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> If I had to do the same again, I would my friend, Fernando
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: Does it help quit smoking? by melonjuriya on drupal.stackexchange.com
waiting for movers and packers here :)
wha......what even
I'd suspect it's a spam seed, let's wait
It kinda looks like homework
maybe it's harmless and just a dupe question
I flagged as unclear what you are asking
on both
Already gone
Q: Why do text editors think this file is UTF-8?

Jason CI have two text files, which I'm giving download links to rather than a pastebin to preserve their contents precisely: field1.txt field2.txt Both of these text files consist only of spaces, carriage returns, newlines, and the letter X, and they should be ASCII encoded. The only difference bet...

^ Any of you guys happen to have any idea what's going on here?
Nope sorry
Will try to investigate
@JasonC seems like a case of "bush hid the facts". Look it up.
@JasonC Cannot reproduce on Android. shrug
I can't download the file on Windows due to company network block the file sharing. But I agree with Jan
Oh... yeah, hmm, must be.
I wonder what the magic string in the file is, if that's the case. It's super weird that one works and the other doesn't given the nature of the differences between the two. But I guess there's some black magic going on.
newline word-alignment?
Either that or it has something to do with SE enabling CloudFlare routing on MSE.
How's that related?
17 hours ago, by Feeds
We are enabling CloudFlare routing on http://meta.stackexchange.com in a just a bit. Let us know if you see any craziness!
Counts as craziness.
17 hours ago, by Woodface
> @StackStatus I saw a guy on the subway wearing a Speedo and juggling. -- Matt Sherman at 7:36 AM - 30 Mar 2015 via Twitter
Ah, should we ping that Shog guy, then?
@JanDvorak Haha, yes, seems reasonable.
bjb has a cert!
prepare for borken cross-origin
I already voted to close, but it was unclear first.
^ Need more cvs on that.
That guy is my least favorite kind of person.
Q: About on Stack Exchange has bad margin from the left

nicael Go to http://stackexchange.com/about You'll see the very left part is eaten.

Q: The whole SE is now a programming community?

nicaelThe header at http://stackexchange.com/about says: Did the whole Stack Exchange suddenly become a programming community?

@nicael That would probably be clearer if you showed it in contrast with the top-bar drop list and SE logo. It took me a minute to figure out what you meant; because it looks OK when the window is wide enough.
And the horizontal scrollbar pegged left on the browser.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, Bad keyword in body: Skin Care community making difference in the lives by Luck Khan on drupal.stackexchange.com
I had to edit my comment to show that the bug report is unclear :/
@JasonC >:-(
@JanDvorak >:-((
Hm, what's angrier? >:-(( or >:-(?
[ SmokeDetector ] Numbers-only title: 1+9+101+9+10+1+9+10+1+9+10? by udi on math.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector ignore
@JanDvorak Post ignored; alerts about it will no longer be posted.
@SmokeDetector is this 404's page somewhat broken?
@AndrewT. why?
let me restart my browser first
well, fixed after restarting :/
What keyword?
Oh. that keyword.
@SmokeDetector tpu, that's a dangerous link
@AndrewT. Blacklisted user.
last step was grace-edited in.
@SmokeDetector edited; much more readable now
What the hell? Who is that illeterate downvoter? — Ganesh Salunkhe 12 mins ago
offensive ?? ^^
If you want. I flagged too chatty.
all answers having -3
There used to be 4 at -3.
They're slowly dropping off.
1 answer down
Please don't confuse the ability to point out that an answer is nonsense with "a bad mood". — Quentin 12 mins ago
@Jason C, I'm asking you to do it, all i need is just 4-5 lines of code & i worked mainly on php not on C# do you got it. if u can't help just be quiet & let others to do. — Imran 12 mins ago
^ flagged as rude
It's always frustrating for people to be told they need to work.
For some unfathomable reason.
help-vamp (spoon feeders)
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: How to delete some part of fasta file by GBioinfo on unix.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector fp, but I thought it was "pasta file"
@AndrewT. Registered question as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: wer ewwer wer werwer werwer wer wer we rwer wer wer wer by user41585 on graphicdesign.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu wtf (edited in grace period from "whatthef*ck[repeatuntilends]")
@AndrewT. Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
Q: Apparently, ru.SO is launched; time to update the proposal page?

nicaelhttp://ru.stackoverflow.com is now live; time to update its proposal page? That's pretty interesting it is possible to commit to the site when it is in the beta phase already :D

Yay, new bugs seeder!
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: how to make my package in latex? by khaled hariz on tex.stackexchange.com
isn't it a little too soon for the April Fool joke??
What is this Tamagochi??
/me keeps spamming the downvote button
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, URL in title: http://nitroshredadvice.com/luxoderm/ by vond pore on meta.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector gone
stack egg? So weird
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, Blacklisted website: Whereas go some people call by khusbo khan on meta.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: composed this supplement review post regarding this by user45808 on drupal.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector gone
spam ^
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, Bad keyword in body: How the “Nike” site product detail page is created? by FR STAR on apple.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: Thinning eating routine suppers on vacations by Uthavivel Lball on meta.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title: http://nitroshredadvice.com/luxoderm/ by KareLaio on drupal.stackexchange.com
@balpha .... so... no unicorn even today. Ok...
@Frank Twitch Plays Stack Exchange!
what in the world is this "StackEgg" thing
@Doorknob win
ahahah yes I like what I see at the top of the leaderboards
Vi and Vim, Puzzling, PPCG
I'm playing StackEgg for Anime & Manga.SE and it's at the 32nd day elapsed. xD
Blah, on Aviation.SE and on the 79th day
Are you playing alone? xD
someone else started it off, but yeah :(
they left
the one on MSE is quite interesting
psshhh, mods don't get binding votes. So unrealistic. :P
Thanks for playing along :D
Am I wrong, or is the high number of web socket requests from StackEggs causing the sites to be slower?
Code Golf has a traffic heart :P
I love this game. Thanks developers!
All sites are now sllllloooowwww..... hope it's not because of the new game :/
Screw performance, this game is awesome
It's worth it.
hmm.... ummmm... nop.
We're one step away from in-game purchases and the total abandonment of the Q&A model.
Maybe the egg is eating all the cache?
I'll try to automate it.
More likely it made some troll angry and now he's DDoSing the network :D
Maybe they almost beat the StackEgg game, but lost at day 499, and am now raging
Healthy site!
Wait, Animuson got hired? What is that about?
I thought they were an employee already.
@Bart yeah, I noticed his diamond on MSE and assumed MSE finally got moderators, then noticed his About Me :D
Yeah, I see. Well, congrats @animuson. :)
@Unihedro "they"? He's one single human being.
Singular they is the use of they, or its inflected or derivative forms, such as them, their, or themselves, to refer to a single person or an antecedent that is grammatically singular. It typically occurs with an antecedent of indeterminate gender, as in sentences such as: "Everyone returned to their seats." "Somebody left their umbrella in the office. Would they please collect it?" "The patient should be told at the outset how much they will be required to pay." "But a journalist should not be forced to reveal their sources." A reason for its use is that English has no dedicated singular personal...
Nah, he's so awesome, it's plural
@Unihedro too confusing.
so close to full stats...
@ShadowWizard to whom?
they were all full for a second! :P
@JanDvorak me. myself. "they". dunno. :P
@Doorknob So full on Traffic! Watch out for server crash
Coming up "Twitch plays Stack Overflow plays Tamagochi"
Anybody else tempted to hit "Restart" on SO? xD
29 mins ago, by Unihedro
@Frank Twitch Plays Stack Exchange!
@Mooseman I may have, ah, "collaborated" with a few other people to reset Server Fault to kick them off the leaderboard...
@Unihedro you are an inspiration
I'm unique, just like you, and everyone else.
People usually just call me special.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: ALGEBRA QUESTION HELP PLEASE by user27429 on mathematica.stackexchange.com
Full stats!
somehow Gamedev won the internet though :(
The huge slowdown on all network sites seems to have stopped.
this is intense :P
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, Bad keyword in body, Phone number detected: Quickbooks Tech Support Number 1 855 806 6643 Intuit Quickbooks technical support phone number USA/Caanda by Andrew Smith on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@Mooseman Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
20 min to the first Google April Fool! google.com.au/#q=time%20in%20sydney
@Mooseman ? and the tamagochi? Doesn't that count?
@SPArchaeologist ???
@Mooseman you haven't browsed one of the SE site, right?
StackEgg is good, but I said Google April Fool
Never forget: google.com/tisp
@Mooseman pardon, I didn't notice the "Google"
Google sucks. Screw whatever they do :D
> Home installation is a simple matter of GFlushing™ the fiber-optic cable down to the nearest TiSP Access Node, then plugging the other end into the network port of your Google-provided TiSP wireless router. Within sixty minutes, the Access Node's crack team of Plumbing Hardware Dispatchers (PHDs) should have your internet connection up and running.
> Insert the TiSP installation CD and run the setup utility to install the Google Toolbar (required)
Now we have CloudFlare timeouts... it's beyond ridiculous, sent email to the team. (assuming it's really because of the game)
> Congratulations! Your Site has made it to the very top and won the internet!. I doesn't get any better than that! And now, try to grow your next Site even faster!
@ShadowWizard We are unamused.
@ShadowWizard ok, so it's not just me that has trouble getting to SO's home page
is this a valid answer?
Everything is s o o very s l o w.
also, "an answer" link in that answer doesn't point to any answer. It just opens a question
@gunr2171 nope. 10 seconds, when it's loading at all.
while comment below points to specific answer
We are aware of a slowdown issue for some Stack Exchange requests and are working on it now.
hee hee
@balpha - wondering... would the SE Team consider leaving that tamagochi live somewhere after tomorrow (or make the code public)?
well, dev.stackoverflow.com is fast
but it got a bug in its logo
who restarted *a site*!?
SOEgg is fun
Provided everything else is happy to not work.
@ShadowWizard Dropdown menu at bottom is interesting...
At last... StackOverflowers are closing questions!....... on StackEgg!
@Mooseman yup, "Reset CDN" is the best option. ;)
@AndrewT. Only if you punish them for not doing so. That’s why this fantasy has no legs.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: How lifting low weight many times affect muscles? by Leonid on sports.stackexchange.com
in SO Close Vote Reviewers on Stack Overflow Chat, 24 mins ago, by gunr2171
all the stats are in the toilet and they keep asking and answering. (does this sound familiar?)
@SmokeDetector I'd be happier if the asker didn't mention a specific product
@Woodface Which is why I can't believe that iam.stackoverflow.com is still in private beta.
> We are currently offline for maintenance

Routine maintenance usually takes less than an hour. If this turns into an extended outage, we will tweet updates from @StackStatus or post details on the status blog.
We are disabling the eggs for a moment while we optimize them a bit. They'll return soon!
@StackStatus Oh come on! Was having too much fun with them to see them being offline :p
29K users got suddenly imported into SE, along with 60K questions.
@Woodface http://hashcode.ru/
they imported its whole content
With a fair amount of spam, I suppose.
Let's get to work! What are the usual suspects?
Lets start with filerepairforum.
Ping me when there's stuff to flag, I'm playing StackEgg!
@Woodface lol, this might be true. But going to be hard to find in Russian...
I don't get anything from familiar URLs, so it seems that spam there is different.
@Woodface keep in mind it was a low profile site, so spammers had no reason to put much efforts into it.
but did you search for "vodka"? ;)
But no spam there.
also many bugs with users and reputation. e.g.
difference between questions in summary tab and reputation tab
They disabled Egg on SO
20 mins ago, by Feeds
We are disabling the eggs for a moment while we optimize them a bit. They'll return soon!
You cannot put the omelette back into its shell.
Possible Duplicate from Meta.MoversAss meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/289022/…Dmitrij A 4 mins ago
That's a while ago.
From the all-time voters tab: the admin-now-CM has 3738 votes, the 2nd place 803.
@ShadowWizard They told us they would give a Bubbles-gochi. I expected Derpy, not the site mascot. ;_;
@PatrickHofman yup, bit confusing but 100% spam
user image
@Woodface haha, where you got it from?
@Woodface Stop posting screenshots from work-internal chats. ;-)
@ShadowWizard It's the core dev team chat room.
@Woodface All praise the almighty Fausticorn, for she again delivered her holy smite of harmony on the ones who again forgot they are just an Hasbro subsidiary...
@cky but isn't it private??
@ShadowWizard Yes, very private. So somebody inside must have "leaked" that to Twitter. <-- fixed that for me
And the culprit is identified by "mention" highlight.
@cky Hey, a users' chat boxes are colored and pings highlighted!
@Woodface Well then. ;-)
Current status http://t.co/Lksobu84sZ
@cky while you're here leaking secrets, who is this "Bosun" and why no blue color? ;)
@ShadowWizard That's a bot.
discrimination! bots should also have diamonds and blue color in chat. (dev bots, that is)
@ShadowWizard about Bosun blog.stackoverflow.com/2014/11/…
@Woodface nice, thanks!
I'm going to fight against free radicals by flagging that as spam
@SmokeDetector fp
@Woodface Registered question as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
...entirely wrong site though.
> I have an Access database and I keep getting an error every time I use a button.
Using buttons is SU territory.
The wall of code is SO territory. But. Whatever. =)
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'INTO'. SQL INJECTION by Mohammed on stackoverflow.com
HAHAHAHA sql injection scripts.
I can't submit edits!
Intermittent issues somehow related to StackEgg?
(it makes zero sense)
and yet again, we have a 2014 years old site in the network. :D
This stack egg game seems to contain subliminal messages... xD
@Qantas94Heavy screenshots or it never happened :D
These dummies won't downvote. It's just like real SO.
And closing is useless, it's just perfect.
I'm wondering if the votes are sligtly fudged to make a point
Also, mod flags are rigged.
I'm pretty sure that 10 people constantly voting to restart is symptomatic.
Egg Trolls?
raiders trying to take down progress...
in The Nineteenth Byte on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 2 mins ago, by Sp3000
I see SE's strat: Make people sign up for accounts so they can raid. Traffic on all sites. Profit.
@J.Steen Those are easy to break though...
Might be more representative of StackEgg.
Well played, Stack Exchange
This is a actually thought experiment done by SE to gather data about how SE users react to visible indicators.
hide the StackEgg status
We are back at full functionality and all stable. We'll keep an eye on the impact of recent features throughout the day.
We are back at full functionality and all stable. We'll keep an eye on the impact of recent features throughout the day.
faster than the bot, @Jan
@Feeds Impostor!
@Feeds !comp 1+1
Okay, it's not botling.
Hello, perhaps you folks can shed some light on something
The denizens of the Bridge have taken quite an interest in watching LifeHacks.SE
Currently we're rather puzzled why it still exists
Are other people just not as close-happy as we are or is there some other reason behind LifeHacks?
Perhaps take it as an experiment for SE; whether they can sustain the quality of such site.
Similar to SoftRecs
@John Did you read Shog9's stance on Lifehacks.SE's meta post?
@Unihedro I have not actually personally spent much time there, so no.
@Unihedro ...unless you're talking about this one which apparently I have read
Hehe stackoverflow.com/stackegg/leaderboard, SO needs to step it up.
it's disabled on SO
in The Nineteenth Byte on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 8 mins ago, by Rainbolt
Here's the link for lazy raiders http://anime.stackexchange.com/
PPCG just raided us :( I'm out
not funny, that's foul play
Meh, to do something more productive.
@ProgramFOX It is? stackoverflow.com Cause it's right there.
oh hey, then it's back!
> It doesn’t fit our "normal" rules, and it tests the limits of what we can do (in a good way). But Lifehacks also has all the pieces of an interesting site -- Robert Cartaino
With that many users and that many chat rooms, considered it hard to coordinate for SO. Well, good luck!
I take it that CoGro team got bored of creating sites for Content Management Systems and fresh ideas aren't in rich supply.
@SmokeDetector @ProgramFOX Aha, a regex bug!
@SmokeDetector fp
@ProgramFOX Registered question as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
:3231564 not a question, should be on meta (content: what should I do if my title is less than 15 characters)
We'll see what happens when ru.SO is added to the websocket feed...
@Woodface Yeah... same issue as with the all-caps titles.

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