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2:21 AM
I just learned that the little white things they put in the pizza are there to keep the lid from touching the cheese. I never knew that!
2:50 AM
Isn't it about time for a new podcast?
I was hoping they would bring this up:
Q: Responding to your "too localized" concerns

JaydlesAs part of our closing overhaul, we've moved, reorganized, and renamed a number of close reasons, including too localized. While that change was informed both by widespread misuse of the reason and numerous meta posts from you, many of you have also indicated concerns about its new home in the o...

this was strange...
th3y 4r3
3:09 AM
11 hours later…
2:27 PM
Hello! Since when was there a button to retract a closevote?
3:21 PM
@hexafraction probably since everyone has been bitching about it for years
3:41 PM
Likely so.
Since earlier this month, approximately =)
OK, it surprised me when i saw it/
I like how my comment is the first there and is well-upvoted :D
And you got another upvote :)
2 hours later…
6:04 PM
I like how I got a feature implemented with essentially the exact outline I thought up several years after it was declined. Makes me feel speshal.
3 hours later…
9:18 PM
Is there a Data.SE query to list all the questions I've closed in the last 24 hours?
The data isn't updated that frequently, but otherwise it shouldn't be hard to get it for the last week before Monday.
Oh right...
Back to closing then!
2 hours later…
11:07 PM

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