Why does the Community ♦ user sometimes approve or reject edits?
How does a machine know if my edit is valid?
What does it mean if my edit was rejected by Community ♦?
See also:
Who is the Community user?
How do suggested edits work?
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@Pops Community moderation is supposed to work without the mods around. Popular questions are a corner case that absolutely destroys the ability to effectively community moderate without them.
@Shog9 I believe that the governments of several countries would put me on a watch list if I did that.
@Shog9 Not more than mod support, I mean there are times when, in the absence of a mod (because they are sleeping), the community cannot moderate effectively
When the Community user rejects an edit during the grace period there is no obvious reason visible (example).
Community♦ reviewed this 1 hour ago: Reject
This causes some confusion for the user who suggested the edit. See also:
Why does the Community User reject / approve edits?
What cau...
We had double the visitors, a huge bump in posts (I will have to wait for the Data Explorer to confirm that), and I desperately wanted the ability to handle as I was the only one up and watching community moderation crumble
we had questions with 4 close votes on the hot list because of the hot question, and the community voting was pretty-much useless in the face of new users with their association bonus.
And we didn't have enough manpower to handle the flood of new visitors who we would like to kindly invite and point to the rules through comments rather than mercilessly downvoting.