many traps and lies.
I can definitely understand that
it's pretty much mandatory to know all of Effective C++ to avoid shooting yourself in the foot
At a previous job, the overseas team spent more than two fruitless weeks trying to "port" a big fast C program of mine from Linux to Solaris. Finally I made them show me the compiler errors. The ijits had changed the extension and kept trying to compile it as C++ source. No lie.
@tchrist This statement is a lie.
They protested "But it's always worked for us beforre!"
There are people in charge of porting code from C to C++ that don't realize the two aren't 100% interoperable?
how does that even happen
Fire them. Fire them all.
@pizza I saw you did a couple of the GL self eval reviews
@Frank Yes. Those with big pictures were obviously the best.
I haven't written C since my first uni course and even I know about things like foo() and foo(void) meaning completely different things in the two languages
@Ixrec They were not to port it to C++, only to Solaris. They didn't understand the difference.
it was so stupid I couldn't comprehend all the layers of the stupidity the first time you said it
Same nimrods who kept decaring C functions with no prototype instead a void prototype so the compiler didn't catch them screwing up.
do C compilers yell at you for doing that these days?
Apparently not.
@pizza You're the only one who reviewed this as satisfactory. Everyone else so far has done excellent. I was selfishly hoping for the best score there xD
@Frank No pictures in the answer.
C++ int fn() is C int fn(void), not C int fn(). And yes, this actually matters.
yes, even I know that
though maybe that's because I read too many SO questions
@Ixrec I hate whitespace
@bjb568 There's a guy at work who keeps saying it's the dumbest thing you could ever do when designing a language; I just start laughing to myself every time he starts that rant
They claimed to be in India but we knew they really had to be in Istambul: their code was too Byzantine for any other possible explanation.
@pizza It didn't need 'em, to explain how to stop the problem clearly
@Ixrec honestly, I think Python is ok
If perl did not exist, I would be forced to pretend to like python. Or at least to use it. Programming is supposed to be fun.
I should probably mention at some point that I like Javascript
just to get that out of the way
(we always use strict mode at work, so that eliminates most of the objectively dumb parts)

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