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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Looks like abuse (from users), VLQ'd
Try tp'ing smokey to see if my bot is unborked.
@SmokeDetector tp
@ProgramFOX Registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@bjb568 ok, seems unborked enough
… chat JS is really screwed up.
Especially the "last message 1h ago" thing.
1. Open your text editor. 2. Type in the code 3. Compile 4. Fix any compile errors, goto step 3 until executable generates successfully 5. Run executable 6. Debug, goto step 2 until correct results are obtained 7. Dream up more test cases 8. Goto step 5 until the program is correct — Ben Voigt 4 mins ago
@bjb568 Enrol into a job in SE and fix it for them.
@Unihedro Is there a "frontend unborker" position open? cc @shog
@SmokeDetector tpu
@ProgramFOX Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@SmokeDetector tpu
@ProgramFOX Blacklisted user.
@bjb568 I think if you take on that role you will bork more than the things you unbork.
@bjb568 yes.
You got PM skills?
@Shog9 I'll apply! I have experience in coding Hello World programs in various dozens of languages.
@Shog9 Private message?
I'll take that as a "no"
@bjb568 Project manager.
@bjb568 "Please unbork it for Me"
Yeah, chat's going a little crazy today.
Oh, I need skills to get a job now?
@hichris123 Management.
By "unbork" I mean you give me the codez, and I fix. I don't mean waste time with other humans. Or collaborate. Or write specks or whatever.
@Unihedro same thing, except one is a title and the other is a job description. :P
@hichris123 Project Manager skills VS Project Management skills
i cri
evri tim
closes some tabs
uhoh, dog enters room
Dog vs. Cat - Round 1
pokes @hichris while he's busy
Hey, fixed font text looks the same when under italic on mobile.
pokes @hichris just coz
@Unihedro BORKED!
@bjb568 BORKED!
@Unihedro poke to you too
bjb the botling, can we bork it? bjb the botling, NO WE CAN'T!
Which android version is that?
@Unihedro Why do you have 2 battery indicators there?
@ProgramFOX dunno borked
Almost this:
We can't bork it, it already is borken.
Or is borken a borked borked?
Well, it works now.
@bjb568 Ping hichris instead. They'll totally rage over the lost penny abusive pinging and trash your ES.se account.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: GAMESHARING ACCOUNT DEACTIVATION AND REACTIVATION by JOSHUA on gaming.stackexchange.com
Good for me, the only pings I get are to kick your botling. I can make better use of my time now.
bjb568, Here
101 2
@hichris There ^
Ban him! :P
(I don't actually use it)
The link in About Me leads to duck duck go now.
> This user has been banned borked for rule violations. Suspension period ends NEVAR!!!
duck duck go
watches the duck skid away.
realizes how late it is and goes to sleep.
Night uni! :O
getting 400 bodies from cooking
No, not that kind of body. :P
This is going to take a while. :/
@SmokeDetector fp
@Andy Registered question as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
Done fetching post bodies.
Now I have a 100 MB JSON file. :P
@Uni around?
Well, for regex people: how can I match a } not followed by a comma?
@SmokeDetector fp
@Fundamental Registered question as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
@hichris123 /}[^,]/
Did you want to capture some group of characters around that?
@Fundamental thanks!
Nope, that's good.
@hichris123: /}(?!,)/
@hichris123 I feel like you are trying to parse an object
in RegEx - Regular Expressions on Stack Overflow Chat, Nov 17 '14 at 13:46, by Unihedron
to parse or to use regex... that is the question
@SmokeDetector It worked!
Nice... but what are we supposed to do with that user?
@Braiam No, trying to remove excess stuff so I can parse it. :P
> Questions that push a personal philosophy with no question beyond "am I right" or "what do you think" are off-topic here as this is not a blog. It's ok to express unique opinions, but you must have an actual, answerable question to go with them
flagged abusive
@hichris123 I checked my logs of realtime tab: not a single entry from ja.SO. No idea why.
Not sure how to raise the question: it pertains only to a specific site, but I can't post on their meta in Japanese...
realtime belongs to SE site -> its child meta is meta.SE -> ask on meta.SE
MSE is not a child meta.
SE isn't a child.
So under that logic MSO isn't a child meta either
!comp faithInMSO--;
MSO is a child meta of SO which is a child of SE.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: THE INVERSE RANK - MODULES by user206513 on math.stackexchange.com
MSE is a child meta of SE which is a child of Stack Exchange Inc.
SE inc is irrelevant.
I disagree with your premise.
Discussing the differences of meta vs per site meta on meta dot se, such a meta discussion
there's just too much meta in this discussion
!find xkcd meta
um… wrong one :P
!find site:xkcd.com meta
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: UNQ_INDEX_PROCESS_INDEXER_CODE by Ronny on magento.stackexchange.com
I've decided that this is my favorite xkcd.
The second being good ol #150
These comments about people's workplaces are making me sad. But at least they're not asking for a Windows Phone app. http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2015/01/why-we-still-believe-in-private-offices/#comments
Huh, Smokey totally should have caught that.
:D See hover text
@hichris123 maybe he started to agree with the other side?
@Bart Oh no, the bot is turning against us! Run away!
The StackExchange twitter account has a list of employees, but it's hopelessly out of date. Trying to compile an up-to-date list manually... inclined to leave out the sales people (sorry).
Wow, that's out of date indeed
Has anyone here used Acronis True Image before?
Evaluated it, but finally went with Backblaze. Although that's not really a full image. Just data.
@Bart That seems like online backup only? I'm looking to backup to an external hard drive I have laying around.
Yeah, that's online only. I also run a scheduled Synctoy "backup".
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Deleted OS from my device by user90486 on android.stackexchange.com
Hm… sometimes it doesn't un-rate-limit.
2 hours ago, by bjb568
!find site:xkcd.com meta
@Fundamental :( WP is #1
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: Bash Script - File Comment out & Notate by William DeLuca on codereview.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in answer: Need Root For Asus Zenfone 5(T00J) 8 GB(Kitkat ROM) by Ali AlAhmad on android.stackexchange.com
so the repeating characters should probably be improved
if like the repeating characters count divided by the length of the post is like less than 10% or so, then it shouldn't notify us
@bluet How do you see how much is matched by a regex though?
@hichris123 The repeated characters were within the second code block. Does the command body = re.sub("<code>[^<]*</code>", "", body) perform global replacement, or just the first match?
@Fundamental Hmm... let's see.
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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