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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

@AdamLear have you been to Canadian Rockies & Mt. Banff?
@Telkitty Sadly, no. I've lived in Ontario and visited Quebec, but never made it to the west part of Canada.
Oo, ok, thanks anyways
> Until philosophers are moderators, or the moderators of Stack Exchange have the spirit and power of philosophy, sites will never have rest from their evils.
people can use some philosophy in moderation ...
> as of this afternoon, the maximum length of a tag name is 35 characters on all sites. meta.stackexchange.com/a/299490
Cue a bunch of "rename these horribly abbreviated tags" meta posts
One from me so far.
20 hours later...
BTW, if you want to thank someone personally, @doppelgreener, Hamlet over on Literature and jmac conspired to badger us into revisiting this. The technical groundwork was laid back in '15 by Adam Lear and Nick Craver for the benefit of the Russian-language Stack Overflow. — Shog9 ♦ 2 hours ago
Those Russians with their long words. <_<
Like [функциональное-программирование], 31 chars.
How much traffic does Astronomy get anyway? 2.7k visits, 3.8 questions per day.
That 3.8 must be without deleted questions, because I cast 5 spam flags there in the last 24 hours, and this isn't exceptional.
@miche have you ever considered having a hobby chicken farm with maybe 2-8 chickens?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer, blacklisted user: Optimal program for saving time, hitting all muscles 2x a week + abs every workout by user26168 on fitness.SE
fitness.SE is discriminatory, I am proposing fatness.SE! :p
@AdamLear I certainly would feel offended... just talk it over at the coffee machine or however you do that in those remote settings ... to be sure you are all still on the same page. You (the dev team) are doing great.
9 messages moved to Chimney
@Michelle did the elected one stepped down or not yet accepted agreement?
I miss all the good stuff when I finish work
Also @ShadowWizard don't worry about the black transparent bits in my picture, I'm sure everyone will come to accept and love it any way :)
@Albzi or you can use this ^
(not transparent anymore, white background)
Still not sure why you couldn't chat before?
Thanks, I'll do that now :)
And just the work proxy
@Albzi oh so weird
!!/tea for @Alb
@ShadowWizard brews a cup of chamomile tea for @ShadowWizard
I think it blocks keywords
like game/chat/gaming etc
But only in the URL maybe
Not sure how it works
Hard to believe, they most work with white list or black list of domains.
Starting to mess with URLs sounds quite insane, for the admins.
Well that's what I thought, but I can get on reddit and other sites
as long as I don't go to something like /r/gaming
but /r/rocketleague for example is fine
or /r/xboxone
I'm not complaining though, I can get on here now lol
They might have changed to a whitelist/blacklist thing now which is why I can get on
All I know is that there is some .pac file for our proxy, I'm not good with that sort of stuff lol
Waba Waba
That was meant to be the noise he makes but after I typed it I realised it looks stupid
.pac file ^
Nice haha
On another note
@ShadowWizard one gone, one left. Maybe ask @TravisJ to vote as well
even though my work mac has given me admin privalidgs
wow... privileges
I can't change background image
Hey @Sjoerd noticed you're new around here... everything is well? :)
Aw I was new around here yesterday and didn't get asked if things were well
@Albzi lol! You sure got some weird problems..... :D
My life is a mess
Pac problems, wrong desktop pictures
@rene but... he's not around... did he ever delete one of those we requested?
@Albzi because you posted something rather quickly. ;)
Yes, and he didn't mind pinging him and he assured me he would yell if we needed to stop
But timezones, u know
Mr. 222888 here is just sitting silently, brooding. @Albzi ;)
That's my type of favourite person
And yeah I think I just wing everything
Just came in guns blazing
@Albzi maybe they are afraid you'll put NSFW picture as background?
I'll only do that if they ask nicely
@Albzi and provide the pic themselves
It's been known to have happen
@Albzi employees putting NSFW pics as background? lol... that's probably why they now have that block in place.
Haha not at my place
But I've known it to happen
You know what rooms I can't access
Oh, I meant to link the stackoverflow chat rooms
I can't access this link
So maybe it isn't to do with keywords
@Albzi but what you see when browsing to that page?
It goes white and my browser asks me to sign in to my proxy
No matter what I do it just displays a white blank screen though @ShadowWizard
@Albzi huh. So yeah, talk with the network admins...
I'm not even meant to be on here
So yeah probably won't talk to them about it
You'll just have to put up with me in here lol
Telling Albzi's boss
Oh lawd
Sending email to @Alb's boss
Oh boy I better hide
@Elias WE LOVE TOWN HALL! Town Hall Chat will begin in 8 hours, and 30 minutes.
I'll be in bed by then
Oh wait that's a lie, but I wont be on here
How can I draw more attention to this: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/300264/…
@Albzi more attention won't help, "new nav" is dead.
Ah shame
Revert back to "old nav" and all will be good. :)
The bug annoys me to no end lol
Isn't it still the new nav though?
I thought other sites hadn't got that nav yet?
@Albzi no, and it won't be.
Ooh ok
Thanks :)
At least not what the "new nav" is now.... they'll probably just do it from scratch or change tons of other things, IMO.
I'll just leave it then for now
What's the percentage of Town Hall's topic to be.... SO Docs?
Probably 0% though...
The one developer who wrote the "new nav" left SE by now.
So they are not rolling it out to all the other sites?
@Elias what is there to discuss? They tried, it failed. End of story. :)
I'd like to discuss my profile picture
@Albzi lol no.... they still have to roll the "new top bar" first.
Oh boy
@Albzi in Town Hall chat? Quick way to get a kick. ;)
Hey I didn't say we should! Just that i'd like to ;) @ShadowWizard
Well smoking unicorn is indeed a problem. :D
It sets a bad example
I have no idea where I got the pic from actually, I just browsed my "Pictures" folder and there is was, chosen almost randomly. :P
@Telkitty the cat chickened out ...
whoa... 3/9/2013... four years ago. No wonder I don't remember where it's from. lol
@ShadowWizard first, you will find a single not-so-good unicorn clipart, then magically candy colored ponies will start to appear in the folder too.
pecking order amongst chickens and cats, look at team work :p
Here's a chicken for you
my chicken is timid :p
is there any url to query SEDE directly or do I have to scrap the page?
@SoMeUsEr nope, scrape, or use the CSV download link, but that last one requires the query has been run, so you need to click the Run button at least once
@rene I already have some downloaded CSV's but it take more time to process. If a direct link is available, it will be helpful
No prob. have to do some improvements in code
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer, username similar to website in answer: Is it permissible for a falsely accused person to pay a bribe out of fear for their life? by kafsabizarin on islam.SE
@SoMeUsEr there used to be Odata endpoints but those got disable due to all kind of issues: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/247931/…
@Sha that thing you just duped was a request for the team
AFAICT, anyway
@M.A.R. which team
@M.A.R. existing Q by @Jason is a request too, since the answer is simple "no, such thing does not exist".
So, dupe. :)
@SoMeUsEr Shog's team.
@SoMeUsEr sorry, typo
@ShadowWizard you're missing an @ before Shog
@Eliass did this pinged you?
@SoMeUsEr fortunately no
@SoMeUsEr it would have if it had an apostrophe
~ Meow
why is everyone pinging @Ѕһоɡ9 ?
Everyone except me
~ @Shadow of the Shog
actually, if you look closely you will notice that I didn't either.
Stay tuned on the next episode of "Who pinged the Shog9"
@ShadowWizard That post about obtaining the spam dump isn't a dupe
It's an explicit one off request to SE for one of their employees to pull a dump and provide it to him, not a general question about whether or not one is available
@Elias Homoglyphs/Homographs are a nice thing.
@Magisch I tend to interpret support questions of "How to do X?" as "Please add X" when "X" is not available.
@ShadowWizard Yeah but it's not "Please add X"
It's "I'm doing a potentially very helpful project, can you please make an exception and perform X for me this once"
The scope is entirely different
I kind of remember such post... about correlation between reputation and getting upvoted?
Here's hoping it'll get reopened in the MSE reopen queue
Hi guys, I'm starting an app using SE api, but needs 10 points to play with write_access
what's the best way to have it (excluding to post answers and get upvoted) ? Could I add answer in meta.stackexchange.com/questions/51812/the-api-sandbox and ask for upvotes here ?
@Arount bad idea to ask for upvotes.
yeah :(
rather, answer with something useful, and upvotes should naturally happen (i.e. make quality answers...)
yes .. I do on SO, but to be honest, digging in meta se to find something to answer only to access to a sandbox seems to be lot of pain..
It's way too easy to get rep here
Tell me your secret
secret key ? ^^
(because - no)
[Filthy advertisement]: Hey! look at this awesome SE Disclaimer: yeah well, it isn't my site but I am active there.
Q: How should a bot earn enough reputation to perform the actions necessary for that bot?

Patrick HofmanWe all know it: bots that chat. There are also bots that flag, or perform other actions. And usually we like them for doing that, like our dear Smokey. So every now and then, a new bot is created, and usually you would ask a question using that bot or suggest enough edits to get the reputation n...

@ItamarG3 flags as spam. Then hoses
ok wait
Suggest 5 valid edits, get 10 rep.
@Arount tbh, I just answered a question with a spare account, and got rep
and then HNQed...
That's how we all created bots.
then got too much rep
if you're begging for reputation you are doing it wrong
5 valid edits = 10 points ?
wow, ok, let's do that
..... yeah?
or one decent answer
i'm not confident to help people on meta se
and on SO you are?
yep, more
@Arount people are not confident enough to need decent help on meta.SE
Seriously, just wait for the next "plzz requier downrates with comments"
well i will try to have my points in a legit way..
is rep shared between all se sites ? (like so vs meta.so) ?
@Arount rep is shared between parent site and it's per meta
once you got 200 rep, you will get a 100 rep on all sites where you've an account. It's called association bonuz
~ @Shadow of the tavern
yep I've earned it from so
but it does not count for the sandbox thread i want to play with
Yeah.. association bonus is not counted for protected question...
hm, so i have to be upvoted on something else than meta.se to have enough points right ?
on meta se up/down votes does not change rep ?
@Arount no, meta.SE is separate
It has its own rep
Unlike other metas
Unlike other metas
grrr Owl Carousel having 3 slides move from 1 to 2 automatically but not further. loop and autoplay are true
MSE was kind of a quirk of history
"We don't need no damned metas"
"Hm. Will you shut up if we gave you a damned meta?"
metas are not awesome
and yet
~ @shadow of the Meta
all this issues killing me
a serious issue with JS code
another one is with google chrome
Metas are a reasonably organic way to handle site management issues
@JourneymanGeek reasonably organic way .... you mean lots of rants and drama?
hmm. Yeah? As opposed to rants and drama elsewhere, or on the main site?
Apparently they used to do it on uservoice, but I don't remember that
OK, just checking, fine, fine. Let's move on Okay?
throws popcorn around for everyone
~ Shadow of the JoE
Ola @AlonEitan \o
Yo! o/
Did you miss-click or is there something we can help with?
Who me? No, just wanted to see what's going on over here. Should I leave?
user image
@AlonEitan No, not all, everybody is welcome here,
can you see with that fur around your eyes?
you have 1 well fed dog ...
Tavern on the Meta: It's full of species ...
He's an angel - sweet smelly angel
He should get a haircut ASAP
@rene About this and the older version here - I assume no official statement about the issue was ever made right?
@Derpy no, and I hope it stays that way. if it isn't obvious by now they are barking up the wrong tree, beats me ...
:6255118 it wasn't bad what you posted ...
@Magisch guess we'll have to disagree then. Feel free to vote to reopen if you still didn't... :)
@SoMeUsEr ~ That is gross ....
@SoMeUsEr Owl Carousel sucks
I had to write many hacks to make it "work"
Though mainly because it's used under AngularJS
@ShadowWizard my situation is even worst. It is a drag and drop content builder for client in angular 2 and finally the app should produce code of the generated content
that point where owl 2 sucks
another one is a huge problem in chrome
@AlonEitan too late. Once in Tavern, Always in Tavern. :D
You're now a Taverner, @Alon.
@SoMeUsEr sounds nasty :/
Don't click this ^^
it's a booby trap
almost finished. now the problem I am using $('.owl-carousel') and if the client created many slideshows with different configuration, equal number of scripts get generated but only one script applied to all since same class name is used.
need to change it to some id or a unique class
OMG - too late
So what is that "StackOverflow" website anyway?
@AlonEitan it's a stack that overflowed.
For years we try to bring it back to order.
Wait.... @Alon you have the same dog as @JourneymanGeek! What's going on? :P
You're actually right! WOW
@AlonEitan site contains the activities of a group of mad people
Mad? SO community?
no the fellow members are not mad
@AlonEitan TrueForAll
@rene Depends. Saying "you can put what you want in your profile as long as it is not illegal" is potentially very dangerous.
@Derpy I'm happy to reword that. I don't want to list what is and what isn't allowed, also because this might depend per site. Foremost I want to make clear that having a different view on a regime isn't something that should be removed because someone is pissed off about it. If illegal needs to be made broader like allowed under international law or something like that (hey, I'm not a lawyer) I'm fine with it.
But I can use some help to get that right then.
My non-native English skills are not helping here
Before you know you are accused of ESL
ESL this!
My point is that one could use that answer as a "proof" that he is entitled to - for example - use his profile to claim that "(insert random people category here) are clearly mentally-ill and should be sent to a psychiatric clinic"
after all, "that is just his personal view on his personal profile"
I think it should be made clear that the "be nice" policy covers the profile page too.
That is a person and that is harassment, so illegal
And then we have a specific user on SO trying to block SO in China...
the whole china?
@Derpy oK, so I add not illegal and within the be Nice policy?
@Elias yeah, but they do that in their username, right? Which I find not OK but AFAIK wasn't changed either.
@rene Some time ago, a pretty long fight took place on meta about a question titled "What can we do to stop the Indian spammers" (or something similar) that seemed to imply that Indian = evil spammer - and the question was then changed because of that. Could one then write in his profile "Help us stop the Indian spammers"?
Why was that even a fight? There were a lot of Indian spammers
@Derpy I think that should be allowed yes. Stop the Indians isn't to make that distinction clear.
All thumbs are fingers but not all fingers are thumbs
@Feeds a wild image appears!
Also, based on these claims, I guess that one would have to assume that any profile should be treated as NSFW as a precaution and no arguments can be done against it. On the same network that avoids fun "because it is not professional enough"
@Derpy check my edit please: meta.stackexchange.com/a/293482/158100
@Feeds doesn't compile, server fault!
everyone blaming me
@SoMeUsEr Stop having a username with the same first letter as the OP... grrr — Servy 1 min ago
for good reasons
@Telkitty now you made me imagining what "server fault" would be...
something between this:
and this:
@rene The line "Something that makes you or anyone else uncomfortable should not be forbidden." still seems somehow off, but I won't argue.
@Derpy added a twist but that is it. ;)
Town Hall \o/
Oh ... 16:30 UTC ... still 3 hours
wow, that notification was really early
resist resist resist resist....
roll dices
@Undo You should try and undo the notification
@ShadowWizard naw, much less concealable dog.
@rene ugh. I'm going to miss this one too :(
I haz work tommorrow
Priorities ...
Well, unless SE hires me, no matter how much I dislike current employer, they pay me a salary, and I work hard enough I actually need to sleep to function ;p
The funny part is the 9th is a holiday here... darned timezones ;p
@JourneymanGeek fair enough ...
@JourneymanGeek what holiday?
@ShadowWizard national day
Ours has different date each year since it's based on Hebrew date.
(as all our holidays)
a lot of our ethnic holidays switch around like that
(so, most of em)
since they're based on <cultural calendar> <phase of moon> etc
Independence Day (Hebrew: יום העצמאות‎‎ Yom Ha'atzmaut, lit. "Day of Independence") is the national day of Israel, commemorating the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948. It is celebrated either on the 5th of Iyar, according to the Hebrew calendar, or on one of the preceding or following days, depending on which day of the week this date falls on. Yom Hazikaron, the Israeli Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism Remembrance Day is followed by Independence Day. == History == Independence Day is founded on the declaration of the establishment of the State of Israel by the Jewish leadership...
We didn't exactly leave malaysia
While not really a Jewish holiday, it's also celebrated according to the Hebrew date.
we were asked to leave
@JourneymanGeek hmm? What do you mean?
@ShadowWizard quite literally the malaysians went "eh, we don't want you lot any more"
and we became a country ;p
vaguely undramatic that. Then we realised we were all on our own, then ... yeah
> The Community Wiki setting is not part of the post-ban equation.
Does this mean that if I'm in a post-ban, asking for a post to be made CW could lift it? (from here)
@JourneymanGeek oh so you mean you got independence without war? Nice! :)
@rene where you saw it?
If not official it might be false.
@rene probably similar to disassociating a post
in a sense that a CW post is not owned by anyone per se
@rene means it's irrelevant to the equation
umm... @rene I'm pretty sure you didn't understand Robert. From what I read, he means it doesn't matter of it's CW or not.
Though I might be the one mistaken.
There's no "is this terrible post CW? Ok, it's all cool then" check
I thought I must have missed something, thanks
IMO having CW should NOT be a shield against ban.
@ShadowWizard mostly yes
Arguably making downvotes free on your posts is not gonna work in your favor on any quality check... Though making editing easier might
In the sense that others might feel invited to improve a post you started, causing your ban to be lifted?
In theory
some turds are however, really hard to polish
and in his case. he's mainly worried about sandbox posts, which... eh, are a bit of a oddball?
also, isn't it really hard to get qbanned on MSE (and anyway, with a reasonable amount of reputation it is really hard)
@JourneymanGeek yes, it is.
@JourneymanGeek yeah, you have to be really, really dedicated to posting absolutely nothing of value. And even then, you'll probably get suspended first.
and I know this cause we had a ~2k user who just posted questions asking folk to explain concerpts in a textbook to him ._.
@Derpy I think the issue was not that "How to stop Indian spammers / Russian hackers" is offensive (it isn't) but that it's a distracting element of the title that should be edited out.
Profile pages do not distract anyone, so whatever. I'm not bothered a bit by that user's profile.
insult Michelle on user's profile
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