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11:59 AM
@ShadowTheSpringWizard Finding nice ones is hard ^^"
12:30 PM
@ZoestandswithUkraine hmm... so take from family members or friends... ;)
Sadly I can't help you out, don't have any of my own, and can't judge what's nice or not nice. But surely almost anything would look good on you. :D
@ShadowTheSpringWizard Nice in this context is subjective anyway
@ZoestandswithUkraine agreed
@ShadowTheSpringWizard contract (?)
@ShadowTheSpringWizard resurrect (?)
12:39 PM
@FOX9000 DnD
No associated word found for DnD.
@ShadowTheSpringWizard D&D
@ShadowTheSpringWizard hola!
@Gantendo hello
12:51 PM
@ShadowTheSpringWizard elle (?)
Just because I am an idiot, and go things about the wrong way, does not mean that I am wrong
@FOX9000 Ella (my daughter's name ;))
@ShadowTheSpringWizard slack (?)
@Gantendo there's no really right and wrong in those things.
12:52 PM
AAA LOL HOW I DON'T find it earlier :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
But let's start from the beginning. What made you feel this way towards Nazis? @Gan
I am Dutch (I live in the Netherlands)
I'm Jewish in Israel, got family members killed by Nazis, yet I don't have such blind hate towards them, so it made me curious.
so killing nazis is self preservation
@Shadow Where is your bots? (oh typo)
12:54 PM
well you dont live next to Germany
a much much bigger country than my own
@Donotlikenewbuttons it wasn't active, so lost between the other chats.
@Donotlikenewbuttons actually not my own bots, but we have here @FOX9000 and @KennyBOT who will serve you well. ;)
alive, utc, listcommands, help, cat, exec, read, getcurrentusers, ping, flip, doubleflip, xkcdrandomnumber, xkcd, random, randomint, randomchoice, shuffle, *stop, *disable, *enable, *suspend, *unsuspend, *ban, *unban, +delete, *pull, yes, no, *module, define, time, showtime, link, islink, removelink, addlinkexplanation, explainlink, removelinkexplanation, showlatest10, latestword, rmword, reply, retry, continue, *gameban, *gameunban, joingame, quitgame
!!cat [category] ["text"]
!!status ( wait a moment )
12:55 PM
Enjoy! @Don
is this IRC?
~ Maybe lookup my instructions?
!!wipe lmao
BOT running since: Sun Feb 12 2023 06:25:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) for 110 days
username                        (#msg (curr/tot))
Shadow The Spring Wizard      , seen less than a minute ago (1990 / 4874)
Andreas detests censorship    , seen 10 hours ago (1524 / 1524)
FOX 9000                      , seen less than a minute ago (910 / 3277)
starball                      , seen 1 days ago (887 / 3160)
Zoe stands with Ukraine       , seen 6 minutes ago (848 / 1349)
KennyBOT                      , seen less than a minute ago (704 / 2123)
12:56 PM
@Gantendo these days, Russia is much much bigger threat than Germany, and I believe it will stay this way for long years. Germany is so scarred and in trauma from the results of WW2 that they're not likely to get back to what they were back then.
@Donotlikenewbuttons blames @user1343767 for everything
sure, Germany learned a lot
but I have seen nazis
like with giant swastikas tattooed on em
12:57 PM
@Donotlikenewbuttons that one is weird, I don't know its exact mechanics to this day, lol
in real life
in Georgia (the country not the US state)
>>exec echo 3
@Donotlikenewbuttons Command not found.
In theory, !!thank should thank a user for something.
12:58 PM
>>exec help
@Donotlikenewbuttons I'm FOX 9000, ProgramFOX's chatbot. You can find the source code on GitHub. You can get a list of all commands by running >>listcommands, or you can run >>help command to learn more about a specific command.
!!thank Shadow
@Donotlikenewbuttons thanks Shadow for the help.
Well fun bots
12:59 PM
@Donotlikenewbuttons No arguments supplied

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