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@animuson If you were not using graph paper for drawing, then I think you had improper drawing paper.
@animuson Early XKCDs were drawn that way.
Shhhh, you're supposed to be making fun of Tim. Which one is open to your choosing, though.
@animuson To be fair, it does say it was redrawn by him. The original, by his brother, might've been on blank paper.
XKCD was very different when it started. The transition to the modern form started during the 100s.
@animuson d) All of the above. "Tim is a silly name."
@animuson (Protip: This Tim is the wrong choice.)
Three Tims for the Elven-devs in the Tavern,
Seven for the Moderation-overlords in their halls of 01100010011010010111010001110011,
Nine for New Users doomed to downvotes,
One for the Jeff Atwood on his dark throne
In the Land of Horror where the Coding lies.
One Tim to rule them all, One Tim to find them,
One Tim to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Horror where the Coders lie.
@TimStone I take it you're the One Tim then?
You are Tim stOne after all.
What are you people doing awake at this hour? I'm looking at you, @Pops and @TimStone.
@jmac That has some nice symmetry to it.
Mmmmmm chips.
@jadarnel27 Community Team: always here to serve you.
@jadarnel27 I'm a father now, I don't know what sleep is.
@Pops I'd like an order of meatloaf and a pint of your finest bitter please.
@jmac You will receive an e-mail when your order is processed and ready for shipping.
@Pops Let me guess, I should wait 6-8 weeks?
You wish. It'll be much, much longer.
@Pops I'm not sure that's completely sincere. But I'll take it.
@TimStone Heh, right. That makes sense.
@jmac Once 6-8 weeks have passed, wait an additional 6-8 weeks. At that point, you may only be 6-8 weeks away from receiving your order.
@Pops Why not just tell me it will be 6-8 weeks ^ 6-8 weeks, and be done with it?
Because it's fun to say "6-8 weeks."
@Pops Is that a subtle Smash Mouth reference?
Also, you've kinda made me want a beer, but nothing I actually have in my kitchen seems appealing at the moment.
@jadarnel27 What? No, sadly, I don't get cleverness points this time, I don't know what you're talking about.
Our fridge is inexplicably full of various alcohols, take your pick.
Inexplicably as in you can't explain where the beer in your fridge came from?
It would be bad parenting to not give your baby options.
@Pops In Excel you sometimes want to use a really big number (9.9999E+307) to abuse some 'features' it gives you access to. Many people make a name called BigNum to contain that constant value. Mine will forever be known as 6to8weeks
@TimStone "Inexplicably" - you just said you're a father now =P
> So don't delay, act now supplies are running out. Allow if you're still alive six to eight years to arrive
walks on the sun
So that's what the next line of that song is!
@jadarnel27 True. :P
My fridge is filled with water and yogurt.
I could never make it out.
@TimStone Haha, fantastic. You get a star for that.
You get...two stars for that, I guess.
(ignore this)
Oh, wow. I was just wondering if that song was released 6-8 years ago. Nope; it's 16 years old.
I'm very annoyed that Wordpress is generating "br" tags everywhere I have a line break in text.
hello all
@jadarnel27 Hooray! And now I must get to bed before I get in trouble.
@jadarnel27 Well, WordPress, so.
If possible, I'm even more annoyed that they are <br> rather than <br />.
@TimStone You have a point.
hmmm if I am invisible, then....
@Pops Somehow I missed this, but this is an excellent point. I've also started him early on chat, because, you know:
in The Bridge on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 15 hours ago, by Tim Stone
z [' ['[oo/; ./;00pp;u dr o.o
@Pops Holy crap.
Top 3 wastes of precious aging memory cells:
3. Old phone numbers
2. That time in adolescence you did something super embarrassing that mortified you but really wasn't that big of a deal if you think about it now yet is inexorably etched in to your brain forever to make you wake up in a cold sweat when you least expect it
1. Old song lyrics
That reminds me of another xkcd.
We can see you, @Amaterasu. You're not invisible. Put your pants back on.
dang it!
but i was so comfortable
Does that mean I have to put my pants on too?
Who took down the sign that said, "No pants, no service"? This is a Tavern, for goodness sake.
no, the sign is still there, but @Pops changed it to "Pants, no service"
I thought it said "No shoes, no shirt, no service." Pants are clearly not not shoes or a shirt...
thats the other sign
so, wearing pantaloons and a tutu would be unacceptable?
I always wondered if there really was an epidemic of people walking in to supermarkets, gas stations, and diners without shoes or shirts, or if it was just some marketing ploy to make people feel good about wearing sweatpants, sandals, and a stained shirt.
yes, yes it is
Having visited South Carolina, I can tell you that people will readily walk into any of those establishments without a shirt. Even if there is a sign.
sounds like here
central coast of Queensland
Okay, I'm out of here, gents. Sleepy time for me.
have a good nights rest
now, its a quiet morasse of pantless entities
Questions about selling software on SO is surely off-topic? stackoverflow.com/questions/21037647/…
this is really the day of creepy questions. :D
@LaszloPapp I think you are right there
Have you flagged the question as being off topic?
Q: Please help.... explain this c++ code to be used in qt?

user3180558void Notepad::on_actionSave_triggered() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File"), QString(), tr("Text Files (*.txt);;C++ Files (*.cpp *.h)")); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { QFile file(fileName); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly))...

thi is the best question I found today
but still very very bad.
@Amaterasu: I am the one who downvoted and began the closure.
not sure why a selling question got upvoted all of a sudden on a programming site.
@LaszloPapp your answer is classic
Isn't this ^ too broad?
What is?
@Amaterasu: classic?
Personally, I find it very odd that you made a rather negative comment and then proceeded to actually answer the question...
@LaszloPapp I like the line "opening parentheses"
or maybe too localised
@JanDvorak: what are you talking about?
@Amaterasu: I really cannot follow your logic.
the question you've posted
don't worry about it, @LaszloPapp
@JanDvorak: how would that be any broad or localized, really?
If the question is bad, answering it actually encourages the person, and there's no need to be snarky at any rate. Wouldn't it be more useful to leave a helpful comment outlining why it's inappropriate and voting to close, or to answer it in a helpful manner to explain what it does without the snark?
it is not broad, it is asking a simple function to be explained.
The OP is at least posting some code, but still: asking for "line by line".
I only replied because I did not find better questions today. :(
This would perfectly fit minimal understanding
Which is exactly what I voted for as the first person.
i just found the whole answer and comment somewhat amusing
It isn't actually required to answer a certain amount of questions per day. It is perfectly acceptable to say, "Nothing good to answer, I think I'll have a second cup of coffee and read up on unicorns instead."
@Amaterasu: eh?
Q: Please help.... workin with qt

user3180558Please help me to develop an idea about coding in qt.I am a beginner n i only know to create an UI and some simple coding related to slots in qt.Please help me in developing an idea about coding in qt? Ive done many tutorials but does not understand the Qclasses used in it and how the code execut...

som of the answer look slightly amusingly sarcastic
another question just posted
is it some crappy questions day on SO?
@Amaterasu: what is so sarcastic about a correct technical explanation?
@LaszloPapp clear-cut minim... err... too broad
@JanDvorak: I know.
IMO, the qt should be locked for today. :D Too many bad questions asked today at 6-7 am already
people would give more consideration next time how to ask. :D
how would a tag be locked?
it's 5pm here
@LaszloPapp then noone would be able to ask a good question about javascript or PHP, ever ;-)
ah, the last question is the same person
like the one with the line by line stuff
@JanDvorak: I was just joking as per smiley ...
What a nice change. My script has just caught a piece of bitcoin spam. Quite a distraction from the baba guy.
@Amaterasu: were you also the one downvoting the answer? Not that I care much as long as I helped the OP. :D
@LaszloPapp nah, I am not a member of SO
Why not?
I do programming(amateur), but don't have any questions nor can provide good answers
@JanDvorak yup, that's me
@Amaterasu Hogwash! I can't program even at an amateur level but can answer questions on SO. And if I can do it, someone who actual creates programs will definitely be able to do it.
@jmac 'hogwash' - awesome term
hmm at the very least, i could edit
@LaszloPapp Most questions seem to be asked in the mid-afternoon of whatever time zone. Right now it is mid-afternoon in Asia, meaning most questions are likely by users from India/Pakistan, etc. See where are SO users from?
Often questions asked by non-native speakers are not as polished as ones by English speakers. Hence the trial of non-English SO clones (Portuguese). The best way to make sure there are quality questions is to provide comments explaining how to improve them, and pointing them to relevant resources that will let them ask better questions.
The only questions I could really answer are Android...
Is there going to be india.so?
many languages in India
but English is common.... i.e. even official?
Q: How to show list of strings in QT at run time?

user3176618I have a list of strings during run time. Any one help me to display these string in QWidget. when i right click that string i need to have a option SHOW INDEX that will show index of that string in Qmessagebox. If it is possible means give some technical guidance. Thank you.

lol, next question.... closure candidate as well. What is wrong with people today? :D
English is an official language of India primarily because it was a colony of England for so long. That doesn't mean that everyone living there can communicate in English at a native level (or even comfortably).
@Amaterasu Yes, but something like 70% of the population speaks Hindi, so that would be a good start.
@jmac very true, and perhaps that could be a viable A51 proposal
Apologies, 40% are Hindi speakers.
(native hindi speakers)
That's still a whopping 400 million people, so nothing to scoff at.
Are those the same 40% that post low-quality content on SO?
(am I racist already?)
Probably not. Some of those 40% may be some of the people posting low-quality content, and some of those 40% may be posting dynamite content that helps make SO such a great place.
But from my experience on The Workplace which has a far smaller volume of questions, I notice that a lot of the people who I assume are from that region are more likely to ask a question than participate in other ways
And if there are more people posting questions than working to moderate them, then the quality of questions will suffer since the balance of community moderation gets out of whack. That's why I'm suggesting that people spend the time to educate the users and improve the content, as that will actually help solve the problem.
Most of the spam I meet is from India, too
@jmac so, as it is early evening here... I could spend a bit of time doing that and editing as necessary
What I want the least is the spam to migrate to private betas, where I won't be able to flag, flag, flag.
@Amaterasu bingo!
sounds like an idea... and on a rare occasion, I could even answer a question
That's the spirit!
Here's my education for the day:
Q: Question put on hold by moderators. Why was that since question has not met an answer?

crvIt was me who asked this question. It was a duplicate but it had not satisfied any solutions of the original question.I mentioned it over comments and even then it was put on hold. A lot after that I found my exact solution over here.So why was that put on hold even when its not solved?

now, I have my Informed badge on SO... I am set...;)
Awesome. Just try not to cry and create a bunch of new islands in the pacific, okay?
bwahahaha I'll try
no promises
(just assuming you picked the name with full knowledge, if you do cry and create some islands, mind gifting one to me? I'd really appreciate it. Nice dry climate if possible, easy access to Bali and Japan would be nice)
I'll see what I can do for you - I am going to cry me an island in the South Pacific as well
Going back to the regex discussion earlier, s/cry me a river/cry me an island
Can mods merge accounts, or is it only devs?
(I want to be sure my sock puppet Jon Skeet gets merged with this far superior account)
there you are, first approved edit
@Amaterasu 499 more to go before you hit the suggested edit rep cap.
lol, no problem...lol
is there anything to do if I see a user doing many minor edit suggetions daily, and most of them get accepted?
What should we do if an OP edits the question from primarily opinion based (as per close reason) to too broad?
Shall we cast reopen votes and then closure, or just reject the reopen votes available?
like this here... only added a new tag when the post could have also been improved... but there are many of those pretty much for any upcoming question of this tag.
@LaszloPapp apart from the signature (too minor) and the bold formatting (not neccessarily an improvement), what could have been improved?
The bare minimum is removing the "Many Thanks, Martin" part as people usually do.
too minor per se, and not everyone knows this policy
I think he got 15-20 too minor rejected, but he still did not learn it
.Also, the title is /overly/ long, that is just oustandingly fixable, too, as the first entry point for a question. :)
@LaszloPapp now R3 (yours) was too minor :-)
yes, but that is fine over 2K with a fresh question.
Editing all issues in a post is never too minor.
since it does not cause people additional work, nor does it get bumped, nor is it about reputation, etc.
If the only issue is one-letter typo, so be it.
But those edits shouldn't be suggested
@3ventic: you did not look into the actual issue, did you
In general, not specifically for this case of yours
@JanDvorak: nor does it help with badge since I already have it, etc.
just one more person to get this CW'd. I might as well fix the title :-)
I already "Fixed" it.
It is actually kinda hard to "fix" because if you shorthen it, you drop important information. I also fixed the bold stuff.
does this fit the typo CV reason?
Q: Issue with break in Javascript

Vishnu RenkuIf I put break; in else part, the alert does not pop ups..! var i=1; if(i==1) { alert("hum"); } else { i=0; break; } If I remove the break; from else part, then, everything works fine! Is it my browser/server issue? If not I wonder Why this happens!

@JanDvorak Perhaps I haven't back-read far enough, but what's the "typo CV reason"?
AAaaaaah, new change reasons!
> This question was caused by a problem that can't be reproduced or a simple typographical error. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was solved in a manner unlikely to help future readers. This can often be avoided by identifying and closely inspecting the shortest program necessary to reproduce the problem before posting.
@JanDvorak I don't think that fits
@rene what to close it as, then?
break; is a valid keyword.
Anybody got a link to the meta post that describes the new close reasons?
it is not used in the right context, why not leave it open?
ok then
@JanDvorak I would leave this open, personally.
Found it:
Q: Improving "demonstrate a minimal understanding"

DevolusI was using the reason demonstrate a minimal understanding myself quite frequently, but the more I review, the more I have doubts about it and I think this reason can either be dropped entirely or at least rephrased, so I started to use problems with code you've written must describe the specific...

still, is this a high-quality question? It can be answered from the documentation
also, no reasonable person would try that (except for OP)
True of many (if not all) SO questions, though. On reflection, I'm on the fence on this one.
I support @duncan
Vote Duncan!
already retracted :-|
is there no longer a close reason for "give me teh codez" questions?
Hi, what is the way of putting links with an alternative text into comments? I tried to use the same as for answers, but it did not work for me. It displayed everything literally.
@OGHaza too broad or unclear
@JanDvorak Regex questions for example are neither (not that I bother trying to close them anyway), but apparently we are just supposed to down vote
@LaszloPapp I always use [text](url). But sometimes URLs break it (permalinks from regexpal for example), other than that I don't know
@OGHaza Most of them are unclear
and if they are well specified, I'd stick to a downvote (do you have a counterexample?)
inb4 the close reasons change again, saying that "too broad" and "unclear" are being misused
is this unclear, or too broad?
Q: the server break on Naming.rebind. Please it is very Urgent

user3181052im doing an agenda on server and everything was going fine, i started the RMI registry and the server was working fine, i test the code and i was able to login. now i want to start putting the codes in methods and calling them in the client from the server,and when i put the Naming.rebind("serve...

God I hate these new close reasons. That question is currently en route to closure for the wrong reason.
@OGHaza: ah, ok, so not [1] [1] url
@Duncan as a typo?
@JanDvorak Yeah.
Maybe there is a silly typo, but I can't see it. And at least it should be commented upon.
Like "Silly billy, you forgot a capital 'I'".
Your vote of "too broad" isn't as criminal.
Your was?
@LaszloPapp, never tried that in a comment - I only ever remember the []() style in question too unless I press the link button
... not.
Oh, did you not vote too broad?
I saw a vote for it and it seems you are not associated with the chosen close reason (due to majority).
I did vote as too broad. But now I can see you didn't vote
Correct. Although note that it's not because I think it's a great question. I was pondering what to do.
@Duncan maybe the question is unclear to the closers, or it's so broad some typo just has to be there. — Jan Dvorak 3 mins ago
@OGHaza: ok, thanks.
"Too broad" relates to the type of answer required, rather than the tedious length of the question though. "Unclear" is possibly valid.
Interesting, my rep was decreased with -15, but I do not see it in the history.
perhaps someone accepted an answer, and then instantly withdrew it? Otherwise, it should be in the history, shouldn't it?
@LaszloPapp unaccept, most likely
sure, but that should be in the history.
if it is not instant, I believe?
an instant unaccept wouldn't show -15, IIUC
@LaszloPapp Rep on which site?
@Duncan in "debug-my-codez" questions, there ought to be multiple things to fix. Thus, multi-question. Thus, too broad.
@Duncan: SO
@JanDvorak: "an instant unaccept wouldn't show -15, IIUC" -> exactly what I wrote.
but I cannot be sure, really. Does someone know for sure (yes, not guessing from people like me, too) if there can be any other reasons?
@Duncan or maybe the new close reasons are an attempt to reduce the close vote queue through less closing.
also, is it no longer true that the question has to contain the code it's asking about? Because the "unclear" close reason doesn't say anything in that theme.
Is this unclear?
Q: positioning of breadcrumbs isn'tcorrect

user3095193I'm trying to get the breadcrumbs to be at the bottom of the menu, but if you click a menu item the breadcrumbs has to go down as well. The demo is at: http://jsfiddle.net/32j6Y/ Here you see that the breadcrumbs Home > Design Services > Logo design is on top instead of the bottom. My ht...

@JanDvorak The meta thread seems to suggest that "unclear" is a catch-all for that.
Let's try that, then. (inb4 confused and angry askers on meta)
Should I delete this answer, or is it any useful? stackoverflow.com/questions/21037513/…
I am leaning towards deleting it regardless the currently + rep.
@LaszloPapp you can't delete accepted answers
I suspect that question will be deleted in due course, so the answer will die with it.
@JanDvorak: OK, did not know that, although I can remember some discussion about it.
I was too enthusiastic to help this morning, and that was the best question out there for this tag lol
Unless you manage to gather positive score, this is going to get roomba'd
@JanDvorak I don't personally understand it. But it's not my subject area.
can some moderator delete it already?
I do not see the point of keeping this thread around.
I am happy to lose the corresponding rep.
@LaszloPapp there's no mod needed; just wait for Roomba
(Community's favourite pet)
(I was just about to ask wtf that was...)
(Still don't really get it)
Roomba is a series of autonomous robotic vacuum cleaners sold by iRobot. Under normal house conditions, the Roomba is able to autonomously vacuum the floor while navigating and avoiding obstacles. Roomba was introduced in 2002. , over 8 million units have been sold worldwide. Roomba features a set of basic sensors that help it perform tasks. For instance, the Roomba is able to change direction on encountering obstacles, detect dirty spots on the floor, and detect steep drops to keep it from falling down stairs. It uses two independently operating wheels that allow 360 degree turns. Ad...
I will flag my answer for moderation.
no need to IMO
@JanDvorak: lol, got an upvote for that. Perhaps it will end up zero with one more vote.
Should I cast a DV?
@JanDvorak: I do not know. It is your business.
(comments since deleted)
I want 20k :'-(
Why's that?
WHY DONT YOU ANSWER @Duncan?????? — user3181052 6 mins ago
Starting to think I'm dealing with a ten-year-old.
Interesting, if you flag a comment as offensive, it seems to scan for swear words and deletes automatically.
At least that's my interpretation of how I managed to kill off the comments instantly.
@JanDvorak Not sure that comment will help matters.
Now we'll get a "That's not what I meant, I'm not an idiot. SWEAR WORD. ANOTHER SWEAR WORD" etc.
@user3181052 I disagree with the other users and believe this is a valid question. I've voted to reopen and the question is now in the hands of the community. If others agree with me, it will get some more votes and will reopen. Then answers can be added. If people don't agree, it remains closed. — Duncan 27 secs ago
wait, what?
@TimStone @Duncan - Tim, I believe we just found something new for the "test the nuke from orbit button" procedure....
@JanDvorak I think the guy is a jerk. But I think someone can probably answer the question in its current form.
I'm try to remain dispassionate. Although I'm struggling.
@Duncan and that's is a good reason to answer the question while also nuking the user ^_^
When you become passionate, it's best to transition to the real world and perhaps practice voluntary sensory deprivation
2 hours later…
There is hope yet! A rude user actually apologizes!‌​.
@Duncan Possible. At least certain phrases allow instant deletion with a single flag. "accept rate" for example
that was just mean
that was not even offensive ...
why why why?
because, that's why.
This is probably off-topic, am I right?
certainly is
@3ventic I voted to close
wtf? people who are banned on meta has the power to validate a flag on Stackoverflow chats?
this site is more perverted than I first thought ...
mind twisting ...
thought provoking ,,,
soy saucy wasting ...
olive oil dripping ...
@sudorm-rfTelkitty What are you on about?
I am randomly banned on a chat without any further clarification
The only person who claimed responsibility has a rep of -1 on meta
Meta reputation has nothing to do with SO reputation.
and meta chat has almost nothing to do with SO chat..
^ not an owl ^
Interesting graph:
@Undo Hi! It is interesting.
Me is off of school!
Hiya @hichris123
1 week off of school - I think that's enough for now. (4 snow days)
Probably :P

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