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12:00 PM
!!/eval ‮1 + 1
@ShadowWizard eval('‮1 + 1') is invalid!
Cryptic letters...
!!/kill @Mooseman
@ShadowWizard @Mooseman has been entered into a Death Note
12:01 PM
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica Unicode isn't too much of a problem unless you have to switch encodings, which isn't necessary to post in chat. It's only necessary when you print to the console, because Python's print method doesn't like Unicode.
Yes @Sha?
!!/eval 1 + 1
@ProgramFOX Python result for eval('1 + 1'): 2
!!/eval string.printable
@ProgramFOX eval('string.printable') is invalid!
Blocks reading of variables
12:02 PM
Security measures, @Uni? ^ :P
Otherwise you can do this:
!!/eval os.environ["ChatExchangeP"]
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica eval('os.environ["ChatExchangeP"]') is invalid!
And ChatExchangeU, but that's less important.
And I'm dead
!!/eval 1+1
@ProgramFOX Python result for eval('1+1'): 2
!!/eval True
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica eval('True') is invalid!
12:04 PM
!!/eval __import__("string").printable
@ProgramFOX eval('__import__("string").printable') is invalid!
Also can't import things
Also massive rate limiting, so stop running bot
!!/eval self
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica D:
12:05 PM
@ProgramFOX eval('self') is invalid!
Now it's 17 seconds max
oh woah, then I'll wait a bit before using it again
40 secs ago, by United States Of America
Also massive rate limiting, so stop running bot
When will it be back?
12:06 PM
Just wondering
Does smokey have rate limiting?
And you can use it now
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica Sure it has, but ChatExchange handles rate limiting very well.
!!/eval 1+1
@ProgramFOX Python result for eval('1+1'): 2
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica "it" means your bot, not? :P
Because I've seen smokey post 3 - 5 messages in a row non stop
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica Definitely not non-stop.
!!/eval while 1==1: pass
12:07 PM
@ProgramFOX eval('while 1==1: pass') is invalid!
ouch :P
When spam is very bad
still rate-limited then
@ProgramFOX yes
> @ProgramFOX yes - You can perform this action again in 17 seconds - retry / edit / cancel
>>cat 1
>>cat 2
12:08 PM
@ShadowWizard 1
>>cat 4
>>cat 5
@ShadowWizard 2
>>cat 3
@ShadowWizard 4
@ShadowWizard 5
@ShadowWizard 3
yup, not non-stop but not 17 seconds either
@Uni I think if you ignore rate limit warning and try to post again anyway, you're being punished
Is this correct, @Pro?
12:09 PM
I'm running a bot on my account
So what do you think?
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica not really relevant
hmm... reached only 6 seconds punishment, not 17. Weird.
@FOX9000 statement
@ShadowWizard incriminating
!!/eval py 1 + 1
I keep leaving the den for no reason
@Sha did you kick?
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica nope. You get special message when kicked
Super rate limiting causes kicks?
12:15 PM
Maybe since you try to post so much, chat throws you out
yeah, might be secret anti-spam weapon
!!/eval py 1+1
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica Python result for eval('1+1'): 2
!!/eval js 1+1
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica JS eval is WIP, hold on!
!!/eval lolcode 1+1
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica Unknown command
!!/eval py 1-1
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica Python result for eval('1-1'): 0
!!/eval shadow_lang 1 + 1
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica Wat lang?
!!/eval js 1 * 1
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica JS eval is WIP, hold on!
You guys go have fun, I'm gonna do other things
!!/eval 1+1
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica Unknown command
!!/eval js 0 / 0
@ShadowWizard JS eval is WIP, hold on!
12:20 PM
!!/eval py 0 / 0
@ShadowWizard eval('py') is invalid!
@ShadowWizard Nope, not correct. When I get a rate limit message, I just click "retry" like crazy until the time is over; no punishments there.
!!/eval 1+1
@ProgramFOX Unknown command
must specify language
12:20 PM
@ProgramFOX so how you explain the 17 seconds poor @Uni is getting?
!!/eval py 1-1
@ShadowWizard He posted a lot of messages in a short timespan.
@ProgramFOX Python result for eval('1-1'): 0
!!/eval py 0/0
12:21 PM
@ShadowWizard eval('py') is invalid!
!!/eval py 0 / 0
no division?
@ProgramFOX eval('py') is invalid!
12:21 PM
I thought it was some Unicode trick, but no.
I guess eval throws an exception because of the division by 0.
@ProgramFOX nah, not this time ;)
Btw @Uni, how does your protection system work? It looks pretty powerful.
12:22 PM
!!/eval py parseInt('20')
Didn't update error part when I put in multi languages
@ShadowWizard eval('py') is invalid!
@ProgramFOX vv
@ShadowWizard (┛^ਊ^)╯︵ʌʌ
oh dang edited
                message.message.reply("Python result for `eval('" + eval_regex[2] + "')`: `" + str(eval(eval_regex[2],
                                                                                                    "__builtins__": None},
                                                                                                {"": ""})) + "`")
12:23 PM
dat formatting
(づ^ل͜^)┛︵(„`„ + (({„„ :„„}
'{ǝuoN :„‾‾suᴉʇןᴉnq‾‾„
'[ᄅ]xǝƃǝɹ‾ןɐʌǝ)ןɐʌǝ)ɹʇs + „` :`(,„ + [ᄅ]xǝƃǝɹ‾ןɐʌǝ + „,)ןɐʌǝ` ɹoɟ ʇןnsǝɹ uoɥʇʎԀ„)ʎןdǝɹ˙ǝƃɐssǝɯ˙ǝƃɐssǝɯ
So you set __builtins__ to None, @Uni? Cool!
>>flip ‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‌​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​
@ShadowWizard (╯ಥʖಠ)╯︵​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮‌​​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮
12:25 PM
!!/eval py sin(1)
@ProgramFOX eval('sin(1)') is invalid!
!!/eval py len("hello")
@ProgramFOX eval('len("hello")') is invalid!
!!/eval py 2**3
@ProgramFOX Python result for eval('2**3'): 8
@ProgramFOX Unknown command
12:26 PM
!!/eval py a+b
!!/eval py "()"*8**5
@ShadowWizard eval('a+b') is invalid!
@Pro "**" is the power operator in python?
!!/eval 1+1
@ProgramFOX Unknown command
12:27 PM
Aww, the bot's still alive. It didn't reply to me so I thought it was dead :(
@ShadowWizard Unknown command
I'm a Certified Bot Killer. Beware me!
!!/eval "()"*8**5
@ProgramFOX Unknown command
ugh, forgot lang
!!/eval py "()"*8**5
12:28 PM
Oh, it just throws a RuntimeError. I guess that somehow gets handled well by eval.
@ProgramFOX Unknown command
^ yup
!!/kill !!/eval py 1+1
@ShadowWizard A noose appeared around @!!/evalpy1+1's neck and he tripped and fell off a cliff
12:30 PM
!!/eval py eval('1+1')
@ProgramFOX eval('eval(\'1+1\')') is invalid!
!!/kill ‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‌​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​‮​​​
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica Is the bot open-source, btw?
@ProgramFOX yep
oh, cool!
where is it?
12:31 PM
Docs is very bad
lol, I can read Python so I don't need many docs :P
Everything needs cleanup
> inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M poured trifluoromethanesulfonic acid on $1
Lemme find the message discussing what acid
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica Where is the eval function in the source?
12:33 PM
Not updated yet
lemme update
... you pinged a random @Pro in your commit message
Anyone wants their eyes and screen to break?
@ProgramFOX LMAO
!!/eval Wat
@ProgramFOX Unknown command
!!/delete 3983884
12:35 PM
Everyone controls me... :(
make that thingy privileged
Restricts delete to me
And some others
300+ rep to nominate yourself
!!/delete 3983894
12:36 PM
150+ rep to vote
!!/eval 𐒢
Stopped bot until I fix !!/delete
12:37 PM
Personally it doesn't matter much for me if I can delete or not, your decision
Me too ^
Who's ProgramFox? I only know ProgramFOX.
whatever :P
12:40 PM
People vote me
You know you can choose a few?
Just add you for the moment, @Uni, and add other people later. Me wants bot! :P
lol nice poll app, some cool polls in there ;)
and of course, stuff like this... (@Dro would love it, @Uni would blech over it, LOL)
12:45 PM
Hides from sick stuff
you started it! ;)
12:46 PM
@ProgramFOX Unknown command
!!/delete 3983932
Try it @Sha
!!/eval [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[‌​[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[‌​[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]‌​]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]‌​]]]]]]]]]]]
@ProgramFOX Unknown command
!!/eval py [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[‌​[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[‌​[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]‌​]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]‌​]]]]]]]]]]]
I wonder why 17 has more than the rest... ?? (I would expect all to just pick the longest :))
12:47 PM
@ProgramFOX eval('[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[‌​[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[‌​[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]‌​]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]‌​]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]') is invalid!
!!/eval py "abc"
@ProgramFOX Python result for eval('"abc"'): abc
!!/eval py 5*5
@ShadowWizard Python result for eval('5*5'): 25
!!/delete 3983943
!!/eval py !5
!!/eval py 5!
12:48 PM
> << s_push: parser stack overflow
ERROR:root:Attempt 1: denied: unknown reason u'You can only delete your own messages'
ERROR:root:Attempt 2: denied: unknown reason u'You can only delete your own messages'
ERROR:root:Attempt 3: denied: unknown reason u'You can only delete your own messages'
ERROR:root:Attempt 4: denied: unknown reason u'You can only delete your own messages'
ERROR:root:Attempt 5: denied: unknown reason u'You can only delete your own messages'
Exception in thread message_sender:
> ChatActionError: 5 failed attempts to do chat action. Unknown reason: You can only delete your own messages
because that, duh
12:49 PM
you tried to delete my message!
2 mins ago, by Shadow Wizard
!!/eval py 5*5
@ProgramFOX I'm not alive
12:50 PM
@ShadowWizard Yes
We can haz bot?
this reminds me, when driving with both kids, the son usually falls asleep quickly. Then the daughter asks him "Are you asleep?"
I'm fixing it now, so not yet
Just so you know, you cannot try-catch a ChatActionError because it's in a different thread. Instead, check that the message is yours. cc @UnitedStatesOfAmerica
12:52 PM
One day I need to make a Python OptionReader
Don't hardcode values
!!/delete 3983970
@UnitedStatesOfAmerica Unknown command
Should be separate if check
!!/eval py !5
@ShadowWizard eval('!5') is invalid!
!!/eval py 5!
@ShadowWizard eval('5!') is invalid!
!!/eval py 5*4*3*2*1
12:55 PM
@ShadowWizard Python result for eval('5*4*3*2*1'): 120
!!/eval py 120%10
!!/delete 3983983
Was it killed by my modulo?
12:56 PM
Restarting it
Shouldn't be
Hello testing
@ShadowWizard Unknown command
Terminal chat works
!!/eval py 120%10
@ShadowWizard Python result for eval('120%10'): 0
12:57 PM
!!/delete 3983983
!!/eval py 1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*‌​1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1‌​*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*‌​1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1*1
looks like delete still kills it
@Uni If you were trying to catch the error, you probably missed @Pro's tip
7 mins ago, by ProgramFOX
Just so you know, you cannot try-catch a ChatActionError because it's in a different thread. Instead, check that the message is yours. cc @UnitedStatesOfAmerica

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