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8:27 PM
Sometimes when Wikipedia articles are "inlined" in chat, the wrong picture is shown:
The Palace of the Parliament () in Bucharest, Romania is a multi-purpose building containing both chambers of the Romanian Parliament. According to the World Records Academy, the Palace is the world's largest civilian building, most expensive administrative building, and heaviest building. The Palace was designed and nearly completed by the Ceaușescu regime as the seat of political and administrative power. Nicolae Ceaușescu named it the House of the Republic (Casa Republicii), but many Romanians call it the People's House (Casa Poporului). Description The Palace measures by , high...
If you click the article, you'll see that this photo is not included at all.
I don't know if this is a Wikipedia problem or an SE chat problem
that photo is indeed shown
click [show] on the bottom at "Tall buildings in Bucharest"
A: Wikipedia Chat One-Boxing doesn't always pick the correct image from the article

balphaI just did some "random article" clicking on Wikipedia. Of all articles that even oneboxed with an image, the 16th one was the first one where a different image would absolutely have been better. – and even that one isn't problematic. Yes, there are a few examples where the chosen image ...

Got it

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