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~ Tales of the Wizard of Oz
3 hours later…
@KennyBOT Tales of the Wizard of Shree
BOT running since: Sat Jan 05 2019 17:59:13 GMT+0100 (CET) for 130 days
username                        (#msg (curr/tot))
Shadow Wizard                 , seen 15 hours ago (2956 / 2994)
Olivia                        , seen 6 hours ago (2159 / 2207)
EKons                         , seen 4 days ago (1940 / 2016)
FOX 9000                      , seen 18 hours ago (1866 / 1921)
KennyBOT                      , seen 3 hours ago (1419 / 1521)
Hans1984                      , seen 17 hours ago (1099 / 1161)
BOT running since: Sat Jan 05 2019 17:59:13 GMT+0100 (CET) for 130 days
username                                 (#msg (curr/tot))
Shadow Wizard (152859)                 , seen 38 minutes ago (2957 / 2995)
Olivia (332043)                        , seen 7 hours ago (2159 / 2207)
EKons (225091)                         , seen 4 days ago (1940 / 2016)
FOX 9000 (261079)                      , seen 18 hours ago (1866 / 1921)
KennyBOT (269324)                      , seen 48 minutes ago (1420 / 1522)
Hans1984 (366991)                      , seen 18 hours ago (1099 / 1161)
@ShadowWizard The heck is up with that many [usernumber]s that posted only one message?
@Margarine it's not a message, it's event, likely the "join room" event. But then they should also have "leave room" event as well, i.e. showing 2. @rene any idea what's going on with those users?
@rene also, change the column title "msg" is wrong... maybe call it "events"?
@ShadowWizard Oh, that'd make sense.
I thought that many users entered, farted, and left.
That may happen too! :D
~ WUT?
1 hour later…
~ The Shade of the Creditors
1 hour later…
in Tavern on the Meta, 55 secs ago, by Shadow Wizard
I now consider you as a troll. Cheers, and good luck in whatever your goals are. ignores this user forever.
@ShadowWizard I think that might be taking it a step too far. I've done my own independent research and I believe that what they're saying is in fact true
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog don't care anymore... that trolling act of joining and leaving is proof enough for me.
(That it's a person I don't want to see or hear anymore.)
(another one is Muze, I spent way too much time in the past trying to help her (him? Not sure) and giving benefit of the doubt whenever they complained about being suspended in some sites)
@ShadowWizard Their account is deleted now
Whose? Muze?
I'm 99% sure they'll create a new one.
Their site account is deleted
Not just their chat profile
You can't delete your own chat profile anyway.
If it was deleted by a mod for user conduct, there's an automatic 14-day suspension
Why? Muze did something bad when last coming to rant?
I don't know
Remember just the ordinary "I'm suspended, halp me!" ranting.
@ShadowWizard I've done some research on the website they attempted to link from and it indeed does serve an NSFW image to people who hotlink from it.
More likely self deletion.
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog OK, so what forest says in the chat bio is correct. But if she (he? dang so hard to remember) was really sorry, they won't be trolling the Tavern with the join/leave animation.
They're not? They only did that once as far as I could tell
They're not doing it now though
I counted at least 10 join/leave in a row before ignoring.
Anyway... back to routine.
I only saw two but I could be wrong as I navigated away from it
~ Have your raw milk
As I was saying...it's a deliberate trap set by the site owners designed to get people who hotlink to get banned from forums
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog brilliant (sad lol)
@ShadowWizard eloquence (?)
Though that trap crosses the line IMO. Browser caching would render the proper image on their side but others would see the NSFW image.
I mean.... that's something that simply works.
If it weren't for that, I'd say it's an OK trap
Well, people should stay away from evil sites.
I can tell it's browser caching because I navigated to the site it's supposed to be on and I'm seeing an NSFW image, then when I cleared my cache it showed the proper one.
I always upload to SE first. Safer this way.
I don't think this would change the outcome much, but I'd prefer it if this were at least part of their case file.
So even if it turns out NSFW, I see it first and can simply move on without posting it.
The trouble is, if I even broach this topic they will get back to me with the canned "let the user bring this up" response rather than actually listening to me. And I'm not in league with them, I'm just another independent user, and technical evidence will confirm it
@Sonic out of curiousity, what was the image that was so horrible? (just category, guess better not give too much details.)
A Desu (that type of cartoon caricature they're fond of) sipping a drink with a straw
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog heh. No, I mean the pic everyone else saw.
ohhh wasn't aware they posted on main site too.... this fully explains the site suspension then.
But that plus the spoiler markup basically tosses the ball against them.
Without actually investigating the site, I too came to the conclusion that they were trolling.
Well.... to be honest I don't think they did it on purpose... not their style. But that trolling act was just childish and proves they're angry, not sorry.
Now on second thought... poor @Mithrandir had to see such a thing.... I take back what I said about editing. Can't be more NSFW than that.
Yeah...as I said, I think the suspension is warranted; it's the learning experience that counts. I just want it to be part of their case file.
What "case file"? @Sonic
Their annotations, i.e. their moderation record
umm... @Sonic what you said before is wrong. Account not deleted.
Muze, Burlington, VT
1 1
Unless we weren't talking about same user?
@ShadowWizard New account
And auto-suspended.
Can't see a reason for mod to delete their site account in the first place instead of giving suspension.
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog auto suspension is for 14 days, so the period was manually extended to a year.
Judging from past user history, they were probably suspended by a mod, then they deleted and recreated their account in a failed attempt to clear it
Wait... can suspended user delete their account? @Sonic
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog oh
@ShadowWizard stammer (?)
@ShadowWizard Yes, by manually navigating to /users/delete/current
IMO shouldn't be possible.
This was previously blocked since suspensions weren't auto-reinstated, but now they are, so it was made possible but unlinked
Extreme IRL example is letting a prisoner kill themselves. Not a good idea. lol
Even in prison, you should be kept safe.
You know what I don't like, though? The fact that if you earn enough rep to chat, your avatar and username become visible permanently, even though you later lose those privileges
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog yeah, that's a downside.
@ShadowWizard Sometimes, people know what they're doing...
1 hour later…
~ Where is everybody!?!
1 hour later…
@Olivia umm... what??
@Mithrandir not sure what you mean, but glad you're not scarred by that pic.... :)
Pretty sure that if I'd have seen such thing as teenager, I'd be mentally scarred at some level.
Oh, you mean that as a mod on SE site you're prepared for the worst and know you might bump into such things?
@ShadowWizard bug testing
in Tavern on the Meta, 1 hour ago, by No Distraction Wizard
Q: Twitter Oneboxing in chat appears broken

NzallTwitter Oneboxing in chatrooms appears to be broken at the time of posting. Pasting a Twitter link in chat does not change the chat message to a onebox of the tweet in question.

oh lol
points towards the sandbox
drowning in the sand
calling @Dro for help
kicks @TheLittleNaruto's butt for not helping me get out of sandbox
1 hour later…
~ Can't we be a bit moar talkative?
@ShadowWizard I mean trust that I'm doing stuff for a reason
but as a matter of fact, I have seen that exact thing doing SE mod stuff before
1 hour later…
~ The Shadow
2 hours later…
~ The Wizard of Oz
4 hours later…
@Shadow Even young kids can do quite a bit of things. There was a story I read about an Indian who graduated high school at age 7 and bachelors' at age 12, and wanted to attend medical school, but the entrance exam would only allow 18+ year olds to take it. She wanted to get a masters' in the meantime, but her father had to sell off all his land to fund it, and still that wasn't enough (eventually a donor came by with the remaining amount)

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