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7:09 PM
not sure
I guess there should be more arguments
well...just tried join command....that didn't work either :/
my log is little bit different
@berserk I also tried giving output format....still got same error
@berserk did that mix?
or showed error?
I made it.
7:12 PM
got strange results, not sure if the second sound actually mixed. The second sound was low, gonna try some good music
@berserk what command did you use?
lol wait.. let me complete it successfully
(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
>>flip (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
@DroidDev (┛ಠДಠ)┛︵┻━┻彡ノ(ಠ益ಠノ)
>>flip {{flip {{flip {{flip {{ flip {{flip {{flip {{flip {{flip {{@berserk}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
7:14 PM
@DroidDev (╯^³^)╯︵(ง'Д゜)ง︵Command contains invalid characters.︵╯(๑ਊ๑ง)︵┛(•□•┛)
>>flip {{flip {{flip {{flip {{ flip {{flip {{flip {{flip {{flip {{berserk}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
@DroidDev (ง•Д•)┛︵(╯°ᴥ°)╯︵Command contains invalid characters.︵╯(°³°╯)︵╯(⇀ᴥ⇀づ)
>>flip {{flip {{flip {{flip {{ flip {{flip {{flip {{flip {{flip {{flip @berserk}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
@DroidDev (งಠᴥಠ)づ︵(┛•ᴥ')┛︵Command contains invalid characters.︵ง(ᵥ益ᵥง)︵╯(ᵥʖ๑╯)
is this expected output @Pro?
I see some flips, but it also tells me that there are invalid characters :/
7:17 PM
Running for big audio files, it is running! \o/
>>flip {{flip {{flip @berserk}}}}
@DroidDev (┛ಥ□ಥ)╯︵(┛ಠ³ಠ)╯︵ʞɹǝsɹǝq@︵╯(ಥᴥಥ╯)
I added -strict 2 after dropout_transition=3
D: :D D: :D D: :D
^ flipping
@berserk what does that do? Let me try
it do some.. something :P
7:18 PM
I am still getting same output :/
Are you sure the library is wokey?
Have you tried some simple commands?
I tried ffmpeg -version
Maybe the syntax is little different.
7:19 PM
and ffmpeg -format
So, it worked?
they worked
both of'em
just mixed Airplanes.mp3 and astronomia.mp3 \o/
lol their combination is nice
can you paste the exact command?
Ok, do one thing.
ok, whatsapp? I typed all on phone.
7:21 PM
well....not using mobile internet on my phone.....
yup, that'll be fine
7:34 PM
@DroidDev attaching
uploading, so can't post message
@berserk isInstalling
done, should I try same command?
that you sent in facebook?
just change file paths
lol, did that
its telling me transcoding... Depends on your "VIDEO" size. blah blah blah...
while I have given audio paths
7:42 PM
is it progressing?
done, lemme check
app crashed :/
check file
file created successfully
two sounds mixed
7:44 PM
so this means there is something wrong with library?
link again of lib
@berserk actually, I did nothing, just cloned the project and ran
doing doing
I deleted compile project(':FFmpegAndroid') line from build.gradle of project
and synced it
now, added line again and syncing again
I am killing myself in shame....should've learned something about gradle while I had time
7:50 PM
lol i was actually saying to give link of lib
just a sec
7:51 PM
Can you do one thing?
Can you send me an apk with the command embedded that I sent you on fb?
I will test on my device.
Supported Architecture

idk, maybe it is device dependent.
idk...I am confused...how could same command work on your device and not on mine!!!
Architecture based...
See, the other one worked for both of us.
Ok, just use the one I gave you.
lemme check...it has a button of use it in app....
lemme see what it does
oh thanks...I was stuck at mobile internet again
Actually this one prints some license stuff, so I am not sure if you should use it.
You can delete the logs after conversion xD
yeah....I was thinking of that too....
or maybe just remove the code printing logs
7:59 PM
it is .so file
all happening in jni code
which is not available
if only I had some time.....I would have just learned to do some NDK coding
also, you need to place the interface file in the same package as they used.
well...that might be a big problem....
inface, that IS a very very big problem
code is going to be copyrighted and proprieted
I tried some jni and ndk, but that's umpossible in windows
8:02 PM
not umpossible in windows
but it is lengthy
ya, but......
oh...lengthy and tedious
so, I should just go with that....
what do ya think?
well...jni and stuff
8:05 PM
its too big and time consuming
is there any other way?
I can try doing some stuff on this library, if you can wait till sunday.
for sure....
thanks man!!!
np :)
I can come to your place on sunday, if that's ok
I can come on saturday too...
8:07 PM
well, not sure of saturday.. but sunday sure!
hey, do you know of burger king newely opened in elante?
stomach groaning
well...then you know where we are going for lunch on sunday
wait...I can give you another link to another library...(why didn't I try it)?
just a sec
there you go @berserk
this is also something based on same project from git earlier
but, with some modifications
I'll play with this too
will see if this works
8:12 PM

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