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16 messages moved to Chimney
Yanno - I used to joke in the early days that new features on SE were "looks like a good idea, lets do it"
Elon's doing that on twitter and ... its a horrorshow :D
3 hours later…
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog there's a reason I describe meta as being abused as a ticketing system
2 hours later…
@Luuklag FYI you can report up to five posts in the same command
@JourneymanGeek Wondering if you saw my messages in Root Access
@Luuklag AI needs ... intelligence
24 messages moved to Chimney
Did cookies just get updated again?
I may hope they digest better this time
Well the high fibre oatmeal, raisin and ghost pepper cookies were... a bad idea...
@JourneymanGeek I think you just accidentally created a new tag: [tag:satus-review]
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog i know, i had to repost it cause smokey is case sensitive and my "smart" phone keyboard decided to help me by capetelizing the first word I typed
@starball ....
just roll back?
it'll get reaped if no one is using it
@starball never mind
@JourneymanGeek they had a bunch of posts on SO too, unfortunately they aren't suspended there it appears.
@Luuklag oh?
there is a lot of this going on
Yeah perhaps worth notifiying one of the SO mods?
I even put a spam flag on one of their SO posts, but that doesn't seem to ban them.
@Luuklag Custom flag lol
and I really feel wierd about directly pinging SO mods about stuff.. even if its cause their flag queue is overloaded
Probably next time \o/
I custom flagged them on UX
1 hour later…
and in the meantime, somewhere on the web, players start to sharpen pitchforks to greet Gamefreaks on release day...
Need more popcorn.
@JourneymanGeek I have one in my Den, she usually appears happy and available. ;)
@ShadowTheKidWizard Oh I can get one
just etiquette
@tripleee kaboom
@JourneymanGeek you're too kind
@ShadowTheKidWizard boom boom bakudan!
@tripleee six hours and only two flags, pity. Added the third, but this will likely survive for few days.
(until a mod will randomly see it, and hopefully delete.)
I added one more
Maybe we should start feature request to have the spam flags queue appear in bold red all over the moderators top bar.
Oh they're obvious
but yanno, even those are 'best effort'
Not on small sites with few mods, or so it appears. Otherwise can't explain spam lasting for so long.
well not enough organic flagging too
hmm I love organic chocolate but it costs way too much.
@SPArcheon fair
/me hands @ShadowTheKidWizard some inorganic chocolate
@ShadowTheKidWizard No such command 'chocolate'.
@JourneymanGeek already got a stash, both at home and at work, but thanks anyway! ;)
(mild bitter)
not of inorganic chocolate
Any chocolate that isn't organic is, well, inorganic. :P
I would argue any chocolate that is inorganic isn't chocolate
That's my work stash ^
my old work stash was chips (calbees hot and spicy, which was addictive) and extra hot nacho doritos
@JourneymanGeek hehe, why old work only? You couldn't have a stash in your more recent jobs?
@ShadowTheKidWizard I mean my last job :D
oh and cup noodles
most of my jobs didn't need stashes
@JourneymanGeek how come?
I use it with coffee.
@ShadowTheKidWizard relatively normal hours, nearby 7-11s...
So how is it going with a new job? @Journeyman
not found one yet
@Luuk you also switched, but got a new job ready, right?
@JourneymanGeek sorry to hear. You tried using SE contacts?
(i.e. people you know who might know some job, offer something, etc.)
@ShadowTheKidWizard actually vaguely, but it didn't pan out
to some extent
I have profile there, but I don't like it for some reason.
most of what's through there is recruiters blindly throwing darts at names
Maybe too many "head hunters", too many useless "messages" etc.
@JourneymanGeek exactly
What about becoming freelance, opening your own mini-business? @Journeyman
so I spent the time basically losing weight, getting in touch with nature... heading for a cousin's wedding next month
@ShadowTheKidWizard the business side of stuff, I have no head for
@JourneymanGeek I see. No friends who can give a hand and become associates?
ah not really
@JourneymanGeek that's good! Hope you find something soon, and keep enjoying the free time until then. :)
and tbh
after 4 years of increasingly crazy schedules... the free time is nice
(I mean, yeah, I do need to get back into the rat race sooner rather than later but ... man...)
@JourneymanGeek no doubt, but I guess at some point it becomes too much, and you need to have routine again, etc.
Not to mention money...
I uh
didn't actually spend most of what I earned
AND the pay wasn't great
so I have a pretty good buffer
yeah, but even a big buffer would be consumed at some point.
So time to find something to re-fill your buffer. :D
I'll be in india late nov to early dec
so... probably look more seriously after that
@JourneymanGeek for the wedding? Nice!
My younger cousin's wedding
but yeah
Make sure to dress nicely. ;)
T shirt and shorts :D
we're informal
huh! Blasphemy!
OK, so hope you'll have fun at least like that man in this picture:
Hiya guys
Someone edited the SO election to include the number of open pos for new mods, is this needed?
That's a problem for SO
pos? point of sale? pieces of shit?
@DialFrost only mods and staff can edit it.
@Tinkeringbell People of the Sun
@DialFrost what you mean "edited the election"? What page exactly?
Seeing the amount of open positions is basic part, it was always there, and yes it's needed. Not sure what you mean.
@ShadowTheKidWizard That would be pots, not pos
@Tinkeringbell the "t" is small and silent.
Open pots is risky though.
And we appear to have scared away Mr. Frost?
oh, the meta post...? First time seeing it's actively edited by the community ...
@MetaAndrewT. same, lol. Don't think it should be edited at all, but let them meddle in their own making.
@DialFrost that's purely MSO issue, start a discussion there what's "right" and what's "wrong" when editing the automated elections announcement.
I'm pretty sure that's the only place where people edit it, and fight over this.
Smaller sites are just happy with the original, which is just enough, IMO.
Q: Don't automatically post a "$year Community Moderator Election" meta post

Ryan MEvery election, the Community user posts an announcement post. Here they are on Stack Overflow, for instance. In 2020, they appear to have started becoming featured as well (which a Stack Overflow moderator quickly rectified that year with the edit summary "no"). No one knows why they exist. T...

SO should totally opt out it just cause trouble.
1 hour later…
One down, one still up.
@ShadowTheKidWizard yes, started november first. At the Ministry of Agriculture
@Luuklag nice! So you're now wearing suit to work? ;)
@Journeyman this one isn't spam, please undo the flag.
I was in the middle of replying tp Peter's wrong comment when you deleted.
Somehow he never grasp the concept of the lost souls.
I think he's grumpy
@JourneymanGeek that's reserved for me. ;)
anyway there's no spam flag on the post
@JourneymanGeek there is, I see the spam mask.
oh now there isn't. lol
Should have added "anymore". ;)
@g3rv4 hola! How's the little one doing? :)
@JourneymanGeek also, while at it, maybe add the canned comment? Not that it's helping in like 99% of the cases, but who knows maybe that's one of the 1% who do read comments.
I thought I did
There's only Peter's comment, lonely and misleading.
anyway, I'm lazy to dig it out ._.
or to re-un-delete just so I can use the script
throws a bone for @Journeyman
@JourneymanGeek huh? Can't mods post comments on deleted questions?
Oh I need to find the canned comment :D
its automated
unless I want to do a "BAD USER NO COOKIE" comment
So give the script mod access. :D
there done
@ShadowTheKidWizard we're all still alive! and that's some cause for celebration
@JourneymanGeek heh, not the usual comment but that will do. Thanks!
@g3rv4 lol, that's true for anyone. Anything happened though?
@ShadowTheKidWizard nah, just regular life :)
@g3rv4 oh, I see. Soon your daughter will be able to help in more ways, make you happy in more ways, etc. Something to look forward to! :-D
:D she's awesome
No doubt!
Still keeping you awake at nights?
a lot less now :) life's getting better
That's good.
skipping my usual question, knowing the answer already
Yeah I learn. WL, Wizard Learning.
what's going on around here? anything on fire today?
@g3rv4 lol no, why?
Lots of messages? Just @Journeyman and me having some chat. :D
@g3rv4 not yet
just curious :) I gotta train my get-head-in-the-sand abilities
@g3rv4 fortunately the fire is everywhere else.
lol yeah
@g3rv4 you're fine, your diamond and staff bit are harder than sand, you're covered from all directions. :D
Unless you're a facebook, twitter or microsoft former employee :(
or a twitter current employee
indeed... that's some tough job market right there
@JourneymanGeek huh? Microsoft also kicking employees out? Didn't see that yet.
@ShadowTheKidWizard saw some resports of cuts there too somewhere?
they did some layoffs recently
Unless you mean what they already did, which isn't so many from what I remember.
Losing your job involuntarily is ... not fun
@g3rv4 yeah, but nothing like Twitter 50% kicked out or Facebook 13%.
less than 1%
actually having had that happen before, its pretty traumatic
@g3rv4 so that's something normal and healthy, I'd say.
I mean for the company.
Of course it sucks to get fired out of the blue.
not if you're the 1%
@JourneymanGeek yep :/
it is, however, different than what Meta, Twitter, Facebook did
But when it's 1% it means the actual "less good" employees are going. When it's 50% and more, well, you lose awesome people as well.
and I think Stripe?
@g3rv4 Meta is Facebook ;)
@ShadowTheKidWizard or the one that got the short straw
@JourneymanGeek or number 1 in 1d100
cause I don't really think 'that' sort of downsizing is anything other than a numbers excercise in most cases
if you were not a good employee or a good fit, you'd actually probably have some warning
@JourneymanGeek there's also case of shutting down whole department, not needing it anymore.
In such case, it's not the employee "fault".
Which is a numbers game, where the numbers are "100%"
and that's what happened to me, but I didn't know till much later
they closed down the entire local location
@JourneymanGeek oh, ouch.
So you should feel better, knowing it's not something you did wrong.
well, eventually
What about working for government directly, like @Luuk? Remember you said you worked for companies that worked for government indirectly, so maybe take this a step further? @Journeyman
@ShadowTheKidWizard possibly but ehh
@JourneymanGeek why the long face? Bad salary?
@ShadowTheKidWizard government agencies here are pickier than most
I once had an application for a role that was literally my major and...
@JourneymanGeek oh. That's bad, but you still have a chance, you're good.
I'd certainly try if anything suitable came up
@JourneymanGeek :)
@ShadowTheKidWizard good means less than "scholar"
uh oh, forgot the...
and tbh, you can be good at something, do everything that could be expected of you and.. not get a job
(I mean, look at my history with applying to SE :D)
@JourneymanGeek of course, that's too often the case with good people without the right connections.
@g3rv4 well, that did wake you up
@JourneymanGeek :P
@JourneymanGeek SE is different, think the core issue is location. If you were located in the USA, you might have been CM long ago.
@ShadowTheKidWizard uh Ayo?
the whole applying for a job and interviewing is so random
Its not just location
@JourneymanGeek you got anything saying "You are not fitting to be CM", ever?
its also having to deal with changing requirements which happen to be inconvenient
@ShadowTheKidWizard oh, that time I complained on SE
and "being good but..."
dosen't help me very much
@g3rv4 Well, that is true
and frustrating
this is a story about a @curious @thief who went for a @trip in the @wood and met a magical @cat
running away
24 messages moved to Chimney
breathing clean air
@g3rv4 also for the record... I've never actually gotten a job via a 'normal' application process
something wierd invariably happened
closest thing to a normal job application was someone randomly offering me a job at a job fair
@JourneymanGeek suspicious
so its an especially inscrutable and mysterious process
You could have found yourself doing something nasty. :D
@ShadowTheKidWizard The curious cat was not truly black, just dirty with soot from all teh spammers :P
my first job and Stack Overflow were the only jobs I got by following the normal process... everything in between involved people I knew and conversations
@curious hehe, nicely done!
@ShadowTheKidWizard they tried to negotiate me down, I told them politely no, was a temp job at a fairly trustworthy place
@JourneymanGeek oh, nice.
I hope to land my next one without following the normal process
@JourneymanGeek oh, and after interviews... negotiation is the 2nd thing I hate the most
@g3rv4 my stackoverflow applications tend to be someone talking me into it and HR saying... no
After the army I just followed newspaper job ad and became a security guard, for about a year.
well other than that one time I just went for it, cause restricting CM applications to "people with professional experience only" was a bit... stupid
@JourneymanGeek ugh, mine was a long time ago (6+ years)... the only person from HR I talked to was my recruiter (who's awesome)
@g3rv4 I got mostly form letters, one very nice rejection in addition possibly from the CM team, and the one where I raised a fuss.
which is better than singapore where...
they just ghost you
hmm isn't "ghosting" something for the dating world?
Oct 15, 2015 at 0:43, by JamesENL
Boys are assholes. I got ghosted by this jerk last night.
@ShadowTheKidWizard if you think about it...
Wonder where James disappeared though. He ghosted us all. :(
I used to watch him reply to Smokey for hours. lol
you only really should have one at a time, unless all parties are alright with it, cheating can be costly, and if you keep chasing them long enough, they might file a restraining order on you...
@ShadowTheKidWizard I doubt he is busy rewritting Winter Bash from the ground up with pets but you can still hope....
@SPArcheon hmm? He wasn't SE employee.
Just ordinary Taverner.
oh right, for some reason I read that as JNat instead.
My bad.
@JourneymanGeek well, yeah, but how is this related to job applications? ;)
@SPArcheon ohhh lol. :)
JNat also isn't a developer, sadly.
@ShadowTheKidWizard I'm pretty sure if you were moonlighting, your workplace will be unhappy
and if you keep turning up at a company office asking to be hired, they will call a cop :D
so totally true of jobs and relationships
@JourneymanGeek ohh
That's just being weird lol
@Journeyman if you're around, AI strikes again. Interesting to mention, all cases I've seen so far are users with Arab name. Of course this might be just fake to mislead people, but wonder what's the motive behind it.
Unless of course this is all the same person using sockpuppet accounts, which makes it even worse.
(i.e. need to also check voting rings etc.)
strange thing is... there's nothing in common between them
well no votes for that post
@JourneymanGeek well let's hope it stays this way
also no idea why that's attracting... garbage so I'll be protecting it
@JourneymanGeek this appears to hit everywhere, just had a nice chat with SO mod about the AI attacker from yesterday, turns out they hit SO today.
@ShadowTheKidWizard I'm aware
Got answer banned quickly after four deleted answers, but still.
Rosie on November 10, 2022
Family histories, robots, and politics. Plus, the one Stack Exchange that covers them all: Anime!
yay, Portuguese one from this morning finally gone!
@KevinB thanks! With all the crap going on today this was very useful.
@tripleee surprise! ;)
persistence, my friend ... I posted "still up" in Charcoal enough times
hehe you're like that kid who keep asking "Are we there yet?!" when driving with family to some far place. :P
But more effective and helpful, end result of nuking spam is sacred! ;)
@ShadowTheKidWizard Finally trying to get some culture?
@ShadowTheKidWizard actually I am, not that it is expected though.
@tripleee -6 no poof
@tripleee poof
@tripleee poof
oh what joy
two of the webapps ones still up
Dusted one of them, this one yet lives.
@SPArcheon Always
@Luuklag knew it! :D
@Spevacus not anymore
@Lix greeting after another four years or so!
@ShadowTheKidWizard i honestly do it for myself, to put me in a different mindset, as the subjects I work on haven't really changed.
@ShadowTheKidWizard you playing archeologist again?
@Luuklag never stopped
Sometimes they respond...
1 hour later…
@Tinkeringbell If you don't mind the spoiler, this is the clothing customization UI, which kinda confirms the fears I had
@SPArcheon I never do, I'm the kind of person that googles how to play when I think it's taking too long ;)
Could still be not so bad, I think Arceus had a UI for full outfits too, but you could also still mix and match. We'll see, the game will likely arrive on Monday 20th.
@Tinkeringbell the placement of the icons look like there is no "separate pants/shirt" option, otherwise I would expect it to be right next to the "full outfit" option, before getting to "gloves etc"
Sword/Shield had the separate pieces on the left, with the full outfits on a separate button on the right.
Furthermore, the "full outfit" actually was just a "equip whole set" option, you could easily wear just the shirt of a gym outfit with a different pair of pants of skirt.
The fact that there is just an icon for the complete outfit but no icon for pants/shirt seems to indicate that options doesn't exist. Notice that gloves, shoes etc still exist - only pants/shirt are missing.
Furthermore, the UI button for the uniform shows a shirt with bowtie, so they explicitly made the button look like an uniform.
Guess we are really stuck with a tie all the game.
Pretty sad when the npc trainers have cooler options than you.
I guess I will call the main character Lass this time...
oh wait, I can't do that....
she wears a....
"forbidden piece of clothing"
@SPArcheon Fair point, now that you mention it.
It's not a fashion game though, it will be fiiiiine.
oh, true, but if I have to look at the character all the game I would at least prefer to not have them wearing a tie since I always hated that and I find even more stupid when part of a school uniform (not that fixed uniforms are that smart from the beginning, good way to provoke some good old trauma and teach youngster how badly they will be treated if they don't conform to social standards.... or binary identities.)
anyway, I find it funny that apparently the new Harry Potter themed game will have more options :P
also... this is kinda ironic.
No school uniforms here, so I never got to try a tie. Also because of stupid gender binaries ;)
play Genshin or any other Jrpg and you can spot the playable character because their are far more detailed than the rest of the npc.
now, if NPC trainers get to keep their usual variety, it looks like in Scarlet/Violet you will be the one looking "less detailed" than the npcs
@SPArcheon "detailed"/"naked" :P
I prefer a full school uniform then ;)
@Tinkeringbell sadly I can't disagree on that for some games.
that said I would gladly exchange the uniform for something like Runefactory usual main character outfits.
We'll see. Maybe there will be fun uniforms later, like a Pikachu or shaymin one ;)
Apparently having a save from Arceus gives you....
A Rotom phone case.
can I get to keep the Shaymin set instead?
The shaymin set in Arceus sure is cute. I don't care much about the phone cases either, that's kinda boring
I will probably be able to get all four of them though XD

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