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but, Community is a good guy...
he deletes all the spam
He also downvotes it, though
@bummi ... made me laugh.
@Bart did you upvote ;)
@bummi Bill got to it
@JanDvorak 0 left :(
cross-site spammer: stackexchange.com/users/4722822/eygrachb?tab=accounts Spams for "craiglist" by posting senseless questions, uses name "Eygrachb", if memory serves they dumped stuff just like that a month or two ago (prior accounts were deleted I think - eg at programmers it was this one)
If you suspect spam, by all means drop a post in the Tavern. Then all present can have a look, and in serious cases some of the running bots can be updated to include new specific checks for those posts. — Bart Dec 19 '14 at 9:10
Bot, lock on to that new spammer!
That reminds me, we're missing @Timpost to go pew pew
my browser history also contains references to their past accounts at SF, AU, UX, Quant.SE
I guess the user could be blacklisted?
@Bart can't tell anything but what is visible to me as regular user. Old programmers account shows me 404, old SF account shows 404 as well
Some of the running bots (afaik) can blacklist users as well @gnat. Though I don't know which ones are up and running.
Ah, there's Smokey :)
ya... you reported that one already smokey..
@Bart blacklisting already-deleted accounts won't do much :(
Ah, it's pure accounts as well? I thought only usernames @Undo, such as the baba ones.
@Bart the fpu / tpu commands work off user IDs, but we can blacklist usernames too.
That might help
Emphasis on "headless" with "headless bot"
Don't now how persistent this one is. Perhaps it's more useful to check on something "craigslist" related instead @Undo.
I can't really imagine any se Site where a link to the craigslist would be a good answer...
Relationships and Datingrelationships.stackexchange.com

Q&A site for people seeking answers to questions about dating and long-term relationships.

Closed after 12 days in beta.

well, guess why it was closed ;)
@bluet It's sentient. Not my fault.
@bjb568 is that Inf putting on her kicking boots that I hear? :p
@Dawnkeeper your chat 'about me' is the best thing I've heard all week.
No it's not.
@ShadowWizard noooo y u do this to me???
> clf deletes all children of the current figure with visible handles.
Yeah, there should be a site "Software Documentation" for interpreting docs.
(I know what clf does in Matlab, but my students will likely find the above description less than illuminating).
> people with huge unread queues - the largest of which currently has 6658 unread items (and that user was last active 14 minutes ago, so: not dead or anything horrible).
and they aren't bots/socks :O
@Moosebot kill time
@Moosebot del
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: TPE FABRIC VS PVC FABRICS? by user12750 on chemistry.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector fixed
someone needs to approve my suggested-edit
OK... I may have discovered a bug
oh that's cool...
> There is a pending suggested edit in the queue, try again in a few minutes.
Who reports?
What's the bug?
^ @Jan?
@ProgramFOX Follow the link and see for yourself
@JanDvorak I get an error message, doesn't look like a bug.
> There is a pending suggested edit in the queue, try again in a few minutes.
It's unstyled...
yeah, because you are not supposed to go trough the post/id/edit route
@JanDvorak Well, if you spam search queries many times, you get an unstyled "You can perform this action again in N seconds" as well
Very likely bydesign.
the "edit" in the page itself is greyed out
Can we at least add "please" to the message?
@Braiam not if you load soon enough
@JanDvorak ehh why?
I see the downvote abuse has begun already. — Lightness Races in Orbit 38 secs ago
meh, I would just kept silent...
No downvotes from you? Why?
@JanDvorak: You could do if you applied 10 seconds' effort like I did. (And, if you truly can't judge the answer, then why did you cast a vote on it??!!) The problem is very clear and the solution is very simple. This OP is clearly very young so cut him some slack instead of acting all high-and-mighty. I mean, honestly, speaking of "not useful for the site"... — Lightness Races in Orbit 1 min ago
NC imo ^
If you stay away from Haskell and C++ you won't run into this kind of trouble...
@rene I prefer if the Lounge brightens up, really.
It's a breeding field for berserkers.
If someone ever want to splitup SO per tag, move C++ to answers.yahoo.com
@Griwes be nice. My will to moderate bad content is not a sign of low inteligence. — Jan Dvorak 27 secs ago
useful comment?
@JanDvorak you are not useful for this site. — Griwes 16 secs ago
Yay flags
@Unihedro headshot
That's a voting / flagging carnival right there
another rude comment there...
@Unihedro eugh, that even has been reposted
> You can flag the comment again in 5 seconds
Griwes' comment removed - combo x3
Rude or offensive one two three four... Not constructive one two three four five six...
KABOOM on the question
The deleted question now edited by LRiO
> Do not freak out if you read the comments below the response, and it happens like that around here
@SmokeDetector edited
@rene ?
... and undelvoted, presumably by LRiO as well.
@Unihedro comment left under the question in the native language of the OP
in Lounge<C++> on Stack Overflow Chat, 3 mins ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
I've fixed the question. Please vote to undelete.
lol raid undeleting
Should I join the lounge?
@JanDvorak Eh, bring firesuits.
Cool, it's getting reopened even before undeletion
Time to watch a Twitch stream...
Don't make this a Tavern against Lounge fight..
Why? The lounge is a bunch of foul-mouthed C-lovers anyways...
Argh, so tired.
For those who are wondering... thefreedictionary.com/recuseJan Dvorak 17 secs ago
@Unihedro offensive
@bummi maybe just remove the last paragraph?
@JanDvorak let him live
@JanDvorak whats about the answers then?
bummi has spoken
@bummi why?
Eh voting on comments through the LQP Review Queue isn't working
I open the post in a new tab to discover that my vote wasn't casted
... and the link to comments via the queue don't work in chat.
Q: Upvoting comments in the Low Quality Posts Review Queue does not actually upvote the comment

Unihedro I've tried clicking it with both my mouse and my track pad or on a phone but it really doesn't work, as it doesn't show that the comment has any score at all when I open the post in a new tab.

@HoboSapiens bam
@JanDvorak s,l,e$&
@Unihedro Gosh - Bill's on form today
That's good!
10k tools (new-answers-old-questions) without close votes is ... irritating
Wanna trade?
@bummi He'll borrow your account so that he can be a 10k'er... you can have his account with the close votes :)
@LynnCrumbling Oups .... for things like that ... I'm too paranoid
@bummi Yeah, I'm sure he's j/k :)
56 questions and you have never accepted any despite comments such as thanks this works! You have never even voted!! Good luck getting any further help. — Stephen Muecke Dec 6 '14 at 8:58
^ that's kinda impressive... Never accepting any answers.
"How to lose answerers and alienate people"
@LynnCrumbling yet another not-SO user
@LynnCrumbling ich habe den Faden verloren @-@
Is there any problem with having the process do its work? — Braiam 1 min ago
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: HELP WITH 1 MATH QUESTION by PAMELA on math.stackexchange.com
Ok.. well, that's the first time you've mentioned windows update. That would have been beneficial information in the original question. @CharlieRB hit the nail on the head; you've come to a place where you're asking people for help with no role whatsoever in your plight. You'd be making a mistake to be anything but patient and grateful during their attempts to fully understand your issue. — Lynn Crumbling 45 secs ago
@JanDvorak He says he wants to know how to CSS his new HTML text file (with Ruby)
no idea.
Definitely not a pro question
he'd have better luck replacing the question text with Lorem
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: tsconfig.msc / tsadmin.msc in Server 2012 by Stefan on serverfault.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: Iterate calculations of different length by Tony on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector why
smokey should learn from pham
Testing post bodies with regexes turns out to be a lot less productive than doing the same with titles.
inb4 SO: how to detect a markov chain with regex
Always post your code in your question. — j08691 24 secs ago
upvote-pls ^^
@Mooseman op edited the question FUUUUU!
@Braiam No he hasn't... (Although he probably will)
I do the dumbest opening ever, and... I won? wow... chess.com/livechess/game?id=1029366779
sorry i as unable to give url to my JSFIDDLE due to some error. — Subhan Ahmed 49 secs ago
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: Using tsconfig/tsadmin in Windows Server 2012 locally by Stefan on serverfault.com
yes but i didn't got how to use JSFiddle link in my question. — Subhan Ahmed 22 secs ago
@Mooseman you are simply not supposed to use it?
@Braiam Fiddle good. Fiddle without mcve bad.
Hey there, thoughts?
Q: Shouldn't Area 51 account, when reaches 200 rep give assoc when you have another accounts?

nicaelOr this level should be 250 (because email confirmation gives 50 reps). I ran into a user who have >2k rep on A51 and he didn't get assoc to his other two accounts (which are at 1 rep).

@nicael meh.
No it shouldn't. Area 51 rep is earned for different reasons, you even get 50 just for confirming email. And then for posting sensibly-looking titles of questions that you don't even have to write.
@nicael bah
A: Shouldn't Area 51 account, when reaches 200 rep, give assoc if you have another accounts?

MoosemanI don't think so. Having 200 rep on Area 51 doesn't mean you can ask and/or answer questions well.

I don't think that anyone that has high reputation only in A51 is ready to use the rest of SE correctly
Coming from someone who never used A51 and knows nothing of how it works, this conversation is interesting.
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive title detected, All-caps title: FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU by Someone on physics.stackexchange.com
no repeating characters?
compromised account?
offensive, or other->rollback?
@JanDvorak I poked the Physics mods about it, so I think it's fine for now.
new edit, still abusive
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: 3DES Key Components by kasai on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: 3DES Key Components by Juris Lacis on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector ignore
@hichris123 Post ignored; alerts about it will not longer be posted.
@SmokeDetector ignore
@hichris123 Post ignored; alerts about it will not longer be posted.
two askers, one title?
@JanDvorak Asker & answerer
Smokey's reports suck
Repeating false positives: SmokeDetector in Tavern on the Meta
@JanDvorak Go fix 'em. While I fix them as well. :P
This isn't a matter of bug fixing, the approach to text analysis isn't really working.
@Fundamental What do you mean?
Regexes don't understand what a moderately long chunk of text is about.
Pham's logic is different, and it's more successful in finding NAAs.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: GMIC FILTER OVERLAY? by Joey Bennett on blender.stackexchange.com
So... how do you think we should approach it?
@hichris123 Post ignored; alerts about it will not longer be posted.
@hichris123 Post ignored; alerts about it will not longer be posted.
1 hour ago, by Braiam
inb4 SO: how to detect a markov chain with regex
@SmokeDetector wut
Are you mad, @SmokeDetector?
@Pham the heck?
@Pham Pham responded to "ask" command.
Meaning take a look. I took a look and said "meh", let the interested people figure out if those links give enough info to be worth keeping.
repeating characters doesn't check numbers anymore
@hichris123 More like Pham, using a combination of suspicious factors instead of binary checks (match, no match)
@Fundamental Huh. Yeah, maybe...
we can do that
that C++ question got undeleted... stackoverflow.com/questions/27949200/…
Should I edit and undownvote LRiO's answer?
Does the answer need editing?
It could use some. Also, it'll be needed if I am to undownvote.
Nice, @LIghtness, answering and voting to close...
Which I really don't want to do... but @brad not only undeleted the question for some reason, but someone deleted the comments explaining the downvotes...
It took 5 users to close, then 3 users to delete, then three more to undelete. Instead of one user to copy-paste the problematic code into the question.
Still not worth keeping...
That may be the case.
If nothing else happens, it will get roomba'd anyways...
@JanDvorak remembers a meme/vid with similar construction
One meme, two uses?
Only the original usage is disgusting, though
there's also an xkcd
in Unix and Linux on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, May 7 '14 at 18:55, by terdon
@Braiam Oh for fuck's sake man, I really did not need to know that.
sometimes you can't just google stuff you don't know
possible LQ filter: answered by LRiO
in JavaScript on Stack Overflow Chat, 1 min ago, by Jhawins
Always always answering worthless bullshit questions
@Braiam Yeah, I only kind of got that one. Is the joke about that one guy's uncertainty principle (which I only vaguely remember reading about a while ago)? Too much science. :P
@hichris123 you don't need to dumb it down for @Doorknob ;)
@hichris123 Oh, heh, thanks, forgot that was a thing
Yeah, Heisenberg, that's it.
Hey! There's Breaking Bad!
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: "Grit" vs "gritted" by user106220 on english.stackexchange.com
Erm, NAA?
@SmokeDetector tp
@Doorknob Registered as true positive: added title to Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
I can kind of see the relevance.
Wow you know, just realized I actually remember the days when was relevant to this room..
@ɥʇǝS Smokey smoke them, and Pham got them for dinner
Low Quality A (25.7%): i have the same issue...reported by apple app store review people, by Dave Lee, on stackoverflow.com.
@Braiam Indeed.
@Pham no repro
Low Quality A (100%): I am also unable to delete them all at the same time., by Jean Burke, on android.stackexchange.com.
na na na na, naa naa naa naa, hey not an A, goodbye
yeah, that
@Fundamental Should be a bit better now. Undo made the repeating character regex better, and I changed it to show "in answer" if it was in the answer. But still a long way to go.
we're planning to use hichris' fancy logarithmic thingy once he cleans up the code :P
y ur code no clean
goto CRSE
work slave @hichris123!
@bjb568 Because it was just a hack to see if it would work. And it actually is fairly accurate.
but no is clean
^ Not really that off.
Just "crap".
@Doorknob You added the title of question to doctype "bad", based on it getting a bad answer?
The tp command is getting tricky.
@SmokeDetector @Undo
@SmokeDetector ignore, nothing wrong there
@Fundamental Post ignored; alerts about it will not longer be posted.
@Fundamental I almost want to make it not work on answers. Thoughts?
Q: iOS beta testers, we miss you

Brian NickelWe're getting ready to push out a new release of the iOS app and need beta testers. If you're a beta tester who has switched to the App Store version, please hop onto the beta build and let us know what needs improvement. If you're already a beta tester and you've been actively using the app, hi...

@bjb568 ^
@hichris123 Suggestion: all body triggers get auto-ignore (i.e., no repeat) and no commands are executed based on chat responses to them.
Because it's unlikely that chat responses can teach Smokey to better analyze long text chunks.
@Fundamental First one is hard, second one seems like a good idea.
@hichris123 Okay, the second is the main point. But then ignore should be the only command accepted for body triggers.
here's an idea: We require the repeating characters to be >x% of the length of the post
@Undo Ooh good idea. But how do you make that happen?
@hichris123 I think we get matches back from the regex engine
@Undo Yeah, but couldn't one match be the whole post?
@hichris123 if the whole post is repeating characters, we don't want it, right?
@Undo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
... see my point? :P
in Charcoal HQ on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 1 hour ago, by Doorknob
Wait... @hichris123 @Undo did my tp on the answer just apply to the question?
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: Allocating RAM for modded client and server by titit on gaming.stackexchange.com
Yay, tp! Flaggable as abusive, methinks.
[ SmokeDetector ] Score of 55.7896: Balancing all but one weight on puzzling.stackexchange.com
@hichris123 fp
@SmokeDetector ... okay, I guess I didn't fix that. :P
Q: What happened to review bans?

AstroCBOver the past few weeks, I've noticed that audits are showing up more frequently, but that the consequences are not as severe. This may just be me (there are those who swear that this doesn't happen to them), but before this, I could pass 15-20 audits in a row only to fail one and be banned. The...

^ If they ever loosened up, they just pulled the reins back in.
Or randomness.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: I NEED HELP PLEASE by N-haulic on gaming.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector Fixed.
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