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2:20 AM
@TimStone SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS is in there somewhere. I can't permalink a failing query so you'll have to produce it your self. Use the 103422 version data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/revision/69700/103422/… as text-only and I'll provide the processing after lunch...
2:59 AM
Firstly fork data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/69701/… to prepare to receive a pasted set of Select ... Union All ... Select. Assuming the database order returned is the same for you, copy the text from the first 'Select ' after the 'Data.StackExchange', 'master', 'model', and 'msdb' to the end, excepting the final Union All and the Select 'tempdb'.
Paste this into the forked data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/69701/…, leaving the Order By statement at the end. Put the new line back before the Order by statement.
Delete the "Select 'StackExcahnge.English.Meta_Temp'..." line (and, in the future, or if your database ordering is different to mine, any others that are not standard exports). This should now be an executable query.
I get "Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.", even when I just put the COLLATE on all the ISNULL(u.EmailHash,'')<>'', so it is definitely one of the fu.EmailHash=u.EmailHash that is causing the problem.
3 hours later…
5:54 AM
@MarkHurd Oh, yep, I see it. I missed it because of the one-character difference.
It's the Tex site and its meta for whatever reason
pops in to observe @TimStone working.
Just pretend I'm not here.
scribbles notes.
gets out the red pen.
shuffles out.
Uh oh :O
Totally Rebecca's fault
nods sagely
Good point.
grabs the whiteout.
shuffles off to micromanage something else.
13 hours later…
6:42 PM
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