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4:20 AM
@ShadowWizard vampire
1 hour later…
5:45 AM
@SilentKiller sucking
@ShadowWizard blood
thank god @dro is not here right now else answer must be the ever green WAG word. :P
@SilentKiller wound :(
@SilentKiller lol!
6:04 AM
@SilentKiller well...talk of the devil and you should know that I have reputation of turning any world into NSFW...so...here goes...
@ShadowWizard virginity
you know, when girls loose their virginity, there is a wound at a certain place
@DroidDev purity ;)
and you too about me... xD
just installed stackexchange on my android
@SilentKiller Reverse Osmosis
@DroidDev technology
6:12 AM
@SilentKiller terminator
@DroidDev Skynet
@SilentKiller virus
@SilentKiller girlfriend
@Dro didn;t read that one.
@DroidDev none ;)
6:21 AM
@SilentKiller wanted
6:51 AM
@DroidDev not exactly wound but yeah, see what you mean. ;)
@DroidDev cool, same here!:)
@ShadowWizard though, I am not sure what I am gonna use it for :/
meanwhile, facebook messenger is just too awesome on Android
do you have any idea how they made it so @Sil ?
@SilentKiller actor
7:08 AM
@DroidDev Floating Window.
around 2 year old concept but its yet not so famous.
@SilentKiller is it something default in android or did somebody made a library for it?
@DroidDev library
@SilentKiller of-course, google could never innovate something like that ;)
7:23 AM
@DroidDev actress
@SilentKiller boobs
@Shadow ^
@DroidDev stupid. :P
@SilentKiller sir :P
@DroidDev you ;)
@SilentKiller cool :p
7:26 AM
@DroidDev myth
@SilentKiller famous last words :P
that's a WAG reply
1 hour later…
8:37 AM
@DroidDev well, you can read, write, post comments, etc.
@DroidDev lol, nicely done! :D
8:55 AM
@DroidDev Murphy Law
@ShadowWizard Legend of Equestria
@SPArchaeologist Hide & Seek
@ShadowWizard biscuits
@SilentKiller actually, the prize was a cupcake
9:35 AM
@SilentKiller muffin
@SPArchaeologist steal
10:02 AM
@ShadowWizard well..I wasn't able to figure out chat from app, so here I am :/
@ShadowWizard what if I told you it was a trap? :D
@DroidDev oh, no chat in app - only in browser.
@DroidDev booby trap? :D
2 hours later…
11:54 AM
@ShadowWizard my girl
So I come in here for the first time and see a link to a One Direction song. What a welcome. :p
btw Welcome Mooseman. ;)
@Mooseman welcome! there are great many links, images, and words... :D
oh this reminds me, have to run stats tonight or else @Pro will smack me :D
@ShadowWizard ...and quite a few to the contrary xD
My bot is on btw
@Mooseman wondering what is contrary to links, images, and words
11:57 AM
@ShadowWizard Contrary to great lol
@Mooseman SHOG!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!1!!!!
So you're not afraid of @Shog anymore? ;)
11:58 AM
My switch got botched
@Mooseman you want to play WAG?
@SilentKiller One Direction
@Mooseman Word Association Game
@ShadowWizard @Mooseman and ponies. You forgot the ponies.
12:00 PM
This could be fun with the bot...
@SPArchaeologist It works. Ping me.
@Mooseman so just reply to this with some related word of yours. Can be almost anything. (word, phrase, name, etc)
Gullibility is a failure of social intelligence in which a person is easily tricked or manipulated into an ill-advised course of action. It is closely related to credulity, which is the tendency to believe unlikely propositions that are unsupported by evidence. Classes of people especially vulnerable to exploitation due to gullibility include children, the elderly, and the developmentally disabled. == Meaning == The words gullible and credulous are commonly used as synonyms. Goepp & Kay (1984) state that while both words mean "unduly trusting or confiding", gullibility stresses being duped or made...
@ShadowWizard Evil
@SPArchaeologist 'ponies donuts' will produce a desirable output for you.
12:02 PM
@Mooseman I follow the Tavern, you know....
@Mooseman beholder
@ShadowWizard observer
My favorite creature as a DM. So efficient.
@SilentKiller sniper
@SPArchaeologist creeper
12:05 PM
@SPArchaeologist in the upcoming stats I plan to add something you would like, so keep an open eye ;)
@Mooseman ponies donuts
(@Dro and @ber aren't going to like it though)
@SilentKiller best
@Mooseman lol, I thought you couldn't trigger yourself! :P
12:06 PM
@Mooseman movie
@ShadowWizard manual override :p
@SilentKiller popcorn
@Mooseman Discord
@Mooseman cheating!! :D
@SPArchaeologist conflict
@SilentKiller poison
@ShadowWizard Yup! :D
12:08 PM
@Mooseman unicorn unicorn
@ShadowWizard Unicornification is unavailable for absent or non-existent users.
@Mooseman unicorn SilentKiller
lols whats that. :P
12:08 PM
your new avatar ;)
nooooooooo...... :P
Based off the hash of your name though because you don't use gravatar :p
too late @Sil you have been Unicornified :D
@SilentKiller vines
@Mooseman veins
12:10 PM
@ShadowWizard blood
@Mooseman vampire
Déjà vu
@SilentKiller bat
@Mooseman Flutterbat
12:11 PM
@Mooseman baseball
@ShadowWizard stadium
@Mooseman cricket
@SilentKiller badge
@Mooseman in case of conflict like above, last word wins, except in the case of the WAG bot (FOX9000)
12:12 PM
@SPArchaeologist brooch
@SilentKiller sharp
@Mooseman C
12:13 PM
@Mooseman nails
@SilentKiller roof
@Mooseman ceiling
@SilentKiller floor
@ShadowWizard second
@SilentKiller third
12:16 PM
@Mooseman eye
@SilentKiller nose
@Mooseman involvement
@SilentKiller pizza
@Mooseman another important and simple rule of WAG, same word can be "reused" after 10 other words, but not before. :)
@Mooseman turtle
12:19 PM
@SPArchaeologist ninja
@ShadowWizard Good to know, fair enough, lol, ok
@ShadowWizard assassin
@Mooseman Altair
@SPArchaeologist Altar
@ShadowWizard shrine
@SPArchaeologist reflective
12:22 PM
@Mooseman mirror
nice edit @Mooseman, the stats collect YouTube links by the way :)
> Shadow Wizard posted 78 links to YouTube, out of 165 YouTube links in total
@Mooseman Killers and Thieves (album name)
12:40 PM
@ShadowWizard this means that you are stuck reviewing the links?
@ShadowWizard Wizard & Warriors
1:02 PM
@ShadowWizard :D
@SPArchaeologist game
@SPArchaeologist nope, just counting them, no review in the process.
@SilentKiller RPG
@ShadowWizard Steam
1:14 PM
wrong reply @Mooseman
can you still edit?
@ShadowWizard Nope. I could if we were on chat.se. :/ Should I repost?
@Mooseman yup, just reply again, this time to correct message - no harm done. :)
@ShadowWizard Steam
@Mooseman Valve
@ShadowWizard Engine
1:24 PM
@Mooseman Jet
@SPArchaeologist Marshmallows
@Mooseman Everest (she just love eating Marshmallows ;))
@Mooseman one more thing, we can add "comments" to word by using brackets - both the stats and the bot know to ignore it so it's safe. :)
@ShadowWizard Yeti
@ShadowWizard Ah.... [like this, right?]
@Mooseman nope, only (those brackets) :)
square brackets would be considered part of the word by stats, and bork the bot. (guess it can be changed though :))
@Mooseman Magazine
@ShadowWizard Regex FTW xD
@ShadowWizard Newspaper
^^ That'd need a Wikipedia article in the not-too-distant future
1:40 PM
@Mooseman no regex in my stats, @Pro does use them though :)
@Mooseman toilet paper :D
@ShadowWizard Halloween
@Mooseman pranks
@ShadowWizard planking
@Mooseman plucking
2:19 PM
@ShadowWizard chickens
@Mooseman Chickenpox
@Mooseman bot might be arriving soon (FOX9000), you know about it? :)
@ShadowWizard Death
@ShadowWizard Nope
hah, it works for edits too!
@ShadowWizard That is an intended feature xD
@ShadowWizard I know of it, but not about it, no.
@Mooseman yup, very useful ;)
@Mooseman Adder
2:25 PM
@ShadowWizard Slime
@Mooseman well, it listens to all messages and when it detects a valid WAG word which is reply to someone else, it post a WAG reply of its own, taken by screenscraping from external website
valid WAG word for the bot is a single word, English letters only. No spaces.
@ShadowWizard So that's why FOX9000 is winning in the charts... :p
It knows to detect and parse links (taking only the text) and knows to ignore brackets and smileys. :)
@Mooseman yeah, people love to "take the bot for a ride", one on one WAG session. @Frank holds an unbreakable record of 900 words in one day, most of them with the bot - you can see the spike in the Charts.
@ShadowWizard Nice...
@ShadowWizard Saw that lol
@Mooseman disgusting
2:37 PM
@ShadowWizard Sick
Hey, @Mooseman joined us! :D
Bot started with waiting time set to 5 seconds.
@ShadowWizard fucking
2:46 PM
what an entrance!
@Mooseman ^ That's the bot Sha already told you about ;)
@FOX9000 loving
@ShadowWizard spouse
@FOX9000 marriage
2:49 PM
@Mooseman valid
By the way @Mooseman, if you want to change the delay time of the bot to reply, run the command >>time new_delay_time_in_seconds
@ProgramFOX Good to know
@FOX9000 invalid
@Mooseman england
2:50 PM
@FOX9000 fish and chips
Yes, some of the replies are weird :p
@Mooseman yum
@ProgramFOX taste
@FOX9000 lick :D
@ShadowWizard fingertip
@FOX9000 fingernail
2:52 PM
@ShadowWizard clean
@FOX9000 smooth
@ShadowWizard thigh
@FOX9000 chicken
@Mooseman jelly
@FOX9000 belly
2:54 PM
@ShadowWizard bowel
@FOX9000 movement
@ShadowWizard offensive
hi @ProgramFOX
@FOX9000 flag
@ShadowWizard medal
2:58 PM
@FOX9000 honor
@ShadowWizard astrogator

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