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6:40 AM
oh oops
That was removed instantly after I added (another) spam flag.
@Catija So my sister decided to try making something new: cheesecake with chocolate chip cookie crust.
(Try saying that out loud five times fast)
Why does smokey report posts after they're gone?
@πάνταῥεῖ because yours was the 6th
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog yum
Ate last night pie lemon with Pistachios crust
@πάνταῥεῖ bug?
@Shadow Sure, I know about that. Just wanted to let you know. Wasn't your oh oops because of that?
6:56 AM
@πάνταῥεῖ yeah but forgot it will also post here...
@Sonic What did you do?
oh no
7:35 AM
@πάνταῥεῖ because of bug: github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector/issues/1932
27 messages moved to Chimney
2 messages moved to Chimney
Ok, that should make @πάνταῥεῖ happy
@rene why did you approve this edit? What value does it have?
(the other approver would approve anything, not even trying to wonder about him)
Guess I should check the edit queue more often on MSE. :/
7:51 AM
@ShadowWizard I flipped a coin ... wrong side ended up ...
2 hours later…
9:55 AM
Anyone heard of or know what happened to glitched.com ?
Never knew that this existed at all. What was it about?
@Unihedron sure you don't mean glitch.com?
This one still exist ^
@ShadowWizard thank you!
I have the wrong bookmark...
Maybe they renamed at some point
10:03 AM
A keyboard glitch probably :3
Another product by Joel
I haven't programmed anything in such a long time...
10:20 AM
@Unihedron 8 hours?
a few months
cuz I went jobless for a while
trying to make a multiplayer sudoku game for fun for practice rn
@Unihedron sorry to hear... and these days?
@Unihedron open source?
nope, did other things; learning to make music and draw, etc
but running low on money so gonna work as a programmer again soon :D
10:26 AM
Yeah, no money in music and drawing, usually...
unless you sign a label or work really really really hard getting yourself out there
@ShadowWizard Or billions for the exceptional cases
I'm just doing it for fun, so probably won't make it into a career
think of it like a gap year
@πάνταῥεῖ nope. Even the richest musician in the world, aka Madonna, earned "only" $800 million.
Billions are only for those selling stuff. Or oil. :D
10:30 AM
Selling art?
Or bank heist
oh, or virtual coins, forgot about that virtual thing.
@ShadowWizard Sotheby's?
Making actual money from virtual money is IMO one big mess that will end REALLY badly.
It sounds like the fairy tale about the magic beans, yes.
10:32 AM
@πάνταῥεῖ that's not a person
But there are persons who sell that art they own.
If you talk about companies, you can measure how much their CEO make, but they rarely have paycheck of billions. ;)
@πάνταῥεῖ but to buy it, they have to become rich first.
And if you talk about those drawing the art, well, don't think we have a living artist who made billions from their drawings. Not even @Unihedron. ;)
Even Jeff Koons only earns millions.
heck, even the most famous artist ever had "only" half billion: celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/… :D
10:41 AM
sd k
another excellent story to read, I bet it's 100% fiction, as most, if not all, HNQ on that site. Probably most are written by the same person. If it was real question, the OP would at least bother to visit the site again to read the comments and answers (just read, not talking about taking actual part), but the OP submitted the question and vanished.
@SmokeDetector tp-
11:16 AM
@Shog any chance for manual edit ban on this user? He keeps suggesting bad and useless edits, including to your own posts, which sometimes get approved.
(Well, most of the times)
11:59 AM
@ShadowWizard Imagine being 14 years senior your youngest sibling and having to take care of them in public. That happened to my mom... not once... but twice effectively because my Aunts are about 10 and 14 years younger respectively
Well, same happened to my brother.
Our age distance is over 20 years.
@πάνταῥεῖ that's almost a different generation
He was in charge to take me to a barber shoppe, and I hate haircuts 'til today. I don't begrudge him ;)
@Mgetz It leveled out a bit since we're both old now.
@πάνταῥεῖ Did he give you lessons in shouting at kids to get off your lawn (sorry bad joke)
No, these lessons I took from my neighbors these days.
12:13 PM
@Mgetz I don't doubt your story, but you don't come out and ask on a pubic website in a very well formed way. And I bet you would come back to read and reply to comments and answers. That's my point.
@ShadowWizard Yeah I would return
I was just making a random comment about how that actually happens quite a bit
I just keep seeing drama stories pop in the HNQ sidebar, as if taken from a good reading book, and they're always posted by a new user who then vanish into thin air.
As if they were posted for the sole reason of reaching HNQ, and nothing more.
@ShadowWizard might be worth doing some IP address tracking
I can think of many people doing such things over time.
@Mgetz @Catija can, think she once told it's all "legit", but a clever person can easily use different IP for each post. But technically speaking, even if several posted by same person, it's not breaking any rule.
It just appears bad for me, maybe others.
@πάνταῥεῖ whoa, that's a lot! "only" 12 years in my case. (diff between my older sister and me)
12:19 PM
I am the youngest among 7 (alive) siblings
Loads of drama stories to tell, but I am not after HNQs
@πάνταῥεῖ do you have nieces and nephews the same age?
I've got 2 (alive) nieces, both ~20 years younger than me.
@πάνταῥεῖ The fact that you have to append (living) is sad, people shouldn't die so young
The oldest (3rd) of my nieces died in a car crash at the age of 18 or so.
12:56 PM
Which of the following does NOT count as a violation of the GDPR?
1) Remembering information that you aren't allowed to remember
2) Not remembering information that you are required to remember
3) Remembering information that you are required to remember, and failing to demonstrate that you are required to.
4) Not remembering information that you aren't allowed to remember, and failing to demonstrate that you aren't allowed to.
5) Just giving up and showing an error message to everyone from Europe, then further ignoring GDPR.
@JohnDvorak 2) I Believe, but I think 5) counts as clear intent not to do business in the EU and would likely be ignored by regulators
Wrong. There is information that GDPR requires you to remember, such as information required to heed the right to be forgotten. And yes, you do have to prove that you need to remember the information.
@JohnDvorak If you're not storing anything that is subject to RtBF then it's not an issue. That said it's in violation of other evidence retention laws
@πάνταῥεῖ yup, most people have... sorry to hear about the car crash! :/
1:11 PM
I'm just impressed just how many companies don't get what not being allowed to tie your services to GDPR consent means.
@ShadowWizard I also saw that edit, clicked Skip.
...and it looks like the OP overrode the approval on that edit, so not a problem anymore.
1:32 PM
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog why? The reject reason fits perfectly: "This edit does not make the post even a little bit easier to read, easier to find, more accurate or more accessible. Changes are either completely superfluous or actively harm readability."
If one wants to test the suggested edit feature itself, they should say this in the summary, looks like that user sent the edit just for fun.
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog true, but still... it means same edits are going to be approved in the future.
@TimStone any ETA when birthday field will be removed from SEDE profile page, if at all? /cc @rene (think you also started to contribute to SEDE code, no?)
Age is already blank of course.
Wait, are you telling me that SE doesn't actually follow GDPR requirements?
@JohnDvorak how so? They did remove age and birthday from database
The actual data isn't there anymore.
oh, ok
SEDE use a different code, not sharing SE codebase, so must be edited on its own...
Surprising enough, they did remove it from Area 51 too by now. :)
@ShadowWizard is that still on there?
Hmm, it is
1:44 PM
well SEDE is not properly SE no?
Needs to be dropped from the StackExchange.Data as well then
Its an old FOSS project so... its probably when Tim Stone has the time
@JohnDvorak that's fuzzy, if your services require GDPR covered data and you can't provide them without consent it's legal
You don't need consent if you need to remember the data
@JourneymanGeek nope, it's nothing legal, just useless field. :)
1:51 PM
ya ;p
@JohnDvorak remember? You keep saying that.... do anyone these days have a reliable way to read people minds to prove they remember something they are not allowed to remember?
Hypnosis can work, I guess, but think it's not reliable enough, at least not for court.
@JohnDvorak questionable at best, I suspect a lawyer would require that you ask anyway (that's the training I recieved)
You aren't actually allowed to send out an email asking for consent if you haven't received consent to remember said email address
One good thing in the future world where AI robots would do everything is that we'll always be able to read their minds. :P
AI which will have forbidden knowledge can be shut down easily.
@ShadowWizard thought-crime is sadly already a thing
1:57 PM
@ShadowWizard No, as the +2 is revoked if the edit is overridden (not just merely rolled back)
@rene I also was not really aware that it hadn't already been removed just because it had no value to begin with, heh
I'm now wondering if you make a form asking for GDPR sensitive data, but never actually even send it to the server or use it for anything... are you violating GDPR
Anyway I'll make a note to do it either today or tomorrow when I can find the time if no one else does it first, it's trivial enough
@TimStone yeah, I'm on it. removing a field is something I can do ...
Yay, thanks!
2:07 PM
@Mgetz huh. Where?
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog but it doesn't block future bad edits from same user
@ShadowWizard In the US, UK, and parts of the EU
even viewing some material even without intending to do so is a crime
or talking about certain things
@Mgetz any reference?
@Mgetz well, guess reading "top secret" documents with warnings all around them is indeed a crime... but other than that, what you mean?
@ShadowWizard lets say you're a computer tech that takes donated machines for a charity and you find unsavory images on one... you're legally responsible and can be convicted. If you destroy them then you're destroying evidence
I was exposed to "top secret" stuff a bit during army service, it's hard to read it without seeing the warnings. :P
This has actually happened
2:10 PM
I can imagine not reporting it can be illegal, same way not reporting a serious crime is, but it's not like it's yours.
In the UK you can get an ASBO for merely expressing opinions the court considers anti-social
@ShadowWizard Under the current law it doesn't matter, the possessor bears the burden of proof to show they aren't the owner. In the charity case they automatically are
that's... sad.
It doesn't matter if you didn't put them there
note to self: never take computers from people
Most charities don't these days for that exact reason
2:12 PM
But same way you can say people can put guns and drugs in clothes they donate to charity. No?
because the last thing they want is the feds knocking down their door and saying "Hey that computer over there you accepted from _________ and did a DoD level wipe on... you're going to jail for that"
@ShadowWizard That doesn't have the same issues oddly
and is easier to detect before you officially accept them
Guns yes, drugs can be hidden well, even sewn into the fabric itself
@ShadowWizard Doesn't matter the Cops are still more understanding
2:15 PM
@ShadowWizard hah
Remember you're also dealing with social prejudices too that cause it to be thoughtcrime
the army! Where the TP is classified restricted
@JourneymanGeek That's because if they didn't the privates would use it to TP the BOQ
@Mgetz huh!
@JourneymanGeek TP? Turbo Plaster?
But yeah, in the army almost every document is marked "sensitive", lol
@ShadowWizard you'd be surprised about what sort of intel you can derive from KP schedules
2:18 PM
There are levels of data sensitivity though, think I had access to some documents with the third highest level, which is impressive, since I was ordinary soldier without any clearance at all.
I can just hope data is protected better these days in our army....
@ShadowWizard hahahahaha No
if anything it's much much worse
Toilet paper
@Mgetz ouch!
cause everything in the army is restricted at least
@JourneymanGeek oh.... I wish we had this when I was in army. LOL
I was the TP provider of the unit, bringing from home.
2:21 PM
@ShadowWizard It gets worse, this is just the latest in a string of similar breaches that has been going on for years
oh you always had your own stock
@JourneymanGeek yup.
Toilet paper and sweets.
Luckily, the army gave uniform and weapon, we didn't have to buy those ourselves. ;)
Oh, this somehow reminds me, @Journeyman you in Singapore, right?
Are you excited from the upcoming summit?
not really
2:25 PM
Guess it will cause havoc all around, e.g. road blocks, no?
oddly no
and I'm working about as far away as I can get sooooo
not much of an issue
tbh, I'm more excited over other stuff ;p
Lucky! Here when important person in the scale of US president visits, they close all the roads they're going through.
oh, they kind of did some roads
@ShadowWizard that's because you weren't an officer, they do have to buy all that IIRC. Although I think the army supplies firearms these days
but that's the rich people area ;p
2:26 PM
@Mgetz out here that's issued, and you have an annual allowance
@Mgetz only personal gun, which is optional.
Officers do get weapon, improved version usually.
@JourneymanGeek our tradition in the states comes from the british army, which requires officers to buy their own kit. Including swords
@Mgetz Singapore dosen't trust anyone with weapons unless needed ;p
2:27 PM
@Mgetz that's... that's.... funny, in a way. lol :D
not sure about officiers
@ShadowWizard tbf the marine white tie uniform is awesome
they have capes
(Matchmaking stuff on going. Think we found someone who looks like a really good fit. Hoping she contacts us back)
@Mgetz yeah, here it's the same, kind of. We copied many design related stuff from the US army.
cc @Catija ;p
2:29 PM
@JourneymanGeek us? Glad to hear your parents are in and helping you! :)
@JourneymanGeek tbf the swords aren't sharp, have to be bought from a very specific vendor and are only used in dress uniform
they slightly halfassed it ;p
this young lady was the person who had the id that the friend's daughter we'd asked gave...
@Mgetz they look so happy, in the days before GDPR. :D
2:31 PM
@ShadowWizard USMC doesn't care about GDPR
@Mgetz looks like these days it's affecting any single human being. :/
@ShadowWizard more or less I need to bug them to keep me in the loop and to do things ;p
@ShadowWizard tbf the US Government doesn't seem to care about anyone these days (stopping right there)
@Mgetz like what happened at the G7
2:32 PM
@JourneymanGeek don't remind me...
@Catija no idea if they'll respond or how long or...
In India?
but other than two small details I need to confirm, she seems to be quite interesting
lol ya
speaks 4 languages, has a degree in french and apparently DIYs as a hobby
Wow. Nice. What kind of DIY?
.... anyone with a degree in french in india has my respect
I am SO going to ask if we talk
2:34 PM
What other language?
French, Marathi, Hindi and english, aside from tamil
(donno if she cooks - which is semi optional, and likes dogs, which is essential)
Does she work?
in india? ya
Probably would need to find a job here
2:38 PM
You had said your mom wanted someone who didn't, so I was curious.
my mom wanted someone who did
I'm... not picky?
tbh I'm more concerned with personality
Cause anyone who moves over will need to start from scratch anyway, unless the company is super awesome, so employment in india dosen't mean she'll work here
and apparently they're trying to match horoscopes ._.
which I consider a waste of time but \o/
Too much SO influence... reading SO as "Stack Overflow" on IPS.SE never makes sense.
3:07 PM
Ah. I'm not sure how I got it backwards.
tbh, I had a "no internet matchmaking" condition everyone ignored
but ehhh
3:28 PM
@ShadowWizard do you have an MSE post to back that request? If not, do you mind posting one?
3:51 PM
Anyway @ShadowWizard @TimStone PR is ready here
4:12 PM
@rene nope, will write one soon
@rene thanks!
3 hours later…
7:23 PM
hey guys! (human) community here
Q: SEDE doesn't age well (aka don't let users input their Birthday on SEDE and stop showing their age)

Shadow WizardStack Exchange has removed anything related to age from their live database recently, following the GDPR, in the database level, including in the tables used by SEDE. However, SEDE itself still let us put our birthday when editing our profile: More than that, when saving, age is actually ...

Did @TimStone also remove age from profile view?
(Missed that part before as I didn't think saving the birthday will actually work since SE removed the birthday column)
As if now, nope
@CommunityNoDiamond. nope what?
7:34 PM
The birthday part is still here
@CommunityNoDiamond. I know, that's what the bug report is for... but Tim pushed a fix for the birthday input earlier.
4 hours ago, by rene
Anyway @ShadowWizard @TimStone PR is ready here
oh lol
> removed Age and Date of Birth from Edit and Show views to no longer render that field
Should read before asking next time, lol. :D
What about "Can this please be fixed so that SEDE is synchronized with Stack Exchange and not show/input anything related to age?" Will SEDE information be synchronized to the main sites?
@CommunityNoDiamond. the way personal data is handled is synchronized, not the data itself.
okay. thanks
That would add extra complexity for little gain
7:42 PM
How's ya day going, rene?
It is going okay.
It is going fairly fine though.
I wonder what is with the deal with "pretending to be community"? My profile name and picture looks like the Community diamond user, except that I am not a community but a regular user
(I changed my name to Community No Diamond). Is "pretending" to be a community user" okay since it doesn't represent a user? I understand impersonation isn't allowed.
Well, I am a trademark of my own :3
8:11 PM
Does anyone here know how the mechanisms around edits/rollbacks clearing spam/RA flags actually work?
I'm unable to get it to work at all
@Undo haffa mso testing thing?
@Mithrandir You can just play with any of my answers on (m)SO
You're unlikely to hurt me too much
see, i can't edit on SO, so a CW sandbox would be nice
A: Why was my custom flag declined? When should I use a custom flag?

UndoI'm going to try to TL;DR Yvette's post. Note that I'm referring to post flags; comment flags are a different story and I mostly don't care about how you flag those: Do not use 'other' flags when it's reasonable to use a standard flag. It will not be handled faster, and there's a decent chance y...

Kinda visible, but no one's gonna complain
A: iOS Settings screen ideas

UndoA great site for backgrounds and patterns is Subtle Patterns. I have used this on several projects and love it!

Which I should probably delete anyway
Yep, no good
8:16 PM
can you try rolling back now?
Doesn't work for me either
nope, still pending
Keep the flag around
...too late
8:27 PM
Wanna roll this back, some uninvolved party? stackoverflow.com/posts/14043216/revisions
Just delete lorem ipsum. That is a community wiki post
no, rollback
this is for testing stuffz
so... yeah
uninvolved party being not me, my sock, or Undo
what are you working on rightn ow?
Trying to see precisely effect of spam flags and rollbacks.
...prefer if it gets rollbacked before some SO mod not in the know comes and finds the case ;)
8:32 PM
Me just being a little busy on some candy crush analyzing software
Also, this is my first question: It didn't went too well since people will immediately see the question once it gets posted with no time to revise it later especially when it was very incomplete: stackoverflow.com/questions/49625536/…
9:17 PM
@JourneymanGeek Is this your family? i.imgur.com/UTObI0i.mp4
10:16 PM

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