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6:30 AM
@overactor i dond't doubt that, it's just pretty hard to use something that wasn't really published at the time i tried that ^^
also, is that thing pure server?
oh lol @pra is here too! strange things happening :D
1 hour later…
7:53 AM
@ClemensHimmer from __future__ import teh_codez
8:28 AM
@overactor blech ..
var fancyAssCode = require('embrace-the-future');
also i stalked you for a bit.. gruezi vu oberriet
@ClemensHimmer I'm not originally from switzerland
aber alles gute aus Basel!
9:03 AM
@Jon exactly!
@Jon you mean more pings? I can arrange that... Ask @Rubi and @Joe... ;-)
@Joe and @Rubi love pings. Also @MAR
@ClemensHimmer yeah, I called and she answered... :-D
9:34 AM
@ShadowWizard Don't forget @Yvette
@JoErNanO nah, she is busy riding a horse now.
I don't want to interfere our dear @Yve in that.
@ShadowWizard Yes you do. Cheeky boy!
interfering @Yve
2 hours later…
11:42 AM
@ShadowWizard is that you?
I always suspected!
11:57 AM
did you miss Me ?
heya @shadow
2 hours later…
1:45 PM
Meta expert @ShadowWizard
After how long of an inactivity am I unable to ping people in chat?
@ShadowWizard ^
This is not a pingattack @ShadowWizard
2:36 PM
Bot started.
@overactor Yes, I'm alive.
>>cta {{aliv}}
@overactor Command not found. Did you mean: alive?
2:37 PM
@overactor Command not found. Did you mean: cat?
>>no randomchoice
@overactor Command suggestion cleared.
Hi @FOX, hi @Pro
2:39 PM
@JoErNanO Yes, I'm alive.
@JoErNanO Command not found. Did you mean: translationchain?
3:08 PM
>>xkcd {{randomint 1 1737}}
@overactor 145
@overactor 1243
>>help xkcd
@overactor Shows the specified xkcd comic. Syntax: >>xkcd comic_id
>>xkcd {{randomint 1 1737}}
3:10 PM
@FOX9000 @Pro do you see that?
what's wrong?
I changed it from >>randomint 1 1737 to >>xkcd {{randomint 1 1737}}
>>xkcd {{randomint 1 1737}}
@overactor 446
@overactor 444
that is weird
@overactor 583
3:12 PM
it's just executing the original message
ah, ChatExchange's message caching again :(
@overactor 1392
@ProgramFOX problematic
I know how to fix this, I think
@ProgramFOX cool
I gotta go afk
3:13 PM
ok cya
any plans for >>no <cmd> ?
I might do it but right now it's not my most high-priority programming task
oh, @overactor, I already circumvented the caching but you un-did that by your recent commits. no problem, I'll fix it
@ProgramFOX Bot terminated.
Bot started.
>>xkcd {{randomint 1 1737}}
@ProgramFOX 812
3:23 PM
3:37 PM
@ProgramFOX are you sure that didn't break didyoumean for nested commands?
shouldn't have happened
>>cta {{cta test}}
@overactor Command not found. Did you mean: cat?
I just refresh the message variable
3:38 PM
Ah yes
> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_br'
perhaps I did something wrong with the client passing
Only refresh it when isinstance(even, MessageEdited)
but why?
it just crashed when it was a MessageEdited
didyoumean passes a mock event, which you can't refresh
3:40 PM
right, I see
okay I'll do as you said then
You don't need to refresh on MessagePosted anyway
yeah true
Bot started.
should be fixed, @overactor
A message edited event should probably invalidate cache for that message in ChatExchange
>>cta {{cta test}}
3:43 PM
@overactor Command not found. Did you mean: cat?
:5282869 Command not found. Did you mean: cat?
phew, it works now
@overactor test
3:43 PM
You're working on a chess project?
a website with training for chess variants
Ah cool, will you also implement an AI for the different variants then?
because that isn't needed for the site
well I might do some AI programming one day
but not for this project
Have you done a lot of C# programming before this?
6 years
so yes
it's my first ASP.NET MVC project though
but that's going pretty well
3:54 PM
I've only recently started using it a bit more
I must say, I'm really liking it
C# is nice, I agree
I always though Java and C# were pretty much interchangeable
I was so wrong
syntax is similar at many points... but that's pretty much it
C# is just miles ahead
3:58 PM
we're on C# 5 at work though
which is a shame
C#6 has some pretty nice features
since I haven't used it yet, I don't know exactly what I'm missing
exception filters for example
but I'm eyeing null chaining and string interpolation
oh yeah those are nice too
reminds me that I should replace some string.Formats in my code with string interpolation
4:01 PM
try {
  // Do stuff
} catch (Exception e) when (
  (DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday)
  || (DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)) {
  // Swallow
That's just gorgeous
try {
  // Do stuff
} catch (Exception e) when (
  ([DayOfWeek.Saturday, DayOfWeek.Sunday].Contains(DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek)) {
  // Swallow
That's how I'd write it though
yeah it's beautiful
Also, didn't they replace Linq by proper real methods in C# 6.0?
you mean like .Select(x => x.ID)?
that's already from before C# 6
Yeah, but it comes from extension methods, no?
yes it does
4:05 PM
Is it still like that in 6?
oh, I said nothing then
ooh, they have using static now
Have you ever used Swift?
no, I haven't
afk, dinner
have a nice meal
4:34 PM
have a nice meal @Pro
I'm back
Had a good meal? ;)
@JoErNanO of course! How did you know?? :D
@SilentKiller heya!! We all miss you! :P
@JoErNanO you have one whole week (7 days, not business week ;)) to ping after one leave the room. For example poor @ber wasn't here for about 9 days by now, so he's not pingable anymore. :(
@JoErNanO of course it's not!
>>flip {{flop {{flap {{flup {{frip @Joe}}}}}}}}
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: flip?
4:46 PM
:5283282 Command not found. Did you mean: flip?
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: flip?
:5283282 Command not found. Did you mean: flip?
4:46 PM
@ShadowWizard (づ゜□゜)づ︵(┛'Д°)づ︵(┛'³')ง︵ǝoſ@︵┛(ಠ͜ل°┛)︵╯(°˙°づ)
@FOX9000 light
@ShadowWizard bath
>>cat {{tac {{act {{cat boo}}}}}}
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: cat?
4:52 PM
:5283312 Command not found. Did you mean: cat?
@ShadowWizard boo
5:20 PM
(On a more serious note the last Mecerdez Benz O405 Hispano MK1 is gone)
@Uni you OK?
Its a type of bus
Moving to China @Uni?
Moving to Japan @Uni?
5:32 PM
@ShadowWizard nope
@SilentKiller Yes, I'm alive.
@sil bot went through lots of changes
For one you need to opt in for the WAG
Write >>joingame if you want to play
Do they look to same?
@Unicode are you on that bus?
5:34 PM
@sha And in how many days bot willrevoke me from game.?
its nighttime now
@SilentKiller You joined the Word Association Game! Run >>quitgame to leave.
@SilentKiller when you choose to leave
Then no issue
5:34 PM
@Unicode yes. What's the catch?
@ShadowWizard tib1105h is a bus that got burnt down before then rebuilt
caption this
@Unicode "Yo, don't make fun of me that is really my beard"
@Unicode oh. So they did a good job! Who burned it?
@ShadowWizard accidents
@SilentKiller infinity... Until you write >>quitgame or the bot change location and @Pro forgets to move the files... ;)
@Unicode oh my. Scary!
6:22 PM
6:39 PM
@Unicode blender?

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