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7:13 PM
I love how half of the hot network questions are about Shellshock. :D
Doorknob proudly presents... Hot Network Questions about Shellshock! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
... 11 12 13 14
Tnx @Doorknob
Another test.
Another and another test.
Last test.
Another test.
Last test.
7:40 PM
What did we learn?
That MutationObserver is odd.
Sorry; MutationObserver just crashed my browser.
@rene It counts new chat messages as "changes" when observing the chat div, but not new messages from the same user.
Maybe they are not changes to the dom?
Only an update of an existing element
@rene I think that's it.
Each set of messages from the same user is contained in its own user-container div.
And that's just updated with every new message.
7:49 PM
I can imagine it works that way
Oh, this is great:
var obs = new MutationObserver(function(e){ alert("Changed"); });
obs.observe(document.getElementById("chat"), { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true });
^ Paste that in your console and you'll be thrown back to chat every time someone posts a new message.
I think I can get rid of the annoying alert, though.
I hope so, it is rather annoying in IE11
Ooh, this new autocomplete thingy is cool. Thanks @balpha!
7:58 PM
ooh fancy avatar image thingamajig fanciness
@hichris123 Wow, pictures.
Relevant Meta post?
A: Show profile picture in chat autocomplete

balphaHere you go: I've made multiple improvements to the tab autocompleter: The autocompleter now shows avatars. The autocompleter now shows the user name including spaces (small change, but it looks nicer). The actually inserted name will still be stripped of spaces, of course. The people that s...

@hichris123 Great; thanks.
This is all nice and great, but why did you have to change your undocumented API that my userscript depends on in the process? — Jan Dvorak 1 hour ago
@JanDvorak undocumented API?
var newWin = window.open("http://chat.meta.stackexchange.com/rooms/89/tavern-on-the-meta");
var obs = new MutationObserver(function(e){ newWin.focus(); });
obs.observe(document.getElementById("chat"), { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true });
@rene Messy, but it works.
(I don't know about IE, though)
@Doorknob I was more worried about focus, but @rene is using IE11, so it's good that MutationObserver works with that.
Someone say something, please.
Hmm...didn't work.
probably because I told it no :P
hey @InfiniteRecursion, around?
Anyway, when you show up: I just closed softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/11762/… on SR, and traced it back to stackoverflow.com/questions/26044740/…, and this comment:
3). You can try PyQt. Recommendation questions are off topic on stack overflow. You can ask on softwarerecs.stackexchange.comInfinite Recursion 3 hours ago
So, I suppose I have to give you The Lecture:
@NeilSlater Please don't refer people to SR without a link to our question guidelines - we have very specific requirements for questions so that the site maintains its quality. — Undo Sep 3 at 3:02
^ Please ;)
8:33 PM
ah, we've got to get something like that for PPCG too
@Doorknob ... people don't usually recommend PPCG as a site.
@hichris123 Oh, you'd be surprised at how many times people comment "try codegolf.stackexchange.com" on actual programming questions. Or when we get a blatantly off-topic post, and then people say "a user on Stack Overflow directed me here."
lol really?
@hichris123 This was one of the worst: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/37754/…
> (insert copy/paste of homework or some kind of competition here)
> Need Java Code For above Problem
8:42 PM
Migrated from Stack Overflow -_-
9:12 PM
@hichris123 the users global variable in chat
now available in a slightly lesser form as CHAT.RoomUsers.allPresent().toArray()
Well, that's annoying.
A 25k rep user didn't like the automated comment from my "recommend deletion" in the LQP queue, so they downvoted my most recent answer.
(Which was a few days ago)
@AstroCB I hate it when people get frustrated about a downvote and then try to blame it on whomever they recently had a communication with. I don't care if they did downvote one of your posts or not. Then again, I also hate people who downvote a user's answers because of something unrelated to the answer.
@SantaClaus I know, and I do, too. Especially when they write Meta posts about it. However, I know for a fact that it was this person.
@AstroCB Oh? I'd like to know who votes on my posts.
9:23 PM
@SantaClaus They alluded to it in their comment disputing my comment.
@SantaClaus That would compromise the user's identity, which I would prefer not to disclose.
@AstroCB Thats fine.
:2452869 (image deleted so I can reuse it later without feeling repetitive)
1 hour later…
10:27 PM
@AstroCB I hope you realize that the details you've provided are already more than sufficient to disclose that user's identity.
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive title detected: What's a better way to say, “I'm a TV whore”? on english.stackexchange.com
10:46 PM
@AirThomas For those who want to find the user that badly, yes.
LPT: On a mac,
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder
@AstroCB Well, it seems odd that any 25k user would openly allude to revenge downvoting in a comment, so I was curious. Did she edit that part out of her comment?
It's not there anymore
and of course the longest question would have been that tag one of Animuson's. — ɥʇǝS 21 secs ago
11:01 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive title detected: What's a better way to say, “I'm a TV whore”? on english.stackexchange.com
@AirThomas Yes, but I think instead of editing, she deleted it and reposted a new one, because there's no edit icon.
She changed it as I was writing my comment, so I didn't see the new one until after I had posted my reply.
@AstroCB Honestly, although it always smarts a bit to get that "-2", at this point I think I would be more amused than anything else to see such an experienced user act so petty.
11:16 PM
@AirThomas I'm definitely amused, but I just find it a bit annoying (especially considering the fact that the answer itself wasn't really an answer at all in the first place, and it was rightly flagged).
...and thank you if you just upvoted my answer (it wasn't that good in the first place, but it wasn't exactly worthy of a downvote, in my opinion).
@hichris123 That's a new one.
Someone recommended deletion of it, so...
Would this be okay on Ask Different?
Q: iOS and Third-party Apps

xF27uHaqI am curious about how apps outside the App Store work. I know that developers have to put their apps in "containers" for App Store but does that apply to a third party app? I have seen people installing third party apps on their phones. However, I am very concerned about the security of those ap...

@AstroCB I think it's at worst borderline in NAA terms. I agree it would make a better comment than an answer, but she does recommend solutions.
@AstroCB I did, though on its own merits, not just to counter the -1. :)
11:30 PM
@AirThomas Even more appreciated, then.
11:52 PM
gone, actually

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