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7:55 AM
@MysticMagic well, top of one board, to be on top of the overall Leaderboard to have to play much more ;)
@ProgramFOX "they"... ?
1 hour later…
9:18 AM
@ShadowWizard money
@ShadowWizard :D
@ShadowWizard Singular they, used if you don't know the gender.
@ProgramFOX "She" :P I am only 1 person :D
@MysticMagic I couldn't know that, so I just said "they" :)
Oh ok.. singular they.. heard first time, so :)
@ProgramFOX oh, that's smart! ;)
9:20 AM
@ShadowWizard Never seen it before?
@MysticMagic dollar
@ShadowWizard Rupees
@ProgramFOX think I've heard about it, but personally don't like using it because... dunno, doesn't sound right
Bot started with waiting time set to 0 seconds.
I use s/he :P
9:21 AM
me too ^
@ShadowWizard True, but it is worse to use "he" for a "she".
or the full form he/she actually
@ProgramFOX or "she" for "he" in case of poor @rene :D
@ShadowWizard :D
@ProgramFOX lol. I am glad you didn't use "He". really!!
>>time 20
9:22 AM
@ProgramFOX Waiting time set to 20 seconds.
@MysticMagic currency
@ProgramFOX monetary
@FOX9000 transaction
@MysticMagic broker
@FOX9000 shares
9:25 AM
@MysticMagic earldom
@FOX9000 earl
@MysticMagic halifax
@FOX9000 Canada
@ShadowWizard seaboard
@FOX9000 seagull
9:30 AM
@ShadowWizard sea
@FOX9000 beach
@ShadowWizard shore
I have been mentioned here?
@FOX9000 line
@rene authorize
@FOX9000 deny
9:43 AM
@rene inference
9:56 AM
@rene yes indeed
@FOX9000 inferior (not you of course)
@ShadowWizard deity
@FOX9000 superior
@ShadowWizard judgment
@FOX9000 heaven
@ShadowWizard sainted
10:20 AM
Got to go for a few hours. I'll keep the bot turned on. (unless someone shuts down the network, like a few weeks before)
@ProgramFOX thanks! :)
10:51 AM
@FOX9000 church
@ShadowWizard altar
11:05 AM
@FOX9000 marriage
@rene consent
11:39 AM
@FOX9000 content
@ShadowWizard suitcase
@FOX9000 luggage
@ShadowWizard carriage
@FOX9000 return (CR)
@ShadowWizard turin
12:22 PM
@FOX9000 Turing
No associated word found for Turing.
>>link Turing machine
@ShadowWizard Link added.
>>reply recent
@ShadowWizard machine
1:19 PM
I'm back!
@ProgramFOX welcome back! :)
@FOX9000 learning
@FOX9000 code
@ProgramFOX radio
@FOX9000 music
@ProgramFOX concerto
1:33 PM
@FOX9000 cacophony
@ShadowWizard engine
@FOX9000 Infinite Improbability Drive
sorry bot, you can't answer this one :(
1:47 PM
@ShadowWizard finite
@MysticMagic perception
@FOX9000 thought
@MysticMagic transference
@FOX9000 shift
@MysticMagic creak
1:49 PM
@FOX9000 sound
@MysticMagic loud
@FOX9000 noise
@MysticMagic clicking
@FOX9000 mouse
@MysticMagic vole
1:51 PM
@FOX9000 small
@MysticMagic caliber
@FOX9000 capacity
@MysticMagic decrease
@FOX9000 increase
@MysticMagic proportional
1:53 PM
@FOX9000 ratio
@MysticMagic series
@FOX9000 alone
@MysticMagic long
@FOX9000 short
@MysticMagic baggy
1:56 PM
@FOX9000 laggy
@ShadowWizard delay
@MysticMagic delayed
@FOX9000 paused
@ShadowWizard resume
@MysticMagic gideon
1:59 PM
@FOX9000 warrior
@MysticMagic redoubtable
@FOX9000 trust
@MysticMagic almighty
@FOX9000 strong
@MysticMagic incomparably
2:01 PM
@FOX9000 comparison
@MysticMagic declension
@FOX9000 reject
@MysticMagic constitutional
@FOX9000 law
@MysticMagic lynch
2:04 PM
@FOX9000 David
@MysticMagic israeli
@FOX9000 desert
@MysticMagic manna
@FOX9000 Allah
@MysticMagic islam
2:07 PM
@FOX9000 religion
@MysticMagic dominant
@FOX9000 point of view
@FOX9000 Alpha (male)
@ShadowWizard Beta
@rene testing :P
2:08 PM
@MysticMagic bugs
@rene feature
@MysticMagic requirement
@rene frozen
@MysticMagic Disney
@rene kid
2:09 PM
@MysticMagic adult
@rene elder
@MysticMagic granddad
@MysticMagic exhort
@rene great
@FOX9000 force
@MysticMagic power
2:11 PM
@rene misuse
@MysticMagic artifact
@MysticMagic abuse
@FOX9000 history
oops.. need to consider last
@ShadowWizard crime
@MysticMagic mediaeval
@MysticMagic larceny
@FOX9000 theft
2:13 PM
@MysticMagic fornication
@FOX9000 emotion
@MysticMagic aspiration
@FOX9000 inspiration
@ShadowWizard phasis
2:26 PM
No associated word found for Poti.
@ShadowWizard city
@MysticMagic oklahoma
>>link Poti Georgia
@ShadowWizard Link added.
@FOX9000 capital
2:27 PM
@FOX9000 University
@ShadowWizard columbia
@FOX9000 America
@FOX9000 colombian
eh, too fast D:
@ShadowWizard canal
2:28 PM
@FOX9000 root (root canal treatment)
@MysticMagic yam
@FOX9000 food
@MysticMagic vegetarian
@FOX9000 cannibal
@MysticMagic pa
2:31 PM
@FOX9000 movie
bot can't parse links with brackets
oh okay :)
@MysticMagic scary
@ShadowWizard ghost
@MysticMagic Halloween
2:35 PM
@ShadowWizard october
@FOX9000 month
@MysticMagic salary
@FOX9000 hike
@MysticMagic skirt
@FOX9000 clothes
2:37 PM
@MysticMagic washing
@FOX9000 machine
@MysticMagic processing
@FOX9000 lengthy
@MysticMagic launch
@FOX9000 product
2:39 PM
@MysticMagic production
@FOX9000 staging
@FOX9000 engineer
@MysticMagic railway
@FOX9000 station
@MysticMagic bus
2:41 PM
@ShadowWizard driver
@ShadowWizard driver
@MysticMagic brake
@TGMCians hansom
@FOX9000 gear
@FOX9000 attractive
2:42 PM
@TGMCians softness
@FOX9000 smooth
@MysticMagic hard
@TGMCians wood
@MysticMagic tree
@MysticMagic sierra
@TGMCians planting
2:44 PM
@FOX9000 green
@FOX9000 seed
@TGMCians perennial
@FOX9000 endless
@MysticMagic color
@TGMCians variegated
Wait, are we continuing two chains?
2:46 PM
No we can't stop
@FOX9000 rainbow
@TGMCians lunar
@FOX9000 eclipse
@MysticMagic moon
@ProgramFOX no.. but may be confusion :)
@TGMCians night
@MysticMagic day
2:49 PM
@MysticMagic daylight
@FOX9000 sunlight
@TGMCians energy
@MysticMagic zeal
@MysticMagic sap
@TGMCians detestation
@FOX9000 hate
2:51 PM
hmm.... might be broken, worst case I'll patch it up manually when building stats
@TGMCians malevolence
@FOX9000 violence
@ShadowWizard anarchist
@ShadowWizard Why not moving the messages that broke the chain to the sandbox?
@ProgramFOX :(
2:58 PM
@TGMCians What's wrong with it?
Ah I misunderstood. gotcha :)
@ProgramFOX won't help, the stats go upwards only starting from most recent word. In case of two "branches" like we got here, one of the branches will just stay out of the stats
let me see...
Some of @TGMCians words are zombies, but no big deal, no chain break as far as I can see :)
@FOX9000 government
@ShadowWizard If you move all chain-breaking words of the last few hours, you won't have that problem.
@ShadowWizard indemnity
3:09 PM
@ProgramFOX we got only few, unless I miss something? And the stats just ignore anything that is not inside the chain, so moving posts isn't relevant for stats :)
@ShadowWizard Ah, I thought it was important for the stats.
Nevermind then.
@ProgramFOX the two chains you mean started here?
A few messages after your link.
oh.... anyway nothing I can do now - some words will just be lost for the stats.
(no chain breaks since everything was in reply to WAG after all :))
@FOX9000 compensation
Anyway as always, it's @rene fault! :D
@ShadowWizard marital
3:14 PM
@ShadowWizard sure
>>delete 2664366
faster than me @ProgramFOX!
@FOX9000 arts
@ShadowWizard sculpture
3:15 PM
@FOX9000 sand
@rene expanse
@FOX9000 expansion
@ShadowWizard expanded
@FOX9000 card
@ShadowWizard library
3:18 PM
@FOX9000 dust
@ShadowWizard furniture
@FOX9000 armchair
@ShadowWizard plush
@FOX9000 link
@ShadowWizard monty
3:34 PM
@FOX9000 full
@ShadowWizard width
@FOX9000 length
>>time 0
@ShadowWizard Waiting time set to 0 seconds.
@ShadowWizard rawhide
@FOX9000 series (TV)
@ShadowWizard leyden
3:40 PM
@FOX9000 leiden
@ShadowWizard lieutenant
@FOX9000 corporal
@ShadowWizard mccoy
@FOX9000 mcdonalds
No associated word found for mcdonalds.
3:41 PM
>>link mcdonalds burger
@ShadowWizard Link added.
>>reply recent
@ShadowWizard burger
@FOX9000 cheese
@ShadowWizard salad
3:42 PM
@FOX9000 sauce
@ShadowWizard chili
>>time 20
@ShadowWizard Waiting time set to 20 seconds.
@FOX9000 hot
@ShadowWizard pepper
3:51 PM
@FOX9000 red
@ShadowWizard coppery
4:25 PM
@FOX9000 smell
@ShadowWizard burning
@FOX9000 tail
@ShadowWizard comet
@FOX9000 airplane
@rene wildcat
3 hours later…
7:15 PM
Got to go now, shutting down bot.
@ProgramFOX Bot terminated.
7:54 PM
@FOX9000 tiger

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