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12:14 AM
3 hours later...
>>cat 3 hours later
@NiKoLaPrO 3 hours later
@ProgramFOX how you keep formating codes?
7 hours later…
7:10 AM
@NiKoLaPrO I think he just takes the whole raw message and post it as-is
>>cat > quote here
> quote here
>>cat > whats happening @sha
> whats happening @sha
>>cat {{ping Unikitty}} eats a {{ping nef}}
@ShadowWizard @Unikitty eats a @nef
7:20 AM
That feeling when you meet your long lost highschool classmate.
@DroidDev Argument parsing failed.
>>cat > {{ping berserk}} went berserk and committed suicide
> @berserk went berserk and committed a suicide
> @berserk went berserk and committed suicide
That feeling when CR is near but you have alot of accessory to remove!
7:28 AM
@ShadowWizard Argument parsing failed.
@ShadowWizard → 12 messages moved to Trash can
7:30 AM
>>cat hello {{ping Pr{{randomchoice a o}}}}
@ShadowWizard hello @Pro
>>read 4038048
@ShadowWizard @Bart
8:14 AM
cc @Dro ^
@berserk have you seen hellsing ultimate?
@berserk try a trailor
hellsing movie?
@berserk hellsing ultimate anime series
8:17 AM
throwing trailor on @Dro
oh okay
throwing tailor on @Dro
throwing traitor on @nef
@ShadowWizard catches trailor, attaches it behind the truck, drives it home
jumping on @Dro's truck
Damn, little late
8:18 AM
throwing latte on @ber
drinks latte
You can't eat it
It's liquid
@ShadowWizard throws a mattress under @Sha's feet so he don't hurt himself
thanking @Dro for not being hurt
pissing in @Dro's truck
8:20 AM
Oi oi! You guys are going out of your characters there :P
Ok @Sha is back lol
Pissing is my way of saying "thank you", isn't it obvious? :P
>>flip wolf
@berserk (╯•益•)╯︵ɟןoʍ
@ShadowWizard throws live electric wire in @Sha's piss, while he was pissing more
activating Shield, gaining immunity to electricity
8:21 AM
Are shadows affected by electricity?
@ShadowWizard electricity travel faster than that :P
maybe next time :P
maybe sext time :P
My pee isn't ordinary, it won't let electricity pass through :D
@ShadowWizard Pee is pure conductor lol
As your pee is the highest grade pee in the universe, it shall be super conductor :P
@ShadowWizard throws live electric wire on @ShadowWizard as a plan B
@berserk haha, so true
8:24 AM
turning the electric wire into a snake, sending it on @Dro
bites the snake, kills it
Casting Lighting Storm inside the truck
okay i need to do a rant
@berserk did you play CoK?
8:27 AM
@DroidDev cock?? :D
@DroidDev umm.. just installed
Error uploading file. MY ASS
Will play soon :P
8:27 AM
lol poor poor @Clem
Need help with your ass, @Clem? :P
@ShadowWizard @berserk loves playing with those?
@DroidDev dunno, ask him :D
are you @nef all of a sudden @Sha ?
are you @Sef all of a sudden @nha?
8:28 AM
@berserk -_-
I am playing 3 games curerntly.
Will start soon :P
@ClemensHimmer impossible, but maybe I'm @ref
@berserk are those pings actually meant to ping someone?
@berserk which ones?
@DroidDev -_-
@DroidDev not telling, or you will kill me by laughing :/
@ClemensHimmer oh, and I don't think @nef is interested in your ass... more likely the opposite part. :-P
8:30 AM
@berserk pleaseeeeeeee.....
okay, I know I will regret this, but here it is:
Yu-gi-oh, Pokemon TCG, CoC
@berserk seriously? ('._.)
killing @ber by laughing
yeah T.T
@berserk how old you actually are?
8:31 AM
Younger than @Uni...
24 :/
@berserk you are actually nearly 2 years older than me and I am having serious doubts here, if you really grew up or did you just aged :/
\: 42
@DroidDev Growing old is a trap!
>>flip {{read 4657839}}
8:34 AM
@ShadowWizard (ง๑ل͜^)ง︵/: ㄣᄅ
@ShadowWizard Can't be a coincidence...
tru dat
@ber is the opposite answer to Life, Universe, and all the rest.
@berserk your dick doesn't get that hard when you are a kid. Growing old actually is better in some ways :P
@DroidDev umm.... I beg to differ!
@DroidDev Upto a point :P
@ShadowWizard ED? :P
8:36 AM
@berserk Eternal Data?
@berserk Estimated Dwarves?
@berserk Exceptional Dick?
Anyway @Dro the first part of your sentence is wrong. Probably you forgot, I did too, but my son keeps proving this wrong, quite often. :-O
8:40 AM
@ShadowWizard car riding lol
@ShadowWizard umm....I'd say that those are not sexual arousals. What I know of his age, he don't even notice when it does get hard
@DroidDev oh boy the conversations
@ClemensHimmer haha, I was thinking the same. These messages should be bookmarked as "Realizations"
@ClemensHimmer exactly!
just had a glass of milk, that actually was Ghota and now we wait what will happen in office next ;)
8:47 AM
@DroidDev lol, of course! He usually says it's "broken" when it happens. but still... technically speaking, it's just hard. :D
@DroidDev hmm? What's a "Ghota"?
@ShadowWizard do you remember, when you were kid, and it used to get hard?
@ShadowWizard click the link within message
@DroidDev and i get my cussing messages delete, while you boys discuss about preteen erections oO
@DroidDev not really, guess because it wasn't sexual at all, just something that happens. First memories are from the time it did become sexual. :D
@ShadowWizard Like morning wood?
@ClemensHimmer lol, life ain't fair!
8:50 AM
@ShadowWizard exactly. So, my statement can be politically correct :P
@ShadowWizard absolutely! i have to work on node.js fileuploads, somone must have cursed me..
@DroidDev I did, it doesn't explain what a Ghota is, too lazy to read it all though
@ClemensHimmer switch to .NET it got super-easy file upload :D
@ShadowWizard it is just a shake of various things like weed paste, charas etc, used to get you high cc @ClemensHimmer
@ShadowWizard no
@FOX9000 !delete!
@DroidDev dat explanation LOL
shake LMAO
8:52 AM
@berserk you mean my first memories? Nope.
@berserk Latest 10 words: impediment, no, laugh, lol, silken, cord, chord, mute, kick, crap
@DroidDev oh boy, so ... something like lean? lol
@ClemensHimmer lol, from that, I remember, last night I had to delete my chat on facebook with @ShadowWizard because my girlfriend demanded my fb password :/ cc @ClemensHimmer
@FOX9000 sex
8:52 AM
@berserk organ
@DroidDev LOL.... so you're high already? ;)
@ShadowWizard kinda.....sorta.....
@ClemensHimmer yup, but this one's all natural and organic ;)
@DroidDev WHAAT? Tell her it's private.... but guess it's too late. :/
@DroidDev lol wtf
i'd straight up break up
umm... @ber you replied to a message from 2014
Sep 29 '14 at 16:51, by FOX 9000
@lostsock impediment
8:54 AM
@ShadowWizard lel, nothing that private in it, apart from our chat and some other things. I didn't even change my avatar on it since 2010. So, I just gave her the password (after deleting our chat) cc @ClemensHimmer
@ShadowWizard bwahahaha i just checked, wtf @ber
That could have... interesting... results... in stats... but prefer not to try
@ShadowWizard LMAO
8:55 AM
@DroidDev oh, so no nude pics? :D
@ShadowWizard lol, no
good boy @Dro :DD
oh, and that thing can also be used as emotional blackmail in future @ShadowWizard @ClemensHimmer
I think I have one single NSFW pic somewhere... not sure if on FB though.
I was in a Jacuzzi and my gf took a picture.
and guess what....I gave her only my password, but not the id, with which I log into facebook
8:57 AM
@DroidDev isn't it the email used as id?
@DroidDev hugh? what thing?
@ShadowWizard I have lots of emails, and she doesn't know which one I use for fb ;)
@ClemensHimmer ummmm....nothing
@DroidDev oh lol, poor gf....
@ShadowWizard hehe, I am just waiting on how much time it takes her to realise that ;)
8:59 AM
depends on how smart she is, I guess... :D
@ShadowWizard we'll see ;)
oh boy my tooth is fucked up :|
oh boy this is not gonna be funny
@FOX9000 song
@DroidDev plaintive
revives long lost chain, while he is high
@FOX9000 plant
9:03 AM
@DroidDev maize
@FOX9000 maze
@DroidDev ra
@Dro you missed two words.... this was the real last word. :(
@DroidDev i'd really like to know how high you are
9:04 AM
@ShadowWizard whoops lol
@ClemensHimmer not much yet. This thing hits slowly and effects last long (upto 24 hours and sometimes even more)
@ClemensHimmer I was just trying to fix :/
@ShadowWizard side-effects of that drink, I'd say
@berserk yeah, BIG whooops :D
@DroidDev lol, yeah... but still, impressive :D
@FOX9000 sun
@ShadowWizard solstice
9:06 AM
@berserk and failed horribly :)
@ClemensHimmer lol, better than nothing though.... ;)
At least some people try.... glares at @Clem :D
@ShadowWizard it's a no from me, boy it was outstandingly bad :D
sees @Sha glaring meh
9:08 AM
throwing meh on @Clem
okay okay yay fileupload kinda works, now to the part where there are no filetypes..????????
@rene your ultra SEDE skills are required..... meta.stackexchange.com/questions/276551/… ;)
9:35 AM
@ShadowWizard wtf is that? some dungeon and dragons stuff?
@ClemensHimmer yup. Didn't play since I was a teenager so not up to date with it, I was just fixing the grammar. :)
9:57 AM
@ShadowWizard one of my nerdy friends asked me to play some lol :D
oh @Sha just read WA, you have any idea how to save uploaded files, failing at mime types, i can save them, but i can't get to save em with extentions
app.post(APIpath + "file",function(req,res){
    var storage = multer.diskStorage({
        destination: function (req, file, cb) {
            cb(null, absoluteServePath+ "/" + config.filePath)
        filename: function (req, file, cb) {
            crypto.pseudoRandomBytes(16, function (err, raw) {
                cb(null, raw.toString('hex') + Date.now() + '.' + mime.lookup(file.mimetype));
    var upload = multer({ storage : storage}).single('userFile');
10:13 AM
Why is it that lifehack is still beta @Mooseman?
I think I know the ans.
Coz hacking is illegal?
LH is still pretty new
Some sites are in beta for 5+ years.
beta? 5 years? wat

Beta Q&A site for parents, grandparents, nannies and others with a parenting role.

Currently in public beta.

Will be 5 years in a month.
Think there are others which are in beta even more.
damn i hacked that fileupload
but i did it
proceedes to never look back at his past coding sins
10:24 AM
Huh! That code I mentioned in WA isn't my own. I assumed it's using node.js but turns out it's plain JS. LOL
Using HTML5 File API.
ooh okay lol
i just hacked that bs with:
filename: function (req, file, cb) {
    cb(null, file.originalname);
So you're on your own, glad you did it!
@ClemensHimmer what did you tell that friend who asked you to play D&D with him? ;)
@ShadowWizard i was kinda confused..prolly not playing
maybe someday, i'm going to work with him from august away, soooo yea social stuff and so ^^
i know him for 5 years already but hey i'll see him everyday :D
Nice, have fun! ;)
wondering if @nef also want to have Role Playing Games with @Clem
i feel sexualized ;(
10:29 AM
Your fault! (I think... maybe my fault? ;))
sexualizing self
Can one sexually harass himself?
10:43 AM
@FOX9000 justice
@ShadowWizard jurist
@FOX9000 tourist
@ShadowWizard seeker
@FOX9000 licker
No associated word found for licker.
10:44 AM
@ShadowWizard sticker
@DroidDev windshield
>>link licker ice_cream
@ShadowWizard Link added.
@ShadowWizard considering to feminazis probably
10:45 AM
@ShadowWizard Explanation added.
@ClemensHimmer haha, lol
@DroidDev sticky
@ShadowWizard sap
@FOX9000 lap
@ShadowWizard pussy
10:46 AM
@ShadowWizard well feminazis and their opressive rape culture and all.. it's really ridiculous lol
@FOX9000 cat
@ShadowWizard canary
@ClemensHimmer well, on the other hand, it does help to reduce the amount of real harassments. Men now fear to do any action...
00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 00:00

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