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4:00 PM
@bjb568 Not until we find out a way to kill the botling.
Why would you want to kill me? ;(
@bjb568 Because your botling is annoying!
@Doorknob冰 Doesn't work on my console; getting "SyntaxError: illegal character"
@Unihedro That's because you're abusing me.
!eval X\u004dLHttpRequest
4:00 PM
[object XMLHttpRequestConstructor]
!eval X\u004window
@ProgramFOX I know; chat does a thing where it inserts invisible characters and stuff.
No will eval
!eval X\u004window
No will eval
Good boy!
4:01 PM
!eval wind\u006fw.location='http://chat.meta.stackexchange.com/chats/leave/89'
No will eval
I think the \u is blocked.
!eval 't\u0065st'
No will eval
4:04 PM
!eval wind\0fw.location='http://chat.meta.stackexchange.com/chats/leave/89'
!eval wind\0ow.location='http://chat.meta.stackexchange.com/chats/leave/89'
No will eval
!eval "\""
4:05 PM
!eval "I am the worst person ever."
!eval "bjb568"
!eval "\0"
!eval 8=9
4:06 PM
!eval 'x'.slice.constructor(['retu', 'rn XM', 'LHttpR', 'eque', 'st'].join(''))()
[object XMLHttpRequestConstructor]
dangit I almost made the leave POST request work
!eval 'x'.slice.constructor(['retu', 'rn XM', 'LHttpR', 'eque', 'st'].join(''))()
Why would you fix it?
Oh wait bugs.
help yourself
Ok, works.
!eval constructor
4:13 PM
!eval 'x'.slice.constructor(['retu', 'rn XM', 'LHttpR', 'eque', 'st'].join(''))()
No will eval
thinks bjbotling is now officially pointless
!ping InfiniteHappiness "Why didn't you kick me earlier?"
Say plox!
Yes kick!
Look, I'm fine with having a general bot, but so far what your bot does is to respond with useless commands ("help yourself", "sends help") and evaluate simple expressions that I could execute with my console which returns the result far quicker at no expense of bandwidth. Your bot currently does little less than being a useful utility, it can't even ping without having us beg it, and it floods the transcript by randomly invading our conversations when we use simple emoticons.
That and it doesn't have a mindjail.
If you're concerned about being reposted under your name, make a new account. Otherwise, sanitize the output.
4:18 PM
Yes, disable the emoticon response, it actively hampers the chat
I don't want to use a public library computer because it aggressively filters anything less bland than Wikipedia, and for the same reason I dislike your botling.
That is all.
Happy now?
Yay! Party! :D
4:19 PM
I was testing before kicking the botling @uni
Oh, on saber training still?
inb4 kick even after disabling botling
4:21 PM
btw I thought it was borky @InfiniteHappiness?
No longer is borked.
What do you mean?
... if you say so...
!eval "I am a terrible botling"
It was borkey until it's owner gave it a name - bjbotling
4:22 PM
!eval this["loc" + "ation"]
No will eval
bjb ruined our christmas in the tavern
@bjb568 You have bad grammar.
It should be "I won't eval."
@bjb568 lol wut
4:23 PM
@hichris123 It's not even English.
@bjb568 hello
Found bug.
And fixed.
4:25 PM
... I hope that's not a bot response.
!eval 1
4:26 PM
!eval "Rawr!"
!eval ":2830761 It no grammar is, is gibberish."
@hichris123 It no grammar is, is gibberish.
!eval "Hiya @inf @inf @inf @inf"
4:26 PM
Hiya @inf @inf @inf @inf
@bjb568 @bjb568 @bjb568 @bjb568 @bjb568 @bjb568 Hi!
last useful message left 2 days 3 hours ago
Let's prepare and host a New Year Party in the Tavern!
4:28 PM
I want mistletoe hat!
I want repz!
I want both!
No you don't!
Yes I do!
No! MY repz! Mines!
takes bjb's rep
4:31 PM
Fun fact: If I actually did steal all your rep, I would be at 10k by now.
inb4 Stack Exchange becomes Happy Farm
whats a good 20 player game that they could iframe into chat?
!eval f=function(x){return"!e"+"val f="+x+";f(f)"};f(f)
!eval f=function (x) {return"!e"+"val f="+x+";f(f)";};f(f)
@bjb568 bah, you fixed you botling not to reply to itself? spoilsport! :D
4:42 PM
!eval "!e"+"val 5"
!eval 5
@IlmariKaronen ^
@Program I'm convinced your DD setup is thuroly borked.
@bjb568 Probably.
Try clearing the cache.
4:43 PM
Which cache?
Spray some WD40 too.
@ProgramFOX I dunno. Must be some.
!eval n=1,f=function () {return"!e"+"val n="+(n+1)+",f="+f+";f(f)";};f()
!eval n=2,f=function () {return"!e"+"val n="+(n+1)+",f="+f+";f(f)";};f(f)
!eval n=3,f=function () {return"!e"+"val n="+(n+1)+",f="+f+";f(f)";};f(f)
!eval n=4,f=function () {return"!e"+"val n="+(n+1)+",f="+f+";f(f)";};f(f)
!eval n=5,f=function () {return"!e"+"val n="+(n+1)+",f="+f+";f(f)";};f(f)
!eval n=6,f=function () {return"!e"+"val n="+(n+1)+",f="+f+";f(f)";};f(f)
You did it @IlmariKaronen! :D
yay! :D
4:45 PM
You are the best! :D
@bjb568 On which OS do you run DD?
Hi @Tim!
@ProgramFOX OSX
And which Node.js version?
@bjb568 Gah, I can only test on Windows and Linux :/
4:46 PM
aha, I'm running an older version
Will try to upgrade.
Why are you running old things?
Run new things!
@bjb568 Because I run the things apt-get delivers me...
I tried that and it gave me a new version, I think.
@ProgramFOX sudo apt-get update!
@Unihedro I recently did that.
4:48 PM
But well, why not trying again?
runs the thing
Ugh, still getting the old version. goes to use nvm instead
nvm. Node Version Manager
Huh. Oh, I think I used it before.
@ProgramFOX Yeah, are you on an LTS version of Ubuntu?
4:55 PM
@ProgramFOX It's a good time to leave DD team :P
@hichris123 Yes, I think.
@InfiniteHappiness No. :P
Some day you will regret it @ProgramFOX :P
44 secs ago, by ProgramFOX
@InfiniteHappiness No. :P
@ProgramFOX I'm pretty sure on LTS versions, the package versions stay the same as when the OS first came out except for security bugs, since LTS is for stability.
@hichris123 Oh, okay.
4:56 PM
!eval e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); e.initEvent('click',true,true); document.querySelector('#leave').dispatchEvent(e)
No will eval
Just use nvm or something else.
!eval document
No will eval
4:59 PM
Ugh, still errors when trying to run DD.
Same as when using the older node.js version.
Has anyone tried to recurse yet?

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