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they get my self-confidence, I used be more confident
If anyone needs me, I'm down a mineshaft digging for resources
@Ahmad Because you're making a stink and it's not worth it. You should prolly stop soon...
@Ahmad *arrogant
@Bart ooh, can u do multiplayer?
@Bart the funnies 30 minutes I had in the last hour
@Bart resources == coffee ?
Is it time to kick for off-topic?
@Bart *minecraft
@bjb568 why do you wanna get kicked?
*Jan doesn't let go of his style despite the pointless text
@Frank Not me, him.
@Bart *mindshaft
beside kidding, I was going to learn from my down-votes to improve myself, I don't know if I can anticipate the members of here
@Ahmad Ok, I found the one whose fault it is.
pauses game ... yes, Minecraft. Yes, on a realm. No, there's no coffee. It's vanilla Minecraft. And there isn't even vanilla.
wants vanilla cookie now
Vanilla Minecraft does have cocoa beans
@Frank you found who?
@Ahmad The person who is oppressing you. Look here: jsfiddle.net/Ldvwp8uv/1/embedded/result
thanks :)
@InfiniteRecursion Say it ain't so! :O
*the gang
And if your confidence is dwindling @Ahmad, let me tell you this with the best intentions: It's because you are imagining things that aren't happening. Nobody is against you. Nobody is out to get you. Nobody is teaming up on you. Do less talking, do more listening. You've been given reasons, so address them. Do your best, keep at it, and you'll be fine. Good luck.
And I'm out again.
cya princess
LOL, oh right its is C# fault
*it is
@Ahmad that's what I got too.
how I myself didn't find it, it is C#
@Sam Blame the Wheel
right recently I work with C# much
TIL: everything is personal on the internet
On the internet everybody knows if you're a dick
> It's Yi Jiang's fault!
@Braiam So true...
lol @Braiam is it your job?
@Braiam yay, I get to see this for the 100,000,000,000,000,000 time... gag
*...000th time
even me has seen that
me has, has me?
Who is me?
Jan has --pedantic --pedantic --pedantic today D:
Oh look, Inf's randomly happy...
hey is it possible that employee, (don't know his name) watch our conversation, the one who kicked me off
@Braiam or rather -Wall
@Ahmad unlikely
then we are safe?
@JanDvorak aren't those things to be ignored either way?
I am always happy to see this xkcd @Frank :)
@Ahmad I don't know about you, but we have nothing to fear.
I kick too @Ahmad (RO)
@JanDvorak I got 30 min. suspension here once :)
sure I know he is behind who, specially @InfiniteRecursion have nothing at all to fear
Jan 9 at 23:15, by Frank
> your account has been automatically suspended for posting inappropriate content and cannot chat for 30 minutes.
Goals for today:
☑ Move from bed to couch
☑ Cough a lot
☑ Take a shower
☐ Eat
☐ Finish math homework
@Ahmad Have you checkd out BlueSkies? I'm sure they are behind it all..
@InfiniteRecursion you also joined the team who kick?
@JanDvorak u were there
@bjb568 shower == lick your fur ?
I knew you are very talented
@Sam Yes
@JanDvorak (૭ ఠ༬ఠ)૭
@Braiam fistpump?
@bjb568 :O
@JanDvorak yeah...
@InfiniteRecursion I remember you changed your name to Infinte Happiness awhile. right?
@Ahmad ... so?
Now inf is no longer happy.
Talented has been used in a derogatory way, so I pass the question. Yes, I was Inf happiness.
then what happened that you again fall to infinite recursion?
Mood swing :)
Insufficient boundary condition checking, presumably
:) good, which is better?
<- Recursively happy
Name yourself "recursinve happiness"
I have had 5 different names in past 30 days
still no match to a certain god...
I loved his previous avatar...
@InfiniteRecursion I thought SE rate limited name changing.
@Sam You can get around that with new accounts.
There is a workaround @Sam
Oh, right.
oh again wife got upset what I am doing! hope you infinite happiness, see you later
see you @Ahmad
Goals for today:
☑ Uh, win something (was a game of chess)
☑ Intake 30 lbs of nitrogen through the roots
☑ Shake off the snow
☑ Blame @Ahmad for something
☐ Drink 260 gallons of water
☐ Clean large amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere
☐ Throw sticks all over the yard so the yard owner will break his mower and swear
Forms a nice slanty right edge.
not really
Ahmad got all the stars, possible princess mask!
Low Quality Q (22%): Please help me to write sql query, by rahul, on meta.stackexchange.com.
/me is the only GL user with a GL marshal badge so /me is still happy
I'm about to become socratic also.
Just have a hard time thinking of questions.
There should be a SEDE query, 'average question score by user'
@Frank And accept rate. Wouldn't that be useful? :D
@Frank There may be, too bad query organization is terrible there. Someone should totally get on th...oh, right. (Don't worry, it's on the todo list)
Just made one
So my average GL question score is 5.05797
average of 138 questions.
On GL: 5.05797
On LH: 4.5
On MSE: 5.0909
On Bio: 6
On TGO: 8.1818
@Frank Didn't realize until I saw your query that you're J. Musser. facepalm
@Mooseman lol
@Mooseman So you thought I was someone else on LH?
I didn't know "Frank" was on LH...
So who are you really, anyway? Frank or J?
@Mooseman huh?
You know who I am
now anyway
@Frank says I have socratic but I don't
Sep 12 '14 at 4:10, by J. Musser
@InfiniteRecursion I should change my name to Frank for meta.se
@rene yay
two more days needed assuming you have no deleted posts on the same day
@rene Just have to think of something to ask...
lol but for so long?
yesterday, by Frank
So, shall I change my name back from Frank, or shouldn't I?
I was afk at that moment...
I do usually read the transcript though...
@PatrickHofman oh, did I miss anything...
Anybody want to use these comments youtube.com/watch?v=GbR6iQ62v9k&feature=inp-lt-yti-01 as known-bad data?
for any close voters who are interested, we are trying to work on the "looking for" questions mentioned in this mso post
A: Burninate Project Euler

Martijn PietersAfter some Python chat room denizens got itchy about programming contest meta tags, we went ahead and started cleaning. The project-euler tag was a natural progression once we started. After two days of coordinated retagging, closing and deleting, now properly burninated are: programming-compet...

So many things to close.
that one is done
@andy can you have zephyr watch this room for cv-pls requests?
what about Sublime?
@Undo f.ldt]
(i.e. remove "except Atom" :P)
@JanDvorak atom > sublime
@Undo Only know 3 of the users committed on there
@JanDvorak turned out you had to type yourself in that editor....
Wow, committing already?
That's impressive
@Frank meeee! :D
@Undo Things that just work? So, Linux basically. Not seeing any losses there. :P
Also, yeah, I said "sane". Not "Windows."
Gah, I hate it when users delete their questions because you solved their problem, instead of accepting the answer.
@rene Done
@Doorknob Linux "just works"?
@Bart undelete? I have votes....
@rene meh, leave it. It's just annoying.
@bjb568 Yep
@Bart No one ever does that on GL...
go there
@Bart zelf weten ...
@Doorknob Uh… no.
Why not?
Wasn't a brilliant question. Not a great loss @rene.
@Doorknob It's complifusing.
@bjb568 ... what exactly is confusicated?
You have to know how to use it.
Things aren't intuitive.
Such as?
You have to know how to use all OSs.
Not really.
Most people don't understand computers at all.
We're not "most people." :P
They type into a grid or a text or a mail.
@Doorknob But if something is designed for the masses, we can definitely use it easily.
@bjb568 No, not really.
Chromebooks are supposedly super-user-friendly.
But those would be torture to program on.
Use it easily ≠ do [something] easily
Obviously to program on something you need to be able to program on it.
Personally, GNOME+Ubuntu is much easier to use than Windows for me.
Windows is unusable of course.
than Windows and OS X.
absolutely not
@bjb568 Not at all. Running Windows 10 currently with no problems.
slaps thru internet
@bjb568 ^
That sick green color… pukes
@bjb568, proudly criticizing things since $userBirthDate
Ugh come on Google.
I want to run my 100+ core cluster! :P
runs 4.5k core cluster
@Pham wow, gone already
@Pham del
That was quick.
@hichris123 What processor is that? Have you gotten an update since yesterday?
@Mooseman It's an i7 4790k. Nope, no upgrade yet.
@hichris123 They said within a week... idk if Cortana's gonna drop in this build or not.
@Mooseman I think it will. btw, what build are you on? I'm on 9841.
@hichris123 9879 (Let me load the VM to be sure though)
huh, not the latest.
Well, not sure how to upgrade, so... :P
In Settings > Update > Preview Builds are on you on "Fast"?
I... guess not?
@Mooseman Probably that was new in the new build. :/
@hichris123 I haven't downloaded an iso since day 1 of the insider program, so...
/me needs 2k plox!
Are the photographs on management page new, or am I imagining it? CFO used to have some low-res B&W picture there, as I recall.
@Mooseman Thanks, an improvement indeed. They added Atwood there, removing him from the second spot on the team page
Argh, so close. I have 33 gold, 222 silver... and 667 bronze badges network-wide :(
Let's just say it rounds up

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