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visit den @Inf every message on star wall is of today :P
@vba4all ... no?
@Bart i swear it was like 2 minutes ago
Low Quality A (25.2%): YOu can play rtsp streaming in you android app ..., by Michael Girgis, on stackoverflow.com.
It was offline, I saw the banner too
naa, vlq or spam? ^
I meant Pham's report :P
@Unihedro naa
/me blames @Bart for Tavern's boring star wall
NAA (The other answer there isn't so great, either, though)
@InfiniteHappiness hilariously star-worthy response
not really spam though
Low Quality A (20.8%): Having the same problem here. Any advice for th..., by kripthor, on electronics.stackexchange.com.
I bolded for emphasis (it bears bolding). Feel free to revert. Not a day goes by where we don't get flags that say, "This is homework." Or "This is from a competition." — George Stocker ♦ 48 mins ago
Low Quality Q (19.6%): Is there a GUI debugger for shell scripts, by Kshitiz Sharma, on unix.stackexchange.com.
Today's Listening | Nu Disco / Synthpop
Low Quality Q (39.1%): can we use ActiveMq messaging server for openStack, by user3622538, on stackoverflow.com.
I haven't seen any new low-quality posts get a few cv's from the triage till now, I just hope that the reviewers are identifying the unsalvageable stuff properly.
Low Quality Q (39.1%): Time Worked by each person, by Zlatan, on stackoverflow.com.
or unclear, both fits
Low Quality A (25.2%): see...just keep someone hit my head...how do we..., by Varshini, on english.stackexchange.com.
@Moosemaniseatingpizza Yeah, it got tpa'd by a human
@Frank Moo was the human.
@Moosemaniseatingpizza Wondered why you said naa
in this room
@Moosemaniseatingpizza ahh.
yay I can haz 10k flair!!!
@nicael I haz 25k flair
@Frank Of course you do. Just I don't have as much rep as you.
@nicael When did you join?
cause you're probably newer.
@Frank betting against.
He just broke SE and bountied lots...
all beta sites^^
@Vogel612'sShadow Is that yours?
@nicael You mean "nicael" is a sockpuppet account of Jon Skeet?
@Frank mine
@Frank nope, that's yours
@nicael There are no numbers on the shot, so pointless.
beta, beta, grad, beta, grad, mse, grad
@Vogel612'sShadow Mines beta meta beta beta beta a51 beta
See the long break I took.
2 years break. wow
Otherwise I'd be over 40k on that site.
Anyway. mine is the coolest. Notice that on SO I had negative rep many times :D
but that means you are my senior by quite some margin..
@JanDvorak yes.
mine is quite moody...
@DroidDev you want me to zoom in for mine??
@Vogel612'sShadow will it relate?
ha! my MSE rep is prefect staircase
@nicael The lowest mark was -511... I suppose this is the all-time record for lowest rep? Congrats, then.
yes, since you have a much larger scale the moodyness can be seen better ..
BAD ROUTER Don't make me power cycle you again, you hear me? YOU HEAR ME?
Low Quality A (100%): I'm also having this problem. Do you already ha..., by Activet, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality A (20.2%): validatesuniquenessof :a, scope: :b, by Egor, on stackoverflow.com.
Btw, I counted how much rep there would be on my flair if I wouldn't offer bounties bounties: 19.7k
@nicael not bad at all.
^ need 1k more
@nicael I've only offered 1300 rep (or around that) so far as bounties, iirc.
oops capslock
@Frank My account with most bounties is MSE one, next is SO
Low Quality A (21.8%): thanks for your answer. I eventually worked on ..., by Ryan, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
@Frank I remember posting that what-if image
@Braiam That one's based on me.
@Moosemaniseatingpizza do you know that the bare xkcd link is oneboxed?
Bad Tag(s) Used: [website] | Creating a poll with asp.net, by Sarah, on stackoverflow.com.
My favourite xkcd. :P
@Moosemaniseatingpizza +1, just because of those video ads
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: USER LOGIN ACCOUNT VERIFICATION by David Mukoro on stackoverflow.com
For the ones who are too dumb to understand the comic: explainxkcd.com/1305
@GeorgeWhite I've been trying to contact you regarding this appointment. Please contact me at the email address in my profile. Thanks. — Robert Cartaino ♦ Dec 5 at 17:53
will patents finally get mods?!?!
Will drupal stop getting a continuous inflow of spam?!
I guess based on the name it's bound to continue in drops
You've got to love it when decimal values in a CSV file use a ',' because of the locale ... great
My reputation on GL: 21111
funny number
@Unihedro It could have been run entirely p2p you know... providing at least one user was always online.
@Moosemaniseatingpizza Close to impossible...
@Moosemaniseatingpizza Windows using p2p? ... ... You're kidding.
there is no useful way to discover peers all across the globe without possibly running into some nasty networking difficulties...
supposedly dht solves that
dht as in distributed hash table??
@Vogel612'sShadow Providing you're not storing permanent transcripts, there is little data to actually transfer. Yes, connecting at the beginning of a session could be difficult...
@Bart that sounds almost as much fun as locale dependent date formats
@Andy there is nothing like locale-independent date formats.
Especially given that it's unlikely to be fixed @Andy ...
so the new theme's live on SO now?
? don't see anything (yet)?
@SmokeDetector tpu
@AndrewT. Registered as true positive: added title to Bayesian doctype 'bad' and blacklisted user.
@SmokeDetector fpu
@AndrewT. Registered as false positive, added title to Bayesian doctype 'good', whitelisted user.
"This item is not reviewable."...
Then... why are you showing me it?
race condition, perhaps?
Meh, I guess so.
Oh my god.
Review audit failed 1 min ago:
santirivera92 reviewed this 1 min ago: Approve
@Unihedro wow
question closed. Is this a rude comment towards the editor?
@Danko did you forget to vote to close? — Jan Dvorak 51 secs ago
Someone needs a review ban
@JanDvorak rude ... no. Productive ... meh
An open letter to dear reviewer:

I was just led to amazement as I come upon a suggested edit review task which showed me "This item is not reviewable" in place of the typical messages, and the entire task was like an audit. And basically, it is an audit. Inevitably. Out of curiousity, I stayed on the page for another short while only to see that you failed this fantabulous audit that every reviewer dreamed to pass. You suck.
Yours faithfully, Unihedro
Bad Tag(s) Used: [facebook] | Does any know a good Private Chat Script?, by user2734458, on stackoverflow.com.
apparently he didn't get banned...
offensive (use google to translate): raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/a/24908/9730
Yeah, that's offensive
And that from an admin
Q: Why does =+ not cause a compile error?

MarkusmooCame across someone mistakenly using =+ instead of += in their code and it didn't show up as a compile error. Is this because int a =+ 2; is the same as int a = 0 + 2; ?

what... that many upvotes.... how?!
@nicael because people are stupid
suspect hot network question
+ is not useless. It lets you create ASCII art like (d+,+b). — Doorknob 冰 3 hours ago
@Doorknob has amazing humor :)
@AndrewT. sure, thats how I found it.
seeing from an active user (mod) on PPCG, not surprised ;)
@Unihedro as long as he doesn't touch my code that's fine
wonders if @Vogel612 as a CR hobbyist feels offended
eeeh?? why would I be?
as long as it's just ascii art and not code....
Low Quality A (25.2%): Is this a web app? An ftp program? A local XML ..., by ParttimeCoder, on stackoverflow.com.
not that it'd compile anyways ;)
Low Quality Q (100%): Is apache or IIS faster on windows?, by NoviceUbuntuGeek, on serverfault.com.
^^ Opinion-based
Window sucks, there's the answer.
in What on Earth? on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Dec 2 at 20:24, by J. Musser
We should start a challenge, and see who can go the longest without bragging.
in What on Earth? on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Dec 2 at 20:25, by Sabre Tooth
nothing wrong with bragging bout our achievements
@Frank Challenge accepted
Ooh, can I join @Frank? I'm sure I'd be the best at that.
in What on Earth? on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Dec 2 at 20:26, by J. Musser
@SabreTooth No, but sometimes it's good to talk about other things too.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: SQL SUM (CASE WHEN ELSE END) STATEMENT by Gayla on stackoverflow.com
@Unihedro WindowS if you don't even know the correct name of the product how are you able to judge it.....
@rene Microoft sucks.
@Unihedro Night, nice having you here ;)
That user was bragging a lot, and I was trying to say it nicely. He then went mad and made a private room with Jon Ericson, and the stars on my messages were removed. Then he goes and deletes his GL account. :(
Job well done @Frank :D
The user formerly known as 'Gone' on MSE.
quite fitting
Always sad to see users leave though.
But well, you can't stop them
@Bart hmmm no not always...
but since I don't see all that many users leaving anyways...
@Vogel612'sShadow I'd say always. Not that it isn't sometimes "better" or "inevitable".
But maybe I'm getting soft. Let me go downvote some new users without explanation.
you mean, those you'd be glad to see leave didn't leave of their own volition?
@Bart Haha, before he left he was doing 40 votes a day, and trying to participate in the challenges.
mines moar kewl
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: SQL SUM (CASE WHEN ELSE END) STATEMENT by Gayla on stackoverflow.com
As you're still here @Bart I assume not enough insults so far?
Not a single "Nazi" at all today @rene. There was some "overlords" in a post, but that has since been removed. Disappointing really.
I'm an overlord.
@Frank not sure if "mines more coal" or "mine is more cool" ...
@Bart obviously he use mineral coal... otherwise it would be murder
Does anyone know who is Ana havesi?
A boring tuesday
until Inf appears
@InfiniteHappiness She's new
@InfiniteHappiness CM
Shog9 on November 08, 2013

We’ve spent a good portion of the year trying to build out our teams to handle the increasing load of work here at Stack Exchange. A big part of this has involved bringing on new community managers: with both a larger number of sites *and* greater numbers of users on those sites, we hadn’t exactly been keeping up with the demand for help and guidance across the network. Tim Post signed on in the spring, followed by Jon Ericson, Gabe Koscky and Pops “Kevin” Chang.

Community Management at Stack Exchange is primarily a support role: assist folks in learning how to use the s …

ok, thanks :)
Go fix your own problems @Bart
I got a ping to chat from Ana, perhaps regarding some account deletion request I made yesterday on some SE site. I hope so, else it's scary :/
Don't fear the ping @InfiniteHappiness
@InfiniteHappiness I never delete accounts.
@Bart Or do. It could be like being called into the principal's office.
That way I can vote and flag wherever I want.
@Andy It's Ana, not Anna. In the latter case I'd be afraid.
@Frank maybe not her own accounts ;)
@Frank and inflate your SE flair :P
@rene Oh yeah.
oops, wrong pic
I like Anna Lear, Ana isn't responding to my hi...
@Frank I nuke the accounts that are solely created for flagging or if I dislike the environment. I will remove my ELU account next.
Low Quality Q (100%): Magento : Hide category name in menu but not subcategory, by MAC, on magento.stackexchange.com.
@InfiniteHappiness Does tat do anything good?
Cause I'll flag junk for folks I don't like.
A few people are going to get Math diamonds for Christmas :D
Oh can I have meth diamonds? Can I? ... ah, Math ...
I like to flag for communities if they need me, when they don't need my help any longer, I prefer to leave @Frank. Whenever a community needs me, I will be there to flag :)
I flag for people and don't even tell them I'm there...
No one actually 'needs' me.
I'll post a feature-request to have Community ping @InfiniteHappiness daily...
I agree, no one needs us. I flag if a site has issues visible from outside, after that I leave. You are right, they don't "need" us, maybe the word need was inappropriate to use. If I see something wrong, I join and try to help :)
Everyone appreciates helpful flags *
*not including spammer, jerks, and trolls
Ana doesn't respond, I left the room. Maybe she pinged by mistake.
@InfiniteHappiness Maybe she's busy/sleeping.
Low Quality A (20.2%): I am facing same issue. You found any solution?, by Rahul Mittal, on stackoverflow.com.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, Phone number detected: support for yahoo mail 18669786819 @call for helpline number by jas rat on stackoverflow.com
SPAM!! ^
I recall a meta post about announced improvements in the search engine but I can't find it anymore. Did I only dream that or did it really happen but was the post deleted?
@Frank possible
@SmokeDetector tpu
@rene Registered as true positive: added title to Bayesian doctype 'bad' and blacklisted user.
@Servy I can no longer engage with you on this subject. If you have specific complaints about my performance as a moderator, please take them up with the community team. It appears that any time I answer a question, you're there to criticize my actions. Not only do you disagree (which is OK), but you repeatedly leave comments to engage in further arguments about why I'm wrong and 'not doing my job'. For my own personal sanity, I can no longer engage in discussions in the comments with you, as you've taken it past 'clarification' and into a level that feels like harassment. — George Stocker ♦ 2 mins ago
^ mods have a hard life
Myeah, thick skin required. Even though I'm sure Sery means no harm.
If he means no harm, I hope he will take a step back, after this comment.
At least one mod is harmed in the process ....
That is not good, ever.
OP is still badgering George on that answer :(
Maybe we should flag the comments for moderator attention :( ....
@rene Looks like the improvements are really needed, then.
Q: Feedback Requested: Search Engine Usage

HaneyAs part of our ongoing mission to improve our network of sites for our users, we're working on improving search. As some of you may have already noticed, we have begun recording metrics on the use of our search on Stack Overflow. From those metrics we have decided on some tests we're going to ru...

A: Profile Page Makeover, Part 3: the Prototype returns

nicaelCommunity ♦ doesn't need to have "people reached" shown (I think so because he is a bot and he can't earn no achievements, e.g. rep, badges, etc). Or does it?...

@Moosemaniseatingpizza Zephyr was restarting while you were testing. It should be back up now.
@Behaviour yeah, it was in that context. Thanks for finding that
@Sam Example for bug report
@SmokeDetector tpu
"We'll be in your area and will deliver your UPS SurePost package instead of the post office." YES!
@ProgramFOX Registered as true positive: added title to Bayesian doctype 'bad' and blacklisted user.
Gone. Who uses Yahoo email anyway?
A: What cacti can grow without cold protection in USDA zone 6b in Pennsylvania?

J. MusserAs was noted in the question, these cacti will not survive the winter with much moisture at all in the soil. They need water when growing, but over winter, they need dryness and light soil. If I ever get this started, I'll probably put a hoop-house over the bed and cover it overwinter to prevent...

I put a lot of links in there.
I wonder if it's to hard to read.
Q: How can I clean my sticky keyboard?

MoosemanMy keyboard is sticky. Obviously, since it is electronic, I can't use soap and water. How can I clean it without ruining it?

I can't view it.
@Frank It isn't hard to read at all
@Frank yes, make a Zone 6, Zone 5 and Zone 4 group (if that is a logical grouping) then sort by height
@Moosemaniseatingpizza Stop eating pizza and chatting in the Tavern ;)
@InfiniteHappiness Want an invite?
@rene Good idea.
@Frank You could also add a rant to this declined feature-request .... ;)
@Frank To access Lifehacks, follow this link and click the site name there.
All those suggestions are scary @Moosemaniseatingpizza lifehacks.stackexchange.com/questions/4/…
@rene Too bad it's declined.
Low Quality A (47%): yyfygfyfyfyfyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuffffffffffffffffff, by 6969696969, on french.stackexchange.com.
@Frank Well, if they switch to the new markdown in 6-8 years that will be fixed
I joined Lifehacks
Hi all, this question is in the VLQ stackoverflow.com/a/21419264/1699210, if I'd vote for delete nearly every other answer would have to be flagged to, going through the answers deleted be the MODs the question would be what should be kept, or should the question be closed, the answer of the OP pointing to a "OT can not be reproduced anymore.." was deleted
guess what? I'm 26 reputation behind the next user. Then I'll be in 3rd place when sorted by all.
Low Quality A (100%): 100 MB/s is Gigabit lan speed., by blazer, on superuser.com.
@Moosemaniseatingpizza indeed.
@bummi I presume the answer was self-deleted?
@Sam Affirmative.
@Sam looks like (under pressure), what do you think about the whole question thread
I'm just reading through all of it...
@bummi It's clearly helping someone; 276 people can't all be wrong.
@LynnCrumbling just ignore the other bad voted ones, like the one which has been in the VLQ?
@bummi I'm really confused why these answers that have negative votes got voted down.. they all seem like possible solutions.
The entire thread as a whole could do with a clean up TBH.
Anybody have a SEDE query to list all comments for a user id, order by vote count desc?
@LynnCrumbling that's why I was wondering why the one mentioned was the only in the VLQ
@LynnCrumbling My top comments
@Sam THB does mean?
To Be Honest.
@Behaviour My inexperience with the SEDE sight is showing: how do I run that on SO instead of writers?
See "switch sites" at the bottom.
That works too. :)
Interestingly, it has to be stackoverflow; with so you get this guy
Why is it that I can ask questions there?
@Moosemaniseatingpizza +1'd
@Behaviour I've always wanted a picture of Edgar F. Codd
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: SELECT FROM ANOTHER TABLE IF IS NOT NULL by Haxz on pt.stackoverflow.com
Low Quality A (21.8%): Oh, THANK YOU! Can't tell you how glad I am to ..., by Liz, on apple.stackexchange.com.
^ gone too soon
Nobody on Lifehacks has enough rep to review my tag wikis...
@Moosemaniseatingpizza don't worry, you will be like 3 days like that until a CM goes around
@Braiam I know, but it's still bothersome.
: it's okay to have URL in the title if it also contains either browser or URL.
IMHO, the url regex might as well be dropped all together.
List of URL in title reports. There were true positives back in November.
Most of them also contained "packers"/"movers", which is also blacklisted.
Low Quality A (25.2%): Please look into code.msdn.microsoft.com..., by Praveen Rao Joginapally, on stackoverflow.com.
@Moosemaniseatingpizza partial agreement You did see the question? If there isn't any tool to create the report, what would you guys suggest?
@bummi This was a link-only answer, most importantly.
@bummi that's a close reasoon, not an excuse for answers
Hmm, who's playing with the stars?
Mostly stars are
@Pham someone edit the question or close it
mm... chat went kaput for me..
Ganz kaput....
"Herzlich Willkommen in der Taverne"
mit Weißbier und Bratwurst?
Deutsch ist demnach erlaubt hier ohne Angst for einem Flag haben zu müssen? :)
nett, aber sicher anstrengend für die Mehrheit
Absolutely. I speak überhaupt just one word in German.
checking to see if rene knows his classics
Schwitzer Dütsch ?
Chuchichäschtli .... nope, I'm in the French part.
Ok, dann muß ich passen :/
On the other side of the Röstigraben
again learned something, never heard before

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