« first day (1455 days earlier)      last day (2481 days later) » 

~ Billy Van Deusen's Shadow
//summon 1176
@SonicWizard not online.
1 hour later…
@PrincessLuna I am currently in these rooms: [166968, 166774, 139, and 1] on SO, [36, 72535, 75266, and 1] on SE, and [1176, 89, and 721] on MSE
There ya go @son
@Alisha alive
@PrincessLuna How can I //help?
~ Thu Apr 05 2018 09:44:08 GMT+0200 (CEST)
@PrincessLuna Thu, 5 April 09:56:49.0951 2018 +02 CEST (+0200)
That's ^ how time formatting looks when you copy it from python without fixing everything XD
Hey @sha!
@rene sounds like it's someone very familiar with SO/Charcoal, who got REALLY upset for some reason... :/
but can't SO mods find who this is based on IP?
Well, feel free to discuss this here with @Princess if it cause mess on the main room... :)
@ShadowWizard Command does not have enough arguments.
@ShadowWizard Nope
If you've been paying attention to the amount of traffic this person has created, you can tell this has to be done using tor
it's the only network capable of producing enough IPs
Unfortunately, that means it's basically impossible to track
Bot restarted after crash.
yeah chat domain was down for a while
let's see other bots...
~ Thu Apr 05 2018 10:36:05 GMT+0200 (CEST)
~ 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩
Chat's having a lot of problems rn for some reason
@PrincessLuna I'm pretty sure I am.
heh, @Kenny wasn't affected
Message status
Username:                    - Message count
Princess Luna (332043)       - 297
Shadow Wizard (152859)       - 183
Pandya (260388)              - 82
FOX 9000 (261079)            - 78
TheLittleNaruto (206319)     - 73
KennyBOT (269324)            - 38
kId (252202)                 - 31
Unitato (355026)             - 22
Jenna Sloan (350198)         - 17
DroidDev (244282)            - 13
Sonic Wizard (377214)        - 9
rene (158100)                - 7
Moosebot (280395)            - 6
I got error handling for absolutely everything, so Alisha should survive
@Moosebot lick myself
> Licks myself. Tastes like bovine excrement...
saying should because I have no clue why respawning works since neither of the callback methods for errors or closing is called when connection is lost
Looks like all bots survived!
oh wait...
@DroidDev alive?
@ShadowWizard alive? :p
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: utc?
@ShadowWizard Thu Apr 5 08:41:15 2018
alive, utc, listcommands, help, cat, exec, read, getcurrentusers, ping, flip, doubleflip, xkcdrandomnumber, xkcd, random, randomint, randomchoice, shuffle, detectlang, translate, *translationchain, *translationswitch, *stop, *disable, *enable, *suspend, *unsuspend, *ban, *unban, +delete, *pull, yes, no, *module, define, time, showtime, link, islink, removelink, addlinkexplanation, explainlink, removelinkexplanation, showlatest10, latestword, rmword, reply, retry, continue, *gameban, *gameunban, joingame, quitgame
my list is better :p
###################### Help ######################

==================== Commands
//about          | Let me tell you a little about myself...
//alive          | Used to check if the bot is working
//appul          | Apples.
//ban            | Bans a user from using the bot. Only usable by hardcoded bot admins
//ban-room       | Blacklists a room
//blame          | No description was supplied for this command
//declare        | Changes a commands status. Only commands available on the site can be edited
@ShadowWizard Maybe you should consider looking up the manual
@ProgramFOX no command for @FOX to show for how long it's running?
(mine doesn't have that either :3)
Message status
Username:                    - Message count
Princess Luna (332043)       - 305
Shadow Wizard (152859)       - 195
Pandya (260388)              - 82
FOX 9000 (261079)            - 81
TheLittleNaruto (206319)     - 73
KennyBOT (269324)            - 38
kId (252202)                 - 31
Unitato (355026)             - 22
Jenna Sloan (350198)         - 17
DroidDev (244282)            - 13
Sonic Wizard (377214)        - 9
rene (158100)                - 7
rahuldottech (281895)        - 3
oh thought it's part of this ^
it's not. :(
but according to amount of messages one can get a rough idea...
Well, there's this:
@PrincessLuna I'm pretty sure I am.
@PrincessLuna OliviaZoe/Supernova (162946f645b)
>>alive or dead?
@ShadowWizard Yes, I'm alive.
LOCATION = Long.toHexString(System.currentTimeMillis());
@PrincessLuna that's the 162946f645b value?
1 min ago, by Princess Luna
LOCATION = Long.toHexString(System.currentTimeMillis());
49 secs ago, by Shadow Wizard
@PrincessLuna that's the 162946f645b value?
It's the hex representation of the boot time in millis since the epoch
epo who?
I'm creating a quick code snippet for decoding, but I'm using Tor (don't want my school to track me) so stuff is slow af
Just don't fall too deep into Darknet.... ;)
@ShadowWizard yeah, it has been going on from before easter, also what @Pri said ....
@ShadowWizard meh, no plans to go there
@PrincessLuna good
@ShadowWizard harm (?)
@FOX9000 darknet
@ShadowWizard Tor (?)
smart bot
@FOX9000 Onion
@ShadowWizard roasted (?)
@FOX9000 chicken
@ShadowWizard soybean (?)
@rene what @Pri said? I just saw she wanted more details.
@ShadowWizard what she said after you pinged me
@ShadowWizard dancing on the fine line between alive and insane
@PrincessLuna surely the NSA/CIA can.... ;)
@rene huh, chat went down before I read it, when it came back I missed it. lol
All the details we have is that it is the returning/known troll and that he is using the usual TOR endpoints to bombard the SE network with new users and useless posts, switching his attention to the people that try to stop him once he gets pushed back. With MetaSmoke he has an extra endpoint he can attack and does so. Y'day was bad as Undo was on a plane while stuff exploded
@DroidDev OK, then you're fine!
The general strategy was/is ignore it so they get bored
@ShadowWizard depends on the amount of hops. If they want to they can find whoever it is, but if the origin IP is dynamic, it won't matter
@rene Well in case it's a malicious troll who want to cause damage more than get attention not sure it will work.
@PrincessLuna Thu, 5 April 11:00:11.0045 2018 +02 CEST (+0200)
@ShadowWizard Thu Apr 5 09:01:30 2018
~ Thu Apr 05 2018 11:02:00 GMT+0200 (CEST)
What's with the different formats? Local date time formatting?
//shutdown --confirm
@PrincessLuna I'm pretty sure I am.
Running for 01 00:59:31.
Message status
Username:                    - Message count
Princess Luna (332043)       - 316
Shadow Wizard (152859)       - 219
FOX 9000 (261079)            - 87
Pandya (260388)              - 82
TheLittleNaruto (206319)     - 73
KennyBOT (269324)            - 39
kId (252202)                 - 31
Unitato (355026)             - 22
Jenna Sloan (350198)         - 17
DroidDev (244282)            - 14
rene (158100)                - 11
Sonic Wizard (377214)        - 9
Moosebot (280395)            - 7
@ShadowWizard mine is what comes out of new Date().toString() in nodejs context on a Debian server ....
@Alisha 01 00:59:31 means 1 day, 59 minutes, and 31 seconds?
@ShadowWizard How can I //help?
@Alisha become smart
@ShadowWizard How can I //help?
@ShadowWizard broken. WIP
@ShadowWizard papa (?)
@FOX9000 mama
@ShadowWizard sutra (?)
@FOX9000 Kama
@ShadowWizard godfather (?)
@PrincessLuna Women Internal Power?
!!blame different time formats
@ShadowWizard blames @FOX9000 for different time formats
that is about right ...
Sure, why not XD
//shutdown --confirm
@rene left
@ShadowWizard horizontal (?)
Running for 0 days and 0 hours.
Message status
Username:                    - Message count
Princess Luna (332043)       - 319
Shadow Wizard (152859)       - 228
FOX 9000 (261079)            - 90
Pandya (260388)              - 82
TheLittleNaruto (206319)     - 73
KennyBOT (269324)            - 40
kId (252202)                 - 31
Unitato (355026)             - 22
Jenna Sloan (350198)         - 17
DroidDev (244282)            - 14
rene (158100)                - 13
Sonic Wizard (377214)        - 9
Running for 0 days, 0 hours and PT14S seconds.
Message status
Username:                    - Message count
Princess Luna (332043)       - 319
Shadow Wizard (152859)       - 228
FOX 9000 (261079)            - 90
Pandya (260388)              - 82
TheLittleNaruto (206319)     - 73
KennyBOT (269324)            - 40
kId (252202)                 - 31
Unitato (355026)             - 22
Jenna Sloan (350198)         - 17
DroidDev (244282)            - 14
rene (158100)                - 13
Sonic Wizard (377214)        - 9
How convenient ...
connecting failed
I can't connect to meta for some reason
or SO
SE is alive though
AAND SE is dead
this is really annoying >.>
@PrincessLuna I'm pretty sure I am.
Running for 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 19 seconds.
Message status
Username:                    - Message count
Princess Luna (332043)       - 320
Shadow Wizard (152859)       - 228
FOX 9000 (261079)            - 90
Pandya (260388)              - 82
TheLittleNaruto (206319)     - 73
KennyBOT (269324)            - 40
kId (252202)                 - 31
Unitato (355026)             - 22
Jenna Sloan (350198)         - 17
DroidDev (244282)            - 14
rene (158100)                - 13
Sonic Wizard (377214)        - 9
Let's see then. Last attempt resulted in 167 seconds XD
Running for 0 days, 0 hours, 1 minutes, and 98 seconds.
Message status
Username:                    - Message count
Princess Luna (332043)       - 322
Shadow Wizard (152859)       - 228
FOX 9000 (261079)            - 90
Pandya (260388)              - 82
TheLittleNaruto (206319)     - 73
KennyBOT (269324)            - 40
kId (252202)                 - 31
Unitato (355026)             - 22
Jenna Sloan (350198)         - 17
DroidDev (244282)            - 14
rene (158100)                - 13
Sonic Wizard (377214)        - 9
Running for 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 35 seconds. (PT35.019S /cc @Pri/@Zoe)
Message status
Username:                    - Message count
Princess Luna (332043)       - 319
Shadow Wizard (152859)       - 228
FOX 9000 (261079)            - 90
Pandya (260388)              - 82
TheLittleNaruto (206319)     - 73
KennyBOT (269324)            - 40
kId (252202)                 - 31
Unitato (355026)             - 22
Jenna Sloan (350198)         - 17
DroidDev (244282)            - 14
rene (158100)                - 13
@PrincessLuna Something bad happened while processing. Do //logs to see the logs
@PrincessLuna Something bad happened while processing. Do //logs to see the logs
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid format: "PT23.733S": Invalid format: "PT23.733S"
    at org.joda.time.format.PeriodFormatter.parseMutablePeriod(PeriodFormatter.java:330)
    at org.joda.time.format.PeriodFormatter.parsePeriod(PeriodFormatter.java:308)
    at io.github.lunarwatcher.chatbot.bot.commands.StatusCommand.handleCommand(Commands.kt:479)
    at io.github.lunarwatcher.chatbot.bot.command.CommandCenter.parseMessage(CommandCenter.java:191)
    at io.github.lunarwatcher.chatbot.bot.sites.se.SEChat.handleMessage(SEChat.java:436)
Running for 0 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes, and 9 seconds.
Message status
Username:                    - Message count
Princess Luna (332043)       - 319
Shadow Wizard (152859)       - 228
FOX 9000 (261079)            - 90
Pandya (260388)              - 82
TheLittleNaruto (206319)     - 73
KennyBOT (269324)            - 40
kId (252202)                 - 31
Unitato (355026)             - 22
Jenna Sloan (350198)         - 17
DroidDev (244282)            - 14
rene (158100)                - 13
Sonic Wizard (377214)        - 9
Running for 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 58 seconds.
Message status
Username:                    - Message count
Princess Luna (332043)       - 319
Shadow Wizard (152859)       - 228
FOX 9000 (261079)            - 90
Pandya (260388)              - 82
TheLittleNaruto (206319)     - 73
KennyBOT (269324)            - 40
kId (252202)                 - 31
Unitato (355026)             - 22
Jenna Sloan (350198)         - 17
DroidDev (244282)            - 14
rene (158100)                - 13
Sonic Wizard (377214)        - 9
Running for 0 days, 0 hours, 1 minutes, and 4 seconds.
Message status
Username:                    - Message count
Princess Luna (332043)       - 320
Shadow Wizard (152859)       - 228
FOX 9000 (261079)            - 90
Pandya (260388)              - 82
TheLittleNaruto (206319)     - 73
KennyBOT (269324)            - 40
kId (252202)                 - 31
Unitato (355026)             - 22
Jenna Sloan (350198)         - 17
DroidDev (244282)            - 14
rene (158100)                - 13
Sonic Wizard (377214)        - 9
using a Period instead of Duration fixed it \o/
Started to, 5 april 11:44:50.0956 2018 CEST (GMT +0200) (running for 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 15 seconds.)
Message status
Username:                    - Message count
Princess Luna (332043)       - 319
Shadow Wizard (152859)       - 228
FOX 9000 (261079)            - 90
Pandya (260388)              - 82
TheLittleNaruto (206319)     - 73
KennyBOT (269324)            - 40
kId (252202)                 - 31
Unitato (355026)             - 22
Jenna Sloan (350198)         - 17
DroidDev (244282)            - 14
Started Thu, 5 April 11:45:45.0022 2018 CEST (GMT +0200) (running for 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 22 seconds.)
Message status
Username:                    - Message count
Princess Luna (332043)       - 319
Shadow Wizard (152859)       - 228
FOX 9000 (261079)            - 90
Pandya (260388)              - 82
TheLittleNaruto (206319)     - 73
KennyBOT (269324)            - 40
kId (252202)                 - 31
Unitato (355026)             - 22
Jenna Sloan (350198)         - 17
DroidDev (244282)            - 14
Started Thu, 5 April 11:45:45.0022 2018 CEST (GMT +0200) (running for 0 days, 0 hours, 25 minutes, and 13 seconds.)
Message status
Username:                    - Message count
Princess Luna (332043)       - 320
Shadow Wizard (152859)       - 228
FOX 9000 (261079)            - 90
Pandya (260388)              - 82
TheLittleNaruto (206319)     - 73
KennyBOT (269324)            - 40
kId (252202)                 - 31
Unitato (355026)             - 22
Jenna Sloan (350198)         - 17
DroidDev (244282)            - 14
//lick @sha
@PrincessLuna Licks @sha. Washes mouth with soap
~ The Wizard of Oz
2 hours later…
~ Shadow of a Chance
2 hours later…
@Alisha use a toothpaste instead.
@TheLittleNaruto How can I //help?
@Sha I wonder what is your opinion of this
You don't have to tell me; I understand it's a sensitive subject. Most sensitive to you of all
@kId just left. Didn't understand shit and it's really way too high level atm.
1 hour later…
~ The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: 50 Years of Magic
1 hour later…
@Alisha But whose mouth was washed with soap? Because right now it's a double entendre.
@JennaSloan How can I //help?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ which part/aspect? It's pretty broad. :)
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ nah, I'm fine with those subjects.
> QUESTION: What dimension does the Holocaust play in this equation? Is it manipulated by the Israeli state to promote its own interests?

CHOMSKY: It’s very consciously manipulated. I mean, it’s quite certainly real, there’s no question about that, but it is also undoubted that they manipulate it. In fact, they say so. For example, in the Jerusalem Post, in English so you can read it, their Washington correspondent Wolf Blitzer, I don’t recall the exact date, but after one of the big Holocaust memorial meetings in Washington he wrote an article in the Jerusalem Post in which he said it was
For example
1 hour later…
~ Shadow of a Doubt
2 hours later…
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ hmm... need to sleep over it before I can tell what's my opinion on it. :)
What's yours?

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