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pretty boring right now as I'm watching this fly by my terminal window:
[7434/17314] CXX obj\net\disk_cache\blockfile\net.disk_format.obj
[7435/17314] CXX obj\net\disk_cache\blockfile\net.entry_impl.obj
[7436/17314] CXX obj\net\disk_cache\blockfile\net.entry_impl_v3.obj
[7437/17314] CXX obj\net\disk_cache\blockfile\net.eviction.obj
[7438/17314] CXX obj\net\disk_cache\blockfile\net.eviction_v3.obj
[7439/17314] CXX obj\net\disk_cache\blockfile\net.file.obj
[7440/17314] CXX obj\net\disk_cache\blockfile\net.file_lock.obj
@hichris123 you building on a remote system?
@Braiam nope, local. But on Windows. On a laptop from '09.
I want a new computer. :P
how much that takes?
@Braiam only a few hundred
@Braiam Full builds (like now) are usually in the ballpark of 6-8 hours (see what I did there? :P It's actually true). Incremental builds are usually around a half hour.
@Frank 6 to 8, huh?
@Braiam it takes hundreds of years
So, I'm writing a simple bookmarklet that will (hopefully) ping me when spam/offensive flags are called for. What are the keywords to look for? "spam", "smokedetector", "offensive", anything else? So many bots these days.
/spam/i should be ok
Hi @inf!
@Shog9 Thanks, I understood that now, I will use the userscript you gave from now onwards.
@AndrewT. Hi :)
@hichris123 stop the farewell speeches please, though what you said is very kind of you. I will hang around and help in cv and spam flagging, am not rage quitting :D I have been in the tavern in the past two days too, just being mute like Mark Booth, poke me anytime you need cvs :)
no spam recently? Yay, it worked! (pinged me)
Hopefully, not every new message pings... Phew.
@InfiniteRecursion Ok, ok. :) Wasn't sure what was going on here. You also realize I'm going to poke you all the time for cv's? :P
(okay, maybe not)
@justabrickinthewall Ever since you became babaji, the real babaji got scared by seeing your rep
@hichris123 You also put my username there, but I think there were two separate pings.
(did that ping you?)
Yes, it did. :)
@hichris123 Do poke, we need to close ALL the questions :P
@justabrickinthewall Lies
ugh, my internet messed up on me there... :/
Oh, I should add "calculus" and "math" to the regex.
(You have no questions on SO? wow.)
@InfiniteRecursion Do close meta.stackexchange.com/questions/242370/… then. :P
@hichris123 I don't have 3k there, but I flagged it as OT
@InfiniteRecursion :P
Does this poke you?
I suppose the novelty will wear off soon, though. (Hopefully) (The answer is yes)
@justabrickinthewall yes, I know, people here scold me for poking uni
2 days ago, by Sam
@InfiniteRecursion Meh, it's just the unnecessary pinging people aren't fond of.
@justabrickinthewall Consider yourself lucky that there is no words containing 'sp@m' in the middle :p
So I am following their advice :)
hmm, does it catch sp@m within a word? Like spamish.
@hichris123 Yes, it just did. It's /spam|offensive|smokedetector/i
The bookmarklet is here and the (trivial) code is at the very bottom of that page.
If it gets annoying, I'll tighten up the regex, naturally.
^ Anyone else getting an error for that image?
Eeeeek, I can't even access stackexchange.com/users/1266491
I have no problem with the image or @Doorknob user profile.
No problem with the flair and @Doorknob user too.
test: @Dor
It seems that only one other user and I are affected by this at the moment; we both can't access anything on stackexchange.com/*
(including the home page)
were you trying to take SE down, @Doorknob?
A: An easy way to remember PEMDAS

girlplease eat mom's delicious apple strudel

^^ I voted to delete from review, before realizing it's a legitimate answer... :/ (question title is not shown there on top of answer, as here)
@Braiam Plot twist: We're both secretly Baba, but we use our diamonds to disguise it and make us seem trustworthy.
there should be a cap ban too - people who post in all caps should automatically get everything they write switched into lower case
@Shog9 Well, look at the Ask Question page: MATHEMATICS, QUESTIONS, ... ASK QUESTION. So, she is ASKING A QUESTION.
once convicted, the ban kicks in and last for a day
everything they post on SE after would be switched into lower case, no exceptions
Huh, is it just me, or in FireFox on Windows, tabbing and backspacing quickly on the chatbox creates a non-printable unicode character....
@Shog9 Also, at least she did not repost... I edited the question into shape; care to undelete?
@AndrewT. Tab should shift focus over to the "send" button, right? Maybe it's a weird Windows thing.
a fancy bonus would be (just day dreaming here), after the ban starts effect, all the things that user posts would be casted 1 size down ... so it's like a normal post, but slightly smaller ...
@Doorknob seems so...
@chmod711telkitty And in Comic Sans!
in which the case it would be 2 sizes smaller?
(Although people might abuse that for the purposes of infuriating other users...)
can i haz unicorn coins?
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in username: which way does it spin? by baba ji on math.stackexchange.com
^ erm...
@SmokeDetector not really spam
Who has the privilege to tell @SmokeDetector fpu? Not me.
Not me either.
It's not a false positive username though; it's just a true positive username (?) posting a valid question, perhaps in an attempt to get rep
It's a joke username. Someone creates users with display names I formerly used, as soon as I change them. I used "baba ji" for a day, and now this user appeared. Harmless prank.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in username: Circular node, direction of trajectories? by baba ji on math.stackexchange.com
... another one?
@justabrickinthewall you sure you want it? Eh, it's yours now...
@Doorknob No, same post edited for style by another user.
Oh, I was confused by the title change.
Does Bart still hang out here? Don't recall seeing him in a while..
@ɥʇǝS Yes
Now that /greatest-hits are under discussion... does anyone ever look at /tools/post-feedback/ ?
That one is even better hidden, and requires 10K for some strange reason. Yet, the "least helpful" tab there is probably more useful than anything on "greatest hits". It gives a way to distinguish between genuinely helpful questions, and clickbait that brings in a lot of views, but leaves visitors disappointed.
@justabrickinthewall may I know where is the post? I think I saw that, but forgot now.
Q: What should we do about Greatest Hits?

Shog9A few years back, the team rolled out a Greatest Hits page that purported to display the "public face" of a site's (or an individual user's) content. This was never linked to from within the UI, because... Well, we weren't sure what to do with it. That's probably not gonna change; in fact, we mi...

@justabrickinthewall thanks
God dammit why is there no vertical scroll bar on the starred comment list?
@Doorknob Guess I just have bad timing then.
I have neither the time nor the tolerance to deal with reasonable things that make sense.
So. Many. Tabs.
I am drowning in tabs.
Where can I ask a question about tab management?
@ɥʇǝS That's because you're putting your face in them
@Doorknob I'm sorry, but I concur with this:
4 mins ago, by Jason C
Make sure you make your question sufficiently low quality that it needs to be fixed, but not so bad that it needs to be deleted, for the sole purposes of annoying @Undo.
Q: Is there a Chrome extension that I can use to note why I've opened a tab?

Tim PostCommunity managers tend to have issues with tabs, in particular an over-abundance of them. While applying a recent batch of system updates, I closed about 150 tabs between two browser windows. The reasons for having so many open are broadly incidental, just running down suspected voting irregular...

@ɥʇǝS Oh, I'm really sorry, I just can't seem to stop helping people for some reason! Why am I acting so rude today?
"What is a good workflow I can use to keep myself from drowning in too many tabs?"
@Undo --^ >:D
@hichris123 hehe, I believe we've discussed this before.. I DO NOT USE CHROME! (why am I yelling?). Either way, I need a way to remove tabs I don't need to look at right now, but not make them so hard to see that I forget I need to look at them someday..
"Hi friends I want to use Java to keep myself from drowning in tabs and my friend said I should use a switch statement but it isn't working. Thank you."
@Doorknob :P
Actually, I already asked that question:
Q: Tab stacking/groups plugin for Firefox, that is similar to Opera's?

SethOpera (at least until version 12) had this great feature that let me drag a tab on top of another tab and form a stacking "group" that could retract when not needed and only take up the space of one tab. Is there a plugin for Firefox that I can use to replicate this behavior? Note that Fire...

@ɥʇǝS Oh right. :/ Anyway, go report some bugs for me to fix.
@JasonC There are so many things wrong with that it isn't even funny D:
Maybe a for loop would work better.
@ɥʇǝS I'm awesome at writing bad questions.
@ɥʇǝS Why not a but loop? I hear different conjunctions sometimes work better.
@Doorknob I really want to do a Google image search for "butt loop", but I'm using my projector right now and I have no curtains.
    for (i in tabs) {
        if (tab.status != "visible") {

bah chat messing with my formatting.
but (why) { ... }
rotfl, that's awesome.
#define mommy can I    if
#define but (why)    else
I should get @TimPost to tweet about it..
@Doorknob I am torn between liking that and knowing proper precompiler syntax.
@JasonC Sorry, I've never programmed anything in C aside from Hello World. :P
(Out of curiosity, what would be the proper syntax?)
@Doorknob moar underscores
Dangit, I don't have ♦-powers here to edit it. Oh well.
@Doorknob No worries, you'd probably still mess it up anyways.
@JasonC Thanks for the optimism. :P
@ɥʇǝS Needs more downvotes. ;P
So, I'm told a friend of mine once played a trick on another friend of mine and added #define true false to his preprocessor directives.
(DISCLAIMER: I don't know the correct syntax, or even if that works, but it sounded funny anyway)
#define if while
@SmokeDetector fpu
@InfiniteRecursion Registered as false positive, added title to Bayesian doctype 'good', whitelisted user.
@SmokeDetector fpu
@InfiniteRecursion Of course
@SmokeDetector fpu
@InfiniteRecursion Registered as false positive, added title to Bayesian doctype 'good', whitelisted user.
@SmokeDetector finally
Q: What is the worst real-world macros/pre-processor abuse you've ever come across?

Trevor Boyd SmithWhat is the worst real-world macros/pre-processor abuse you've ever come across (please no contrived IOCCC answers *haha*)? Please add a short snippet or story if it is really entertaining. The goal is to teach something instead of always telling people "never use macros". p.s.: I've used mac...

Okay, I need to work on my regex... to exclude @SmokeDetector for one thing.
That top answer is priceless, just for the description of the guy.
Oops, sorry I caused extra pings for you :(
I noticed no one fpu'ed those, so I did it to help, and ended up disturbing you :/
@JasonC rotfl
Every time I look at this code I think it is Python — 1800 INFORMATION Aug 13 '09 at 21:28
that is clearly not python
#define while if would be a nice prank too.
@ɥʇǝS I know, that comment confused me.
I like the one there with #define retrun return because the guy didn't feel like fixing typos.
I must admit I've considered aliasing exti to exit in my shell for some time now..
and claer to clear. Simply because I like to type fast and refuse to learn how to type the "proper" way ;P
@ɥʇǝS Install sl for great fun. ;)
@J.Musser Yes, it's comment. But stupid SO rules not allowed write comments without reputation.. Something like that... — Za Noza 2 hours ago
@Doorknob already installed. slowly puts on sunglasses
The edit on that post messed up my naa flag
@InfiniteRecursion No problem at all, this was going to happen anyway. The regex is going to evolve based on actual use.
too long; backed away in terror — bobince Dec 17 '09 at 18:44
When bobince of all people backs away in terror, you know it's horrifying.
oops, I clicked mobile. How do I undo?
Oh, there it is. sorry folks
Quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur. ("Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.")
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: What is customer's review about skin care products? by vernabrowin on drupal.stackexchange.com
@Doorknob I've only manually nuked like three questions, one about trees, one about paper shredders, and one about some guy's product that wasn't a real question.
@ɥʇǝS "stop following random links on the Interwebs" :P
@Frank, have you seen the weekly challenges used outside of Gardening and Genealogy? We're trying to come up with an idea or two to generate traffic on Moderators but our userbase is much smaller than those two sites
@Andy On space.se we had a "topic of the week" for the longest time, and then eventually support dried up and we killed it. But that was a great way to inspire people to think of questions. The difference is that a site like space is going to be mostly curious people, while a site like moderators will be mostly populated by experts that have come across a situation they want help with.
@Andy You could replace all site graphics with pictures of boobs.
@JasonC adds to list of things to recommend to CMs I'm guessing that is rejected pretty quickly though
with good reason.
@Andy Then I'd argue that they should be more goal-oriented.
Q&A sites are active when there is a mix of users of varying levels of expertise, or of users whose strength lie in different sub-areas. Neither seems to be the case for online moderatorship. (Read: you are DOOOOMED.)
@Undo I've noticed this too. We hit a lot of our "What if" type questions in private and early public betas. Now we have new users showing up and asking one or two off questions and then not asking or answering any more.
@justabrickinthewall More James Earl Jones required
Q: Why is Colon Cleansing Naturally Better

user38799Most of the people who suffer with constipation and gasoline on the daily basis don't recognize that this is abnormal. Actually, it is truly the human body sobbing out for support and telling you that something is inappropriate. You should do a significant Colon Cleanse or both adjust your diet t...

Gah, didn't mean to onebox that
I fail at mobile chat :(
@justabrickinthewall I suffer from gasoline on a daily basis.
I wonder what the difference between a significant and insignificant colon cleanse is.
Does drupal.se actually attract more spam than other sites or does it just get posted in the tavern more?
@JasonC Meta gets it's fair share too
@SmokeDetector false
@cVplZ Registered as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
asked 46 minutes ago
closed 44 seconds ago
deleted 28 seconds ago
Yay! I've got the enthusiast badge on Drupal!
I'm now officially an enthusiast spam hunter.
I didn't get 1 badge the whole month of October on SO
did you visit it each day?
probably, but wasn't really answering or asking, just flagging and other stuff
that should count
is talking in hindi now allowed in chat rooms?
@DroidDev only for Diwali
@cVplZ but, diwali is over since 23 October :/
if a concern is raised about the content of a message, the flag should be validated..
This question appears to be off-topic because it is spam. — Matthieu Riegler 7 hours ago
nothing to be concerned about right now, but, I asked because of so much talk about not talking in hindi and rooms will get frozen and so on.....
Too late to remove the colon onebox, but maybe it's not bad; the keywords can be added to @SmokeDetector (it did not catch this strain, unlike skin care).
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: ERROR 150 WHILE CREATING TABLE by PowerPaddy on stackoverflow.com
amused by how often SQL questions tend to have all-caps title
@bjb568 shucks. I misflagged it as offensive...
Even after getting 186 upvotes here same user answered the EXACT DUPLICATE question. I don't know what to say :/
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: DISTANCE VECTOR VS LINK STATE ROUTING by Trojan on networkengineering.stackexchange.com
@DroidDev Yes. And it's not a "now allowed" thing. It has been allowed.
A: What languages are we allowed to speak in SE chat rooms?

Shog9The short answer is: whatever language the other folks present in the room are comfortable speaking. All else being equal, if you jump into a room and start posting stuff that isn't understandable to the majority of the users there, you're probably going to get some pushback. And as a practical...

[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: WHERE/WHEN DO YOU HAVE ENGLISH CLASSES? by Claudia González on english.stackexchange.com
@Andy ok, got it. Thanks :)
Q: Burninate Project Euler

bjb568The wiki for project-euler says: Please be aware that the purpose of Project Euler is to encourage people to think and learn so publishing the solution or working code would render this process useless. Yeah… no. The tag wiki tells answerers to basically treat SO as a forum for Project Eule...

I don't get it. It looks like people agree with the burnination, so why is this controversial?
'Night anyway…
(if it's unclear, please edit)
Last time I checked, it was still positive.
@bjb568 Good night!
Maybe some people don't like the part where a lot of questions get closed/deleted. (I like it myself.)
Hasn't this problem been considered in real life in the context of marking nuclear waste disposal sites? Not exactly the same but certainly similar. — mu is too short Nov 1 at 4:48
at-last, something wise...
WB is ostensibly for "developers, designers, writers and artists to get help creating imaginary worlds", but in practice seems to be idle daydreaming by whomever.
Should be renamed to Daydreaming.SE
I second that ^
give me teh upvotes give me teh repz
@AndrewT. Yup
@DroidDev Of course
@justabrickinthewall yea, but I don't mind it. No problem with a few what if sites. I like reading creative stuff too. Hopefully Scientific Imagination gets to beta.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: DISTANCE VECTOR VS LINK STATE ROUTING by Trojan on networkengineering.stackexchange.com
[cv-plz] ot-not related to programming stackoverflow.com/q/26729919/2389078
@DroidDev I doubt that. It seems to be related to an emulator, which is a programming tool.
@PatrickHofman yes, genymotion is an android emulator, but the OP says that it is crashing when he/she turns on GPS. It is not related to programming.
@DroidDev It could be a bug in the emulator, which makes it on-topic. Or am I wrong?
@PatrickHofman Actually, genymotion is totally developed by third-party company, it is not open source or anything like that. Sometimes, you have to buy it to have some functionalities. Thats why I thought it is off-topic.
wow! this question is swarming with potential NAA answers. Better to close the question itself.
can anyone provide me any example how to...
@DroidDev rec-tool
only 10 more views till 2000
according to this , the average user has 16 views
@cVplZ: Sorry, can't help you with that...
@cVplZ but it is so cloudy, I can't see anything :P
2,359 :)
545.000000000000 :D
Jan @ 7,143
Wow, impressive
I thought stack snippets where more popular... just 6 views :( meta.stackexchange.com/questions/243024/…
@PatrickHofman I don't even know how to run those stack snippets. Too lazy to read all those long posts about it :/
@DroidDev pretty much just like jsfiddle
@DroidDev I don't use them either since I am not that active in the html tag.
It was just something I noticed.
@cVplZ never used jsfiddle either :/
@chmod711telkitty horned ponies. They are horned ponies. Now you just need to ask Fausticorn if alicorns came from ascended ponies or the opposite.
and there are at-least two words in the message above that I'll need to google to understand what @SPArchaeologist just said :P
Morning @Sam
^ code-too-big
Offensive A (100%): **** ***** ** ** **** **** **** *** ****** ****, by ***, on stackoverflow.com.
@PatrickHofman self-edited, but still "offensive"
@PatrickHofman flagged as offensive
Offensive A (90.9%): ***** **** ** * **** ****** ******, by ******, on english.stackexchange.com.
Gone (and ppl still dv'ing spam).
Heya All xD
@balpha I guess you have not noticed this comment yet : ^^
@balpha Why a post can be pinned for a limited period ? — TheLittleNaruto 32 mins ago
Hello :P
close, or just edit?
Yo @Unihedron This baby needs mod attention on one of my comment. xD
Edited it a bit @JanDvorak
@TheLittleNaruto Yes, I have. I also have other things to do once in a while.
@balpha I understand. That is why I pinged you here so that whenever you'll be free, will reply me back :)
@Unihedron Your edit has been approved ;)
! :D
Yay points!
@balpha lies, all lies!
@balpha Had coffee?
balpha lied ? wtf ?
[ SmokeDetector ] Phone number detected: How to parse Date(928142400000+0200)? by dease on stackoverflow.com
Spam Q (90.9%): Where to take guide to get more WoW Darkmoon Prize Tickets?, by florence, on gaming.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (90.9%): Help me to upgrade this source code?, by SonDH, on programmers.stackexchange.com.
Low Quality Q (27.3%): What is the best polyfill for requestAnimationFrame out there?, by Erik, on stackoverflow.com.
Runtime error while login into chat via stackexchange.com/users/chat-login now
@Unihedron gone?
@AndrewT. yup
Server Error in '/' Application.
@AndrewT. Yep, it was a "Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! (usual new user answering advice here)" answer. Definitely vlq
@Unihedron I flagged as NAA
@Pandya works on my machine
I can successfully login into "chat.meta.stackexchange" but error on "chat.stackexchange"
> another exception occurred while executing ... for the first exception
wow, just read that one for the first time :/
@Unihedron Have you tried stackexchange.com/users/chat-login ?
@Pandya I did. It works fine, logs me in automatically and redirects me to the chat pages.
^ same
^ same here too
@Pandya I think it's better to post that issue on Meta Stack Exchange
A: Make images layed out as 'inline-block' have on-hover titles on the bottom

Jeremy SmithThis image belongs to me, Jeremy Smith. It has been used without my consent and I would like it removed from your site within 14 days. It is unlawful to use copyrighted images without the consent of the owner and I am quite within my rights to prosecute. My image can be viewed here http://www.jer...

@Pandya or try this page first
^ What to do?
now stackexchange.com also getting this error
@Pandya Restart your router. Or Modem. Or something.
@Pandya have you tried any other browser?
@AndrewT. oh! test 5 on chat.stackexchange.com/help failed! let me try on another browser / restart
Ok after reconnecting+restarting browser all woriking fine!
@Pandya Great!
dv-pls vlq:
A: Python take a list of numbers and return the average

BAMITZURNANBasically your answer is really crap this is my approach to your answer

@Unihedron flagged as rude offensive or hate speech
@Unihedron flagged as such.
Question might need cv for too broad
Spam A (100%): Get a business and Personal loan at 3% inter..., by Wheaton Jonse, on money.stackexchange.com.
@Pham Why?
The command is why ;)
@Pham why
@Unihedron Term(s) found: (Ignored: 0%. Score: 11) (?i)wh(at|ich).*best
Oops, was cv'ing all the posts, and was confused as to why that is a tpa LQP
hey @uni
@DroidDev hiya
oh! @Pham and @Sam news on they way.... Them both are neighbors again....
but why is @Sam sitting next to @Pham :/
@InfiniteRecursion Probably because the question was visited and Sam decided that the post was close-worthy, which I concur.
@InfiniteRecursion Because it's a tp/opinion-based.
@DroidDev Because they share the same keyboard
@DroidDev Not any more...
@PatrickHofman but Pham's location is next to Sam. They were sitting in reverse order earlier
@Unihedron Side-note: I always check the post before tpa'ing.
@Sam Postscript: me too

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