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Ah that was you
Feb 22 at 4:23, by Famous Blue Raincoat
... which will enter private beta on Tuesday, according to schedule.
Wat schedule?
Yes, the schedule is to launch private betas on Tuesdays:
we try to launch closer to morning Eastern time, but once in a while things get in the way - designers are backlogged and don't get to make the icons, I sleep in another hour, systems are under maintenance, etc. etc. This may even change to another day in the week at some point, who knows.
@FamousBlueRaincoat I can't find "Tuesday " anywhere in your quote...
Wat am I missing...
Ha, I guess someone didn't like me destroying their sense of security.
@nicael You have to read between the lines, I guess. Or consult the timeline of SE sites and observe that in modern times (near the bottom of the page) all private beta launches are on Tuesdays.
@Bart must edit the question!
@FamousBlueRaincoat actually it's mostly Monday, not Tuesday
I'd say "beginning of week" is most safe to use
@ShadowWizard UTC Tuesday
So that they have full week to evaulaute the site
@Braiam not sure what you mean. I saw "2015-02-02" in the timeline, and according to my Calendar 2015-02-02 is monday.
It can also be Friday on some distant planet...
@Bart You can also technically decompile C. You do lose variable names, though.
2015-02-24 is indeed Tuesday, so it's not 100% consistent
@ShadowWizard I'll look into that. Possibly borked conversion of timestamp to readable form.
@JanDvorak certainly. That kind of security is an illusion. But in this particular scenario it took me a literal 10 seconds to illustrate the example. Taking the screenshots took more effort.
I also miss a good opportunity to practice my ASM.
Yes, the results returned by API are off by one compared to Area 51 pages. The table was grabbed from the API, except for a couple of last lines I added manually. Will look into it later today.
offuscate all teh things!
@FamousBlueRaincoat weird.... but still, it's not consistent so we can't really say "it's always on Monday/Tuesday"
In practice it was Tuesday for all betas after [ja.so], which was a special case.
It's true that in the longer term there is less consistency.
Gah, still no magic link. Unlike for Stack Overflow em Português
TIL that I'm not the only one in the world who rescued the source from an assembly...
wow this one really turned into gold mine of reputation... hope they won't delete it for at least 90 days :D
Uh, yes, indeed
[jp.so] [ja.so] [日本.so]
Also of People Reached. I had reached ~20K people before that thread; now I'm at ~30K.
2k for me. =D
I'm a lurker.
Well. I also review, close, downvote, etc.
Which reaches noone.
@FamousBlueRaincoat the PR is the most.... unreliable... stat I ever saw. But yeah, guess you are right :D
Well, it could be worse. It could be Klout.
Klout? goes Googling
@J.Steen site too slooow, will look on wikipedia
Yeah, the site sucks.
Klout is a website and mobile app that uses social media analytics to rank its users according to online social influence via the "Klout Score", which is a numerical value between 1 and 100. In determining the user score, Klout measures the size of a user's social media network and correlates the content created to measure how other users interact with that content. Klout launched in 2008. == Klout Score == === Overview === Klout uses Bing, Facebook, Foursquare, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Wikipedia data to create Klout user profiles that are assigned a unique "Klout Score". Klout...
much faster!
How boxed.
@J.Steen wikipedia links always onebox
same as xkcd and pictures
and amazon products
I know. It just can't do markdown. =D
@J.Steen it also can't make coffee.... :-(
@J.Steen No Markdown, just post the link and nothing else.
coffee... guess I should make one :D
!wiki klout
@FamousBlueRaincoat I meant, the box doesn't render existing markdown.
borked, or wrong syntax...
@ShadowWizard yes, please
@FamousBlueRaincoat think he means the onebox doesn't support markdown so it looks messy
@ShadowWizard Boxed coffee...
Got it
   {   }
    }_{ __{
 .-{   }   }-.
(   }     {   )
|             ;--.
|            (__  \
|             | )  )
|             |/  /
|             /  /    -Felix Lee-
|            (  /
\             y'
Now that's a true coffee!
Everybody on a coffee-break, even the spammers?
@rene it's like the Christmas truce
In that case, where is the football match?
@rene apparently not here. Just kicked a ball through the office, but it wasn't appreciated.
Oh, sod, coffee! I need coffee.
Net neutrality vote in less then thirty minutes
Less than thirty minutes!!!
Is there a livestream?
or a #hashtag? facebook page? subreddit?
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: CONFUSION ABOUT TWO SENSORS by Viraj Jadhav on electronics.stackexchange.com
@J.Steen go get a cow then! but who needs milk? You can make yourself black coffee :D
@J.Steen what on earth are you doing to your coffee with milk?
flag given
@Bart Sometimes, coffee requires milk.
@J.Steen +1, for instant coffee
but no milk == black coffee or espresso etc
And I assume you eat your toast without butter, too!
@J.Steen and chocolate without sugar! gasp
@ShadowWizard Now you're just being weird. =D
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in answer: Why is ethanoic acid more acidic than phenol? by user14659 on chemistry.stackexchange.com
OP ain't lying.
wonder if it's the same troll?
why removed?
Basically, nazi admins blocking everything.
Surprisingly DD isn't blocked.
btw, sorry if you feel dirty using flash
Phew long time no see
Q: Minimum requirements of self-answered question

ArceusMaster0493Are there any rules (or guidelines) for a Asking and Answering your own question? What are the minimum requirements a self-answered question needs to meet, or do you treat it just like a normal question (like this one)?

You can delete them as well if you like
This one. ^ Can someone please vote to close as it is a duplicate? Thank you.
Is there some issue with SE? When I start to edit a post, the formatting bar is not showing.
The one that I never use?
@Farhan what post are you editing?
What formatting bar, like the one with bold and italic buttons?
Learn markdown
@ArceusMaster0493 yes
@Farhan Which question/answer/post?
@Farhan F12 --> Network tab --> Reload
any errors?
@JanDvorak I know markdown, but that bar saves time.
@Farhan when?
keyboard -> mouse -> keyboard.. no, it doesn't save time
@ShadowWizard CDN requests takes a long time (I've been noticing it for several days). That's the only error there.
@Farhan but no 404 or 500 errors on your side? Console?
Can't see any reason for the editor buttons to just vanish
@ShadowWizard No
Is it on all sites?
@Undo I only notice it on aviation
norepro here
Behind a work firewall or something?
@ShadowWizard It could be my network, but i've have been seeing it for several days, only on SE. All other sites work fine.
@Farhan if you browse this, what you get?
@Farhan I mean do you get error?
three rows of buttons
might go make a post on meta.Aviation.SE tagged [design][bug]
@ShadowWizard no error
So try hard refresh, clear your cache.
Now it's working fine
@ShadowWizard Why does clearing cache matter?
ah okay yay
@Undo nah, it would just get marked after 6-8 weeks/years
Nice flowers, @Doorknob
@InfiniteRecursion Long time no see!
What to do here, the only spammy thing is the irrelevant disclosure superuser.com/a/882990/172747, edit it out?
@bummi Yes, you could: with edit summary saying that last sentence is not really disclosure but an irrelevant link.
It's like me ending every post with "Disclosure: I have a blog at [url]".
@LynnCrumbling Was enjoying a long vacation :)
Well, it's pretty cold out there for a duck.
Avg temps at night here... 2F-6F.
@LynnCrumbling :D
@FamousBlueRaincoat A nice way to place spam IMHO
@bummi Yeah.. I feel like that entire thing needs to be edited out or changed to a non-link.
If they continue, cast a mod-flag to have their account deleted
@InfiniteRecursion I would have stayed on vacation longer ;-)
@LynnCrumbling You mean, Infinite Vacation? ;)
@ProgramFOX cheers
@ProgramFOX Or.. Infinite Vacation Vacation Vacation Vacation Vacation ...
@LynnCrumbling I tied the knot this valentine's, so it was a short vacation :D
@InfiniteRecursion Congratulations.. Mrs. Duck!
@LynnCrumbling Thanks
@InfiniteRecursion Hope you got to go somewhere warm.
@LynnCrumbling Yes :D
Hi Inf! Haven't seen you in a bit
Hiya @Frank :)
If you CW your own answer, can you then vote for it yourself?
@JanDvorak you can't
CW is still your answer. You get badges for it and it shows on your profile.
that's unfortunate. It would have been really useful for poll-type questions
nothing interesting in the transcript since I was last here...
@JanDvorak you already knew that, no?
@Frank Sorry to disappoint :-/
@LynnCrumbling lol
@Frank We'll try harder next time. Please. Give us another chance, man!
Ok, you have one more try.
My car still smells like chili.
Fail me again, and...
thinks of something scary
@LynnCrumbling I misread that as "cat" -_-
where's dorky borky?
@ProgramFOX pictures circumstances of how a cat could end up smelling like chili
@Frank Don't summon them
where's ahmad?
*him good idea
@InfiniteRecursion idk, been a while
crockPot.dump(.5, parent.car.seats.passengerSide);
last message 27d ago
last seen 27d ago
^ code that was unforunately and unexpectedly executed yesterday while crockPot was filled to the top with my entry into the chili cookoff.
le sigh
you're supposed to bring a spare pot half filled with half of it, and dump it all together upon arrival.
At least, that's what I do
@Frank That sounds much too thought-out compared to what I ended up doing.
*you're, half-filled
^grammar nazi
@JanDvorak idec, go lecture a worm
People told me that I should have renamed the chili: "Car Floor Scrapings".
no wonder you didn't win
Meta.SO was discussing soup nazis recently. Now it's chili.
@Frank Thankfully none of what was served came from the floor.
What's the story behind this choice of avatar @Fam ?
@LynnCrumbling good
Feb 4 at 4:10, by Shog9
It's all moody and Canadian in here now. Gotta go smoke cigarettes in the rain.
@LynnCrumbling My truck is all leather inside, so easier to clean up.
It's Times Square actually, a while back.
@FamousBlueRaincoat The Shog !!
@Frank Hrmm. I managed to deposit most of the debris between the passenger-side door.. and the seat. I'm sure the tracks are filled that the seat slides on. Blech.
@Frank My seats are leather, so they were the only thing that was easy to deal with. My upholstery is borked, though.
@LynnCrumbling poor you
@Frank I was only 2 minutes away from work when it happened, too.
the robins are back - a sign spring is coming
Oh noes! Call Batman.
Oh *no
^grammar nazi
ok, called batman. said he'll be 15 mins
Batman is slow, call Bart.
What's up with Pham today?
@InfiniteRecursion you rang?
he did absolutely nothing...
Oh, batman is here.
knock knock anyone here?
here am I
what's up?
Do you have an InfoSec.SE account?
@InfiniteRecursion The "Bart-signal" just sounds weird though
@ColeJohnson lol
Wanna help me hit the rep cap?
A: What is encrypted in this image?

Cole JohnsonWe begin with Gabriel Santos' comment of pastebin.com/szEs3Hhq. Opening the image in a text editor doesn't reveal it, but I'll just go with it. The link brings us to a paste where we get you've done well. Go deeper, and the rewards can be found. Difficulty will increase as you solve each test. ...

@ColeJohnson uh...
Or did you already upvote?
I just did.
@ColeJohnson For answering an off-topic question?
@ColeJohnson thought you were gonna post a flag request. :D
@FamousBlueRaincoat I did mention in the question's comments puzzles.SE would be a better fit (I have an account there also)
@Frank It's an off-topic question that hit the Hot Network list and raked in some upvotes before it was shut down.
It would be more appropriate to downvote the answer, imo.
@Frank if you want to flag for migration, please
@ColeJohnson well you have 6 1/2 hours to get the next one :P
if it is migrated before the UTC day ends, and then I get an upvote, do I still got the rep cap?
1 hour later…
*reads the title*
broadband providers may not impair or degrade lawful Internet traffic on the basis of content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices.
broadband providers may not block access to legal content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices.
I'd like to see some definitions for the latter one...
the Order reclassifies “broadband Internet access service” [...] as a telecommunications service
^^ That lets Google Fiber easily string on telephone poles wherever they want.
Just be sure to preserve maximum curvature while making knots
I wasn't fighting
Hiya @KevinBrown
yay my answer made the mse newsletter
My answers often make the GL newsletter also...
@HoboSapiens no, just some hapless website owner
Are you pointing and laughing at me? :-[
Don't look at me. I'm just a tiny part of this conspiracy.
Just got my third yearling badge on SO :D
Hiya @Unihedro
hallo o/
was going to sleep after a long day, but woke up after fifteen minutes.
Can Smoky pick up patterns in answers?
I ask, because this is currently happening:
nope answers are currently hardcoded
Pham might, cc @Sam
Pham's borked
Oh no, both bots are malfunctioning!
Oh well, back to manual searches for this idiot.
May god have mercy on this ridiculous user.
@BradLarson Smokey would detect "shit" anyway, but it's down at the moment. :((
OK, a few of these got lost in review and I want to get them as quickly as they're posted. Y'all see any new results in this query: stackoverflow.com/search?tab=newest&q=shit%20is%3aanswer , flag them hard. I have to step away for a bit to do some actual work.
ay cap'n
And if there was a websocket for answers with the functionality similar to questions including 200-char summaries, all this stuff would be easily caught with a userscript independent of Undo's server's health. sigh
If only Pham works on my machine
Wait, Smokey's out too?
@Unihedro Have you tried?
hey, there's moosebot. Mebbe Mooseman can run an old Pham on that
No the drive version didn't- Wait, you sent a zip version thru email, right?
frantically rushes to turn on windows laptop
What's that country code?
Kill it!!
stackoverflow.com/review/low-quality-posts/7173680 link only answer, what should I have done?
Die with fire!!!
@JanDvorak countrycode.org/nigeria That's where my buddy, the millionaire prince, lives!
@KevinBrown delete!
@KevinBrown We keep moderating. Delete, downvote, flag! Go, go!
@Mooseman oh oh .. I know him!
Oh crap, that got me review banned
2 days?
2 days
Be careful!
@Moosebot gone
At least now you've redeemed that many flags and time to be spent somewhere else.
The LQ review on SO is such a minefield of popular link-only answers.
@KevinBrown Just flagged it NAA.. and downvoted.
me too
voted to close the parent question as dup.
FR - should out-of-queue actions invalidate failed audits retroactively?
@JanDvorak YES!
@JanDvorak No, because there'll be push to "correct" failed audits even if they were reasonable.
@FamousBlueRaincoat << NEGA-STAR!
@FamousBlueRaincoat Would there be? Maybe.. :-/
At least make it more audit-specific.
@FamousBlueRaincoat what about actions by other users only?
As in, the taverners help each other out
Like "vote to dispute this edit as invalid and relief the audited reviewer".
That way you don't randomly get unbanned.
@JanDvorak Or robo-reviewers help each other out?
But. Think of what the roomnottobenamed regulars would do, it's easily abused
@FamousBlueRaincoat unlikely
Sometimes the robo-reviewers just want to help, too.
For example, the robo suggested edits reviewers room occasionally changes reviewers. Some of them do take the education.
If the "get this innocent reviewer back on the road" feature is explained well and ensures thorough understanding for all good faith, then robo-reviewers would know better than to help each other out just for the sake of it.
@Unihedro what room?
!important ALL TEH THINGS
...but there is no IE9 on WinXP
@Mooseman anymore
A: Help us test the shiny new "User Activity" page! (Plus a bunch of new features.)

nicaelMy top tag is required tag, but it renders as usual (should have grey background, but has blue):

I assume anybody who unzoomed to 75% without realizing flash objects would be affected wasn't installing IE in an unofficial manner.
@SmokeDetector tpu
@FamousBlueRaincoat Blacklisted user.
@SmokeDetector clean
@Moose why that strange edit?????
@nicael A tag badge still ought to be shaded black.
Badge tag? Wat is it? Required tags have grey background, what do you mean by badge tag?
going to sleep
bai bai o/
There is a tag ... and a tag called .
@nicael Rolled it back. nvm.
@Unihedro cya
@Unihedro Night!
@SmokeDetector gone
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: NEED A GOOD CRASH REPORTING LIBRARY by Dsun on android.stackexchange.com
is it just me or is the "bland" link on unvisited and "strong" on visited links backwards? (SE default styling of visited Q's).
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: USER ACCESS TO PRIVATE DIRECTORY by Leon on unix.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector: And funny enough no caps on start of sentence ...

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