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@zaq ...what?
I suspect you may have encountered that bug where somehow the bulletin pulls a very old cached copy of featured posts
I meant that despite the message suggesting the unfeaturing was temporary, it wasn't, and predictably so.
Oh. I just asked her to unfeature it before the weekend. Got a game of telephone happening
(I was out starting Friday, & wasn't really able to respond to questions / comments, so featuring it was a bit of a tease if we hit a weekend and no one else would be around either)
@Shog9 hey, quick question. why is meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/342440/time-to-take-a-stand/… constantly getting unlocked?
Not unlocked but reopened.
no, unlocked.
@CarrieKendall locks can be timed
Oh, the link is to an answer I can't see...
@Shog9 i am trying to decide if i should delete my comments so i stop getting notifications from comment replies because i'm thoroughly done with discussing any moral dilemmas on meta
safe to assume it'll regularly be unlocked?
@zaq the link is just incomplete, it's missing the anchor. It's pointing to meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/342440/time-to-take-a-stand/…
Although I assume Carrie is talking about the question itself, not that answer specifically.
I don't see the history of that answer being locked/unlocked... meta.stackoverflow.com/posts/342573/revisions
yeah, i stipped the link myself, did a poor job
Anyway, let's recall the first rule of Stand-Taking Club...
yeahhhh, i'll just delete my comments
@Shog9 if i delete all my comments can people still @ me?
@CarrieKendall it's locked now
haha... welp
let's hope it stays locked this time
thanks for the help
@CarrieKendall Gotta say, it'd be really nice if there was a way to opt out of notifications for a specific post. Y'know, when you're done with a conversation and need to move on. Would really help in these situations where folks find it hard to extricate themselves from an argument, in spite of their better nature. @GeoffDalgas
In the meantime, I have a request for a comment-only lock in the pipeline, so... Next time...
@Shog9 completely agree. i would prefer to not remove my comments as my opinion hasn't changed and it breaks the conversation, but there doesnt seem to be a better way to stop notifications atm
wait, you dont like purging the comments every 2 minutes? pft
@CarrieKendall I don't like anything that requires me to camp on a post.
I tend to delete all comments if the post isn't mine; or delete the post if it's mine. Sadly, can't do this with an accepted answer.
Was self-deletion of an accepted answer officially declined?
It has been before
We might revisit eventually
Q: Allow author of accepted answer to delete it in certain circumstances

Jon SkeetI made a mistake today. I answered a question incorrectly. (A C# question, no less. My head is truly hanging in shame.) Unfortunately, by the time this was pointed out, the answer had already been accepted. Another answer has been posted which is correct. It has more votes than mine, and mine h...

There's a certain logic to allowing it in cases where the answer is downvoted
@zaq I guess so, if I'm not mistaken
How dare you decline Jon Skeet's FR?
@zaq It has GOT to be corrected
If they don't, it will correct itself
Other thing that'd be nice in these situations would be a way to subscribe to notifications on a given post. Even a comment-lock is overkill in those situations where it's just one irritating person; you'd like to be able to warn them and then - if they ignore the warning - deal with the person instead of the post, but again that requires camping on the post.
congregation of floating heads now
@Shog9 Docs has a feature like that for the discussion tab. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Seems noisy and fiddly. (Though some noise will be reduced when we bundle discussion comments in the inbox like we do with post comments.)
@JonEricson still need sensible defaults. But having the option to opt-in / opt-out is preferable to polling / overwhelming noise.
FWIW, I locked that Stand post for historical significance - but really, for the practical reason that it's still getting flags and there are now so many past flags on it that even finding the new ones is a time-consuming process.
Good test-case; haven't had this much activity (answers + comments + flags) on a single question in a while.
Not to mention close-reopen cycles.
The previous record holder was "Why is SO so negative of late?" with 4 or 5.
@JonEricson not the same chat room, but I'm not worried about the deets. Did you ever get to follow up on that deletion?
@jcolebrand Yes. Just now. ;-)
Shame I didn't get to keep my referrals. Le sigh
Now I just gotta go beat the street for more
Why does committing to a proposal ask for your full name?
Q: Full Name Requirement of Commit Phase

waiwai933The Commitment form on Area 51 requires your full name to be provided. Is this publicly viewable? Why not just use the existing usernames?

So it doesn't really matter what you type in that field, apparently
@Stijn shouldn't it be an new question instead of adding a bounty on it?
@rene maybe
it's too late now :p
yeah. I don't think you get a new answer and the field remains, specially after reading the answer from Joel. Once he takes a stand ... ;)
It would be time for us to lake a stand
Q: how do i become as attractive as neil degrasse tyson

Tayble leeHow do i become as attractive as neil degrasse tyson. How do i become as attractive as neil degrasse tyson.

@JasonC How do i become as attractive as neil degrasse tyson. How do i become as attractive as neil degrasse tyson.
It seems like a perfectly valid question to me.
Downvoter please explain.
I downvoted because they didn't capitalize Neil Degrasse Tyson.
@JasonC I thought Neil Degrasse Tyson was a physicist anyway?
user image
For posterity.
@JasonC Hey now, I caught a screenshot first
Show me your timestamp.
Oh wait, I didn't
Data Science site is approaching 10 questions per day, the potential graduation territory. I didn't expect that...
Although the quality of content... Q: Why and what algorithms should I choose? A: It depends on your data.
It depends on your data. is what baby wipes are for LH.se
I think that this user needs to be removed
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected: What did Prophet Muhammad do for a living? by jon on islam.SE
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