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Just came a cross a user with 1003 rep from 190 questions. O_o. At least they're good enough to get 2 votes on average I guess.
1 hour later…
@ajax333221 a userscript can only operate on client-side info so unless that's rhetorical the answer is (probably) no
I hate that I can't find my answer that I posted today.
This site doesn't even have sufficient functionality to find answers that the user searching contributed.
I look forward to joining your vastly superior site.
I think ICANN should just withdraw the domain name.
give it to someone less dictatorial.
I think I'll submit a recommendation to WIPO to discourage tyranny and settles those disputes too.
I suppose you could go to the activity on your profile to find the answer, but that would probably be too easy.
It's not there. That means it was censored.
Well, that settles it then. Three cheers for property rights.
sorry ... I just patented all property rights (everywhere ... ever)
@Merlin Your patent just consumed itself in a puff of logic.
godammit I just patented the right to patent myself in 4 dimensions ... awww crap!
patent singularities are a bitch
Logical paradox is paradoxical.
@EvanCarroll this one?
3 hours later…
@Shog9 that's it, it needs one more vote to undelete.
2 hours later…
Why undelete pointless crap?
7 hours later…
whispers "brown"
You called?
2 years since I left, @EvanCarroll is still keeping it up, just like when I was previously active. Impressive. Most impressive
Thoughts on comment downvoting
A: Reconsider comment downvoting to discourage rude comments

PekkaMaybe this really needs to be reconsidered. Allowing comment downvoting might be the simplest and most painless way to encourage a friendlier athmosphere on SO. Like upvotes, comment downvotes could come with no rep change. That would eliminate the element of competition. How about a downvoting...

if you think the idea could be viable, please consider voting up the original question out of its -7 abyss so it has a chance :)
I'm a fan of that idea.
Cool. I used to be indifferent to the feature request until now, but maybe it would be a good feature to improve the general athmosphere - without any deep changes to the system. Voting works for question and answers, so why not for comments?
Yeah, I remember seeing it before as well (I had neither upvoted nor downvoted). Considering the current push towards civility, though, I think that's a great possible solution.
bah, why am I talking to @Pekka in comments when he's right here in chat?
Not a bad proposal. Though I'm a bit hesitant on the whole noise issue. I don't like the idea of seeing comments diverge into "why was my comment downvoted?" "your tone was snarky" "well.." blablabla
@Bart yeah, that danger is always present :)
@Shog9 yeah!
Although conversing in comments has the advantage that there's a paper trail for others to read up on later.
> Your comment was rejected. Please refrain from using the words "comment" and "downvoted" in the same sentence.
> The upvotes on comments mean approximately nothing. Let's have downvotes, too. The more dimensions of pointlessness this site adds, the sooner somebody dies from forgoing food and sleep while using it.
@mootinator -1 that was a rude comment. How do I comment here?
@Shog9 ahahahaha
good ol' Pesto
Still. Don't you agree that the current flagging system does very little in terms of educating both the commenter and any onlookers?
Is that how World of Warcraft works.
Q: Let comments decay by default, add option to make them permanent

PekkaMany comments become noise over time. At the same time, some comments add valuable information to the question or answer and should be preserved permanently. So far, all efforts to conceive a clean-up feature that makes it easy to distinguish worthy comments from noise have failed. When seeing a...

^^^ I like this one. Except without all the crazy over-engineering.
@Shog9 So you would leave out the "make permanent" bit?
<sarc>Comment downvotes will only serve to advance this totalitarian site's anti-democratic mob rule!</sarc>
Feel free to modify the suggestion, as long as the alphabet soup picture stays in there. That is genius
@Pekka Yeah. But I don't think there's much room for "education" here. In theory, you could have meta-comments - or threading - and get some sort of feedback that way. But that moves even further from the conceptually-simple model we're on now.
The best opportunity for education, IMHO, is leading by example - post as many good comments as you can, get rid of the worthless ones.
@Pekka This is the second time btw that you used my comment as an example... is there a message in all this?
Most folks do tend to mimic what they see.
@Bart I did? :D :D let me check....
@Shog9 true, and totally agreed in principle.
@Pekka Yeah. I need to run some queries on comment voting, to see if my impressions of how it works actually match up with reality. But my preference would be a much more subtle change: gradually hide comments that aren't getting votes. If something gets no votes, or 20 votes in the first day and nothing after, in a month they're both gone.
@Shog9 that sounds interesting
(and by "gone" I mean "one click to 'show more comments'" away)
@Shog9 it would create an awareness in the community that if you want something to stay, you should upvote it. Not bad.
@Pekka Yeah. Or, y'know, edit it into the post.
@Pekka Why the hesitation to flag though? Why not flag the crap out of snarky unconstructive comments and as Shog says, lead by example. If the remaining comments are positive (or at least neutral) and constructive, doesn't that provide enough of a message?
That's one of those areas where Jeff irritated the heck out of me - "comments are disposable" he'd say, "put stuff into answers". But then an up-voted comment stays pinned to the post for all eternity, while an edit can be rolled back. Not exactly the right motivation there.
It's one thing when it's your own answer and you can bring in the results of a discussion. But someone else's? That's tough. Really, you should be posting a competing answer if the author doesn't want to fix it. But so often, folks just leave a critical comment...
@Bart flagging stuff is, to me, tantamount to "OMG! How can you say such a thing! This needs to be removed RIGHT NOW!". A downvote would be more of a "don't be such a dick". A question of preference, I guess
That calls for a "don't be such a dick" flag. ;)
@Shog9 but that's also because writing a good answer is work. If all you can contribute to the issue is the information that answer X is broken, then writing an answer feels frivolous. Comments definitely have a place there.
@Bart ...or that, yeah. :)
@Shog9 yeah, I try to do that quite a lot. And many others do, too.... but it's still just a handful of people vs. a vast sea of mediocre questions
@Bart oooh now I get what you mean by "used a comment of mine the second time", no, that was not intended, your comment just stood out so nicely there :)
@Bart That would be politically incorrect unless there was also a "don't be such a c***" flag.
@Pekka Yeah. If it's to work, it has to reach that critical mass where newcomers encounter good, really good comments much more frequently than bad ones, and follow in kind.
@mootinator I'll make that a feature request once this summer of love is over.
@mootinator We would have to have that. We don't want to have any discrimination around here.
more waffles
@Shog9 yeah. I still think negative feedback on comments might help give newcomers and onlookers some orientation as well, but it would add complexity...
An easier method would be to display a deleted comment count somewhere. Of course, there would be side effects...
You mean, deleted comment count per user? Oh yeah. There could also be a badge
There could also be a "This account is no longer permitted to post comments." message to aggravate and annoy people with.
Cue the "Why can't I post comments anymore?" posts on Meta
@mootinator I'll start updating What can I do when... then?
"I called this poster Hitler because I thought it would be helpful", but now I can't comment anymore
@ErnestFriedman-Hill ... earning snarky comments, that get flagged and lead the commenter to be banned. THE CIRCLE OF DEATH
Indeed, that would be ironic. You can't comment, so YOU ARE DEFENSELESS
That's almost a challenge. Let's see if I can call someone Hitler in a manner that turns out to be polite and constructive...
Amazingly, there are no users named "Hitler" on Stack Overflow
@Bart Well, on moustaches.stackexchange.com, you could maybe do it
No Mussolinis either
A bunch of Stalins and Maos though.
@Bart Naturally.
Obviously, SO is part of some left-wing conspiracy.
I'm gonna blame @Evan for this.
@Shog9 We do have a Kim Jong Il wannabe though.
Clearly you're not looking for trendy enough communists.
Kim Jong Woo, the North Korean movie director
At least there is stackoverflow.com/users/676420/biggusdickus87 . SO's user base is shockingly tame
Okay, there are no Che users with Che T-shirt avatars. I stand corrected.
Ton of Castros, but... That's kind of a real name still.
The government is watching us.
Using that sneaky pseudonym.
I am making a pie, by the way
Apple or humble?
Lemon Meringue
In current usage, Apple pie is commonly abbreviated to iPie.
THat is the lemon part, the meringue is being made even as we speak
I don't like meringue.
You can scrape yours off
From comment downvotes to dictators to pie in mere minutes. I think we can be proud of ourselves.
Not a huge fan of lemon, either.
Ernest, I feel like you didn't even consider me when you decided to make this pie.
Clearly that pie was made with me in mind.
Just like grandma used to make.
@jadarnel27 No I pretty much just thought of my own needs. That's who I am, that's what I do.
I think that makes you a dirty objectivist or something.
Just call him Hitler and get that discussion over with....
@ErnestFriedman-Hill Do you treat all of your Internet acquaintances this callously?
@Bart I have to do that through the ritual of syllogism.
Chat em up, let 'em down.
I have now implied a comparison to Hitler.
Well played
Precisely what Hitler would have said.
@mootinator BWAHAHHAA
I think you win the Internet
If not the internet, at least send him the pie.
I can only accept delivery via PO Box.
Oh God this was hilarious
This is kind of cool coderwall.com/Evan%20Carroll
Never seen coderwall before
any ideas on the service?
And so it begins.
user image
my grandpa sent me that (;
On a support call one time, I had someone tell me "Why would I go to your computer? The problem is on my my computer" when I told them to open "My Computer".
They were totally serious =/
Actual support call: "I just bought this computer and it stopped working already. I think it has Windows '92 on it. (In 2001)"
I once spent about 10 minutes on a support call with someone before they decided to mention they were completely blind.
Many of the troubleshooting steps up to that point were of the form "Do you see {x} on the screen?"
To which she invariably replied, "No"
I felt quite embarrassed =)
Pfff. Why is it that in questions tagged "discussion" the OP often wants exactly the opposite? I might stay out of them for a while.
I had meant to leave a similar comment...but somehow didn't. Huh, whoops. Good thing @Shog9 was there to pick up the slack.
Q: Make [retagging] and [addtag-request] synonyms to [retag-request] rather than [tags]

abatishchevCurrently here, on meta.SO, retagging and addtag-request are synonyms to tags. But [retagging] should be a synonym to retag-request, and [addtag-request] to tag-creation.

Just saw a notification for a not-yet-processed suggested edit on one of my posts, for the first time. It was satisfying to handle that myself, rather than leaving it to random reviewers -- I know exactly how the original author feels about it.
Though given the rate that the queue is processed these days, I had to hurry to make sure I actually got my vote in.
@jeremybanks Yeah... We'll have to see if this lasts - might almost make sense to delay suggested edits a bit to give active authors a chance to review them; at the same time, it's great just to have a mostly-empty queue most days.
Hmmm, depends on the time of day I guess
Some times I see the queue filled to capacity
@TimYiJiang Recently?
Hmm, not recently, no
I think what Shog means is "since the new /review-beta was launched?"
May or may not be the same answer, depending on your definition of "recently."
Yeah, that's what I was getting at. Suggested edits have been disappearing like danishes at a conference since the new UI launched.
(Ugh, what an awful metaphor. Mmm... danishes....)
Oct 21 '10 at 19:31, by balpha
@radp try var i=0;window.setInterval(function(){$('body').css('-webkit-transform', 'rotate(' + (Math.sin((i++)/40*Math.PI)*20) + 'deg)');}, 40);
I always get to conferences late. What are these danishes?
@PopularDemand (:

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