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3:15 PM
You realize that room owners can star their own message yes?
3:25 PM
A long time ago there was talk about a button to automagically create a chat room about a question, and some work around for it
what is the status of that button and what was the workaround?
3:45 PM
I gotz me a bone to pick with you about stars and pinning
Its very buggy...
For instance
I can pin and unpin a message, but because it automatically stars a message as well, when I unpin it, it has a star still
that results in me starring my own posts
furthermore, these posts starred by myself don't show up in the Starred list
and the Transcript page won't let me pin the item
I have a feeling that it checks to see if I've starred the item, and if I have it shows the unpin dialog
But because unpinning never removes the star, I am never given the 'pin' dialog
4:33 PM
The first part is by design. I'll look at the transcript glitch though.
4:53 PM
Testing something again.
BUG CONFIRMED. If you edit an older message containing markup, the markup is converted into HTML and does not render properly when you save it. Editing a message you just posted works fine. I don't know why the timing is an issue.
I just edited this to remove ---> these <---- italics. It works fine.
But see here:
yesterday, by Robert Cartaino
Pardon my dust. I am testing a theoretical bug. I&#39;ll be back <i>tomorrow</i> to confirm (or disprove) my theory. Thank you for <i>not</i> listening. Carry on.
That is odd... Afaik we use the same code there
Stop doing the impossible, kthxbye
why does the older message (when edited) contain the raw html? Heh.
Afaik it shouldnt
AND... Why doesn't the raw HTML no display properly when resaved. Test of <i>italilcs</i>. Hmm...
that @Robert, such a trouble maker. (;
4:59 PM
We keep the input and rendered separate, and query for the old input
Ah, HTML doesn't display.
Well look into it :)
How did you edit? Chat? Transcript? What?
I am SOOO fired as a beta tester.
@MarcGravell Nope. Edited right here in this window, just now; in the live window.
Let me try <i>something</i>....
Ah HA!!!
5:02 PM
Tbh that is probably enough to track it down
Ah ha???
When you leave and re-enter the room, the previous messages are saved as HTML so that's what I see when I edit them.
It only occurs on even minutes when the moon is widdershins?
But if I edit one of those message I just typed while I was in THIS session, the text is still in markup.
I typed this just moments ago:
2 mins ago, by Robert Cartaino
Let me try <i>something</i>....
(HTML is markup, but I know what you mean)
Left the room, came back, and edited it. *poof* HTML.
5:04 PM
And stop calling me names :)
marc-up? Is that what we're calling it now?
Perhaps the real problem is that I am the only one anal enough to go back and edit message I typed in previous sessions?
Okay, what's the "status" trick?
Okay, let's try again...
5:10 PM
and not contain punctuation iirc
Perhaps the real problem is that I am the only one anal enough to go back and edit message I typed in previous sessions?
@RobertCartaino Most of us cannot edit what we typed in previous sessions because we're not mods
edits aren't allowed after ... 2-3 minutes?
Ha Ha. I am so funny; I make myself laugh.
@CRoss I did not know that.
2, i think
Thanks. I'm outta here. Ciao.
5:13 PM
it's really annoying when you find that spelling error the next day
2 hours later…
7:36 PM
I don't know if this has ever come up, but it seems like explicit usages of "@SomeUserName" shouldn't assume the user was replying to the last message SomeUserName sent; that seems to usually not be the case
People use the reply link even if it was the last message; when people actually type out @SomeUserName it's to ping that user about something totally unrelated to the current thread
4 hours later…
11:25 PM
when I leave the textbox to write a message in mobile view
there's a 1 in 2 chance
that the textbox content turns grey as I leave it
then pressing Send does nothing
and going back to the textbox clears everything you have painstakingly typed in
can we remove this screw you mode please
here I just had it

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