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It's very frustrating when you can't close a question because it has a bounty on it :P stackoverflow.com/questions/22636972/…
@Cupcake Bountied questions shouldn't be closed in 99% of cases because it could be considered bail, where they have 7 days to receive an answer before they get locked up by the jurors.
@VotetoClose is that the official community stance on the matter?
@Cupcake Not sure about official, but I like it that way as do others. You always have the option to flag for a moderator to look at it, and they can remove the bounty and close it, but I wouldn't do that unless it's a really really bad question bordering on spam or something.
That question is obviously very terrible, somewhat unanswerable, and very broad. But a decent answer could possibly come from it.. but probably not for a mere 50 bounty.
cv-pls, too broad and library recommendation stackoverflow.com/questions/14420754/isaac-cipher-in-php
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: PARA QUE SERVER UM SELF JOIN? on pt.stackoverflow.com
@JanDvorak thanks and done
@Jan you're back! I have questions for you.
I'd like to improve the SmokeDetector regex.
Partially for the mSE spam, partially for other stuff.
Any suggestions?
I have considered detecting weird capitalisation, but that only catches part of the spam
for now I'm just showing me every new meta post
@JanDvorak poor thing
@JanDvorak Are there any other regex ideas you have for SmokeDetector?
@JanDvorak unclear or broad
no downvote from you?
Already cast 45 votes today
@hichris123 if you can fetch the entire body of a question (an API key would be nice), I suggest making a gray-list
@JanDvorak I think you can fetch part of the body from the websocket.
I wish we had a realtime answer websocket. :(
without formatting, though
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: MS WORD BACKGROUND IMAGE on webapps.stackexchange.com
@ManishBot Flag > OT > User is drunk, he's looking for SU
red tags no work? :(
@Undo Y U NO WORK (?)
ok, that's cool
coolness intensifies
@balpha: I have further info to the bug reported yesterday. Let me know a way of discussing it if you are interested.
SO is down.
3 minutes.
Not bad.
I want to see 1 minute or less deletions though. Maybe...someday...
@JanDvorak that 404 image is cool
It's not the page I've been looking for, apparently
i kinda miss the @yourcommonsense fella
why so?
did so much work on SO, and just bam, suspended for a year, and no one knows why, had big personality, good drama, i don't know
VTC: Yes, he is a useful chap
@VotetoClose why you like to be treated harshly?
@VTC: he probably contributed more useful content to the site than the majority of the whining people about him altogether.
And an equally "colourful" history to go with that.
@FinalContest I am almost sure that even Jon Skeet will be suspended if he will go now and break the rules. Contributing helpful contents does not give one immunity.
@VTC: he is also a striking example (number 1) of the SE platform encouraging childish revenge for people based on names rather than posts. He got shitload of downvotes without explanation which is a LOT worse than the harsh, but valid comments, the n00bs whine about.
Having that said, he is still just the demo version of Linus Torvalds about harshness, anyway.
mumbles something about this going all the way back to the Col. Shrapnel days and how this might perhaps not be about a user being just a bit harsh
@VTC: a platform for encouraging unexplained "critics" is way worse (incomparably) than getting valid comments in harsh packaging.
Could someone notify @FinalContest that he still hasn't explained a downvote he has made yesterday?
yesterday, by Final Contest
hmm, I made an 5K user fall under 5K by downvoting an answer to a clearly off-topic question: http://stackoverflow.com/a/24348309/2682142
I wish there were more YCSs, and much fewer crappy unexplaining and non-constructive downvoters.
@JanDvorak no can do, he's ignoring me. (and likely 90% of the users in this room)
but now I also ignore him, just feels good. lol
I'd like to see a screenshot of his avatar wall
going to be very small, @Jan ;)
It's useful information to know, I didn't know that you can't edit your profile while suspended.
why on earth do people downvote such things?
it is a completely useful post for the site.
I am shocked.
@Cupcake: I gave the third undelete vote and then a +1.
Yay! Thanks!
@FinalContest by request of @JanDvorak, apparently you need to explain a downvote here: chat.meta.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/2150232#2150232
it would be a lot easier if you lot weren't all ignoring eachother :)
I'm not ignoring him :-) even though I do strongly consider doing so.
@Stijn: may I ask you not to forward any post from him, please?
(he is ignored for a reason)
@Stijn: but if you really want to get the answer yourself, here it goes:
@JanDvorak: your off-topic comment just shows again your complete ignorance, it was discussed in comments, but after the discussions I decided not to spam many posts from the user with the same negative comment, but he got the point. I would suggest to ask for more information when you clearly lack it rather than strongly stating false statements. — Final Contest 4 mins ago
@Cerbrus: Sigh, check who posted an off-topic comment first with personally offending someone due to lack of information. Do you seriously think I should not reply to such public offense and accept that lying? I will not, sorry. What he said is simple false, and he could have even asked the OP whether we discussed it. — Final Contest 2 mins ago
tl;dr: he makes wild and strong claims in ignorance (or lack of information if you like)
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: DIVO RCE PROBLE M/CH ILD PR OBLEM SO LVE 9001340118 on english.stackexchange.com
@hichris123 You could make the phone number detector more aggressive.
Where is @gnomeslice? I need listenings!
Sweet! 2 minutes! :D
Listenings? You like music recommendations?
By the way, @JanDvorak, did you really have to go engage Final Contest on that Meta question? You two left a huge mess in the comments :P
@Cupcake: and people ask why he is ignored.
@FinalContest sure, it's just that he had asked a couple of times already :)
he was doing similar things yesterday.
@Cupcake: btw, right after his post, I flagged the whole potential conversation for removal.
@Stijn: none of your business, I guess :)
and this habit will not get him unignored either.
All of you, go to your respective corners and don't get out until a mod tells you to. And no pointing or sticking out tongues either. Geez.
ah, the casette is stuck again with that...
@Cupcake I'm not happy about Final's initial comment there, but I do promise I'll stop engaging like this.
You know what chat needs?
Skype emoticons.
The animated kind.
Sure, those will do.
Please do note who's primarily engaging in that comment thread ATM, though ;-)
Oh? Let me see...
Is it me @JanDvorak?
nope. Cerbrus keeps trying to scorn Final, which I find totally understandable.
@Cupcake: yay, 3 downvotes.
I couldn't find something animated. I found something non-animated, but it's probably copyrighted by Skype, so I'm not going to post it.
All of them unexplained.
there should be an option to remove meta if you want to use Stack Overflow; it is just such a crappy place, that is. It is not like everyone should be forced to come across it.
Oh, funny thing you should say that...
Q: Provide a setting to hide Meta posts in the Community Bulletin

CupcakePlease provide an option to hide just Meta posts in the Community Bulletin from me. I still want to see Stack Overflow Blog posts though, because I want to stay up-to-date on new features and stuff. Jeff was right. Meta Is Murder. I've decided that I don't really want to participate in Meta all ...

That is just halfway-through ;)
you would still have the meta icon in profile.
Oh, but it would be so much less distracting though!
meta became the crappiest SE place where you can now downvote for free without even losing rep or any need to comment. If you think this site is not about content, and you dislike someone, you can go ahead and downvote all teh things.
Although, I think the newest updates to the bulletin help.
Or you could, you know, just stay away @FinalContest. For someone who hates the place so much, and finds it necessary to ignore half the chat room as well, you spend an awefull lot of time on meta and its chat.
The new font seems to de-emphasize the Meta posts now, so they aren't as eye-catching as they were.
Hmm... userscript could help ignoring the other half
@Cupcake: nice :D
@l4mpi: you clearly completely ignored the documentation he gave which says activities you are suspended from and profile editing is not one of them. The whole point is about making the documentation clearer and that is a completely valid feature request. Please read the post carefully before commenting on it. How is that non-obvious? — Final Contest 1 min ago
look who's ignorant now :-)
Does ManishBot really have to point out questions that are 2 months old to us?
@Cupcake he can't see the original age
Ah. It was active today. I see.
more exactly, it was active just when the bot posted it
I can't tell if the error message in the question was originally generated in all-caps, or if the OP only made them that way after the fact.
Meh, I give up trying to edit it :P
Apparently OP finally figured out his problem though, good for him.
@Cupcake: is that a troll who downvotes even when he agrees just based on names? :p
No, you do not. Read the answer carefully and your post. But really, from on, you are completely ignored. I do not need personal trolls, sorry. — Final Contest 19 secs ago
is @FinalContest trying to tell me what I agree with? Should I try responding to that?
@JanDvorak nah, just stop. Spend your time on better things.
This is not heading anywhere positive for the both of you
@Stijn: since you did him a favour last time, do me a favour, too. Tell him he is completely ignored from now on in every way possible.
@FinalContest nobody cares, if you have something to say do say it yourself. If not, just stop all the petty nonsense the both of you. Freaking hell, kids.
Rule #60938: never engage with the Laszlo. It will always end in tears.
(and obviously will not reply to any of the forwarded messages)
I will reconsider this decision in one year (2015.07).
@Bart you know he's not seeing this, right?
wait, is Bart ignored as well? Since when?
At this point I don't give a <expletive> @ShadowWizard.
wait, is "flying duck" an euphemism for something?
@Jan shortly after me, if I'm not mistaken. @Bart I know, and so do I, just saying in case you didn't know. :)
let us give more work to moderators for disassociation
@ShadowWizard I'm am highly tempted though to for once really use a chat flag and put an end to all the incessant whining going on.
Well, either I try to explain my votes and end up in tears, or I give Final yet another unexplained downvote with his next answer I disagree with, or I refrain from voting. #2 doesn't sound too bad, actually.
@JanDvorak Nah, just jumbled letters. It's obviously just a cute way to write "dying fluck". ... wait, that doesn't make sense.
@Bart flag what? he's not saying anything offensive as far as I can tell.
I'm not saying it's a good flag
all you'll do is piss off a team member who will have to come and clear the flag, @Bart. ;(
Now you make it sound even more tempting :p
@Bart ...
@Bart ...
are you trying to annoy a moderator, @Bart? Why?
I deny any such things
I would never
hover ...
@Bart I have an idea. Use someone as your shield again. Who'll be the victim this time? :D
I heard @Shadow wants to volunteer as your shield, @Bart
@JanDvorak #2 isn't good practice, you let him win. If you don't agree with something on Meta site, downvote. Don't walk on egg shells. :)
@Stijn noooooooo /me goes hiding/
@ShadowWizard #2 = unexplained votes. Not voting is #3
@JanDvorak oh, thought you mean refrain from voting
oh, explain votes is #1. I see now.
I do not think he needs a shield, Stijn, he just says his own opinion. Last time, he shouted at TGMC... when he posted a . I got really disappointed with him doing that to a polite and friendly guy as TGMC is.
I don't remember Bart doing that. I'd like to see a cite link.
I really do not understand why he is so negative towards people who are willing to help. I have never brought this up because I kept silent there, but I was embarrassed inside.
19 hours ago, by Bart
In fact, I pushed Tim into being the target by pointing him at that user. I basically used him as my human/monkey shield.
@JanDvorak yup. And the funny part is the post bringing me that power was about urinating. LOL
@ShadowWizard oh. I was referring to accusations from Final.
still, an interesting strategy
@JanDvorak yeah, but fits Bart perfectly :)
I can't serve as a human shield from Final, though, because he already hates me :-)
@JanDvorak oh, I meant shield from the angry team coming in to clear his flags.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: AJAX GO TO PAGE PASSING DATA on stackoverflow.com
I wonder if there is a more significant sign of downvote trolls when they downvote even if they agree. I am trying to think, but I cannot think of anything worse.
(this I have never experienced before)
> All-caps title: AJAX GO TO PAGE PASSING DATA on stackoverflow.com
What the hell?
I've seen that before.
On another question.
I think it's the same guy.
I remember editing the title of the other question to be all lower-case :P
May I ask the reason for this post getting 5 downvotes within, say 5 minutes?
It says the blog post was inaccurate and will probably be not fixed, but in an ideal world all the required information could be mentioned.
I think it got more downvotes quicker than any of the spam posts, pretty much.
and I just do not know why that is a so negative post.
Oh, it's actually the same question by that guy, I guess he deleted it before I could finish my edit.
@SPArchaeologist: hi, nice to see you back. I got unexplained downvotes even for bugreports yesterday against meta (of course unexplained). :)
@SPArchaeologist: and this guy got several, too, for an honest question: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/262093/…
> Post Deleted by Cristian Capannini
> occurred 17 hours ago
the crap does not change here, sadly.
@AnnaLear thanks!
@FinalContest Aloah - Last week I was on a work break and I keept myself away from anything that could remember me VS and SharePoint
@SPArchaeologist you could hide in my Den you know. It's clean and discrete. :D
@SPArchaeologist: btw, the qt tag is similar to SP, it is also not frequently visited.
@ShadowWizard Actually, I had used the spare time between one concert and the other to almost complete watching Season Two.
@SPArchaeologist nice! what series?
@SPArchaeologist: I am not sure how to handle it, but I started deleting my useful and IMHO well-thought answers lately that get unexplained downvotes.
@SPArchaeologist: since qt answers usually get 1-2 votes if they are not tad easy and obvious, so it is hard to get well-thought answers getting upvotes.
@FinalContest Lose/Lose situation there, keep deleting and you may incur in an answer ban
@SPArchaeologist: that would be a huge loss for SO, so I do not think they will do it.
and eventually, I am completely entitled to delete my own answers. There is on rule against that.
especially if they get downvotes (even if unexplained)
@FinalContest It's an automated behaviour, they don't control it
@SPArchaeologist: I am not deleting them within a couple of minutes, but when they get downvotes (unexplained).
but to be frank, I could not care less about it anyway, I am looking into new opportunities where this revenge behavior is absent and basically ban-worthy.
Is Final migrating to Y/A?
@JanDvorak Does Y/A stands for what I fear? as in Yahoo Answers?
Y/A = Yahoo Answers
@SPArchaeologist: do you see any issue with this answer?
A: Why can't we edit our profile while our account is temporarily suspended?

Final ContestI think the reason was a simple oversight when writing the blog post. I do not think it has changed ever since. In an ideal world, it should have been read like this: You will be unable to vote, ask, answer, comment, edit your profile, etc. where etc means all the other things. However, it ...

@JanDvorak lovely site
Are you really interested in understanding an issue @FinalContest?
@JanDvorak what did I do this time?
@Bart I've heard some claims about shouting on a user for posting a cv-pls link
@FinalContest Time paradox. You react to the downvote by telling them to actually read the question because they are answering their own mind-created version and they downvote you because you told them to read
self substained time loop
@JanDvorak ah, that debacle. Meh, just a bunch of links being posted in rapid succession that were already on their way out. I.e nothing to vote on any more if you visited them. I think I asked him to stop and he got upset with that.
@FinalContest could also be explained by the network data traveling in opposite direction around the globe.
@SPArchaeologist :-D
@JanDvorak If a man can gain a day by going east, a packet should be able to gain some second :P
133ms if traveling at the speed of light along a great circle, to be exact. If we assume 2/3 c (metal), that's 200ms. Plus routing delays.
@SPArchaeologist: hmm?
@JanDvorak You realize you have just given a serious answer to a Pinkie style joke? :P
Jan is always serious
is there a way to ignore all the posts that mention the ignored user here like on IRC?
@FinalContest I was referencint to the standard time travel loop error. A does B because of C and later C is caused because A did B
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: SQL PROCEDURE PERFORMANCE RECOMMENDATIONS on codereview.stackexchange.com
Ah, I guess I'm on the ignore list, right. Can someone else answer @FinalContest's question?
Sigh, would be so much easier to see who is ignoring you :D
@SPArchaeologist: ah, the revenge thing.
@Bart Indeed. Are you going to post a feature request?
Don't want to give balpha more work. ;)
I don't think I can get this information, but I can turn some user-driven guesswork into a memory + UI
@SPArchaeologist: the funny thing is that the guy's answer was completely incorrect
and now he updated based on my answer and comment, which I appreciate, yet one person with one name is getting shitload of upvotes, whereas the other person where the meaning was copied from shitload of downvotes. If this is healthy, I am a helicopter.
:buys anti-air missiles:
:locks them to the Lazslo helicopter:
"Moving the discussion to chat failed" -> WTF
I don't think I should be tracking who's ignoring me. I should be tracking all ignores
let us see how far two almost equal content can go with vote differences based on two different names. I use this case as a show-case for future references.
(Missing http. )
pink is my favourite color actually ;)
@SPArchaeologist: haha, I just got downvotes on other meta posts "all of a sudden" without explanation.
even for posts that had 815 scores from someone else on old meta :D
oh boy, what would we do without these people on meta
be happier?
@balpha: I found another bug in the system (relatively severe) if you are interested.
I have screenshot and some more information, too.
Sure, please post it on meta.
I will not, so then let it go.
:D that was predictable
I am happy to discuss it in private, email, etc, but not on meta. If that is the only way, it is better to let it go.
(unless it can be posted anonymously right from the beginning and/or the votes can be entirely locked)
If @FinalContest means the "Moving the discussion to chat failed" then it happens when there are more than two users posting comments, it was reported before on MSE but can't find it now.
@FinalContest Sell the bug to Expert Exchange! O_O
@SPArchaeologist blasphemy!
you mean bugs? I have two within one day which will get lost.
@SPArchaeologist: shall we request a DownvoteOverflow subsite? :-)
the rule would be that you get reputation for downvotes and you can have unlimited of them per day. :D
and it would be forbidden to comment if you downvote.
and if you earn enough reputation, your downvote can weight more than 1 in the negative direction. :D
and you could flag the good posts to get into the high-quality review queue
should we try to undelete this?
Why @JanDvorak? Not a great everlasting post to begin with.
true. I thought, it was deleted for the wrong reason.
@FinalContest Already working on My Little Stack.
Main rule would be that every post should contain at least one FiM reference
is there anything objectively wrong with this old answer of mine?
@JanDvorak no, it will just bring more flames and agony. It shouldn't have been posted to begin with, as its OP is not really seeking any real discussion.
@JanDvorak voted, but please don't delete. I'm not in favor of deleting all old questions on Stack Overflow.
The answers are link-only, though. There won't be much left after they are deleted
how do I review a question that should be closed, but my vote has already expired? Skip?
Wait, does it mean @FinalContest not ignoring you, @Jan? How lucky!
@JanDvorak yeah, think Skip is about the only possible action
It's not even worth an Edit, I think
You mean the review you linked to? I voted to close, for what it's worth.
Q: StackPlonk: plonk users you don't want to help anymore

JB Nizet Screenshot / Code Snippet About If you really don't want to help some user anymore, go to his profile page, and click the Plonk button next to his name. Every question of this user will then have a big warning Don't answer: this user is plonked. You may always unplonk the user by cli...

@SPArchaeologist userscripts.org is dead, so it's not possible to install it anymore
@ShadowWizard sorry for forgetting that. But I stant correct :P
the above post is missing the port ^_^
@SPArchaeologist so we need to add the port to hundreds of posts on stackapps.com but anyway I have a feeling it's just a backdoor that would soon be closed as well.
Coincidence? (rofl)
Link-only answers are not good, but in this case, it is even better to close the question and not to feed it. — Final Contest 14 mins ago
At least it contains an explanation I guess.
@SPArchaeologist: heh.
@Bart: do not be afraid. It is just my opinion. If it is a top-quality post for a good question, it will get upvoted over time rofl.
Don't worry @FinalContest. I won't lose sleep over it. It's just that one might think that someone who worries so much about being targeted might be targeting some people himself. Just might. Could of course be that said person randomly happened upon those old posts.
And am I not on your ignore list? How disappointing ...
@Bart: that is an interesting way of saying thank you for the cleanup activity.
@ShadowWizard I have savaged the split vote script, i am fine with that.
@Bart: Also, I have never said anything about being targetted with help. I would definitely appreciate help. What I was always saying is unexplained downvote. Did you get one here? Nope. Is the comment valid? IMHO, yes, but 5 further people will decide like in the case of your other post. In fact, I was the only one giving you a downvote reason there.
Even more, I did not only downvote your post, nor was this the only one I commented on. I have come across the question and I made the corresponding useful contribution. In fact, I am more concerned about that off-topic question to be closed. It is surprising to me that you have not even cast a close vote on that.
Behold the power of Low Quality review! Answer by answer, bit by bit, all old answers are doomed to deletion.
Anyone got a better answer to this? I did my best, but not sure he got the point.
A: Is the Stack Overflow source code available?

Nelson Emeka AmeyoStackOverflow is awesome because of the numbers of amazing and helpful guys using it. Why make it open-source and scatter this group? You don't need your own installation of SO. You only need its URL.

[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: TRAVEL TO USA FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT FROM UK on travel.stackexchange.com
Q: \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n

lucifer<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

@FinalContest edit war on the loose
bluefeet saved the day
@FinalContest who's negative?
@VotetoClose: the negative numbers
in Unix and Linux on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 21 mins ago, by rlemon
any mods (on SO) able to lend a hand for a minute? (I know this isn't really the place to be looking, but I see blue!)
in Unix and Linux on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 20 mins ago, by rlemon
tl;dr it appears someone has a script randomly staring then unstaring messages in this chat room http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/javascript - looking at the ws we've pretty well determined who it is as well.
Oh, and there he is.
@AnnaLear was the grace period for accepting answers in-flight to closed questions shortened from 4 hours ever? I seem to recall reading something like that on Meta SO (or MSE), but I can't seem to find the relevant post anywhere, even after searching on both metas.
Maybe I'm just lying to myself and it never existed :/
@Cupcake: gave my last cv today to that
@JanDvorak that answer wasn't that old, plus that was a really terrible question. Yet you bothered to answer it anyways :P
@Cupcake Point taken. It's also a near-duplicate of the other answer. Gone, thanks.
@VotetoClose why do you mind?
very uncreative...
"boring" isn't a flag reason
@VotetoClose that users gets a 3 from the Russian jury member. It would have been a 4, but there was a small hiccup on landing.
But that's all
"this user name tries to be funny but it fails miserably (IMO). Please change it to something that doesn't try to be funny"
this one is good though stackoverflow.com/users/3132403/istackoverflow since adding i in front of any word makes it cool and hip
Ugh. If at first you don't succeed.... Just leave another answer. stackoverflow.com/users/3767289/…
At what point does my downvoting trigger the serial detector. I hit all three answers in the one question...
Why post a single item of crap when you have so much more crap to give?
@LynnCrumbling The details of the detector are deliberately not exposed. But do you think that a moderator should swoop down and delete most of the answers?
Should I report Microsoft.SharePoint.dll as a virus to Kaspersky labs?
@JanDvorak re: the detector: yep, it was rhetorical.
@VotetoClose yep
@JanDvorak I'm still trying to decide if he's actually bringing anything to the question. Should all of those answers just be converted to comments?
Seems to me he doesn't know he can edit
@JanDvorak That's a reasonable conclusion.
Yeah, I guess a simple "I see you have posted multiple answer while getting to understand the question. Are you aware you can edit your answers?" could suffice as a comment.
Quick opinion
should I just delete this?
Q: Understanding app domains and module initializer workings

SPArchaeologistI am currently experimenting/evaluating usage of Costura Fody to embed assembly references inside a C# library project (to be more specific, I am trying to wrap entity framework dependencies as embedded resource in my assembly). I have managed to make all work correctly in a standard web applicat...

I fear it is just to specific for a question
I see no harm in leaving it there
why i got 2 rejects? i think i removed unnecessary and repeating information thats why it became shorter and perhaps conveyed information more clearly
"ooh, there is lots of green and red. That must be too much". Or something like that. :) There are still some minor things I would have tackled. And your edit description is not great. But the "radical change" is not something I get from it.
actually i almost always write same description :S
yay, unexplained downvotes started to come on Stack Overflow. Seems, someone began another round of revenge. It is nice to post on meta.
Always two unexplained downvotes in a row, never three, never one and this is repeating.
actually it was three downvotes within a couple of minutes twice last month, but it was not caught by the automatic script.
And then you wonder how can someone have fun harsing other people gameplay on most online morpg. Here they are having fun clicking a down arrow.
@SPArchaeologist: I guess they do not have the proper tools in place to catch those... I mean it is not a one or two-time issue. It has been going on for months now :)
and then people complain when I give a downvote for valid and unexplained reasons every now and then. :D
anyway, two other upvoted and valid answers going to the trash soon ;)
@FinalContest as said before, lose/lose situation
stackoverflow.com/posts/24222844/revisions @Mods this is the user who has been running a star bot in the JS room.
both accounts.
it is easy to determine who the offenders are
@rlemon we're looking
people had mentioned he might have left it on by "Accident", but after the first account was suspended this one pops up in short order. so I can safely assume he wasn't AFK and just ignoring the mods plea for him to shut it off.

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