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@cybermonkey It's SmokeDetector's fault.
@Doorknob Nope.
@TheWobbuffet It's bjb568's fault.
I wonder why this got migrated superuser.com/q/900206/172747
!!/blame Who was too lazy to make @SmokeDetector support edits?
@Doorknob It's Infinite Recursion's fault.
@TheWobbuffet It's AstroCB's fault.
@AstroCB :) still OT IMHO
My bot that blames SmokeDetector for blaming someone isn't working...
@SmokeDetector Nice.
@Shog9 - who do we complain to about your actions? — mfinni 1 hour ago
No one complains about Shog's actions.
That's blasphemy.
@SmokeDetector No, it's your fault.
@SmokeDetector fpu
@Undo Registered question as false positive, whitelisted user and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
@TheWobbuffet lol, bug much? :P
@pizza Registered question as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
@TheWobbuffet I can’t do anything about Shree anyway. But I wonder if he actually intends to run.
@Undo it worked! :P
@yellowantphil Well, he nominated himself; it must be something, and I'm sure he'll explain it later.
@TheWobbuffet It's Jason C's fault.
it d
lol, it works when i'm not typing
otherwise it glitches
@AstroCB He’s taking a . . . beating? bath? Definitely getting bashed.
!xkcd find something
Daily API quota limit exceeded. Try again in 10 hours.
clock += 600
@Shog9 Looks like you've got your hands full today. My question about the queues can wait until Monday. I'll bother you about it incessantly then.
I really don’t like it when people go in for a big public scene about something that should be private.
No good can ever come of that.
@TheWobbuffet It's cybermonkey's fault.
@AstroCB Are you kidding? That's my favorite pastime.
meh... maybe a js bot that reads contents on page isn't very fullproof
!find It can be.
!xkcd help
@AstroCB Hello – I'm xkcdBot. I listen for things you say in this chat room and suggest possibly relevant xkcd comics. I can also search xkcd on command and onebox comics given an ID; I will post new comics as they are posted on xkcd.com. For a list of commands, use !xkcd commands.
I should change that to about.
!xkcd about
!xkcd about
@AstroCB Hello – I'm xkcdBot. I listen for things you say in this chat room and suggest possibly relevant xkcd comics. I can also search xkcd on command and onebox comics given an ID; I will post new comics as they are posted on xkcd.com. For a list of commands, use !xkcd commands.
There we go.
!xkcd commands
Usage: !xkcd [command][ params]
about – Get information about xkcdBot.
find searchTerms – Search for xkcd comics with Google (100 queries/day).
[questionID] – Post oneboxed comic.
last – Onebox most recent xkcd.
blame – Find out who's to blame for your maladies.
be quiet – No.
owner – Find out who owns xkcdBot.
!xkcd blame
@TheWobbuffet It's your fault.
does it always say that?
Still working on that one.
what i basically did on the wheel was make it parse the html of the info page
!xkcd blame TheWobbuffet
@yellowantphil It's your fault.
!xkcd blame
@AstroCB It's AstroCB's fault.
There we go.
Try it.
!xkcd blame
@yellowantphil It's yellowantphil's fault.
@meagar Be careful about getting sucked too far in to that MSE post, heh. It's a real doozy.
!xkcd 1234567
!xkcd -2
noooo I wanted negative 2!
!xkcd 0
@yellowantphil xkcd.com/0
!xkcd 3*12
@JasonC I've abandoned it as a lost cause
There is no a point where the words you're typing are just not being read :|
Yeah, I have a feeling that point actually came as soon as the OP hit the "post" button.
Pretty much, yeah.
!xkcd 42
!xkcd 42
nothing about the number 42?
Too early in the series, I guess.
Does this guy draw his comics on paper?
Pretty sure he switched to a tablet years ago
because i see paper marks and graph paper
He had some sort of laptop with a screen that rotates into being a tablet back in 2008ish
haven't talked to him since
you've talked to him before?
he was good friends with one of my former roommates
stayed at our apartment twice
@yellowantphil That's pretty cool.
I went to CNU for grad school I think the year after he graduated from CNU
so I knew some people who were friends with him
@SmokeDetector delete NAA flagged
@JasonC I came to regret all of the notifications that answer was generating. =/
!ping AstroCB
Prepare to be pinged, @_@.
!ping _@
Prepare to be pinged, @_@.
!ping _@\n\n.-.
Did I break it? :P
@TheWobbuffet It's a JS bot; you can't break it.
That was a good attempt, though.
!ping TheWobbuffet
Prepare to be pinged, @everyone.
!ping everyone
Prepare to be pinged, @@astro.
!ping @astro
Prepare to be pinged, @@astro.
Look what I found!
The second xkcdBot becomes a moderator, the world is going to be superpinged!
have you guys been playing with the bot all day?
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: how to give airdroid root permissions on kitkat? by Francis Demers on android.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in answer: Odd iCloud syncing issue by vikram on apple.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector No, it's your fault.
my bot has that response to everything sent by smokedetector... i'll fix that. later.
@TheWobbuffet Is your bot running for mod, or are you? o_o
inquiring minds want to know
uhh I have a bot account with, like, 300 reputation, but right now my regular account is being used as the bot
you could auto-mod
what does that mean?
make a bot do all your moderator duties
not very smart
bots aren't always right
Giving bots complete control over a website? That's genius.
i got kicked out and i'm desperately trying to cap
I'd vote for HAL9000
you aren't out yet
I believe that leads to things like this:
Q: Abrupt change in moderation staff?

EEAAMyself and a few others just noticed that HopelessN00b and Chris S are no longer listed as moderators. What is the story behind this?

@yellowantphil yes, i'm out
maybe Shog is a bot
i can re-nominate myself if i get enough rep
If someone withdraws, you're back in.
who will
@TheWobbuffet you're still on the list if you tell it to show all
that mr. abe guy is my bot account
it used to be called "Charcoal"
...then i deleted the charcoal app
You need 201 rep to pass bjb.
Mr. Abe for moderator!
the fact that i only know one language makes it hard for me to get rep
learn a similar language. you'll be halfway competent later today
i know javascript and as3
i learned javascript after as3 because as3 is kind of a terrible language
javascript is probably just as bad, but it's for web, so that makes it okay
try Java?
i don't know java
it isn't that hard
yeah, but i barely know any of the methods in the standard library in java
Y'know, it's funny... One of the moderators on Stack Overflow recently lost his diamond, and it took folks like a week to notice. Still haven't seen a meta thread about it. Of course, the reason is simply that SO folks are waaaay more respectful of individual privacy, but a more suspicious person might think the case you're referencing involved people in an external chatroom collaborating to create a scene and thwart any efforts to resolve the situation quietly... — Shog9 ♦ 2 mins ago
learn Fortran 77... not because you'll need it, but because the syntax is mind-bending :-|
you know what'll be easy to learn? assembly
@yellowantphil I needed it...
"what do you mean I have to put some random character in column 6?"
@Air Haha, well, it's a pretty hot topic and you threw yourself right in the firing line.
@yellowantphil Took me an hour just to learn how to add a branch to an if-else chain
@Ixrec I've used it but I sort of avoid it. It took me a weekend to even learn how to read it
it actually takes, like, only 5 minutes to learn brainf... let me see how popular that tag is
eh... not popular at all. after all, what questions would you have about it
@TheWobbuffet learn something trendy, like Visual C#.net in the Cloud or whatever Windows people use
C# is okay, but i hate the fact that it's windows-specific
@TheWobbuffet that's why I don't use it
how about Python? it's kind of cool. I don't know it that well. I wish it used semicolons though
@yellowantphil You get used to the whitespace/no-semicolons thing really fast
i know the syntax of python 3 but barely any of the methods. i guess i could see the recently asked questions
you just replace your curly bracketing habits with indenting habits
@Ixrec but... but... my precious semicolons!
@JasonC If you wanted to reduce the exposure said drama receives, a way to do this would be to postpone posting your feature request a month later.
@pizza Good call.
@yellowantphil Have you ever written Lisp code? =)
@Ixrec nope
not sure I've even seen lisp code
@pizza I am going to do just that.
Yay for drama--
@yellowantphil In that case, try reading the SICP next time you're bored: mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book-Z-H-4.html
@pizza drama--.
@Shog9 FWIW that post was prompted by discussion in the election chat room, not the tavern.
@Ixrec whoa
I think all the chat rooms have been discussing it today
@JasonC oh... you thought I was referencing our chat.
no, no no...
best let it be
@JasonC tsk, tsk
@yellowantphil Yep, it's definitely a "whoa" book
!xkcd 101
Persistence setup complete.
actually relevant:
!xkcd 224
Hey, "FWIW" is actually a disclaimer prefix indicating that I have no idea what I'm talking about, distancing myself from any responsibility. Let me rationalize my comments in peace, please.
Fun fact: only two users have reached 20K on two different SO sites: bfavaretto (en+pt) and Vlad (en+ru).
Sad fact: lang-SO sites are not linked to Careers.
@pizza I think those links are off
what do you mean "SO sites"?
Fixed now, thanks. It's my stupid bookmarklet for markdown-formatting links...
@TheWobbuffet so, ru.SO, pt.SO
@TheWobbuffet (*.)*SO
or however that's abbreviated.
@TheWobbuffet There are non-English StackOverflows now
@JasonC When I wrote up the answer, it was the third incarnation of the question after two of them being nuked from SO and I thought maybe throwing him a bone would de-escalate things a bit.
I think I got that regex alright
i saw that portugal one
Notably, Vlad is 36 years old in English but only 15 years in Russian. Time warp.
what's weird is that there are questions about english code there...
interestingly, there are three more foreign SO proposals on Area51 that have completed the Commitment phase, and are "on hold while we add international features"
> It is too late to edit this message
which I think refers to non-ASCII characters in tags
@Air I believe some comedy is called for:
SE has been looking for a Spanish-speaking CM for a long time, but @Braiam still hasn't applied.
@pizza :O
it's still open!?
@Braiam Yes it is
I could not finish reading the first bullet item.
> Help invent and evangelize completely new ways to build communities, turning site-by site learning into holistic, network-wide processes
and my brain still hurts a little from the effort.
> Help invent new innovative bullet points to put in our job descriptions!
> ID and develop super-evangelists in each community to help their sites flourish, and mentor those users so sites need you less
...convert new ways to christian?
evangelization is like... yeah, that, but without the believe context
@pizza wait what? "Develop users who are very active, but then mentor them so you don't need them anymore"? Okay.
> To be enthusiastic about something, and to attempt to share that enthusiasm with others
@hichris123 So they don't need you.
@pizza ohhh I missed a word. :P
but what's the point
what's the point of using complicated english that's hard to read when it can be so simple
These bullet points though sound less SE-y to me, though.
More corporate.
I always assumed contracts used that english so people won't bother reading them
That's why they can't find anyone.
@TheWobbuffet My actual contract used far more down-to-Earth English, thankfully
@pizza "I can't understand this, I'm probably not fit for the job" or "I can't understand this, probably not where I want to work"?
@hichris123 More like "I'd rather be poked with a sharp stick than keep reading this".
@hichris123 or perhaps, "I can't understand this, and I'm afraid they want me to write like this as part of the job"
@Braiam ¡What, you speak Spanish and haven’t been doing your part to fill @bjb568's head with juicy profanity to supplement his Spanish studies? :)
!xkcd 303
Hrm, so tonight is either going to be "digging through a mess of PHP code to figure out why includes are taking 80 ms" or reading a book I just got. Wonder what I'll choose...
@hichris123 Is the book about PHP?
@pizza not in the least.
It's a YA novel.
@pizza It’s because in English one only has eight fingers but in Russian one has twenty-five of them.
@durron597 Updating that computer right now.
@Shog9, you really do do an extremely good job of handling all of the crap that's throw at you.
@tchrist :(
@AstroCB Thanks
!xkcd commands
about – Get information about xkcdBot.
find [searchTerms] – Search for xkcd comics with Google (100 queries/day).
[questionID] – Post oneboxed comic.
last – Onebox most recent xkcd.
blame – Find out who's to blame for your maladies.
shh – No.
owner – Find out who owns xkcdBot.
Usage: !xkcd [command][ params]
!xkcd blame
@AstroCB It's AstroCB's fault.
!xkcd find >x>x>x>%10,,,<--'"\
@JeremyBanks That didn't even match.
@AstroCB Ah. :P
"energy is spent and used" wat — bjb568 25 secs ago
Somebody get a bludgeon.
@bjb568 You're on the first page of Parenting users by participation.
He’s apparent?
@pizza Very high-quality contributions, I suppose.
@hichris123 Well, that aren’t deleted.
Right and left does not exist. They are political oversimplifications designed to foster groupthink and an us-vs-them mentality. You can't explain it without bias, because if you even try you are biased. Your description is simply incorrect, the political spectrum can not be described as a straight line with left and right. I suspect that explaining politics without bias becomes much easier once you drop the left-to-right idea. :-) (And as such I think your description of the standpoints are incorrect too, but I'm biased. On a scale of left to right, I'm in the front). — Lennart Regebro Apr 28 '11 at 20:50
Such agree
@xkcdBot Shhh...
I ping the bot in here, and it responds in the botling room.
@xkcdBot Shh...
@AstroCB Never!
There we go.
Q: Pedometer Help / iPhone

user3127905Xcode/iPhone Pedometer Help So, here's my problem. I am trying to make a simple pedometer app in Xcode6 in Swift. I as I try do to it I use "HealthKit". However, the problem is I can't use StepCount or even access HealthKit. (By the way, it's fine if it uses MotionInformation, as long as it dis...

That didn't work.
!xkcd find it
Daily API quota limit exceeded. Try again in 8 hours.
!xkcd last
@James I don't know if that will help...
Tempting as it is to yell at them, it's probably best to just give Shog and the team time to carefully consider how to respond to the situation, and let it be.
They may already feel under attack from the rest of the network.
(That's @ Tux-James, not Spike-James.)
I felt it was unbiased. I wasn't really defending shog, I just hate people bringing the pitch forks and noose and a ton of others following like sheep.
so I don't think he's very unhappy
!xkcd commands
about – Get information about xkcdBot.
find [searchTerms] – Search for xkcd comics with Google (100 queries/day).
[questionID] – Post oneboxed comic.
last – Onebox most recent xkcd.
blame – Find out who's to blame for your maladies.
shh – No.
owner – Find out who owns xkcdBot.
Usage: !xkcd [command][ params]
Why u stop replying @xkcdBot
@James Your post is quite reasonable, but they probably aren't going to be very receptive to it coming from someone who's not a member of their community.
@JeremyBanks You may be right, or perhaps accept a "neutral" user
Somebody should build them a Stack Exchange to Usenet exporter.

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