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> The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan. This is a rare event and only expected for extremely complex queries or queries that reference a very large number of tables or partitions. Please simplify the query. If you believe you have received this message in error, contact Customer Support Services for more information.
@TimStone This is theoretically done...will finish testing in a bit.
10 hours later…
@RebeccaChernoff plz to b pulling and testing and deploying this week, if you have time? There are a few outstanding fixes that should go out regardless of whatever else I have time to finish up.
4 hours later…
@TimStone Yay!
@JeremyBanks Yep. I still need to figure out a way to allow for cross-database execution plans, but that aside I think the database aspect is complete. I'll run a few more tests when I get home and then push out the last changeset before testing if it falls apart on Mono.
Oh, and I'll need to fix syntax highlighting in CodeMirror to match the backend being executed against, but that should be trivial.
@MarkHurd I asked Nick about the collation, I'll let you know if he gets back to me.
1 hour later…
@TimStone I'm concentrating on my ahem secret ahem project and not working on other stuff, so this won't be me.
We might be able to bribe @nickcraver to look at your changes though.
How's that going, by the way? :P
how's bribing Craver going? well, even if he's not aware of that (;
Alright, last time he said he was going to leave it to you to pull and deploy changes. ;)
No, the "secret" project, heh.
@TimStone yeah, but now I'm passing it to him q:
Whew, he's nicer to me anyway ;)
Kidding, kidding.
maybe you could link to your repo so if he ever shows up in here it'll be easier for him to find.
He also knows where to find me on Skype, so I'm sure we can figure it out if he has time one day.
bottom line: bug him, not me q:
But that's my favourite pastime!
I'll make a note, though. :P
@TimStone oh believe me, I'm aware >_<
Hahah. Well, good luck working on seekrets. ;)
Uh oh, there's people in here! The Christmas party is next week, folks.

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