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12:02 AM
~ Who needs sleep here?
5 hours later…
5:31 AM
Bot restarted after crash.
2 hours later…
7:29 AM
!!Who am I?
~ Maybe lookup my instructions?
7:43 AM
!!pee on @Pet's abandoned chess game
~ Evacuate the room, woman and children first!
yeah yeah, run away.
Children should not see Kenny pee indeed. :P
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda nope ;)
@Petəíŕd The Spring Wizard carrie (?)
!!pee on chess pieces
7:45 AM
~ What a mess ...
@Sha Soon it would be a first anniversary since I joined SE, but the accidental merge ruined it. It says that this account is 53 days old! Shame.
@Petəíŕd The Spring Wizard huge shame!
creates a chatbot made of @Shadow's messages
> Hi, I'm Shadow yahavbr! !!pee. Tanks of pee. lol. Huge shame! :P
1 hour later…
9:12 AM
~ Midnight Shadow
9:56 AM
picks @Sha for a spaceship trip
10:14 AM
@KennyBOT ~ Noon Light
"Out of words", yeah?
10:25 AM
I know who is it...
I've seen "loading..." instead of the actual username.
1 hour later…
11:26 AM
~ The Wizard of Mars
11:59 AM
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda you live on Mars!
12:49 PM
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda But women can watch?
Bring the woman back! THEY MUST WATCH!
1:05 PM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact of course, they might learn a trick or two.
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda A useful trick or two!
1:17 PM
Useful in some cases, of course.
PoC, for one. Pee on Command.
1 hour later…
2:29 PM
~ Shade
2 hours later…
4:30 PM
~ The Water Magician
4 hours later…
8:10 PM
@KennyBOT water?? no no, you're confused. Wrong liquid.

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